
6015 lines
248 KiB

__filename__ = "webapp.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
import time
import os
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date
from shutil import copyfile
from pprint import pprint
from person import personBoxJson
from person import isPersonSnoozed
from pgp import getEmailAddress
from pgp import getPGPpubKey
from pgp import getPGPfingerprint
from xmpp import getXmppAddress
from ssb import getSSBAddress
from tox import getToxAddress
from matrix import getMatrixAddress
from donate import getDonationUrl
from utils import weekDayOfMonthStart
from utils import getCSS
from utils import isSystemAccount
from utils import removeIdEnding
from utils import getNicknameFromActor
from utils import getDomainFromActor
from utils import locatePost
from utils import noOfAccounts
from utils import isPublicPostFromUrl
from utils import loadJson
from utils import getConfigParam
from utils import votesOnNewswireItem
from utils import removeHtml
from follow import isFollowingActor
from follow import followerApprovalActive
from webfinger import webfingerHandle
from posts import getPersonBox
from posts import getUserUrl
from posts import parseUserFeed
from posts import populateRepliesJson
from posts import isModerator
from posts import isEditor
from session import getJson
from blocking import isBlocked
from content import removeLongWords
from skills import getSkills
from shares import getValidSharedItemID
from happening import todaysEventsCheck
from happening import thisWeeksEventsCheck
from happening import getCalendarEvents
from happening import getTodaysEvents
from theme import getThemesList
from petnames import getPetName
from followingCalendar import receivingCalendarEvents
from webapp_utils import getAltPath
from webapp_utils import getBlogAddress
from webapp_utils import getPersonAvatarUrl
from webapp_utils import getIconsDir
from webapp_utils import scheduledPostsExist
from webapp_utils import sharesTimelineJson
from webapp_utils import getImageFile
from webapp_utils import getBannerFile
from webapp_utils import getLeftImageFile
from webapp_utils import getRightImageFile
from webapp_utils import htmlHeader
from webapp_utils import htmlFooter
from webapp_utils import addEmojiToDisplayName
from webapp_utils import htmlPostSeparator
from webapp_post import individualPostAsHtml
from webapp_post import preparePostFromHtmlCache
def htmlFollowingList(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str,
followingFilename: str) -> str:
"""Returns a list of handles being followed
with open(followingFilename, 'r') as followingFile:
msg = followingFile.read()
followingList = msg.split('\n')
if followingList:
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileCSS:
followingListHtml = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileCSS)
for followingAddress in followingList:
if followingAddress:
followingListHtml += \
'<h3>@' + followingAddress + '</h3>'
followingListHtml += htmlFooter()
msg = followingListHtml
return msg
return ''
def htmlFollowingDataList(baseDir: str, nickname: str,
domain: str, domainFull: str) -> str:
"""Returns a datalist of handles being followed
listStr = '<datalist id="followingHandles">\n'
followingFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/following.txt'
if os.path.isfile(followingFilename):
with open(followingFilename, 'r') as followingFile:
msg = followingFile.read()
# add your own handle, so that you can send DMs
# to yourself as reminders
msg += nickname + '@' + domainFull + '\n'
# include petnames
petnamesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/petnames.txt'
if os.path.isfile(petnamesFilename):
followingList = []
with open(petnamesFilename, 'r') as petnamesFile:
petStr = petnamesFile.read()
# extract each petname and append it
petnamesList = petStr.split('\n')
for pet in petnamesList:
followingList.append(pet.split(' ')[0])
# add the following.txt entries
followingList += msg.split('\n')
# no petnames list exists - just use following.txt
followingList = msg.split('\n')
if followingList:
for followingAddress in followingList:
if followingAddress:
listStr += \
'<option>@' + followingAddress + '</option>\n'
listStr += '</datalist>\n'
return listStr
def htmlModerationInfo(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str) -> str:
msgStr1 = \
'These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance'
msgStr2 = \
'Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.'
infoForm = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
infoCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if infoCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
infoCSS = infoCSS.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
infoForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, infoCSS)
infoForm += \
'<center><h1>' + \
translate['Moderation Information'] + \
infoShown = False
suspendedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/suspended.txt'
if os.path.isfile(suspendedFilename):
with open(suspendedFilename, "r") as f:
suspendedStr = f.read()
infoForm += '<div class="container">'
infoForm += ' <br><b>' + \
translate['Suspended accounts'] + '</b>'
infoForm += ' <br>' + \
translate['These are currently suspended']
infoForm += \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="suspended" style="height:200px">' + \
suspendedStr + '</textarea>'
infoForm += '</div>'
infoShown = True
blockingFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/blocking.txt'
if os.path.isfile(blockingFilename):
with open(blockingFilename, "r") as f:
blockedStr = f.read()
infoForm += '<div class="container">'
infoForm += \
' <br><b>' + \
translate['Blocked accounts and hashtags'] + '</b>'
infoForm += \
' <br>' + \
infoForm += \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="blocked" style="height:700px">' + \
blockedStr + '</textarea>'
infoForm += '</div>'
infoShown = True
if not infoShown:
infoForm += \
'<center><p>' + \
translate[msgStr2] + \
infoForm += htmlFooter()
return infoForm
def htmlEditLinks(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
defaultTimeline: str) -> str:
"""Shows the edit links screen
if '/users/' not in path:
return ''
path = path.replace('/inbox', '').replace('/outbox', '')
path = path.replace('/shares', '')
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
# is the user a moderator?
if not isEditor(baseDir, nickname):
return ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-links.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/links.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/links.css'
editCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if editCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
editCSS = \
editCSS.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
editLinksForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, editCSS)
# top banner
editLinksForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n'
editLinksForm += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
editLinksForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/linksdata">\n'
editLinksForm += \
' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
editLinksForm += \
' <p class="new-post-text">' + translate['Edit Links'] + '</p>'
editLinksForm += \
' <div class="container">\n'
# editLinksForm += \
# ' <a href="' + pathOriginal + '"><button class="cancelbtn">' + \
# translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
editLinksForm += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="submit" name="submitLinks" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n' + \
' </center>\n'
editLinksForm += \
' </div>\n'
linksFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/links.txt'
linksStr = ''
if os.path.isfile(linksFilename):
with open(linksFilename, 'r') as fp:
linksStr = fp.read()
editLinksForm += \
'<div class="container">'
editLinksForm += \
' ' + \
translate['One link per line. Description followed by the link.'] + \
editLinksForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedLinks" style="height:80vh">' + \
linksStr + '</textarea>'
editLinksForm += \
editLinksForm += htmlFooter()
return editLinksForm
def htmlEditNewswire(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
defaultTimeline: str) -> str:
"""Shows the edit newswire screen
if '/users/' not in path:
return ''
path = path.replace('/inbox', '').replace('/outbox', '')
path = path.replace('/shares', '')
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
# is the user a moderator?
if not isModerator(baseDir, nickname):
return ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-links.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/links.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/links.css'
editCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if editCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
editCSS = \
editCSS.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
editNewswireForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, editCSS)
# top banner
editNewswireForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n'
editNewswireForm += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/newswiredata">\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' <p class="new-post-text">' + translate['Edit newswire'] + '</p>'
editNewswireForm += \
' <div class="container">\n'
# editNewswireForm += \
# ' <a href="' + pathOriginal + '"><button class="cancelbtn">' + \
# translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="submit" name="submitNewswire" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n' + \
' </center>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' </div>\n'
newswireFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/newswire.txt'
newswireStr = ''
if os.path.isfile(newswireFilename):
with open(newswireFilename, 'r') as fp:
newswireStr = fp.read()
editNewswireForm += \
'<div class="container">'
editNewswireForm += \
' ' + \
translate['Add RSS feed links below.'] + \
editNewswireForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedNewswire" ' + \
'style="height:80vh">' + newswireStr + '</textarea>'
filterStr = ''
filterFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/news@' + domain + '/filters.txt'
if os.path.isfile(filterFilename):
with open(filterFilename, 'r') as filterfile:
filterStr = filterfile.read()
editNewswireForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Filtered words'] + '</label></b>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '</label>'
editNewswireForm += ' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="filteredWordsNewswire" style="height:50vh">' + \
filterStr + '</textarea>\n'
hashtagRulesStr = ''
hashtagRulesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/hashtagrules.txt'
if os.path.isfile(hashtagRulesFilename):
with open(hashtagRulesFilename, 'r') as rulesfile:
hashtagRulesStr = rulesfile.read()
editNewswireForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['News tagging rules'] + '</label></b>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '.</label>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' <a href="' + \
'https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon/-/raw/main/hashtagrules.txt' + \
'">' + translate['See instructions'] + '</a>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="hashtagRulesList" style="height:80vh">' + \
hashtagRulesStr + '</textarea>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
editNewswireForm += htmlFooter()
return editNewswireForm
def htmlEditNewsPost(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, postUrl: str) -> str:
"""Edits a news post
if '/users/' not in path:
return ''
