Finnish language translations

Bob Mottram 2024-06-20 19:26:39 +01:00
parent a7ea335909
commit c81adad468
1 changed files with 245 additions and 245 deletions

View File

@ -1,258 +1,258 @@
"Your browser does not support the video tag.": "Your browser does not support the video tag.",
"Your browser does not support the audio tag.": "Your browser does not support the audio tag.",
"Show profile": "Show profile",
"Show options for this person": "Show options for this person",
"Repeat this post": "Repeat",
"Undo the repeat": "Undo the repeat",
"Like this post": "Like",
"Undo the like": "Unlike",
"Delete this post": "Delete",
"Delete this event": "Delete",
"Reply to this post": "Reply",
"Write your post text below.": "New post",
"Write your reply to": "Write your reply to",
"this post": "this post",
"Write your report below.": "Write your report below.",
"This message only goes to moderators, even if it mentions other fediverse addresses.": "This message only goes to moderators, even if it mentions other fediverse addresses.",
"Also see": "Also see",
"Terms of Service": "Terms of Service",
"Enter the details for your shared item below.": "Enter the details for your shared item below.",
"Subject or Content Warning (optional)": "Subject or Content Warning (optional)",
"Write something": "Write something",
"Name of the shared item": "Name of the shared item",
"Description of the item being shared": "Description of the item being shared",
"Type of shared item. eg. hat": "Type of shared item. eg. hat",
"Category of shared item. eg. clothing": "Category of shared item. eg. clothing",
"Duration of listing in days": "Duration of listing in days",
"City or location of the shared item": "City or location of the shared item",
"Describe a shared item": "Describe a shared item",
"Public": "Public",
"Visible to anyone": "Visible to anyone",
"Unlisted": "Unlisted",
"Not on public timeline": "Not on public timeline",
"Followers": "Followers",
"Only to followers": "Only to followers",
"DM": "DM",
"Only to mentioned people": "Only to mentioned people",
"Report": "Report",
"Send to moderators": "Send to moderators",
"Search for emoji": "Search for emoji",
"Your browser does not support the video tag.": "Selaimesi ei tue videotunnistetta.",
"Your browser does not support the audio tag.": "Selaimesi ei tue äänitunnistetta.",
"Show profile": "Näytä profiili",
"Show options for this person": "Näytä tämän henkilön vaihtoehdot",
"Repeat this post": "Toistaa",
"Undo the repeat": "Kumoa toisto",
"Like this post": "Kuten",
"Undo the like": "Toisin kuin",
"Delete this post": "Poistaa",
"Delete this event": "Poistaa",
"Reply to this post": "Vastaa",
"Write your post text below.": "Uusi postaus",
"Write your reply to": "Kirjoita vastauksesi osoitteeseen",
"this post": "Tämä postaus",
"Write your report below.": "Kirjoita raporttisi alle.",
"This message only goes to moderators, even if it mentions other fediverse addresses.": "Tämä viesti menee vain moderaattoreille, vaikka siinä mainittaisiin muita fediverse-osoitteita.",
"Also see": "Katso myös",
"Terms of Service": "Käyttöehdot",
"Enter the details for your shared item below.": "Anna jaetun kohteen tiedot alle.",
"Subject or Content Warning (optional)": "Varoitus aiheesta tai sisällöstä (valinnainen)",
"Write something": "Kirjoittaa jotain",
"Name of the shared item": "Jaetun kohteen nimi",
"Description of the item being shared": "Kuvaus jaetusta kohteesta",
"Type of shared item. eg. hat": "Jaetun kohteen tyyppi. esim. hattu",
"Category of shared item. eg. clothing": "Jaetun kohteen luokka. esim. vaatetus",
"Duration of listing in days": "Listauksen kesto päivinä",
"City or location of the shared item": "Jaetun kohteen kaupunki tai sijainti",
"Describe a shared item": "Kuvaile jaettua kohdetta",
"Public": "Julkinen",
"Visible to anyone": "Näkyy kenelle tahansa",
"Unlisted": "Piilotettu",
"Not on public timeline": "Ei julkisella aikajanalla",
"Followers": "Seuraajat",
"Only to followers": "Vain seuraajille",
"DM": "SV",
"Only to mentioned people": "Vain mainituille ihmisille",
"Report": "Raportoi",
"Send to moderators": "Lähetä moderaattoreille",
"Search for emoji": "Etsi emoji",
"Cancel": "✘",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Image description": "Image description",
"Item image": "Item image",
"Type": "Type",
"Category": "Category",
"Location": "Location",
"Login": "Login",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Switch to timeline view": "Timeline view",
