Building a indymedia node of the #OMN #3

opened 2020-01-18 08:38:18 +00:00 by hamishcampbell · 0 comments

The OMN is refocused fedivers with full compatibility.

We need to work out how to fit the 5 functions of the #OMN into the activertypub speck

cross server editing of metadata needs some thought.

Ps. Data is just data so you can build a node out of any standard as long as it bridges formats, but this is not the project we are building here for now, let's focues on activertypub

The project we are working on is largly social, overcomeing the #geekproblem keeping #4opens in place and deliveing it with a outreach UI

The tech side of #OMN is built all ready with the fediavers, the hard thing is going to be to keep the focues on this.

The OMN is refocused fedivers with full compatibility. We need to work out how to fit the 5 functions of the #OMN into the activertypub speck cross server editing of metadata needs some thought. Ps. Data is just data so you can build a node out of any standard as long as it bridges formats, but this is not the project we are building here for now, let's focues on activertypub The project we are working on is largly social, overcomeing the #geekproblem keeping #4opens in place and deliveing it with a outreach UI The tech side of #OMN is built all ready with the fediavers, the hard thing is going to be to keep the focues on this.
hamishcampbell added the
help wanted
label 2020-01-18 09:42:19 +00:00
servalan was assigned by hamishcampbell 2020-01-18 09:44:02 +00:00
wakest was assigned by hamishcampbell 2020-01-18 09:44:04 +00:00
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