pathOriginal = path
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
# is the user an editor?
if not isEditor(baseDir, nickname):
return ''
postUrl = postUrl.replace('/', '#')
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, postUrl)
if not postFilename:
return ''
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if not postJsonObject:
return ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-links.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/links.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/links.css'
editCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if editCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
editCSS = \
editCSS.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
editNewsPostForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, editCSS)
editNewsPostForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/newseditdata">\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <p class="new-post-text">' + translate['Edit News Post'] + '</p>'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <div class="container">\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <a href="' + pathOriginal + '/tlnews">' + \
'<button class="cancelbtn">' + translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <input type="submit" name="submitEditedNewsPost" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
' </div>\n'
editNewsPostForm += \
'<div class="container">'
editNewsPostForm += \
' <input type="hidden" name="newsPostUrl" value="' + \
postUrl + '">\n'
newsPostTitle = postJsonObject['object']['summary']
editNewsPostForm += \
' <input type="text" name="newsPostTitle" value="' + \
newsPostTitle + '"><br>\n'
newsPostContent = postJsonObject['object']['content']
editNewsPostForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedNewsPost" ' + \
'style="height:600px">' + newsPostContent + '</textarea>'
editNewsPostForm += \
editNewsPostForm += htmlFooter()
return editNewsPostForm
def htmlEditProfile(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
defaultTimeline: str) -> str:
"""Shows the edit profile screen
imageFormats = '.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .webp, .avif'
path = path.replace('/inbox', '').replace('/outbox', '')
path = path.replace('/shares', '')
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
actorFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '.json'
if not os.path.isfile(actorFilename):
return ''
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
isBot = ''
isGroup = ''
followDMs = ''
removeTwitter = ''
notifyLikes = ''
hideLikeButton = ''
mediaInstanceStr = ''
blogsInstanceStr = ''
newsInstanceStr = ''
displayNickname = nickname
bioStr = ''
donateUrl = ''
emailAddress = ''
PGPpubKey = ''
PGPfingerprint = ''
xmppAddress = ''
matrixAddress = ''
ssbAddress = ''
blogAddress = ''
toxAddress = ''
manuallyApprovesFollowers = ''
actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename)
if actorJson:
donateUrl = getDonationUrl(actorJson)
xmppAddress = getXmppAddress(actorJson)
matrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(actorJson)
ssbAddress = getSSBAddress(actorJson)
blogAddress = getBlogAddress(actorJson)
toxAddress = getToxAddress(actorJson)
emailAddress = getEmailAddress(actorJson)
PGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(actorJson)
PGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(actorJson)
if actorJson.get('name'):
displayNickname = actorJson['name']
if actorJson.get('summary'):
bioStr = \
actorJson['summary'].replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', '')
if actorJson.get('manuallyApprovesFollowers'):
if actorJson['manuallyApprovesFollowers']:
manuallyApprovesFollowers = 'checked'
manuallyApprovesFollowers = ''
if actorJson.get('type'):
if actorJson['type'] == 'Service':
isBot = 'checked'
isGroup = ''
elif actorJson['type'] == 'Group':
isGroup = 'checked'
isBot = ''
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' +
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.followDMs'):
followDMs = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' +
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.removeTwitter'):
removeTwitter = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' +
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.notifyLikes'):
notifyLikes = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' +
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.hideLikeButton'):
hideLikeButton = 'checked'
mediaInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, "mediaInstance")
if mediaInstance:
if mediaInstance is True:
mediaInstanceStr = 'checked'
blogsInstanceStr = ''
newsInstanceStr = ''
newsInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, "newsInstance")
if newsInstance:
if newsInstance is True:
newsInstanceStr = 'checked'
blogsInstanceStr = ''
mediaInstanceStr = ''
blogsInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, "blogsInstance")
if blogsInstance:
if blogsInstance is True:
blogsInstanceStr = 'checked'
mediaInstanceStr = ''
newsInstanceStr = ''
filterStr = ''
filterFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/filters.txt'
if os.path.isfile(filterFilename):
with open(filterFilename, 'r') as filterfile:
filterStr = filterfile.read()
switchStr = ''
switchFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/replacewords.txt'
if os.path.isfile(switchFilename):
with open(switchFilename, 'r') as switchfile:
switchStr = switchfile.read()
autoTags = ''
autoTagsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/autotags.txt'
if os.path.isfile(autoTagsFilename):
with open(autoTagsFilename, 'r') as autoTagsFile:
autoTags = autoTagsFile.read()
autoCW = ''
autoCWFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/autocw.txt'
if os.path.isfile(autoCWFilename):
with open(autoCWFilename, 'r') as autoCWFile:
autoCW = autoCWFile.read()
blockedStr = ''
blockedFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/blocking.txt'
if os.path.isfile(blockedFilename):
with open(blockedFilename, 'r') as blockedfile:
blockedStr = blockedfile.read()
allowedInstancesStr = ''
allowedInstancesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/allowedinstances.txt'
if os.path.isfile(allowedInstancesFilename):
with open(allowedInstancesFilename, 'r') as allowedInstancesFile:
allowedInstancesStr = allowedInstancesFile.read()
gitProjectsStr = ''
gitProjectsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/gitprojects.txt'
if os.path.isfile(gitProjectsFilename):
with open(gitProjectsFilename, 'r') as gitProjectsFile:
gitProjectsStr = gitProjectsFile.read()
skills = getSkills(baseDir, nickname, domain)
skillsStr = ''
skillCtr = 1
if skills:
for skillDesc, skillValue in skills.items():
skillsStr += \
'<p><input type="text" placeholder="' + translate['Skill'] + \
' ' + str(skillCtr) + '" name="skillName' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" value="' + skillDesc + '" style="width:40%">'
skillsStr += \
'<input type="range" min="1" max="100" ' + \
'class="slider" name="skillValue' + \
str(skillCtr) + '" value="' + str(skillValue) + '"></p>'
skillCtr += 1
skillsStr += \
'<p><input type="text" placeholder="Skill ' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" name="skillName' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" value="" style="width:40%">'
skillsStr += \
'<input type="range" min="1" max="100" ' + \
'class="slider" name="skillValue' + \
str(skillCtr) + '" value="50"></p>'
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
editProfileCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if editProfileCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
editProfileCSS = \
editProfileCSS.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
moderatorsStr = ''
themesDropdown = ''
instanceStr = ''
adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if adminNickname:
if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'):
instanceDescription = \
getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription')
instanceDescriptionShort = \
getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort')
instanceTitle = \
getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceTitle')
instanceStr += '<div class="container">'
instanceStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Instance Title'] + '</label>'
if instanceTitle:
instanceStr += \
' <input type="text" name="instanceTitle" value="' + \
instanceTitle + '"><br>'
instanceStr += \
' <input type="text" name="instanceTitle" value=""><br>'
instanceStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Instance Short Description'] + '</label>'
if instanceDescriptionShort:
instanceStr += \
' <input type="text" ' + \
'name="instanceDescriptionShort" value="' + \
instanceDescriptionShort + '"><br>'
instanceStr += \
' <input type="text" ' + \
'name="instanceDescriptionShort" value=""><br>'
instanceStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Instance Description'] + '</label>'
if instanceDescription:
instanceStr += \
' <textarea id="message" name="instanceDescription" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + \
instanceDescription + '</textarea>'
instanceStr += \
' <textarea id="message" name="instanceDescription" ' + \
instanceStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Instance Logo'] + '</label>'
instanceStr += \
' <input type="file" id="instanceLogo" name="instanceLogo"'
instanceStr += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">'
instanceStr += '</div>'
moderators = ''
moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'
if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile):
with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as f:
moderators = f.read()
moderatorsStr = '<div class="container">'
moderatorsStr += ' <b>' + translate['Moderators'] + '</b><br>'
moderatorsStr += ' ' + \
translate['A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.']
moderatorsStr += \
' <textarea id="message" name="moderators" placeholder="' + \
translate['List of moderator nicknames'] + \
'..." style="height:200px">' + moderators + '</textarea>'
moderatorsStr += '</div>'
editors = ''
editorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/editors.txt'
if os.path.isfile(editorsFile):
with open(editorsFile, "r") as f:
editors = f.read()
editorsStr = '<div class="container">'
editorsStr += ' <b>' + translate['Site Editors'] + '</b><br>'
editorsStr += ' ' + \
translate['A list of editor nicknames. One per line.']
editorsStr += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editors" placeholder="" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + editors + '</textarea>'
editorsStr += '</div>'
themes = getThemesList()
themesDropdown = '<div class="container">'
themesDropdown += ' <b>' + translate['Theme'] + '</b><br>'
grayscaleFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/.grayscale'
grayscale = ''
if os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename):
grayscale = 'checked'
themesDropdown += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="grayscale" ' + grayscale + \
'> ' + translate['Grayscale'] + '<br>'
themesDropdown += ' <select id="themeDropdown" ' + \
'name="themeDropdown" class="theme">'
for themeName in themes:
themesDropdown += ' <option value="' + \
themeName.lower() + '">' + \
translate[themeName] + '</option>'
themesDropdown += ' </select><br>'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.woff') or \
os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.woff2') or \
os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.otf') or \
os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.ttf'):
themesDropdown += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="removeCustomFont"> ' + \
translate['Remove the custom font'] + '<br>'
themesDropdown += '</div>'
themeName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme')
themesDropdown = \
themesDropdown.replace('<option value="' + themeName + '">',
'<option value="' + themeName +
'" selected>')
editProfileForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, editProfileCSS)
# top banner
editProfileForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n'
editProfileForm += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/profiledata">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <p class="new-post-text">' + translate['Profile for'] + \
' ' + nickname + '@' + domainFull + '</p>'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
# editProfileForm += \
# ' <a href="' + pathOriginal + '"><button class="cancelbtn">' + \
# translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="submit" name="submitProfile" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n' + \
' </center>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
if scheduledPostsExist(baseDir, nickname, domain):
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="removeScheduledPosts"> ' + \
translate['Remove scheduled posts'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Nickname'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="displayNickname" value="' + \
displayNickname + '"><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + translate['Your bio'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="bio" style="height:200px">' + \
bioStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Donations link'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" placeholder="https://..." ' + \
'name="donateUrl" value="' + donateUrl + '">\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['XMPP'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="xmppAddress" value="' + \
xmppAddress + '">\n'
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Matrix'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="matrixAddress" value="' + \
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">SSB</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="ssbAddress" value="' + \
ssbAddress + '">\n'
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">Blog</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="blogAddress" value="' + \
blogAddress + '">\n'
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">Tox</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="toxAddress" value="' + \
toxAddress + '">\n'
editProfileForm += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Email'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="email" value="' + emailAddress + '">\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + \
translate['PGP Fingerprint'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="openpgp" value="' + \
PGPfingerprint + '">\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['PGP'] + '</label><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" placeholder=' + \
'"-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" name="pgp" ' + \
'style="height:100px">' + PGPpubKey + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += '<a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/followingaccounts"><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Following'] + '</label></a><br>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
idx = 'The files attached below should be no larger than ' + \
'10MB in total uploaded at once.'