"Approve": "Approve",
"Deny": "Deny",
"Posts": "Posts",
"Following": "Following",
"Followers": "Followers",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Skills": "Skills",
"Shares": "Shares",
"Block": "Block",
"Unfollow": "Unfollow",
"Your browser does not support the audio element.": "Your browser does not support the audio element.",
"Your browser does not support the video element.": "Your browser does not support the video element.",
"Create a new post": "New post",
"Create a new DM": "Create a new DM",
"Switch to profile view": "Profile view",
"Inbox": "Inbox",
"Sent": "Sent",
"Search and follow": "Search/follow",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain",
"Remove the above item": "Remove the above item",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Suspend the above account nickname": "Suspend the above account nickname",
"Suspend": "Suspend",
"Remove a suspension for an account nickname": "Remove a suspension for an account nickname",
"Unsuspend": "Unsuspend",
"Block an account on another instance": "Block an account on another instance",
"Unblock": "Unblock",
"Unblock an account on another instance": "Unblock an account on another instance",
"Information about current blocks/suspensions": "Information about current blocks/suspensions",
"Info": "Info",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Delete this post?": "Delete this post?",
"Follow": "Follow",
"Stop following": "Stop following",
"Options for": "Options for",
"View": "View",
"Stop blocking": "Stop blocking",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Enter an emoji name to search for",
"Search screen text": "Enter an address, shared item, -save, 'history, #hashtag, *skill, .wanted or :emoji: to search for",
"Submit": "Lähetä",
"Image description": "kuvan kuvaus",
"Item image": "Tuotteen kuva",
"Type": "Tyyppi",
"Category": "Kategoria",
"Location": "Sijainti",
"Login": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"Edit": "Muokata",
"Switch to timeline view": "Aikajananäkymä",
"Approve": "Hyväksyä",
"Deny": "Kiellä",
"Posts": "Viestit",
"Following": "Seurata",
"Followers": "Seuraajat",
"Roles": "Roolit",
"Skills": "Taidot",
"Shares": "Osakkeet",
"Block": "Lohko",
"Unfollow": "Lopeta seuraaminen",
"Your browser does not support the audio element.": "Selaimesi ei tue äänielementtiä.",
"Your browser does not support the video element.": "Selaimesi ei tue videoelementtiä.",
"Create a new post": "Uusi postaus",
"Create a new DM": "Luo uusi suora viesti",
"Switch to profile view": "Profiilinäkymä",
"Inbox": "Saapuneet",
"Sent": "Lähetetty",
"Search and follow": "Etsi/seuraa",
"Refresh": "virkistää",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Lempinimi tai URL-osoite. Estä käyttämällä *@verkkotunnus tai lempinimi@verkkotunnus",
"Remove the above item": "Poista yllä oleva kohde",
"Remove": "Poista",
"Suspend the above account nickname": "Jäädytä yllä oleva tilin lempinimi",
"Suspend": "Keskeyttää",
"Remove a suspension for an account nickname": "Poista tilin lempinimen jäädytys",
"Unsuspend": "Kumoa keskeytys",
"Block an account on another instance": "Estä tili toisessa esiintymässä",
"Unblock": "Kumoa esto",
"Unblock an account on another instance": "Kumoa tilin esto toisessa esiintymässä",
"Information about current blocks/suspensions": "Tietoja nykyisistä lohkoista/jousituksista",
"Info": "Tiedot",
"Remove": "Poista",
"Yes": "Joo",
"No": "Ei",
"Delete this post?": "Poistetaanko tämä viesti?",
"Follow": "Seuraa",
"Stop following": "Lopeta seuraaminen",
"Options for": "Vaihtoehdot",
"View": "Näytä",
"Stop blocking": "Lopeta estäminen",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Kirjoita haettavan emojin nimi",
"Search screen text": "Kirjoita osoite, jaettu kohde, -tallenna, historia, #hashtag, *taito, .wanted tai :emoji: etsiäksesi",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Moderation Information",
"Suspended accounts": "Suspended accounts",
"These are currently suspended": "These are currently suspended",
"Blocked accounts and hashtags": "Blocked accounts and hashtags",
"These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance": "These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance",
"Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.": "Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.",
