Rollout and user feedback needed #14

opened 2020-11-27 06:03:42 +00:00 by OMN · 0 comments

Needs user feedback:

  • With activitypub repeat content from one instance onto another instance.
  • With activitypub reply is displayed as a comment on a newswire or feature article.
  • With activitypub star and bookmark have no clear function.
  • With activitypub like has no clear functions
  • With activitypub DM has more a function of talking to mods/admins and a secondary role of taking to individuals
  • With activitypub inbox and outbox have limited clear rolls for individuals and play more a role for site wide news flows?
Needs user feedback: * With activitypub repeat content from one instance onto another instance. * With activitypub reply is displayed as a comment on a newswire or feature article. * With activitypub star and bookmark have no clear function. * With activitypub like has no clear functions * With activitypub DM has more a function of talking to mods/admins and a secondary role of taking to individuals * With activitypub inbox and outbox have limited clear rolls for individuals and play more a role for site wide news flows?
OMN added the
label 2020-11-27 06:03:42 +00:00
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