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + translate[idx] + '</label><br><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + translate['Avatar image'] + \
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="file" id="avatar" name="avatar"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Background image'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <input type="file" id="image" name="image"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Timeline banner image'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <input type="file" id="banner" name="banner"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Search banner image'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <input type="file" id="search_banner" '
editProfileForm += 'name="search_banner"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Left column image'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <input type="file" id="left_col_image" '
editProfileForm += 'name="left_col_image"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Right column image'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <input type="file" id="right_col_image" '
editProfileForm += 'name="right_col_image"'
editProfileForm += ' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['Change Password'] + \
editProfileForm += ' <input type="text" name="password" ' + \
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['Confirm Password'] + \
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="passwordconfirm" value="">\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'):
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="mediaInstance" ' + mediaInstanceStr + '> ' + \
translate['This is a media instance'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="blogsInstance" ' + blogsInstanceStr + '> ' + \
translate['This is a blogging instance'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="newsInstance" ' + newsInstanceStr + '> ' + \
translate['This is a news instance'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="approveFollowers" ' + manuallyApprovesFollowers + \
'> ' + translate['Approve follower requests'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="isBot" ' + \
isBot + '> ' + translate['This is a bot account'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="isGroup" ' + isGroup + '> ' + \
translate['This is a group account'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="followDMs" ' + followDMs + '> ' + \
translate['Only people I follow can send me DMs'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="removeTwitter" ' + removeTwitter + '> ' + \
translate['Remove Twitter posts'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="notifyLikes" ' + notifyLikes + '> ' + \
translate['Notify when posts are liked'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="hideLikeButton" ' + hideLikeButton + '> ' + \
translate["Don't show the Like button"] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Filtered words'] + '</label></b>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="filteredWords" style="height:200px">' + \
filterStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Word Replacements'] + '</label></b>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">A -> B</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="switchWords" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + switchStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Autogenerated Hashtags'] + '</label></b>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">A -> #B</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="autoTags" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + autoTags + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Autogenerated Content Warnings'] + '</label></b>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">A -> B</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="autoCW" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + autoCW + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Blocked accounts'] + '</label></b>\n'
idx = 'Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form ' + \
'nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + translate[idx] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="blocked" style="height:200px">' + \
blockedStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Federation list'] + '</label></b>\n'
idx = 'Federate only with a defined set of instances. ' + \
'One domain name per line.'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="allowedInstances" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + allowedInstancesStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Git Projects'] + '</label></b>\n'
idx = 'List of project names that you wish to receive git patches for'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="gitProjects" ' + \
'style="height:100px">' + gitProjectsStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['YouTube Replacement Domain'] + '</label></b>\n'
YTReplacementDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, "youtubedomain")
if not YTReplacementDomain:
YTReplacementDomain = ''
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="text" name="ytdomain" value="' + \
YTReplacementDomain + '">\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Skills'] + '</label></b><br>\n'
idx = 'If you want to participate within organizations then you ' + \
'can indicate some skills that you have and approximate ' + \
'proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct ' + \
'teams with an appropriate combination of skills.'
editProfileForm += ' <label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + '</label>\n'
editProfileForm += skillsStr + themesDropdown
editProfileForm += moderatorsStr + editorsStr
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n' + instanceStr
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Danger Zone'] + '</label></b><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <input type="checkbox" class=dangercheckbox" ' + \
'name="deactivateThisAccount"> ' + \
translate['Deactivate this account'] + '<br>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += '</form>\n'
editProfileForm += htmlFooter()
return editProfileForm
def htmlGetLoginCredentials(loginParams: str,
lastLoginTime: int) -> (str, str, bool):
"""Receives login credentials via HTTPServer POST
if not loginParams.startswith('username='):
return None, None, None
# minimum time between login attempts
currTime = int(time.time())
if currTime < lastLoginTime+10:
return None, None, None
if '&' not in loginParams:
return None, None, None
loginArgs = loginParams.split('&')
nickname = None
password = None
register = False
for arg in loginArgs:
if '=' in arg:
if arg.split('=', 1)[0] == 'username':
nickname = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
elif arg.split('=', 1)[0] == 'password':
password = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
elif arg.split('=', 1)[0] == 'register':
register = True
return nickname, password, register
def htmlLogin(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
baseDir: str, autocomplete=True) -> str:
"""Shows the login screen
accounts = noOfAccounts(baseDir)
loginImage = 'login.png'
loginImageFilename = None
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage):
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
elif os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.jpg'):
loginImage = 'login.jpg'
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
elif os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.jpeg'):
loginImage = 'login.jpeg'
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
elif os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.gif'):
loginImage = 'login.gif'
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
elif os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.webp'):
loginImage = 'login.webp'
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
elif os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.avif'):
loginImage = 'login.avif'
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
if not loginImageFilename:
loginImageFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginImage
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/login.png', loginImageFilename)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg')
if accounts > 0:
loginText = \
'<p class="login-text">' + \
translate['Welcome. Please enter your login details below.'] + \
loginText = \
'<p class="login-text">' + \
translate['Please enter some credentials'] + '</p>'
loginText += \
'<p class="login-text">' + \
translate['You will become the admin of this site.'] + \
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login.txt'):
# custom login message
with open(baseDir + '/accounts/login.txt', 'r') as file:
loginText = '<p class="login-text">' + file.read() + '</p>'
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-login.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/login.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/login.css'
loginCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if not loginCSS:
print('ERROR: login css file missing ' + cssFilename)
return None
# show the register button
registerButtonStr = ''
if getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration') == 'open':
if int(getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining')) > 0:
if accounts > 0:
idx = 'Welcome. Please login or register a new account.'
loginText = \
'<p class="login-text">' + \
translate[idx] + \
registerButtonStr = \
'<button type="submit" name="register">Register</button>'
TOSstr = \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/terms">' + \
translate['Terms of Service'] + '</a></p>'
TOSstr += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/about">' + \
translate['About this Instance'] + '</a></p>'
loginButtonStr = ''
if accounts > 0:
loginButtonStr = \
'<button type="submit" name="submit">' + \
translate['Login'] + '</button>'
autocompleteStr = ''
if not autocomplete:
autocompleteStr = 'autocomplete="off" value=""'
loginForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, loginCSS)
loginForm += '<br>\n'
loginForm += '<form method="POST" action="/login">\n'
loginForm += ' <div class="imgcontainer">\n'
loginForm += \
' <img loading="lazy" src="' + loginImage + \
'" alt="login image" class="loginimage">\n'
loginForm += loginText + TOSstr + '\n'
loginForm += ' </div>\n'
loginForm += '\n'
loginForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
loginForm += ' <label for="nickname"><b>' + \
translate['Nickname'] + '</b></label>\n'
loginForm += \
' <input type="text" ' + autocompleteStr + ' placeholder="' + \
translate['Enter Nickname'] + '" name="username" required autofocus>\n'
loginForm += '\n'
loginForm += ' <label for="password"><b>' + \
translate['Password'] + '</b></label>\n'
loginForm += \
' <input type="password" ' + autocompleteStr + \
' placeholder="' + translate['Enter Password'] + \
'" name="password" required>\n'
loginForm += loginButtonStr + registerButtonStr + '\n'
loginForm += ' </div>\n'
loginForm += '</form>\n'
loginForm += \
'<a href="https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="license" title="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" src="/icons/agpl.png" /></a>\n'
loginForm += htmlFooter()
return loginForm
def htmlTermsOfService(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str,
httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str) -> str:
"""Show the terms of service screen
adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/tos.txt'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/default_tos.txt',
baseDir + '/accounts/tos.txt')
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg')
TOSText = 'Terms of Service go here.'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/tos.txt'):
with open(baseDir + '/accounts/tos.txt', 'r') as file:
TOSText = file.read()
TOSForm = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
termsCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if termsCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
termsCSS = termsCSS.replace('https://', httpPrefix+'://')
TOSForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, termsCSS)
TOSForm += '<div class="container">' + TOSText + '</div>\n'
if adminNickname:
adminActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \
'/users/' + adminNickname
TOSForm += \
'<div class="container"><center>\n' + \
'<p class="administeredby">Administered by <a href="' + \
adminActor + '">' + adminNickname + '</a></p>\n' + \
TOSForm += htmlFooter()
return TOSForm
def htmlAbout(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
domainFull: str, onionDomain: str) -> str:
"""Show the about screen
adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/about.txt'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/default_about.txt',
baseDir + '/accounts/about.txt')
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/login-background-custom.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/login-background.jpg')
aboutText = 'Information about this instance goes here.'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/about.txt'):
with open(baseDir + '/accounts/about.txt', 'r') as aboutFile:
aboutText = aboutFile.read()
aboutForm = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
aboutCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if aboutCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'http':
aboutCSS = aboutCSS.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
aboutForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, aboutCSS)
aboutForm += '<div class="container">' + aboutText + '</div>'
if onionDomain:
aboutForm += \
'<div class="container"><center>\n' + \
'<p class="administeredby">' + \
'http://' + onionDomain + '</p>\n</center></div>\n'
if adminNickname:
adminActor = '/users/' + adminNickname
aboutForm += \
'<div class="container"><center>\n' + \
'<p class="administeredby">Administered by <a href="' + \
adminActor + '">' + adminNickname + '</a></p>\n' + \
aboutForm += htmlFooter()
return aboutForm
def htmlHashtagBlocked(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Show the screen for a blocked hashtag
blockedHashtagForm = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-suspended.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/suspended.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/suspended.css'
blockedHashtagCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if blockedHashtagCSS:
blockedHashtagForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, blockedHashtagCSS)
blockedHashtagForm += '<div><center>\n'
blockedHashtagForm += \
' <p class="screentitle">' + \
translate['Hashtag Blocked'] + '</p>\n'
blockedHashtagForm += \
' <p>See <a href="/terms">' + \
translate['Terms of Service'] + '</a></p>\n'
blockedHashtagForm += '</center></div>\n'
blockedHashtagForm += htmlFooter()
return blockedHashtagForm
def htmlSuspended(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str) -> str:
"""Show the screen for suspended accounts
suspendedForm = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-suspended.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/suspended.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/suspended.css'
suspendedCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if suspendedCSS:
suspendedForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, suspendedCSS)
suspendedForm += '<div><center>\n'
suspendedForm += ' <p class="screentitle">Account Suspended</p>\n'
suspendedForm += ' <p>See <a href="/terms">Terms of Service</a></p>\n'
suspendedForm += '</center></div>\n'
suspendedForm += htmlFooter()
return suspendedForm
def htmlNewPostDropDown(scopeIcon: str, scopeDescription: str,
replyStr: str,
translate: {},
iconsDir: str,
showPublicOnDropdown: bool,
defaultTimeline: str,
pathBase: str,
dropdownNewPostSuffix: str,
dropdownNewBlogSuffix: str,
dropdownUnlistedSuffix: str,
dropdownFollowersSuffix: str,
dropdownDMSuffix: str,
dropdownReminderSuffix: str,
dropdownEventSuffix: str,
dropdownReportSuffix: str) -> str:
"""Returns the html for a drop down list of new post types
dropDownContent = '<div class="newPostDropdown">\n'
dropDownContent += ' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'id="my-newPostDropdown" value="" name="my-checkbox">\n'
dropDownContent += ' <label for="my-newPostDropdown"\n'
dropDownContent += ' data-toggle="newPostDropdown">\n'
dropDownContent += ' <img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/' + scopeIcon + '"/><b>' + \
scopeDescription + '</b></label>\n'
dropDownContent += ' <ul>\n'
if showPublicOnDropdown:
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownNewPostSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_public.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Public'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Visible to anyone'] + '</a></li>\n'
if defaultTimeline == 'tlnews':
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownNewBlogSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_blog.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Article'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Create an article'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownNewBlogSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_blog.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Blog'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Publicly visible post'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownUnlistedSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_unlisted.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Unlisted'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Not on public timeline'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownFollowersSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_followers.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Followers'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Only to followers'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownDMSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_dm.png"/><b>' + \
translate['DM'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Only to mentioned people'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownReminderSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_reminder.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Reminder'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Scheduled note to yourself'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownEventSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_event.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Event'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Create an event'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + dropdownReportSuffix + \
'"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_report.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Report'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Send to moderators'] + '</a></li>\n'
if not replyStr:
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + \
'/newshare"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_share.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Shares'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Describe a shared item'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += \
'<li><a href="' + pathBase + \
'/newquestion"><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/scope_question.png"/><b>' + \
translate['Question'] + '</b><br>' + \
translate['Ask a question'] + '</a></li>\n'
dropDownContent += ' </ul>\n'
dropDownContent += '</div>\n'
return dropDownContent
def htmlNewPost(cssCache: {}, mediaInstance: bool, translate: {},
baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
path: str, inReplyTo: str,
mentions: [],
reportUrl: str, pageNumber: int,
nickname: str, domain: str,
domainFull: str,
defaultTimeline: str, newswire: {}) -> str:
"""New post screen
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
replyStr = ''
showPublicOnDropdown = True
messageBoxHeight = 400
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
if not path.endswith('/newshare'):
if not path.endswith('/newreport'):
if not inReplyTo or path.endswith('/newreminder'):
newPostText = '<p class="new-post-text">' + \
translate['Write your post text below.'] + '</p>\n'
newPostText = \
'<p class="new-post-text">' + \
translate['Write your reply to'] + \
' <a href="' + inReplyTo + '">' + \
translate['this post'] + '</a></p>\n'
replyStr = '<input type="hidden" ' + \
'name="replyTo" value="' + inReplyTo + '">\n'
# if replying to a non-public post then also make
# this post non-public
if not isPublicPostFromUrl(baseDir, nickname, domain,
newPostPath = path
if '?' in newPostPath:
newPostPath = newPostPath.split('?')[0]
if newPostPath.endswith('/newpost'):
path = path.replace('/newpost', '/newfollowers')
elif newPostPath.endswith('/newunlisted'):
path = path.replace('/newunlisted', '/newfollowers')
showPublicOnDropdown = False
newPostText = \
'<p class="new-post-text">' + \
translate['Write your report below.'] + '</p>\n'
# custom report header with any additional instructions
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/report.txt'):
with open(baseDir + '/accounts/report.txt', 'r') as file:
customReportText = file.read()
if '</p>' not in customReportText:
customReportText = \
'<p class="login-subtext">' + \
customReportText + '</p>\n'
repStr = '<p class="login-subtext">'
customReportText = \
customReportText.replace('<p>', repStr)
newPostText += customReportText
idx = 'This message only goes to moderators, even if it ' + \
'mentions other fediverse addresses.'