"Welcome. Please enter your login details below.": "Welcome. Please enter your login details below.",
"Welcome. Please login or register a new account.": "Welcome. Please login or register a new account.",
"Please enter some credentials": "Please enter some credentials",
"You will become the admin of this site.": "You will become the admin of this site.",
"Terms of Service": "Terms of Service",
"About this Instance": "About this Instance",
"Nickname": "Nickname",
"Enter Nickname": "Enter Nickname",
"Password": "Password",
"Enter Password": "Minimum 8 characters",
"Profile for": "Profile for",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar image",
"Background image": "Background image, which appears behind your avatar",
"Timeline banner image": "Timeline banner image",
"Approve follower requests": "Approve follower requests",
"This is a bot account": "This is a bot account",
"Filtered words": "Filtered words",
"One per line": "One per line",
"Blocked accounts": "Blocked accounts",
"Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain": "Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain",
"Federation list": "Federation list",
"Federate only with a defined set of instances. One domain name per line.": "Federate only with a defined set of instances. One domain name per line.",
"If you want to participate within organizations then you can indicate some skills that you have and approximate proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct teams with an appropriate combination of skills.": "If you want to participate within organizations then you can indicate some skills that you have and approximate proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct teams with an appropriate combination of skills.",
"A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.": "A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.",
"Moderators": "Moderators",
"List of moderator nicknames": "List of moderator nicknames",
"Your bio": "Your bio",
"Skill": "Skill",
"Copy the text then paste it into your post": "Copy the text then paste it into your post",
"Emoji Search": "Emoji Search",
"No results": "No results",
"Skills search": "Skills search",
"Shared Items Search": "Shared Items Search",
"Contact": "Contact",
"Shared Item": "Shared Item",
"Moderation Information": "Valvontatiedot",
"Suspended accounts": "Jäädytetyt tilit",
"These are currently suspended": "Nämä ovat tällä hetkellä keskeytettyinä",
"Blocked accounts and hashtags": "Estetyt tilit ja hashtagit",
"These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance": "Nämä on maailmanlaajuisesti estetty kaikilta tileiltä tässä tapauksessa",
"Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.": "Kaikki valvojien tekemät estot tai jäädytykset näkyvät tässä.",
"Welcome. Please enter your login details below.": "Tervetuloa. Anna kirjautumistietosi alle.",
"Welcome. Please login or register a new account.": "Tervetuloa. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu sisään tai rekisteröi uusi tili.",
"Please enter some credentials": "Anna joitain valtuustietoja",
"You will become the admin of this site.": "Sinusta tulee tämän sivuston ylläpitäjä.",
"Terms of Service": "Käyttöehdot",
"About this Instance": "Tietoja tästä tapauksesta",
"Nickname": "Nimimerkki",
"Enter Nickname": "Anna lempinimi",
"Password": "Salasana",
"Enter Password": "Vähintään 8 merkkiä",
"Profile for": "Profiili käyttäjälle",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Alla liitetyt tiedostot eivät saa olla kerralla suurempia kuin 10 Mt.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar-kuva",
"Background image": "Taustakuva, joka näkyy avatarisi takana",
"Timeline banner image": "Aikajanan bannerikuva",
"Approve follower requests": "Hyväksy seuraajapyynnöt",
"This is a bot account": "Tämä on bot-tili",
"Filtered words": "Suodatetut sanat",
"One per line": "Yksi per rivi",
"Blocked accounts": "Estetyt tilit",
"Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain": "Estetyt tilit, yksi per rivi, muodossa lempinimi@verkkotunnus tai *@estettyverkkotunnus",
"Federation list": "Liittoluettelo",
"Federate only with a defined set of instances. One domain name per line.": "Liitä vain määritetyllä esiintymien joukolla. Yksi verkkotunnus riviä kohden.",
