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Incoming posts will appear here, as a chronological timeline. If you send any posts they will also appear here.

The top banner

At the top of the screen you can select the banner to switch to your profile, and edit it or log out.

Timeline buttons and icons

The buttons below the top banner allow you to select different timelines. There are also icons on the right to search, view your calendar or create new posts.

The show/hide icon allows more timeline buttons to be shown, along with moderator controls.

Left column

Here you can add useful links. This only appears on desktop displays or devices with larger screens. It is similar to a blogroll. You can only add or edit links if you have an administrator or editor role.

If you are on mobile then use the links icon at the top to read news.

Right column

RSS feeds can be added in the right column, known as the newswire. This only appears on desktop displays or devices with larger screens. You can only add or edit feeds if you have an administrator or editor role, and incoming feed items can also be moderated.

If you are on mobile then use the newswire icon at the top to read news.