newPostText += \
'<p class="new-post-subtext">' + translate[idx] + '</p>\n' + \
'<p class="new-post-subtext">' + translate['Also see'] + \
' <a href="/terms">' + \
translate['Terms of Service'] + '</a></p>\n'
newPostText = \
'<p class="new-post-text">' + \
translate['Enter the details for your shared item below.'] + \
if path.endswith('/newquestion'):
newPostText = \
'<p class="new-post-text">' + \
translate['Enter the choices for your question below.'] + \
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/newpost.txt'):
with open(baseDir + '/accounts/newpost.txt', 'r') as file:
newPostText = \
'<p class="new-post-text">' + file.read() + '</p>\n'
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
newPostCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if newPostCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
newPostCSS = newPostCSS.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
if '?' in path:
path = path.split('?')[0]
pathBase = path.replace('/newreport', '').replace('/newpost', '')
pathBase = pathBase.replace('/newblog', '').replace('/newshare', '')
pathBase = pathBase.replace('/newunlisted', '')
pathBase = pathBase.replace('/newevent', '')
pathBase = pathBase.replace('/newreminder', '')
pathBase = pathBase.replace('/newfollowers', '').replace('/newdm', '')
newPostImageSection = ' <div class="container">'
if not path.endswith('/newevent'):
newPostImageSection += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Image description'] + '</label>\n'
newPostImageSection += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Event banner image description'] + '</label>\n'
newPostImageSection += \
' <input type="text" name="imageDescription">\n'
if path.endswith('/newevent'):
newPostImageSection += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Banner image'] + '</label>\n'
newPostImageSection += \
' <input type="file" id="attachpic" name="attachpic"'
newPostImageSection += \
' accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .webp, .avif">\n'
newPostImageSection += \
' <input type="file" id="attachpic" name="attachpic"'
newPostImageSection += \
' accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, ' + \
'.webp, .avif, .mp4, .webm, .ogv, .mp3, .ogg">\n'
newPostImageSection += ' </div>\n'
scopeIcon = 'scope_public.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Public']
placeholderSubject = \
translate['Subject or Content Warning (optional)'] + '...'
placeholderMentions = ''
if inReplyTo:
# mentionsAndContent = getMentionsString(content)
placeholderMentions = \
translate['Replying to'] + '...'
placeholderMessage = translate['Write something'] + '...'
extraFields = ''
endpoint = 'newpost'
if path.endswith('/newblog'):
placeholderSubject = translate['Title']
scopeIcon = 'scope_blog.png'
if defaultTimeline != 'tlnews':
scopeDescription = translate['Blog']
scopeDescription = translate['Article']
endpoint = 'newblog'
elif path.endswith('/newunlisted'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_unlisted.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Unlisted']
endpoint = 'newunlisted'
elif path.endswith('/newfollowers'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_followers.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Followers']
endpoint = 'newfollowers'
elif path.endswith('/newdm'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_dm.png'
scopeDescription = translate['DM']
endpoint = 'newdm'
elif path.endswith('/newreminder'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_reminder.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Reminder']
endpoint = 'newreminder'
elif path.endswith('/newevent'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_event.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Event']
endpoint = 'newevent'
placeholderSubject = translate['Event name']
placeholderMessage = translate['Describe the event'] + '...'
elif path.endswith('/newreport'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_report.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Report']
endpoint = 'newreport'
elif path.endswith('/newquestion'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_question.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Question']
placeholderMessage = translate['Enter your question'] + '...'
endpoint = 'newquestion'
extraFields = '<div class="container">\n'
extraFields += ' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Possible answers'] + ':</label><br>\n'
for questionCtr in range(8):
extraFields += \
' <input type="text" class="questionOption" placeholder="' + \
str(questionCtr + 1) + \
'" name="questionOption' + str(questionCtr) + '"><br>\n'
extraFields += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Duration of listing in days'] + \
':</label> <input type="number" name="duration" ' + \
'min="1" max="365" step="1" value="14"><br>\n'
extraFields += '</div>'
elif path.endswith('/newshare'):
scopeIcon = 'scope_share.png'
scopeDescription = translate['Shared Item']
placeholderSubject = translate['Name of the shared item'] + '...'
placeholderMessage = \
translate['Description of the item being shared'] + '...'
endpoint = 'newshare'
extraFields = '<div class="container">\n'
extraFields += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Type of shared item. eg. hat'] + ':</label>\n'
extraFields += \
' <input type="text" class="itemType" name="itemType">\n'
extraFields += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Category of shared item. eg. clothing'] + ':</label>\n'
extraFields += \
' <input type="text" class="category" name="category">\n'
extraFields += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Duration of listing in days'] + ':</label>\n'
extraFields += ' <input type="number" name="duration" ' + \
'min="1" max="365" step="1" value="14">\n'
extraFields += '</div>\n'
extraFields += '<div class="container">\n'
extraFields += \
'<label class="labels">' + \
translate['City or location of the shared item'] + ':</label>\n'
extraFields += '<input type="text" name="location">\n'
extraFields += '</div>\n'
citationsStr = ''
if endpoint == 'newblog':
citationsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.citations.txt'
if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename):
citationsStr = '<div class="container">\n'
citationsStr += '<p><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Citations'] + ':</label></p>\n'
citationsStr += ' <ul>\n'
citationsSeparator = '#####'
with open(citationsFilename, "r") as f:
citations = f.readlines()
for line in citations:
if citationsSeparator not in line:
sections = line.strip().split(citationsSeparator)
if len(sections) != 3:
title = sections[1]
link = sections[2]
citationsStr += \
' <li><a href="' + link + '"><cite>' + \
title + '</cite></a></li>'
citationsStr += ' </ul>\n'
citationsStr += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation = ''
if endpoint != 'newshare' and \
endpoint != 'newreport' and \
endpoint != 'newquestion':
dateAndLocation = '<div class="container">\n'
if endpoint == 'newevent':
# event status
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Status of the event'] + ':</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="tentative" ' + \
'name="eventStatus" value="tentative">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="tentative">' + \
translate['Tentative'] + '</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="confirmed" ' + \
'name="eventStatus" value="confirmed" checked>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="confirmed">' + \
translate['Confirmed'] + '</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="cancelled" ' + \
'name="eventStatus" value="cancelled">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="cancelled">' + \
translate['Cancelled'] + '</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
# maximum attendees
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" ' + \
'for="maximumAttendeeCapacity">' + \
translate['Maximum attendees'] + ':</label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="number" ' + \
'id="maximumAttendeeCapacity" ' + \
'name="maximumAttendeeCapacity" min="1" max="999999" ' + \
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
# event joining options
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Joining'] + ':</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="free" ' + \
'name="joinMode" value="free" checked>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="free">' + \
translate['Anyone can join'] + '</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="restricted" ' + \
'name="joinMode" value="restricted">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="female">' + \
translate['Apply to join'] + '</label><br>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="radio" id="invite" ' + \
'name="joinMode" value="invite">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels" for="other">' + \
translate['Invitation only'] + '</label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
