1 A complementary project Corruption
hamishcampbell edited this page 2022-03-22 13:55:11 +00:00

This project comes from: http://hamishcampbell.com/2021/11/19/lets-flot-a-look-at-curuption-in-the-eu-funding-draft/ and http://hamishcampbell.com/2021/11/19/this-view-is-not-arrogance-i-should-know-having-worked-at-the-heart-of-this-mess-for-30-years/

We would need a codebase that would host the resources online and provide basic workflow. This would be done as a 2 year grassroot project, including codeing, training, and support for groups to do DIY journalism.

The coding

  • Screencap of the online audio video event (existing code)

  • Voice to text of this event to add a searchable close caption (existing code)

  • hosting of these videos, with captions and wiki workspaces (existing code)

Most of this likely could be done as plugns (new code) for #peertube (existing code)

The workflow/training

  • Build the ALFA codeing and test the workflow 3 months

  • Roll the BETA project out as grassroots training, cover the existing #NGI events 3 months

  • feed this back into the tech to do a version01 lournch - a new group say every 2 months who take up covering a different area of #EU online meetings 6 months

  • After a year of use roll out tech version02 with finalised #DIY grassroots workflow, run this project for the next year then when the funding ramps down back off running the project to leave it to run it self with version03

The tech is relatively simple as it based on self structured wiki pages that are auto created based on the #peertube videos and groups/subjects.

Basic investigative journalism

  • Use the transcript, chat and shared space to do a list of subject brought up, waigh them to the #open time in the meeting waigh up the subjects in the #closed times of the meeting.

  • use social presser and freedom of information to get the minutes of the meetings.

  • compare the two and do some simple tests for #4opens and subject covered waigh these, compare the too.

  • used text, video and audio to tell the story of the meeting and put this into some broad category for open/closed process to outright curuption.

  • rinse and repeat, do media on the flows and the big picture #4opens move the converstion into the mainstream when needed.