mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
517 lines
17 KiB
517 lines
17 KiB
__filename__ = "theme.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
import os
from utils import loadJson
from utils import saveJson
from shutil import copyfile
def getThemesList() -> []:
"""Returns the list of available themes
Note that these should be capitalized, since they're
also used to create the web interface dropdown list
and to lookup function names
return ('Default', 'Blue', 'Hacker', 'HighVis',
'LCD', 'Light', 'Night', 'Purple', 'Starlight', 'Zen')
def setThemeInConfig(baseDir: str, name: str) -> bool:
configFilename = baseDir + '/config.json'
if not os.path.isfile(configFilename):
return False
configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0)
if not configJson:
return False
configJson['theme'] = name
return saveJson(configJson, configFilename)
def getTheme(baseDir: str) -> str:
configFilename = baseDir + '/config.json'
if os.path.isfile(configFilename):
configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0)
if configJson:
if configJson.get('theme'):
return configJson['theme']
return 'default'
def removeTheme(baseDir: str):
themeFiles = ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css',
'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css')
for filename in themeFiles:
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/' + filename):
os.remove(baseDir + '/' + filename)
def setCSSparam(css: str, param: str, value: str) -> str:
"""Sets a CSS parameter to a given value
# is this just a simple string replacement?
if ';' in param:
return css.replace(param, value)
# color replacement
if param.startswith('rgba('):
return css.replace(param, value)
# if the parameter begins with * then don't prepend --
if param.startswith('*'):
searchStr = param.replace('*', '') + ':'
searchStr = '--' + param + ':'
if searchStr not in css:
return css
s = css.split(searchStr)
newcss = ''
for sectionStr in s:
if not newcss:
if sectionStr:
newcss = sectionStr
newcss = ' '
if ';' in sectionStr:
newcss += \
searchStr + ' ' + value + ';' + sectionStr.split(';', 1)[1]
newcss += searchStr + ' ' + sectionStr
return newcss.strip()
def setThemeFromDict(baseDir: str, name: str, themeParams: {}) -> None:
"""Uses a dictionary to set a theme
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name)
themeFiles = ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css',
'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css')
for filename in themeFiles:
templateFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-' + filename
if filename == 'epicyon.css':
templateFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename):
with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile:
css = cssfile.read()
for paramName, paramValue in themeParams.items():
css = setCSSparam(css, paramName, paramValue)
filename = baseDir + '/' + filename
with open(filename, 'w') as cssfile:
def setCustomFont(baseDir: str):
"""Uses a dictionary to set a theme
customFontExt = None
customFontType = None
fontExtension = {
'woff': 'woff',
'woff2': 'woff2',
'otf': 'opentype',
'ttf': 'truetype'
for ext, extType in fontExtension.items():
filename = baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext
if os.path.isfile(filename):
customFontExt = ext
customFontType = extType
if not customFontExt:
themeFiles = ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css',
'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css')
for filename in themeFiles:
templateFilename = baseDir + '/' + filename
if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename):
with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile:
css = cssfile.read()
css = \
setCSSparam(css, "*src",
"url('./fonts/custom." +
customFontExt +
"') format('" +
customFontType + "')")
css = setCSSparam(css, "*font-family", "'CustomFont'")
filename = baseDir + '/' + filename
with open(filename, 'w') as cssfile:
def setThemeDefault(baseDir: str):
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, 'default')
themeParams = {
"dummyValue": "1234"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'default', themeParams)
def setThemeBlue(baseDir: str):
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, 'blue')
themeParams = {
"font-size-header": "22px",
"font-size": "45px",
"font-size2": "45px",
"font-size3": "45px",
"font-size4": "35px",
"font-size5": "29px",
"gallery-font-size": "35px",
"gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px",
"main-bg-color": "#002365",
"text-entry-background": "#002365",
"link-bg-color": "#002365",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#002365",
"main-bg-color-report": "#002365",
"day-number2": "#002365",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px",
"time-vertical-align": "-10px",
"*font-family": "'Domestic_Manners'",
