Modern ActivityPub compliant server, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community. We spent a year testing this for a hyper local indymedia codebase.
The #4Opens The #dotcons can not be fixed. The #fashionistas who keep flocking to new “ethical-ish” ones are a problem, not a solution. The #4opens are a simple way to judge the value of an “alt/grassroots” tech project.
ON standby due to lack of crew - The idea is to keep it simple to push the control balance from the geek to the users. To use existing tools to build a open network then let the users decide how to use it. Simple. And if you look at the fedivers all this already exists.
ON standby due to lack of crew - Indymedia is an open trust based publishing network that brings to light stories of genuine local/subject concern. The new activertypub codebase project is live.
ON standby due to lack of crew - This is a test indymedia for the Stonehenge roads campaign and wider anti roads issues
SHUTDOWN due to lack of funds - A look at what xmpp is, how to use it and why it's important in relation to an Open Media Network.
BorgBackup over a reverse tunnel
Naive is-alive check for your servers