# Event posts don't allow replies - they're just an announcement.
# They also have a few more checkboxes
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="privateEvent"><label class="labels"> ' + \
translate['This is a private event.'] + '</label></p>\n'
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="anonymousParticipationEnabled">' + \
'<label class="labels"> ' + \
translate['Allow anonymous participation.'] + '</label></p>\n'
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="commentsEnabled" checked><label class="labels"> ' + \
translate['Allow replies.'] + '</label></p>\n'
if not inReplyTo and endpoint != 'newevent':
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="schedulePost"><label class="labels"> ' + \
translate['This is a scheduled post.'] + '</label></p>\n'
if endpoint != 'newevent':
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" ' + \
'class="emojicalendar" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/calendar.png"/>\n'
# select a date and time for this post
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Date'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="date" name="eventDate">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labelsright">' + \
translate['Time'] + ':'
dateAndLocation += \
'<input type="time" name="eventTime"></label></p>\n'
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
dateAndLocation += \
'<p><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" ' + \
'class="emojicalendar" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/calendar.png"/>\n'
# select start time for the event
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Start Date'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="date" name="eventDate">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labelsright">' + \
translate['Time'] + ':'
dateAndLocation += \
'<input type="time" name="eventTime"></label></p>\n'
# select end time for the event
dateAndLocation += \
'<br><img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" ' + \
'class="emojicalendar" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/calendar.png"/>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labels">' + \
translate['End Date'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="date" name="endDate">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<label class="labelsright">' + \
translate['Time'] + ':'
dateAndLocation += \
'<input type="time" name="endTime"></label>\n'
if endpoint == 'newevent':
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Moderation policy or code of conduct'] + \
': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="repliesModerationOption" style="height:' + \
str(messageBoxHeight) + 'px"></textarea>\n'
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<div class="container">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Location'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="text" name="location">\n'
if endpoint == 'newevent':
dateAndLocation += '<br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Ticket URL'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="text" name="ticketUrl">\n'
dateAndLocation += '<br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Categories'] + ': </label>\n'
dateAndLocation += '<input type="text" name="category">\n'
dateAndLocation += '</div>\n'
newPostForm = htmlHeader(cssFilename, newPostCSS)
newPostForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n'
newPostForm += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
mentionsStr = ''
for m in mentions:
mentionNickname = getNicknameFromActor(m)
if not mentionNickname:
mentionDomain, mentionPort = getDomainFromActor(m)
if not mentionDomain:
if mentionPort:
mentionsHandle = \
'@' + mentionNickname + '@' + \
mentionDomain + ':' + str(mentionPort)
mentionsHandle = '@' + mentionNickname + '@' + mentionDomain
if mentionsHandle not in mentionsStr:
mentionsStr += mentionsHandle + ' '
# build suffixes so that any replies or mentions are
# preserved when switching between scopes
dropdownNewPostSuffix = '/newpost'
dropdownNewBlogSuffix = '/newblog'
dropdownUnlistedSuffix = '/newunlisted'
dropdownFollowersSuffix = '/newfollowers'
dropdownDMSuffix = '/newdm'
dropdownEventSuffix = '/newevent'
dropdownReminderSuffix = '/newreminder'
dropdownReportSuffix = '/newreport'
if inReplyTo or mentions:
dropdownNewPostSuffix = ''
dropdownNewBlogSuffix = ''
dropdownUnlistedSuffix = ''
dropdownFollowersSuffix = ''
dropdownDMSuffix = ''
dropdownEventSuffix = ''
dropdownReminderSuffix = ''
dropdownReportSuffix = ''
if inReplyTo:
dropdownNewPostSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo
dropdownNewBlogSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo
dropdownUnlistedSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo
dropdownFollowersSuffix += '?replyfollowers=' + inReplyTo
dropdownDMSuffix += '?replydm=' + inReplyTo
for mentionedActor in mentions:
dropdownNewPostSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropdownNewBlogSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropdownUnlistedSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropdownFollowersSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropdownDMSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropdownReportSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor
dropDownContent = ''
if not reportUrl:
dropDownContent = \
htmlNewPostDropDown(scopeIcon, scopeDescription,
mentionsStr = 'Re: ' + reportUrl + '\n\n' + mentionsStr
newPostForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + \
path + '?' + endpoint + '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + '">\n'
newPostForm += ' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
newPostForm += \
' <label for="nickname"><b>' + newPostText + '</b></label>\n'
newPostForm += ' <div class="containerNewPost">\n'
newPostForm += ' <table style="width:100%" border="0"><tr>\n'
newPostForm += '<td>' + dropDownContent + '</td>\n'
newPostForm += \
' <td><a href="' + pathBase + \
'/searchemoji"><img loading="lazy" class="emojisearch" ' + \
'src="/emoji/1F601.png" title="' + \
translate['Search for emoji'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Search for emoji'] + '"/></a></td>\n'
newPostForm += ' </tr>\n'
newPostForm += '</table>\n'
newPostForm += ' </div>\n'
newPostForm += ' <div class="containerSubmitNewPost"><center>\n'
# newPostForm += \
# ' <a href="' + pathBase + \
# '/inbox"><button class="cancelbtn">' + \
# translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
# for a new blog if newswire items exist then add a citations button
if newswire and path.endswith('/newblog'):
newPostForm += \
' <input type="submit" name="submitCitations" value="' + \
translate['Citations'] + '">\n'
newPostForm += \
' <input type="submit" name="submitPost" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n'
newPostForm += ' </center></div>\n'
newPostForm += replyStr
if mediaInstance and not replyStr:
newPostForm += newPostImageSection
newPostForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + placeholderSubject + '</label><br>'
newPostForm += ' <input type="text" name="subject">'
newPostForm += ''
selectedStr = ' selected'
if inReplyTo or endpoint == 'newdm':
if inReplyTo:
newPostForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + placeholderMentions + \
newPostForm += \
' <a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/followingaccounts" title="' + \
translate['Show a list of addresses to send to'] + '">' \
'<label class="labels">' + \
translate['Send to'] + ':' + '</label> 📄</a><br>\n'
newPostForm += \
' <input type="text" name="mentions" ' + \
'list="followingHandles" value="' + mentionsStr + '" selected>\n'
newPostForm += \
htmlFollowingDataList(baseDir, nickname, domain, domainFull)
newPostForm += ''
selectedStr = ''
newPostForm += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + placeholderMessage + '</label>'
if mediaInstance:
messageBoxHeight = 200
if endpoint == 'newquestion':
messageBoxHeight = 100
elif endpoint == 'newblog':
messageBoxHeight = 800
newPostForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="message" style="height:' + \
str(messageBoxHeight) + 'px"' + selectedStr + '></textarea>\n'
newPostForm += extraFields + citationsStr + dateAndLocation
if not mediaInstance or replyStr:
newPostForm += newPostImageSection
newPostForm += ' </div>\n'
newPostForm += '</form>\n'
if not reportUrl:
newPostForm = \
newPostForm.replace('<body>', '<body onload="focusOnMessage()">')
newPostForm += htmlFooter()
return newPostForm
def htmlProfilePosts(recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {},
baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
authorized: bool,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
projectVersion: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
"""Shows posts on the profile screen
These should only be public posts
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, None)
profileStr = ''
maxItems = 4
ctr = 0
currPage = 1
while ctr < maxItems and currPage < 4:
outboxFeed = \
personBoxJson({}, session, baseDir, domain,
'/users/' + nickname + '/outbox?page=' +
10, 'outbox',
authorized, 0, False, 0)
if not outboxFeed:
if len(outboxFeed['orderedItems']) == 0:
for item in outboxFeed['orderedItems']:
if item['type'] == 'Create':
postStr = \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
iconsDir, translate, None,
baseDir, session, wfRequest,
nickname, domain, port, item,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, False, False, True, False)
if postStr:
profileStr += separatorStr + postStr
ctr += 1
if ctr >= maxItems:
currPage += 1
return profileStr
def htmlProfileFollowing(translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
authorized: bool,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
followingJson: {}, projectVersion: str,
buttons: [],
feedName: str, actor: str,
pageNumber: int,
maxItemsPerPage: int) -> str:
"""Shows following on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
if authorized and pageNumber:
if authorized and pageNumber > 1:
# page up arrow
profileStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/' + feedName + \
'?page=' + str(pageNumber - 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pageup.png" title="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
for item in followingJson['orderedItems']:
profileStr += \
individualFollowAsHtml(translate, baseDir, session,
wfRequest, personCache,
domain, item, authorized, nickname,
httpPrefix, projectVersion,
if authorized and maxItemsPerPage and pageNumber:
if len(followingJson['orderedItems']) >= maxItemsPerPage:
# page down arrow
profileStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/' + feedName + \
'?page=' + str(pageNumber + 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pagedown.png" title="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
return profileStr
def htmlProfileRoles(translate: {}, nickname: str, domain: str,
rolesJson: {}) -> str:
"""Shows roles on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
for project, rolesList in rolesJson.items():
profileStr += \
'<div class="roles">\n<h2>' + project + \
'</h2>\n<div class="roles-inner">\n'
for role in rolesList:
profileStr += '<h3>' + role + '</h3>\n'
profileStr += '</div></div>\n'
if len(profileStr) == 0:
profileStr += \
'<p>@' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' has no roles assigned</p>\n'
profileStr = '<div>' + profileStr + '</div>\n'
return profileStr
def htmlProfileSkills(translate: {}, nickname: str, domain: str,
skillsJson: {}) -> str:
"""Shows skills on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
for skill, level in skillsJson.items():
profileStr += \
'<div>' + skill + \
'<br><div id="myProgress"><div id="myBar" style="width:' + \
str(level) + '%"></div></div></div>\n<br>\n'
if len(profileStr) > 0:
profileStr = '<center><div class="skill-title">' + \
profileStr + '</div></center>\n'
return profileStr
def htmlIndividualShare(actor: str, item: {}, translate: {},
showContact: bool, removeButton: bool) -> str:
"""Returns an individual shared item as html
profileStr = '<div class="container">\n'
profileStr += '<p class="share-title">' + item['displayName'] + '</p>\n'
if item.get('imageUrl'):
profileStr += '<a href="' + item['imageUrl'] + '">\n'
profileStr += \
'<img loading="lazy" src="' + item['imageUrl'] + \
'" alt="' + translate['Item image'] + '">\n</a>\n'
profileStr += '<p>' + item['summary'] + '</p>\n'
profileStr += \
'<p><b>' + translate['Type'] + ':</b> ' + item['itemType'] + ' '
profileStr += \
'<b>' + translate['Category'] + ':</b> ' + item['category'] + ' '
profileStr += \
'<b>' + translate['Location'] + ':</b> ' + item['location'] + '</p>\n'
if showContact:
contactActor = item['actor']
profileStr += \
'<p><a href="' + actor + \
'?replydm=sharedesc:' + item['displayName'] + \
'?mention=' + contactActor + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['Contact'] + '</button></a>\n'
if removeButton:
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + actor + '?rmshare=' + item['displayName'] + \
'"><button class="button">' + \
translate['Remove'] + '</button></a>\n'
profileStr += '</div>\n'
return profileStr
def htmlProfileShares(actor: str, translate: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, sharesJson: {}) -> str:
"""Shows shares on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
for item in sharesJson['orderedItems']:
profileStr += htmlIndividualShare(actor, item, translate, False, False)
if len(profileStr) > 0:
profileStr = '<div class="share-title">' + profileStr + '</div>\n'
return profileStr
def htmlSharesTimeline(translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
baseDir: str, actor: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
maxSharesPerAccount: int, httpPrefix: str) -> str:
"""Show shared items timeline as html
sharesJson, lastPage = \
sharesTimelineJson(actor, pageNumber, itemsPerPage,
baseDir, maxSharesPerAccount)
domainFull = domain
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname
timelineStr = ''
if pageNumber > 1:
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
timelineStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/tlshares?page=' + \
str(pageNumber - 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pageup.png" title="' + translate['Page up'] + \
'" alt="' + translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, None)
for published, item in sharesJson.items():
showContactButton = False
if item['actor'] != actor:
showContactButton = True
showRemoveButton = False
if item['actor'] == actor:
showRemoveButton = True
timelineStr += separatorStr + \
htmlIndividualShare(actor, item, translate,
showContactButton, showRemoveButton)
if not lastPage:
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
timelineStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/tlshares?page=' + \