"*src": "url('./fonts/Domestic_Manners.ttf') format('truetype')"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'blue', themeParams)
def setThemeNight(baseDir: str):
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, 'night')
fontStr = \
"url('./fonts/CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular.ttf') format('truetype')"
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"text-entry-background": "#0f0d10",
"link-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"main-fg-color": "#7961ab",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a",
"border-color": "#7961ab",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#0f0d10",
"main-bg-color-report": "#0f0d10",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px",
"button-background": "#7961ab",
"button-selected": "#86579d",
"calendar-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"lines-color": "#7961ab",
"day-number": "#7961ab",
"day-number2": "#555",
"event-background": "#111",
"*font-family": "'CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular'",
"*src": fontStr
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'night', themeParams)
def setThemeStarlight(baseDir: str):
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, 'starlight')
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"text-entry-background": "#0f0d10",
"link-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"main-fg-color": "#ffc4bc",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a",
"border-color": "#ffc4bc",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#0f0d10",
"main-bg-color-report": "#0f0d10",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px",
"button-background": "#ffc4bc",
"button-selected": "#a34046",
"calendar-bg-color": "#0f0d10",
"lines-color": "#ffc4bc",
"day-number": "#ffc4bc",
"day-number2": "#555",
"event-background": "#111",
"*font-family": "'SundownerRegular'",
"*src": "url('SundownerRegular.ttf') format('truetype')"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'starlight', themeParams)
def setThemeZen(baseDir: str):
setThemeInConfig(baseDir, 'zen')
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "#5c4e41",
"text-entry-background": "#5c4e41",
"link-bg-color": "#5c4e41",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#5c4e41",
"main-bg-color-report": "#5c4e41",
"day-number2": "#5c4e41",
"border-color": "#463b35",
"border-width": "7px",
"main-link-color": "#dddddd",
"main-visited-color": "#dddddd",
"button-background": "#463b35",
"button-selected": "#26201d",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#5c4a40",
"main-header-color-roles": "#5c4e41",
"cw-background": "#463b35",
"dropdown-bg-color": "#504e41",
"dropdown-bg-color-hover": "#444"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'zen', themeParams)
def setThemeHighVis(baseDir: str):
themeParams = {
"font-size-header": "22px",
"font-size": "45px",
"font-size2": "45px",
"font-size3": "45px",
"font-size4": "35px",
"font-size5": "29px",
"gallery-font-size": "35px",
"gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px",
"hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px",
"time-vertical-align": "-10px",
"*font-family": "'LinBiolinum_Rah'",
"*src": "url('./fonts/LinBiolinum_Rah.ttf') format('truetype')"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'highvis', themeParams)
def setThemeLCD(baseDir: str):
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "#9fb42b",
"link-bg-color": "#33390d",
"cw-background": "#13390d",
"text-entry-foreground": "#33390d",
"text-entry-background": "#9fb42b",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#9fb42b",
"main-bg-color-report": "#9fb42b",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#5fb42b",
"main-header-color-roles": "#9fb42b",
"main-fg-color": "#33390d",
"border-color": "#33390d",
"border-width": "5px",
"main-link-color": "#9fb42b",
"main-visited-color": "#9fb42b",
"button-selected": "black",
"button-highlighted": "green",
"button-background": "#33390d",
"button-text": "#9fb42b",
"color: #FFFFFE;": "color: #9fb42b;",
"calendar-bg-color": "#eee",
"day-number": "#3f2145",
"day-number2": "#9fb42b",
"time-color": "#9fb42b",
"place-color": "black",
"event-color": "#282c37",
"today-foreground": "white",
"today-circle": "red",
"event-background": "yellow",
"event-foreground": "white",
"title-text": "white",
"gallery-text-color": "#33390d",
"font-size-header": "22px",
"font-size": "45px",
"font-size2": "45px",
"font-size3": "45px",
"font-size4": "35px",
"font-size5": "29px",
"gallery-font-size": "35px",
"gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px",
"button-corner-radius": "1px",
"timeline-border-radius": "1px",
"dropdown-bg-color": "#33390d",
"dropdown-bg-color-hover": "#7fb42b",
"dropdown-fg-color-hover": "black",
"dropdown-fg-color": "#9fb42b",
"font-color-header": "#9fb42b",
"lines-color": "#33390d",
"title-background": "#33390d",
"*font-family": "'LcdSolid'",
