
156 lines
6.1 KiB

__filename__ = "question.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "ActivityPub"
import os
from utils import locate_post
from utils import load_json
from utils import save_json
from utils import has_object_dict
from utils import text_in_file
def question_update_votes(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
reply_json: {}) -> ({}, str):
""" For a given reply update the votes on a question
Returns the question json object if the vote totals were changed
if not has_object_dict(reply_json):
return None, None
if not reply_json['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
return None, None
if not reply_json['object']['inReplyTo']:
return None, None
if not isinstance(reply_json['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
return None, None
if not reply_json['object'].get('name'):
return None, None
in_reply_to = reply_json['object']['inReplyTo']
question_post_filename = \
locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to)
if not question_post_filename:
return None, None
question_json = load_json(question_post_filename)
if not question_json:
return None, None
if not has_object_dict(question_json):
return None, None
if not question_json['object'].get('type'):
return None, None
if question_json['type'] != 'Question':
return None, None
if not question_json['object'].get('oneOf'):
return None, None
if not isinstance(question_json['object']['oneOf'], list):
return None, None
if not question_json['object'].get('content'):
return None, None
reply_vote = reply_json['object']['name']
# does the reply name field match any possible question option?
found_answer = None, None
for possible_answer in question_json['object']['oneOf']:
if not possible_answer.get('name'):
if possible_answer['name'] == reply_vote:
found_answer = possible_answer
if not found_answer:
return None, None
# update the voters file
voters_file_separator = ';;;'
voters_filename = question_post_filename.replace('.json', '.voters')
if not os.path.isfile(voters_filename):
# create a new voters file
with open(voters_filename, 'w+',
encoding='utf-8') as voters_file:
voters_file.write(reply_json['actor'] +
voters_file_separator +
found_answer + '\n')
except OSError:
print('EX: unable to write voters file ' + voters_filename)
if not text_in_file(reply_json['actor'], voters_filename):
# append to the voters file
with open(voters_filename, 'a+',
encoding='utf-8') as voters_file:
voters_file.write(reply_json['actor'] +
voters_file_separator +
found_answer + '\n')
except OSError:
print('EX: unable to append to voters file ' + voters_filename)
# change an entry in the voters file
with open(voters_filename, 'r',
encoding='utf-8') as voters_file:
lines = voters_file.readlines()
newlines = []
save_voters_file = False
for vote_line in lines:
if vote_line.startswith(reply_json['actor'] +
new_vote_line = reply_json['actor'] + \
voters_file_separator + found_answer + '\n'
if vote_line == new_vote_line:
save_voters_file = True
if save_voters_file:
with open(voters_filename, 'w+',
encoding='utf-8') as voters_file:
for vote_line in newlines:
except OSError:
print('EX: unable to write voters file2 ' +
return None, None
# update the vote counts
question_totals_changed = False
for possible_answer in question_json['object']['oneOf']:
if not possible_answer.get('name'):
total_items = 0
with open(voters_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as voters_file:
lines = voters_file.readlines()
for vote_line in lines:
if vote_line.endswith(voters_file_separator +
possible_answer['name'] + '\n'):
total_items += 1
if possible_answer['replies']['totalItems'] != total_items:
possible_answer['replies']['totalItems'] = total_items
question_totals_changed = True
if not question_totals_changed:
return None, None
# save the question with altered totals
save_json(question_json, question_post_filename)
return question_json, question_post_filename
def is_question(post_object_json: {}) -> bool:
""" is the given post a question?
if post_object_json['type'] != 'Create' and \
post_object_json['type'] != 'Update':
return False
if not has_object_dict(post_object_json):
return False
if not post_object_json['object'].get('type'):
return False
if post_object_json['object']['type'] != 'Question':
return False
if not post_object_json['object'].get('oneOf'):
return False
if not isinstance(post_object_json['object']['oneOf'], list):
return False
return True