Change Outbox to Sent

Bob Mottram 2021-02-23 22:29:14 +00:00
parent 10218086d5
commit 3067689faf
14 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "إنشاء DM جديد",
"Switch to profile view": "التبديل إلى عرض الملف الشخصي",
"Inbox": "صندوق الوارد",
"Outbox": "صندوق الحفظ",
"Outbox": "أرسلت",
"Search and follow": "بحث ومتابعة",
"Refresh": "تحديث",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "الاسم المستعار أو عنوان URL. حظر استخدام *@domain أو اسم النطاق@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Crea un nou missatge directe",
"Switch to profile view": "Canvia a la vista del perfil",
"Inbox": "entrada",
"Outbox": "sortida",
"Outbox": "Enviat",
"Search and follow": "Cerca i segueix",
"Refresh": "Actualització",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Nickname o URL. Bloquegeu amb el domini *@ o el sobrenom@",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Creu Neges Uniongyrchol newydd",
"Switch to profile view": "Newid i olwg proffil",
"Inbox": "Mewnflwch",
"Outbox": "Allan",
"Outbox": "Anfonwyd",
"Search and follow": "Chwilio a dilyn",
"Refresh": "Adnewyddu",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Llysenw neu URL. Blociwch gan ddefnyddio *@domain neu lysenw@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Neue Direktnachricht",
"Switch to profile view": "Zur Profilansicht wechseln",
"Inbox": "Eingang",
"Outbox": "Ausgang",
"Outbox": "Geschickt",
"Search and follow": "Suchen und folgen",
"Refresh": "Aktualisieren",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Benutzername oder URL. *@Domäne oder Benutzer@Domäne sperren",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Create a new DM",
"Switch to profile view": "Profile view",
"Inbox": "Inbox",
"Outbox": "Outbox",
"Outbox": "Sent",
"Search and follow": "Search/follow",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Crear un nuevo mensaje directo",
"Switch to profile view": "Cambiar a la vista de perfil",
"Inbox": "Entrada",
"Outbox": "Salida",
"Outbox": "Enviada",
"Search and follow": "Busca y sigue",
"Refresh": "Refrescar",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Apodo o URL. Bloquear usando *@dominio o apodo@dominio",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Créer un nouveau message direct",
"Switch to profile view": "Passer en vue de profil",
"Inbox": "Réception",
"Outbox": "Envoi",
"Outbox": "Expédié",
"Search and follow": "Rechercher et suivre",
"Refresh": "Rafraîchir",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Surnom ou URL. Bloquer en utilisant *@domain ou pseudo@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Cruthaigh Teachtaireacht Dhíreach nua",
"Switch to profile view": "Athraigh an amharcphróifíl",
"Inbox": "Isteach",
"Outbox": "Outbox",
"Outbox": "Seolta",
"Search and follow": "Cuardaigh agus leanúint",
"Refresh": "Athnuachan",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Leasainm nó URL. Bloc ag baint úsáide as *@fearainn nó leasainm@fearainn",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "नया डीएम बनाएं",
"Switch to profile view": "प्रोफ़ाइल दृश्य पर स्विच करें",
"Inbox": "इनबॉक्स",
"Outbox": "आउटबॉक्स",
"Outbox": "भेज दिया",
"Search and follow": "खोज और अनुसरण करें",
"Refresh": "ताज़ा करना",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "उपनाम या URL। *@डोमेन या उपनाम@डोमेन का उपयोग करके ब्लॉक करें",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Crea un nuovo messaggio diretto",
"Switch to profile view": "Passa alla vista profilo",
"Inbox": "Arrivo",
"Outbox": "In uscita",
"Outbox": "Inviata",
"Search and follow": "Cerca e segui",
"Refresh": "Ricaricare",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Soprannome o URL. Blocca usando *@domain o nickname@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "新しいDMを作成する",
"Switch to profile view": "縦断ビューに切り替え",
"Inbox": "受信トレイ",
"Outbox": "送信トレイ",
"Outbox": "送信済み",
"Search and follow": "検索してフォローする",
"Refresh": "リフレッシュ",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "ニックネームまたはURL。 * @ domainまたはnickname @ domainを使用してブロックする",

View File

@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
"Create a new post": "Crie uma nova postagem",
"Create a new DM": "Crie uma nova mensagem direta",
"Switch to profile view": "Mudar para a vista de perfil",
"Inbox": "Caixa de entrada",
"Outbox": "Caixa de fora",
"Inbox": "Entrada",
"Outbox": "Enviado",
"Search and follow": "Pesquise e siga",
"Refresh": "Atualizar",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Apelido ou URL. Bloquear usando *@domain ou apelido@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "Создать новое прямое сообщение",
"Switch to profile view": "Переключиться на вид профиля",
"Inbox": "входящие",
"Outbox": "Исходящие",
"Outbox": "Отправлено",
"Search and follow": "Искать и следовать",
"Refresh": "обновление",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "Псевдоним или URL. Блокировка с использованием *@domain или псевдоним@domain",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Create a new DM": "建立新的直接讯息",
"Switch to profile view": "切换到个人资料视图",
"Inbox": "收件箱",
"Outbox": "发件箱",
"Outbox": "发",
"Search and follow": "搜索并关注",
"Refresh": "刷新",
"Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain": "昵称或网址。 使用*@domain或昵称@domain阻止",