mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
@ -1008,14 +1008,15 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
self._http_return_code(401, 'Unauthorized',
post_msg, None)
def _402(self, post_msg: str) -> None:
def _402(self) -> None:
if self.server.translate:
ok_str = self.server.translate[post_msg]
self._http_return_code(402, self.server.translate['Unauthorized'],
ok_str, None)
text = self.server.translate["It's time to splash that cash"]
self.server.translate['Payment required'],
text, None)
self._http_return_code(402, 'Unauthorized',
post_msg, None)
text = "It's time to splash that cash"
self._http_return_code(402, 'Payment required', text, None)
def _201(self, etag: str) -> None:
if self.server.translate:
@ -17552,9 +17553,7 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
if self.headers['Server'] in corp_servers():
if self.server.debug:
print('Corporate leech bounced: ' + self.headers['Server'])
self._402("If you are a BigTech corp trying to steal " +
"data then it's time to see the color of " +
"your money")
if self.headers.get('Host'):
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "عيد ميلاد",
"Only show reminders": "عرض التذكيرات فقط",
"Show all events": "عرض كافة الأحداث",
"Blocking API endpoints": "حظر نقاط نهاية API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "حظر نقاط نهاية API",
"Payment required": "الدفع مطلوب",
"It's time to splash that cash": "لقد حان الوقت لصرف هذه الأموال"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "জন্মদিন",
"Only show reminders": "শুধুমাত্র অনুস্মারক দেখান",
"Show all events": "সমস্ত ঘটনা দেখান",
"Blocking API endpoints": "এপিআই এন্ডপয়েন্ট ব্লক করা"
"Blocking API endpoints": "এপিআই এন্ডপয়েন্ট ব্লক করা",
"Payment required": "অর্থপ্রদান আবশ্যক",
"It's time to splash that cash": "এটা যে নগদ স্প্ল্যাশ সময়"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Aniversari",
"Only show reminders": "Mostra només recordatoris",
"Show all events": "Mostra tots els esdeveniments",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueig de punts finals de l'API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueig de punts finals de l'API",
"Payment required": "Cal pagar",
"It's time to splash that cash": "És hora d'esquitxar aquests diners en efectiu"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Penblwydd",
"Only show reminders": "Dangoswch nodiadau atgoffa yn unig",
"Show all events": "Dangos pob digwyddiad",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Rhwystro pwyntiau terfyn API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Rhwystro pwyntiau terfyn API",
"Payment required": "Angen taliad",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Mae'n bryd tasgu'r arian hwnnw"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Geburtstag",
"Only show reminders": "Nur Erinnerungen anzeigen",
"Show all events": "Alle Veranstaltungen anzeigen",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blockieren von API-Endpunkten"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blockieren von API-Endpunkten",
"Payment required": "Bezahlung erforderlich",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Es ist Zeit, das Geld auszugeben"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Γενέθλια",
"Only show reminders": "Εμφάνιση μόνο υπενθυμίσεων",
"Show all events": "Εμφάνιση όλων των συμβάντων",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Αποκλεισμός τελικών σημείων API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Αποκλεισμός τελικών σημείων API",
"Payment required": "Απαιτείται πληρωμή",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Ήρθε η ώρα να ρίξετε αυτά τα μετρητά"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Birthday",
"Only show reminders": "Only show reminders",
"Show all events": "Show all events",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocking API endpoints"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocking API endpoints",
"Payment required": "Payment required",
"It's time to splash that cash": "It's time to splash that cash"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Cumpleaños",
"Only show reminders": "Mostrar solo recordatorios",
"Show all events": "Mostrar todos los eventos",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueo de puntos finales de API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueo de puntos finales de API",
"Payment required": "Pago requerido",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Es hora de gastar ese dinero"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "روز تولد",
"Only show reminders": "فقط یادآوری ها را نشان دهید",
"Show all events": "نمایش همه رویدادها",
"Blocking API endpoints": "مسدود کردن نقاط پایانی API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "مسدود کردن نقاط پایانی API",
"Payment required": "مستلزم پرداخت",
"It's time to splash that cash": "وقت آن است که آن پول نقد را بپاشیم"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Anniversaire",
"Only show reminders": "Afficher uniquement les rappels",
"Show all events": "Afficher tous les événements",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocage des points de terminaison de l'API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocage des points de terminaison de l'API",
"Payment required": "Paiement Requis",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Il est temps de dépenser cet argent"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Breithlá",
"Only show reminders": "Ná taispeáin ach meabhrúcháin",
"Show all events": "Taispeáin gach imeacht",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Ag cur bac ar chríochphointí API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Ag cur bac ar chríochphointí API",
"Payment required": "Íocaíocht ag teastáil",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Tá sé in am an t-airgead sin a splancadh"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "יום הולדת",
"Only show reminders": "הצג רק תזכורות",
"Show all events": "הצג את כל האירועים",