"*src": "url('./fonts/LcdSolid.ttf') format('truetype')"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'lcd', themeParams)
def setThemePurple(baseDir: str):
fontStr = \
"url('./fonts/CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular.ttf') format('truetype')"
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "#1f152d",
"link-bg-color": "#1f152d",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#1a142d",
"main-bg-color-report": "#12152d",
"main-header-color-roles": "#1f192d",
"main-fg-color": "#f98bb0",
"border-color": "#3f2145",
"main-link-color": "#ff42a0",
"main-visited-color": "#f93bb0",
"button-selected": "#c042a0",
"button-background": "#ff42a0",
"button-text": "white",
"cw-background": "#ff42a0",
"color: #FFFFFE;": "color: #1f152d;",
"calendar-bg-color": "#eee",
"lines-color": "#ff42a0",
"day-number": "#3f2145",
"day-number2": "#1f152d",
"time-color": "#ff42a0",
"place-color": "black",
"event-color": "#282c37",
"today-foreground": "white",
"today-circle": "red",
"event-background": "yellow",
"event-foreground": "white",
"title-text": "white",
"title-background": "#ff42a0",
"gallery-text-color": "#ccc",
"*font-family": "'CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular'",
"*src": fontStr
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'purple', themeParams)
def setThemeHacker(baseDir: str):
themeParams = {
"main-bg-color": "black",
"link-bg-color": "black",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#030202",
"main-bg-color-report": "#050202",
"main-header-color-roles": "#1f192d",
"main-fg-color": "#00ff00",
"border-color": "#035103",
"main-link-color": "#2fff2f",
"main-visited-color": "#3c8234",
"button-selected": "#063200",
"button-background": "#062200",
"button-text": "#00ff00",
"button-corner-radius": "4px",
"timeline-border-radius": "4px",
"*font-family": "'Bedstead'",
"*src": "url('./fonts/bedstead.otf') format('opentype')",
"cw-background": "#062200",
"color: #FFFFFE;": "color: green;",
"calendar-bg-color": "black",
"lines-color": "green",
"day-number": "green",
"day-number2": "darkgreen",
"time-color": "darkgreen",
"place-color": "green",
"event-color": "green",
"today-foreground": "white",
"today-circle": "red",
"event-background": "lightgreen",
"event-foreground": "black",
"title-text": "black",
"title-background": "darkgreen",
"gallery-text-color": "green"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'hacker', themeParams)
def setThemeLight(baseDir: str):
themeParams = {
"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)",
"main-bg-color": "#e6ebf0",
"main-bg-color-dm": "#e3dbf0",
"link-bg-color": "#e6ebf0",
"main-bg-color-reply": "#e0dbf0",
"main-bg-color-report": "#e3dbf0",
"main-header-color-roles": "#ebebf0",
"main-fg-color": "#2d2c37",
"border-color": "#c0cdd9",
"main-link-color": "#2a2c37",
"main-visited-color": "#232c37",
"text-entry-foreground": "#111",
"text-entry-background": "white",
"font-color-header": "black",
"dropdown-fg-color": "#222",
"dropdown-fg-color-hover": "#222",
"dropdown-bg-color": "white",
"dropdown-bg-color-hover": "lightgrey",
"cw-background": "white",
"color: #FFFFFE;": "color: black;",
"calendar-bg-color": "#e6ebf0",
"lines-color": "darkblue",
"day-number": "black",
"day-number2": "#282c37",
"place-color": "black",
"event-color": "#282c37",
"today-foreground": "white",
"today-circle": "red",
"event-background": "lightblue",
"event-foreground": "white",
"title-text": "#282c37",
"title-background": "#ccc",
"gallery-text-color": "black",
"*font-family": "'ElectrumADFExp-Regular'",
"*src": "url('./fonts/ElectrumADFExp-Regular.otf') format('opentype')"
setThemeFromDict(baseDir, 'light', themeParams)
def setThemeImages(baseDir: str, name: str) -> None:
"""Changes the profile background image
and banner to the defaults
themeNameLower = name.lower()
if themeNameLower == 'default':
profileImageFilename = \
baseDir + '/img/image.png'
bannerFilename = \
baseDir + '/img/banner.png'
profileImageFilename = \
baseDir + '/img/image_' + themeNameLower + '.png'
bannerFilename = \
baseDir + '/img/banner_' + themeNameLower + '.png'
if os.path.isfile(profileImageFilename) and \
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir +
for acct in dirs:
if '@' not in acct:
if 'inbox@' in acct:
accountDir = \
os.path.join(baseDir + '/accounts', acct)
accountDir + '/image.png')
accountDir + '/banner.png')
except BaseException:
def setTheme(baseDir: str, name: str) -> bool:
result = False
prevThemeName = getTheme(baseDir)
themes = getThemesList()
for themeName in themes:
themeNameLower = themeName.lower()
if name == themeNameLower:
globals()['setTheme' + themeName](baseDir)
if prevThemeName:
if prevThemeName.lower() != themeNameLower:
# change the banner and profile image
# to the default for the theme
setThemeImages(baseDir, name)
result = True
if not result:
# default
result = True
return result