str(pageNumber + 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pagedown.png" title="' + translate['Page down'] + \
'" alt="' + translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
return timelineStr
def htmlProfile(rssIconAtTop: bool,
cssCache: {}, iconsAsButtons: bool,
defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, projectVersion: str,
baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, authorized: bool,
profileJson: {}, selected: str,
session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, extraJson=None,
pageNumber=None, maxItemsPerPage=None) -> str:
"""Show the profile page as html
nickname = profileJson['preferredUsername']
if not nickname:
return ""
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(profileJson['id'])
if not domain:
return ""
displayName = \
addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain,
profileJson['name'], True)
domainFull = domain
if port:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
profileDescription = \
addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain,
profileJson['summary'], False)
postsButton = 'button'
followingButton = 'button'
followersButton = 'button'
rolesButton = 'button'
skillsButton = 'button'
sharesButton = 'button'
if selected == 'posts':
postsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'following':
followingButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'followers':
followersButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'roles':
rolesButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'skills':
skillsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'shares':
sharesButton = 'buttonselected'
loginButton = ''
followApprovalsSection = ''
followApprovals = False
linkToTimelineStart = ''
linkToTimelineEnd = ''
editProfileStr = ''
logoutStr = ''
actor = profileJson['id']
usersPath = '/users/' + actor.split('/users/')[1]
donateSection = ''
donateUrl = getDonationUrl(profileJson)
PGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(profileJson)
PGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(profileJson)
emailAddress = getEmailAddress(profileJson)
xmppAddress = getXmppAddress(profileJson)
matrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(profileJson)
ssbAddress = getSSBAddress(profileJson)
toxAddress = getToxAddress(profileJson)
if donateUrl or xmppAddress or matrixAddress or \
ssbAddress or toxAddress or PGPpubKey or \
PGPfingerprint or emailAddress:
donateSection = '<div class="container">\n'
donateSection += ' <center>\n'
if donateUrl and not isSystemAccount(nickname):
donateSection += \
' <p><a href="' + donateUrl + \
'"><button class="donateButton">' + translate['Donate'] + \
if emailAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['Email'] + ': <a href="mailto:' + \
emailAddress + '">' + emailAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if xmppAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['XMPP'] + ': <a href="xmpp:' + \
xmppAddress + '">'+xmppAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if matrixAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['Matrix'] + ': ' + matrixAddress + '</p>\n'
if ssbAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>SSB: <label class="ssbaddr">' + \
ssbAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if toxAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>Tox: <label class="toxaddr">' + \
toxAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if PGPfingerprint:
donateSection += \
'<p class="pgp">PGP: ' + \
PGPfingerprint.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
if PGPpubKey:
donateSection += \
'<p class="pgp">' + PGPpubKey.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
donateSection += ' </center>\n'
donateSection += '</div>\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
if not authorized:
loginButton = headerButtonsFrontScreen(translate, nickname,
'features', authorized,
iconsAsButtons, iconsDir)
editProfileStr = \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + '/editprofile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/edit.png" title="' + translate['Edit'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Edit'] + '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
logoutStr = \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="/logout">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/logout.png" title="' + translate['Logout'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Logout'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
linkToTimelineStart = \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + \
'"><label class="transparent">' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '</label></a>'
linkToTimelineStart += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + \
'" title="' + translate['Switch to timeline view'] + \
'" alt="' + translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">'
linkToTimelineEnd = '</a>'
# are there any follow requests?
followRequestsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/followrequests.txt'
if os.path.isfile(followRequestsFilename):
with open(followRequestsFilename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if len(line) > 0:
followApprovals = True
followersButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
if selected == 'followers':
followersButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
if selected == 'followers':
if followApprovals:
with open(followRequestsFilename, 'r') as f:
for followerHandle in f:
if len(line) > 0:
if '://' in followerHandle:
followerActor = followerHandle
followerActor = \
httpPrefix + '://' + \
followerHandle.split('@')[1] + \
'/users/' + followerHandle.split('@')[0]
basePath = '/users/' + nickname
followApprovalsSection += '<div class="container">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + followerActor + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<span class="followRequestHandle">' + \
followerHandle + '</span></a>'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + basePath + \
'/followapprove=' + followerHandle + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<button class="followApprove">' + \
translate['Approve'] + '</button></a><br><br>'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + basePath + \
'/followdeny=' + followerHandle + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<button class="followDeny">' + \
translate['Deny'] + '</button></a>'
followApprovalsSection += '</div>'
profileDescriptionShort = profileDescription
if '\n' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('\n')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
if '<br>' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('<br>')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
profileDescription = profileDescription.replace('<br>', '\n')
# keep the profile description short
if len(profileDescriptionShort) > 256:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# remove formatting from profile description used on title
avatarDescription = ''
if profileJson.get('summary'):
avatarDescription = profileJson['summary'].replace('<br>', '\n')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('<p>', '')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('</p>', '')
# If this is the news account then show a different banner
if isSystemAccount(nickname):
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
profileHeaderStr = \
'<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" ' + \
'src="/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" />\n'
if loginButton:
profileHeaderStr += '<center>' + loginButton + '</center>\n'
profileHeaderStr += '<table class="timeline">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <colgroup>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-left">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-center">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-right">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' </colgroup>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <tbody>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <tr>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-left">\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
profileHeaderStr += \
getLeftColumnContent(baseDir, 'news', domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate,
iconsDir, False,
False, None, rssIconAtTop, True,
profileHeaderStr += ' </td>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-center">\n'
profileHeaderStr = '<div class="hero-image">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <div class="hero-text">\n'
profileHeaderStr += \
' <img loading="lazy" src="' + profileJson['icon']['url'] + \
'" title="' + avatarDescription + '" alt="' + \
avatarDescription + '" class="title">\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <h1>' + displayName + '</h1>\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
profileHeaderStr += \
'<p><b>@' + nickname + '@' + domainFull + '</b><br>'
profileHeaderStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/qrcode.png" alt="' + translate['QR Code'] + '" title="' + \
translate['QR Code'] + '">' + \
'<img class="qrcode" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/qrcode.png" /></a></p>\n'
profileHeaderStr += ' <p>' + profileDescriptionShort + '</p>\n'
profileHeaderStr += loginButton
profileHeaderStr += ' </div>\n'
profileHeaderStr += '</div>\n'
profileStr = \
linkToTimelineStart + profileHeaderStr + \
linkToTimelineEnd + donateSection
if not isSystemAccount(nickname):
profileStr += '<div class="container" id="buttonheader">\n'
profileStr += ' <center>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '#buttonheader"><button class="' + \
postsButton + '"><span>' + translate['Posts'] + \
' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/following#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + followingButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Following'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/followers#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + followersButton + \
'"><span>' + translate['Followers'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/roles#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + rolesButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Roles'] + \
' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/skills#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + skillsButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Skills'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/shares#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + sharesButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Shares'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += logoutStr + editProfileStr
profileStr += ' </center>'
profileStr += '</div>'
profileStr += followApprovalsSection
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
profileStyle = \
if isSystemAccount(nickname):
bannerFile, bannerFilename = \
getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
profileStyle = \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile)
licenseStr = \
'<a href="https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="license" alt="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" src="/icons/agpl.png" /></a>'
if selected == 'posts':
profileStr += \
htmlProfilePosts(recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
baseDir, httpPrefix, authorized,
nickname, domain, port,
session, wfRequest, personCache,
showPublishedDateOnly) + licenseStr
if selected == 'following':
profileStr += \
htmlProfileFollowing(translate, baseDir, httpPrefix,
authorized, nickname,
domain, port, session,
wfRequest, personCache, extraJson,
projectVersion, ["unfollow"], selected,
usersPath, pageNumber, maxItemsPerPage)
if selected == 'followers':
profileStr += \
htmlProfileFollowing(translate, baseDir, httpPrefix,
authorized, nickname,
domain, port, session,
wfRequest, personCache, extraJson,
projectVersion, ["block"],
selected, usersPath, pageNumber,
if selected == 'roles':
profileStr += \
htmlProfileRoles(translate, nickname, domainFull, extraJson)
if selected == 'skills':
profileStr += \
htmlProfileSkills(translate, nickname, domainFull, extraJson)
if selected == 'shares':
profileStr += \
htmlProfileShares(actor, translate,
nickname, domainFull,
extraJson) + licenseStr
# Footer which is only used for system accounts
profileFooterStr = ''
if isSystemAccount(nickname):
profileFooterStr = ' </td>\n'
profileFooterStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-right">\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
profileFooterStr += \
getRightColumnContent(baseDir, 'news', domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate,
iconsDir, False, False,
newswire, False,
False, None, False, False,
False, True, authorized, True)
profileFooterStr += ' </td>\n'
profileFooterStr += ' </tr>\n'
profileFooterStr += ' </tbody>\n'
profileFooterStr += '</table>\n'
profileStr = \
htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle) + \
profileStr + profileFooterStr + htmlFooter()
return profileStr
def individualFollowAsHtml(translate: {},
baseDir: str, session, wfRequest: {},
personCache: {}, domain: str,
followUrl: str,
authorized: bool,
actorNickname: str,
httpPrefix: str,
projectVersion: str,
buttons=[]) -> str:
"""An individual follow entry on the profile screen
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(followUrl)
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(followUrl)
titleStr = '@' + nickname + '@' + domain
avatarUrl = getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir, followUrl, personCache, True)
if not avatarUrl:
avatarUrl = followUrl + '/avatar.png'
if domain not in followUrl:
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
fromPersonId, sharedInbox,
avatarUrl2, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
personCache, projectVersion,
httpPrefix, nickname,
domain, 'outbox')
if avatarUrl2:
avatarUrl = avatarUrl2
if displayName:
titleStr = displayName + ' ' + titleStr
buttonsStr = ''
if authorized:
for b in buttons:
if b == 'block':
buttonsStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + \
'?options=' + followUrl + \
';1;' + avatarUrl + '"><button class="buttonunfollow">' + \
translate['Block'] + '</button></a>\n'
if b == 'unfollow':
buttonsStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + \
'?options=' + followUrl + \
';1;' + avatarUrl + '"><button class="buttonunfollow">' + \
translate['Unfollow'] + '</button></a>\n'
resultStr = '<div class="container">\n'
resultStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + '?options=' + \
followUrl + ';1;' + avatarUrl + '">\n'
resultStr += '<p><img loading="lazy" src="' + avatarUrl + '" alt=" ">'
resultStr += titleStr + '</a>' + buttonsStr + '</p>\n'
resultStr += '</div>\n'
return resultStr
def htmlHighlightLabel(label: str, highlight: bool) -> str:
"""If the give text should be highlighted then return
the appropriate markup.