"If you want to participate within organizations then you can indicate some skills that you have and approximate proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct teams with an appropriate combination of skills.": "Jos haluat osallistua organisaatioiden toimintaan, voit ilmoittaa joitain taitojasi ja likimääräisiä pätevyystasoja. Tämä auttaa järjestäjiä rakentamaan joukkueita, joilla on sopiva yhdistelmä taitoja.",
"A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.": "Luettelo moderaattorin lempinimistä. Yksi per rivi.",
"Moderators": "Moderaattorit",
"List of moderator nicknames": "Luettelo moderaattorin lempinimistä",
"Your bio": "Sinun elämäkertasi",
"Skill": "Taito",
"Copy the text then paste it into your post": "Kopioi teksti ja liitä se viestiisi",
"Emoji Search": "Emoji-haku",
"No results": "Ei tuloksia",
"Skills search": "Taitojen haku",
"Shared Items Search": "Jaettujen kohteiden haku",
"Contact": "Ottaa yhteyttä",
"Shared Item": "Jaettu kohde",
"Mod": "Mod",
"Approve follow requests": "Approve follow requests",
"Page down": "Page down",
"Page up": "Page up",
"Vote": "Vote",
"Replies": "Replies",
"Approve follow requests": "Hyväksy seurantapyynnöt",
"Page down": "Sivu alas",
"Page up": "Sivu ylös",
"Vote": "Äänestys",
"Replies": "Vastauksia",
"Media": "Media",
"This is a group account": "This is a group account",
"Date": "Date",
"Time": "Time",
"Location": "Location",
"Calendar": "Calendar",
"Sun": "Sun",
"Mon": "Mon",
"Tue": "Tue",
"Wed": "Wed",
"Thu": "Thu",
"Fri": "Fri",
"Sat": "Sat",
"January": "January",
"February": "February",
"March": "March",
"April": "April",
"May": "May",
"June": "June",
"July": "July",
"August": "August",
"September": "September",
"October": "October",
"November": "November",
"December": "December",
"Only people I follow can send me DMs": "Only people I follow can send me DMs",
"Logout": "Logout",
"Danger Zone": "Danger Zone",
"Deactivate this account": "Deactivate this account",
"Snooze": "Snooze",
"Unsnooze": "Unsnooze",
"Donations link": "Donations link",
"Donate": "Donate",
"Change Password": "Change Password",
"Confirm Password": "Confirm Password",
"Instance Title": "Instance Title",
"Instance Short Description": "Instance Short Description",
"Instance Description": "Instance Description",
"Instance Logo": "Instance Logo",
"Bookmark this post": "Bookmark",
"Undo the bookmark": "Unbookmark",
"Bookmarks": "Saved",
"Theme": "Theme",
"Default": "Default",
"Light": "Light",
"Purple": "Purple",
"Hacker": "Hacker",
"HighVis": "HighVis",
"Question": "Question",
"Enter your question": "Enter your question",
"Enter the choices for your question below.": "Enter the choices for your question below.",
"Ask a question": "Ask a question",
"Possible answers": "Possible answers",
"replying to": "replying to",
"publicly replying to": "publicly replying to",
"replying to followers": "replying to followers",
"replying unlisted": "replying to unlisted",
"replying to themselves": "replying to themselves",
"announces": "announces",
"Previous month": "Previous month",
"Next month": "Next month",
"Get the source code": "Get the source code",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute",
"This is a group account": "Tämä on ryhmätili",
"Date": "Päivämäärä",
"Time": "Aika",
"Location": "Sijainti",
"Calendar": "Kalenteri",
"Sun": "Su",
"Mon": "Ma",
"Tue": "Ti",
"Wed": "Ke",
"Thu": "To",
"Fri": "Pe",
"Sat": "La",
"January": "tammikuu",
"February": "helmikuu",
"March": "maaliskuuta",
"April": "huhtikuu",
"May": "saattaa",
"June": "kesäkuuta",
"July": "heinäkuu",
"August": "elokuu",
"September": "syyskuu",
"October": "lokakuu",
"November": "marraskuu",
"December": "joulukuu",
"Only people I follow can send me DMs": "Vain seuraamani ihmiset voivat lähettää minulle DM-viestejä",
"Logout": "Kirjautua ulos",
"Danger Zone": "Vaaravyöhyke",
"Deactivate this account": "Poista tämä tili käytöstä",
"Snooze": "Torkku",
"Unsnooze": "Poista torkku",
"Donations link": "Lahjoitukset linkki",
"Donate": "Lahjoittaa",
"Change Password": "Vaihda salasana",
"Confirm Password": "Vahvista salasana",
"Instance Title": "Esineen otsikko",
"Instance Short Description": "Esineen lyhyt kuvaus",
"Instance Description": "Esineen kuvaus",
"Instance Logo": "Instanssin logo",
"Bookmark this post": "Kirjanmerkki",
"Undo the bookmark": "Poista kirjanmerkki",
"Bookmarks": "Tallennettu",
"Theme": "Teema",
"Default": "Oletus",
"Light": "Kevyt",
"Purple": "Violetti",
"Hacker": "Hakkeri",
"HighVis": "HeiVis",
"Question": "Kysymys",
"Enter your question": "Kirjoita kysymyksesi",
"Enter the choices for your question below.": "Kirjoita kysymyksesi vaihtoehdot alle.",