"Blocking API endpoints": "חסימת נקודות קצה של API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "חסימת נקודות קצה של API",
"Payment required": "נדרש תשלום",
"It's time to splash that cash": "הגיע הזמן להתיז את המזומנים האלה"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "जन्मदिन",
"Only show reminders": "केवल अनुस्मारक दिखाएँ",
"Show all events": "सभी घटनाएँ दिखाएँ",
"Blocking API endpoints": "एपीआई समापनबिंदुओं को अवरुद्ध करना"
"Blocking API endpoints": "एपीआई समापनबिंदुओं को अवरुद्ध करना",
"Payment required": "भुगतान की आवश्यकता है",
"It's time to splash that cash": "अब उस नकदी को बिखेरने का समय आ गया है"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Compleanno",
"Only show reminders": "Mostra solo promemoria",
"Show all events": "Mostra tutti gli eventi",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocco degli endpoint API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocco degli endpoint API",
"Payment required": "Pagamento richiesto",
"It's time to splash that cash": "È ora di spendere quei soldi"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "誕生日",
"Only show reminders": "リマインダーのみを表示",
"Show all events": "すべてのイベントを表示",
"Blocking API endpoints": "APIエンドポイントのブロック"
"Blocking API endpoints": "APIエンドポイントのブロック",
"Payment required": "支払いが必要",
"It's time to splash that cash": "お金を投じる時が来ました"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "생일",
"Only show reminders": "알림만 표시",
"Show all events": "모든 이벤트 표시",
"Blocking API endpoints": "API 엔드포인트 차단"
"Blocking API endpoints": "API 엔드포인트 차단",
"Payment required": "결제 필요",
"It's time to splash that cash": "이제 그 현금을 쏟아부을 시간이다"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Rojbûn",
"Only show reminders": "Tenê bîranînan nîşan bidin",
"Show all events": "Hemî bûyeran nîşan bide",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Astengkirina xalên dawiya API-ê"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Astengkirina xalên dawiya API-ê",
"Payment required": "Payment pêwîst",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Wext e ku meriv wê drav birijîne"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Verjaardag",
"Only show reminders": "Toon alleen herinneringen",
"Show all events": "Toon alle evenementen",
"Blocking API endpoints": "API-eindpunten blokkeren"
"Blocking API endpoints": "API-eindpunten blokkeren",
"Payment required": "Betaling Vereist",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Het is tijd om met dat geld te spetteren"
@ -653,5 +653,7 @@
"Birthday": "Birthday",
"Only show reminders": "Only show reminders",
"Show all events": "Show all events",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocking API endpoints"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocking API endpoints",
"Payment required": "Payment required",
"It's time to splash that cash": "It's time to splash that cash"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Urodziny",
"Only show reminders": "Pokazuj tylko przypomnienia",
"Show all events": "Pokaż wszystkie wydarzenia",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blokowanie punktów końcowych API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blokowanie punktów końcowych API",
"Payment required": "Płatność wymagana",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Czas przelać tę kasę"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Aniversário",
"Only show reminders": "Mostrar apenas lembretes",
"Show all events": "Mostrar todos os eventos",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueio de endpoints de API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Bloqueio de endpoints de API",
"Payment required": "Pagamento Requerido",
"It's time to splash that cash": "É hora de gastar esse dinheiro"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "День рождения",
"Only show reminders": "Показывать только напоминания",
"Show all events": "Показать все события",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Блокировка конечных точек API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Блокировка конечных точек API",
"Payment required": "Требуется оплата",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Пришло время выплеснуть эти деньги"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Siku ya kuzaliwa",
"Only show reminders": "Onyesha vikumbusho pekee",
"Show all events": "Onyesha matukio yote",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Inazuia miisho ya API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Inazuia miisho ya API",
"Payment required": "Malipo yanahitajika",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Ni wakati wa kunyunyiza pesa hizo"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "Doğum günü",
"Only show reminders": "Yalnızca hatırlatıcıları göster",
"Show all events": "Tüm etkinlikleri göster",
"Blocking API endpoints": "API uç noktalarını engelleme"
"Blocking API endpoints": "API uç noktalarını engelleme",
"Payment required": "Ödeme gerekli",
"It's time to splash that cash": "O parayı sıçratmanın zamanı geldi"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "день народження",
"Only show reminders": "Показувати лише нагадування",
"Show all events": "Показати всі події",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Блокування кінцевих точок API"
"Blocking API endpoints": "Блокування кінцевих точок API",
"Payment required": "Потрібна оплата",
"It's time to splash that cash": "Настав час виплеснути ці гроші"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "דיין געבורסטאָג",
"Only show reminders": "בלויז ווייַזן רימיינדערז",
"Show all events": "ווייַזן אַלע געשעענישן",
"Blocking API endpoints": "בלאַקינג אַפּי ענדפּאָינץ"
"Blocking API endpoints": "בלאַקינג אַפּי ענדפּאָינץ",
"Payment required": "צאָלונג פארלאנגט",
"It's time to splash that cash": "עס איז צייט צו שפּריצן די געלט"
@ -657,5 +657,7 @@
"Birthday": "生日",
"Only show reminders": "只显示提醒",
"Show all events": "显示所有活动",
"Blocking API endpoints": "阻止 API 端点"
"Blocking API endpoints": "阻止 API 端点",
"Payment required": "需要付款",
"It's time to splash that cash": "是时候挥霍现金了"
Reference in New Issue