This is so that in shell browsers, like lynx, it's possible
to see if the replies or DM button are highlighted.
if not highlight:
return label
return '*' + str(label) + '*'
def getLeftColumnContent(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domainFull: str,
httpPrefix: str, translate: {},
iconsDir: str, editor: bool,
showBackButton: bool, timelinePath: str,
rssIconAtTop: bool, showHeaderImage: bool,
frontPage: bool) -> str:
"""Returns html content for the left column
htmlStr = ''
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, 'left')
domain = domainFull
if ':' in domain:
domain = domain.split(':')
editImageClass = ''
if showHeaderImage:
leftImageFile, leftColumnImageFilename = \
getLeftImageFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
if not os.path.isfile(leftColumnImageFilename):
theme = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme').lower()
if theme == 'default':
theme = ''
theme = '_' + theme
themeLeftImageFile, themeLeftColumnImageFilename = \
getImageFile(baseDir, 'left_col_image', baseDir + '/img',
nickname, domain)
if os.path.isfile(themeLeftColumnImageFilename):
leftColumnImageFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/' + themeLeftImageFile
leftImageFile = themeLeftImageFile
# show the image at the top of the column
editImageClass = 'leftColEdit'
if os.path.isfile(leftColumnImageFilename):
editImageClass = 'leftColEditImage'
htmlStr += \
'\n <center>\n' + \
' <img class="leftColImg" ' + \
'loading="lazy" src="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + leftImageFile + '" />\n' + \
' </center>\n'
if showBackButton:
htmlStr += \
' <div>' + \
' <a href="' + timelinePath + '">' + \
'<button class="cancelbtn">' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
if (editor or rssIconAtTop) and not showHeaderImage:
htmlStr += '<div class="columnIcons">'
if editImageClass == 'leftColEdit':
htmlStr += '\n <center>\n'
htmlStr += ' <div class="leftColIcons">\n'
if editor:
# show the edit icon
htmlStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/editlinks">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Edit Links'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Edit Links'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/edit.png" /></a>\n'
# RSS icon
if nickname != 'news':
# rss feed for this account
rssUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \
'/blog/' + nickname + '/rss.xml'
# rss feed for all accounts on the instance
rssUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/blog/rss.xml'
if not frontPage:
rssTitle = translate['RSS feed for your blog']
rssTitle = translate['RSS feed for this site']
rssIconStr = \
' <a href="' + rssUrl + '">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + rssTitle + \
'" title="' + rssTitle + \
'" src="/' + iconsDir + '/logorss.png" /></a>\n'
if rssIconAtTop:
htmlStr += rssIconStr
htmlStr += ' </div>\n'
if editImageClass == 'leftColEdit':
htmlStr += ' </center>\n'
if (editor or rssIconAtTop) and not showHeaderImage:
htmlStr += '</div><br>'
# if showHeaderImage:
# htmlStr += '<br>'
linksFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/links.txt'
linksFileContainsEntries = False
if os.path.isfile(linksFilename):
linksList = None
with open(linksFilename, "r") as f:
linksList = f.readlines()
if linksList:
for lineStr in linksList:
if ' ' not in lineStr:
if '#' not in lineStr:
if '*' not in lineStr:
lineStr = lineStr.strip()
words = lineStr.split(' ')
# get the link
linkStr = None
for word in words:
if word == '#':
if word == '*':
if '://' in word:
linkStr = word
if linkStr:
lineStr = lineStr.replace(linkStr, '').strip()
# avoid any dubious scripts being added
if '<' not in lineStr:
# remove trailing comma if present
if lineStr.endswith(','):
lineStr = lineStr[:len(lineStr)-1]
# add link to the returned html
htmlStr += \
' <p><a href="' + linkStr + '">' + \
lineStr + '</a></p>\n'
linksFileContainsEntries = True
if lineStr.startswith('#') or lineStr.startswith('*'):
lineStr = lineStr[1:].strip()
htmlStr += separatorStr
htmlStr += \
' <h3 class="linksHeader">' + \
lineStr + '</h3>\n'
htmlStr += \
' <p>' + lineStr + '</p>\n'
linksFileContainsEntries = True
if linksFileContainsEntries and not rssIconAtTop:
htmlStr += '<br><div class="columnIcons">' + rssIconStr + '</div>'
return htmlStr
def votesIndicator(totalVotes: int, positiveVoting: bool) -> str:
"""Returns an indicator of the number of votes on a newswire item
if totalVotes <= 0:
return ''
totalVotesStr = ' '
for v in range(totalVotes):
if positiveVoting:
totalVotesStr += ''
totalVotesStr += ''
return totalVotesStr
def htmlNewswire(baseDir: str, newswire: {}, nickname: str, moderator: bool,
translate: {}, positiveVoting: bool, iconsDir: str) -> str:
"""Converts a newswire dict into html
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, 'right')
htmlStr = ''
for dateStr, item in newswire.items():
publishedDate = \
datetime.strptime(dateStr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")
dateShown = publishedDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
dateStrLink = dateStr.replace('T', ' ')
dateStrLink = dateStrLink.replace('Z', '')
moderatedItem = item[5]
htmlStr += separatorStr
if moderatedItem and 'vote:' + nickname in item[2]:
totalVotesStr = ''
totalVotes = 0
if moderator:
totalVotes = votesOnNewswireItem(item[2])
totalVotesStr = \
votesIndicator(totalVotes, positiveVoting)
title = removeLongWords(item[0], 16, []).replace('\n', '<br>')
htmlStr += '<p class="newswireItemVotedOn">' + \
'<a href="' + item[1] + '">' + \
'<span class="newswireItemVotedOn">' + title + \
'</span></a>' + totalVotesStr
if moderator:
htmlStr += \
' ' + dateShown + '<a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/newswireunvote=' + dateStrLink + '" ' + \
'title="' + translate['Remove Vote'] + '">'
htmlStr += '<img loading="lazy" class="voteicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/vote.png" /></a></p>\n'
htmlStr += ' <span class="newswireDateVotedOn">'
htmlStr += dateShown + '</span></p>\n'
totalVotesStr = ''
totalVotes = 0
if moderator:
if moderatedItem:
totalVotes = votesOnNewswireItem(item[2])
# show a number of ticks or crosses for how many
# votes for or against
totalVotesStr = \
votesIndicator(totalVotes, positiveVoting)
title = removeLongWords(item[0], 16, []).replace('\n', '<br>')
if moderator and moderatedItem:
htmlStr += '<p class="newswireItemModerated">' + \
'<a href="' + item[1] + '">' + \
title + '</a>' + totalVotesStr
htmlStr += ' ' + dateShown
htmlStr += '<a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/newswirevote=' + dateStrLink + '" ' + \
'title="' + translate['Vote'] + '">'
htmlStr += '<img class="voteicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/vote.png" /></a>'
htmlStr += '</p>\n'
htmlStr += '<p class="newswireItem">' + \
'<a href="' + item[1] + '">' + \
title + '</a>' + \
htmlStr += ' <span class="newswireDate">'
htmlStr += dateShown + '</span></p>\n'
return htmlStr
def htmlCitations(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
httpPrefix: str, defaultTimeline: str,
translate: {}, newswire: {}, cssCache: {},
blogTitle: str, blogContent: str,
blogImageFilename: str,
blogImageAttachmentMediaType: str,
blogImageDescription: str) -> str:
"""Show the citations screen when creating a blog
htmlStr = ''
# create a list of dates for citations
# these can then be used to re-select checkboxes later
citationsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.citations.txt'
citationsSelected = []
if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename):
citationsSeparator = '#####'
with open(citationsFilename, "r") as f:
citations = f.readlines()
for line in citations:
if citationsSeparator not in line:
sections = line.strip().split(citationsSeparator)
if len(sections) != 3:
dateStr = sections[0]
# the css filename
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
# replace any https within the css with whatever prefix is needed
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = \
profileStyle.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
# iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
htmlStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
# top banner
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
htmlStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/newblog" title="' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '">\n'
htmlStr += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
htmlStr += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/users/' + nickname + \
htmlStr += ' <center>\n'
htmlStr += translate['Choose newswire items ' +
'referenced in your article'] + '<br>'
if blogTitle is None:
blogTitle = ''
htmlStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="blogTitle" value="' + \
blogTitle + '">\n'
if blogContent is None:
blogContent = ''
htmlStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="blogContent" value="' + \
blogContent + '">\n'
# submit button
htmlStr += \
' <input type="submit" name="submitCitations" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n'
htmlStr += ' </center>\n'
citationsSeparator = '#####'
# list of newswire items
if newswire:
ctr = 0
for dateStr, item in newswire.items():