"Ask a question": "Kysy kysymys",
"Possible answers": "Mahdollisia vastauksia",
"replying to": "vastaamalla",
"publicly replying to": "vastaamalla julkisesti",
"replying to followers": "vastaamalla seuraajille",
"replying unlisted": "vastaaminen listaamattomiin",
"replying to themselves": "vastaamalla itselleen",
"announces": "ilmoittaa",
"Previous month": "Edellinen kuukausi",
"Next month": "Ensikuussa",
"Get the source code": "Hanki lähdekoodi",
"This is a media instance": "Tämä on mediaesimerkki",
"Mute this post": "Mykistä",
"Undo mute": "Kumoa mykistys",
"Matrix": "Matrix",
"Email": "Email",
"PGP": "PGP Key",
"PGP Fingerprint": "PGP Fingerprint",
"This is a scheduled post.": "This is a scheduled post.",
"Remove scheduled posts": "Remove scheduled posts",
"Remove Twitter posts": "Remove Twitter posts",
"Sensitive": "Sensitive",
"Word Replacements": "Word Replacements",
"Happening Today": "Today",
"Happening Tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"Happening This Week": "Soon",
"Blog": "Blog",
"Blogs": "Blogs",
"Title": "Title",
"About the author": "About the author",
"Edit blog post": "Edit blog post",
"Publicly visible post": "Publicly visible post",
"Your Posts": "Your Posts",
"Git Projects": "Git Projects",
"List of project names that you wish to receive git patches for": "List of project names that you wish to receive git patches for",
"Show/Hide Buttons": "Show/Hide",
"Custom Font": "Custom Font",
"Remove the custom font": "Remove the custom font",
"Email": "Sähköposti",
"PGP": "PGP-avain",
"PGP Fingerprint": "PGP-sormenjälki",
"This is a scheduled post.": "Tämä on ajoitettu postaus.",
"Remove scheduled posts": "Poista ajoitetut viestit",
"Remove Twitter posts": "Poista Twitter-viestit",
"Sensitive": "Herkkä",
"Word Replacements": "Sanojen korvaukset",
"Happening Today": "Tänään",
"Happening Tomorrow": "Huomenna",
"Happening This Week": "Pian",
"Blog": "Blogi",
"Blogs": "Blogit",
"Title": "Otsikko",
"About the author": "Kirjailijasta",
"Edit blog post": "Muokkaa blogitekstiä",
"Publicly visible post": "Julkisesti näkyvä viesti",
"Your Posts": "Viestisi",
"Git Projects": "Git-projektit",
"List of project names that you wish to receive git patches for": "Luettelo projektien nimistä, joille haluat saada git-korjauksia",
"Show/Hide Buttons": "Näytä piilota",
"Custom Font": "Mukautettu fontti",
"Remove the custom font": "Poista mukautettu fontti",
"Lcd": "LCD",
"Blue": "Blue",
"Blue": "Sininen",
"Zen": "Zen",
"Night": "Night",
"Starlight": "Starlight",
"Search banner image": "Search banner image",
"Henge": "Henge",
"QR Code": "QR Code",
"Reminder": "Reminder",
"Scheduled note to yourself": "Scheduled note to yourself",
"Replying to": "Replying to",
"Send to": "Send to",
"Show a list of addresses to send to": "Show a list of addresses to send to",
"Petname": "Petname",
"Night": "",
"Starlight": "Tähtien valo",
"Search banner image": "Hae bannerikuvaa",
"Henge": "Ripustaa",
"QR Code": "QR koodi",
"Reminder": "Muistutus",
"Scheduled note to yourself": "Aikataulutettu muistiinpano itsellesi",
"Replying to": "vastaaminen",
"Send to": "Lähetä",
"Show a list of addresses to send to": "Näytä luettelo osoitteista, joihin haluat lähettää",
"Petname": "Lemmikin nimi",
"Ok": "Ok",
"This is nothing less than an utter triumph": "This is nothing less than an utter triumph",
"Not Found": "Not Found",
"These are not the droids you are looking for": "These are not the droids you are looking for",
"Not changed": "Not changed",
"The contents of your local cache are up to date": "The contents of your local cache are up to date",
"Bad Request": "Bad Request",
"Better luck next time": "Better luck next time",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"This is nothing less than an utter triumph": "Tämä ei ole vähempää kuin täydellinen voitto",
"Not Found": "Ei löydetty",
"These are not the droids you are looking for": "Nämä eivät ole etsimiäsi droideja",
"Not changed": "Ei muuttunut",
"The contents of your local cache are up to date": "Paikallisen välimuistisi sisältö on ajan tasalla",
"Bad Request": "Huono pyyntö",
"Better luck next time": "Parempi onni ensi kerralla",
"Unavailable": "Ei saatavilla",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "The server is busy. Please try again later",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Receive calendar events from this account",
"Grayscale": "Grayscale",