# should this checkbox be selected?
selectedStr = ''
if dateStr in citationsSelected:
selectedStr = ' checked'
publishedDate = \
datetime.strptime(dateStr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")
dateShown = publishedDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
title = removeLongWords(item[0], 16, []).replace('\n', '<br>')
link = item[1]
citationValue = \
dateStr + citationsSeparator + \
title + citationsSeparator + \
htmlStr += \
'<input type="checkbox" name="newswire' + str(ctr) + \
'" value="' + citationValue + '"' + selectedStr + '/>' + \
'<a href="' + link + '"><cite>' + title + '</cite></a> '
htmlStr += '<span class="newswireDate">' + \
dateShown + '</span><br>\n'
ctr += 1
htmlStr += '</form>\n'
return htmlStr + htmlFooter()
def getRightColumnContent(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domainFull: str,
httpPrefix: str, translate: {},
iconsDir: str, moderator: bool, editor: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showBackButton: bool, timelinePath: str,
showPublishButton: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool,
showHeaderImage: bool) -> str:
"""Returns html content for the right column
htmlStr = ''
domain = domainFull
if ':' in domain:
domain = domain.split(':')
if authorized:
# only show the publish button if logged in, otherwise replace it with
# a login button
publishButtonStr = \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/newblog" ' + \
'title="' + translate['Publish a news article'] + '">' + \
'<button class="publishbtn">' + \
translate['Publish'] + '</button></a>\n'
# if not logged in then replace the publish button with
# a login button
publishButtonStr = \
' <a href="/login"><button class="publishbtn">' + \
translate['Login'] + '</button></a>\n'
# show publish button at the top if needed
if publishButtonAtTop:
htmlStr += '<center>' + publishButtonStr + '</center>'
# show a column header image, eg. title of the theme or newswire banner
editImageClass = ''
if showHeaderImage:
rightImageFile, rightColumnImageFilename = \
getRightImageFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
if not os.path.isfile(rightColumnImageFilename):
theme = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme').lower()
if theme == 'default':
theme = ''
theme = '_' + theme
themeRightImageFile, themeRightColumnImageFilename = \
getImageFile(baseDir, 'right_col_image', baseDir + '/img',
nickname, domain)
if os.path.isfile(themeRightColumnImageFilename):
rightColumnImageFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/' + themeRightImageFile
rightImageFile = themeRightImageFile
# show the image at the top of the column
editImageClass = 'rightColEdit'
if os.path.isfile(rightColumnImageFilename):
editImageClass = 'rightColEditImage'
htmlStr += \
'\n <center>\n' + \
' <img class="rightColImg" ' + \
'loading="lazy" src="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + rightImageFile + '" />\n' + \
' </center>\n'
if (showPublishButton or editor or rssIconAtTop) and not showHeaderImage:
htmlStr += '<div class="columnIcons">'
if editImageClass == 'rightColEdit':
htmlStr += '\n <center>\n'
# whether to show a back icon
# This is probably going to be osolete soon
if showBackButton:
htmlStr += \
' <a href="' + timelinePath + '">' + \
'<button class="cancelbtn">' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
if showPublishButton and not publishButtonAtTop:
if not showPublishAsIcon:
htmlStr += publishButtonStr
# show the edit icon
if editor:
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/newswiremoderation.txt'):
# show the edit icon highlighted
htmlStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/editnewswire">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Edit newswire'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Edit newswire'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/edit_notify.png" /></a>\n'
# show the edit icon
htmlStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/editnewswire">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Edit newswire'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Edit newswire'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/edit.png" /></a>\n'
# show the RSS icon
rssIconStr = \
' <a href="/newswire.xml">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Newswire RSS Feed'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Newswire RSS Feed'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/logorss.png" /></a>\n'
if rssIconAtTop:
htmlStr += rssIconStr
# show publish icon at top
if showPublishButton:
if showPublishAsIcon:
htmlStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/newblog">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Publish a news article'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Publish a news article'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/publish.png" /></a>\n'
if editImageClass == 'rightColEdit':
htmlStr += ' </center>\n'
if showHeaderImage:
htmlStr += ' <br>\n'
if (showPublishButton or editor or rssIconAtTop) and not showHeaderImage:
htmlStr += '</div><br>'
# show the newswire lines
newswireContentStr = \
htmlNewswire(baseDir, newswire, nickname, moderator, translate,
positiveVoting, iconsDir)
htmlStr += newswireContentStr
# show the rss icon at the bottom, typically on the right hand side
if newswireContentStr and not rssIconAtTop:
htmlStr += '<br><div class="columnIcons">' + rssIconStr + '</div>'
return htmlStr
def htmlLinksMobile(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domainFull: str,
httpPrefix: str, translate,
timelinePath: str, authorized: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
defaultTimeline: str) -> str:
"""Show the left column links within mobile view
htmlStr = ''
# the css filename
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
# replace any https within the css with whatever prefix is needed
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = \
profileStyle.replace('https://', httpPrefix + '://')
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
# is the user a site editor?
if nickname == 'news':
editor = False
editor = isEditor(baseDir, nickname)
domain = domainFull
if ':' in domain:
domain = domain.split(':')[0]
htmlStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
htmlStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" ' + \
'src="/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
htmlStr += '<center>' + \
headerButtonsFrontScreen(translate, nickname,
'links', authorized,
iconsAsButtons, iconsDir) + '</center>'
htmlStr += \
getLeftColumnContent(baseDir, nickname, domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate,
iconsDir, editor,
False, timelinePath,
rssIconAtTop, False, False)
htmlStr += '</div>\n' + htmlFooter()
return htmlStr
def htmlNewswireMobile(cssCache: {}, baseDir: str, nickname: str,
domain: str, domainFull: str,
httpPrefix: str, translate: {},
newswire: {},
positiveVoting: bool,
timelinePath: str,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
authorized: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
defaultTimeline: str) -> str:
"""Shows the mobile version of the newswire right column
htmlStr = ''
# the css filename
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
# replace any https within the css with whatever prefix is needed
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = \
httpPrefix + '://')
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
if nickname == 'news':
editor = False
moderator = False
# is the user a moderator?
moderator = isModerator(baseDir, nickname)
# is the user a site editor?
editor = isEditor(baseDir, nickname)
showPublishButton = editor
htmlStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
htmlStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" ' + \
'src="/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
htmlStr += '<center>' + \
headerButtonsFrontScreen(translate, nickname,
'newswire', authorized,
iconsAsButtons, iconsDir) + '</center>'
htmlStr += \
getRightColumnContent(baseDir, nickname, domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate,
iconsDir, moderator, editor,
newswire, positiveVoting,
False, timelinePath, showPublishButton,
showPublishAsIcon, rssIconAtTop, False,
authorized, False)
htmlStr += htmlFooter()
return htmlStr
def headerButtonsFrontScreen(translate: {},
nickname: str, boxName: str,
authorized: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
iconsDir: bool) -> str:
"""Returns the header buttons for the front page of a news instance
headerStr = ''
if nickname == 'news':
buttonFeatures = 'buttonMobile'
buttonNewswire = 'buttonMobile'
buttonLinks = 'buttonMobile'
if boxName == 'features':
buttonFeatures = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'newswire':
buttonNewswire = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'links':
buttonLinks = 'buttonselected'
headerStr += \
' <a href="/">' + \
'<button class="' + buttonFeatures + '">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Features'] + \
if not authorized:
headerStr += \
' <a href="/login">' + \
'<button class="buttonMobile">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Login'] + \
if iconsAsButtons:
headerStr += \
' <a href="/users/news/newswiremobile">' + \
'<button class="' + buttonNewswire + '">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Newswire'] + \
headerStr += \
' <a href="/users/news/linksmobile">' + \
'<button class="' + buttonLinks + '">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Links'] + \
headerStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/news/newswiremobile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/newswire.png" title="' + translate['Newswire'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Newswire'] + '"/></a>\n'
headerStr += \
' <a href="' + \
'/users/news/linksmobile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/links.png" title="' + translate['Links'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Links'] + '"/></a>\n'
if not authorized:
headerStr += \
' <a href="/login">' + \
'<button class="buttonMobile">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Login'] + \
if headerStr:
headerStr = \
'\n <div class="frontPageMobileButtons">\n' + \
headerStr + \
' </div>\n'
return headerStr
def headerButtonsTimeline(defaultTimeline: str,
boxName: str,
pageNumber: int,
translate: {},
usersPath: str,
mediaButton: str,
blogsButton: str,
newsButton: str,
inboxButton: str,
dmButton: str,
newDM: str,
repliesButton: str,
newReply: str,
minimal: bool,
sentButton: str,
sharesButtonStr: str,
bookmarksButtonStr: str,
eventsButtonStr: str,
moderationButtonStr: str,
newPostButtonStr: str,
baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
iconsDir: str,
newCalendarEvent: bool,
calendarPath: str,
calendarImage: str,
followApprovals: str,
iconsAsButtons: bool) -> str:
"""Returns the header at the top of the timeline, containing
buttons for inbox, outbox, search, calendar, etc
# start of the button header with inbox, outbox, etc
tlStr = '<div class="containerHeader">\n'
# first button
if defaultTimeline == 'tlmedia':
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlmedia"><button class="' + \
mediaButton + '"><span>' + translate['Media'] + \
elif defaultTimeline == 'tlblogs':
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlblogs"><button class="' + \
blogsButton + '"><span>' + translate['Blogs'] + \
elif defaultTimeline == 'tlnews':
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlnews"><button class="' + \
newsButton + '"><span>' + translate['Features'] + \
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/inbox"><button class="' + \
inboxButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Inbox'] + '</span></button></a>'
# if this is a news instance and we are viewing the news timeline
newsHeader = False
if defaultTimeline == 'tlnews' and boxName == 'tlnews':
newsHeader = True
if not newsHeader:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/dm"><button class="' + dmButton + \
'"><span>' + htmlHighlightLabel(translate['DM'], newDM) + \
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/tlreplies"><button class="' + \
repliesButton + '"><span>' + \
htmlHighlightLabel(translate['Replies'], newReply) + \
# typically the media button
if defaultTimeline != 'tlmedia':
if not minimal and not newsHeader:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlmedia"><button class="' + \
mediaButton + '"><span>' + translate['Media'] + \
if not minimal:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/inbox"><button class="' + \
inboxButton+'"><span>' + translate['Inbox'] + \
isFeaturesTimeline = \
defaultTimeline == 'tlnews' and boxName == 'tlnews'
if not isFeaturesTimeline:
# typically the blogs button
# but may change if this is a blogging oriented instance
if defaultTimeline != 'tlblogs':
if not minimal and not isFeaturesTimeline:
titleStr = translate['Blogs']
if defaultTimeline == 'tlnews':
titleStr = translate['Article']
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlblogs"><button class="' + \
blogsButton + '"><span>' + titleStr + \
if not minimal:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/inbox"><button class="' + \
inboxButton + '"><span>' + translate['Inbox'] + \
# typically the news button
# but may change if this is a news oriented instance
if defaultTimeline != 'tlnews':
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/tlnews"><button class="' + \
newsButton + '"><span>' + translate['News'] + \
if not newsHeader:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/inbox"><button class="' + \
inboxButton + '"><span>' + translate['Inbox'] + \
# show todays events buttons on the first inbox page
happeningStr = ''
if boxName == 'inbox' and pageNumber == 1:
if todaysEventsCheck(baseDir, nickname, domain):
now = datetime.now()
# happening today button
if not iconsAsButtons:
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/calendar?year=' + \
str(now.year) + '?month=' + str(now.month) + \
'?day=' + str(now.day) + '">' + \
'<button class="buttonevent">' + \
translate['Happening Today'] + '</button></a>'
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/calendar?year=' + \
str(now.year) + '?month=' + str(now.month) + \
'?day=' + str(now.day) + '">' + \
'<button class="button">' + \
translate['Happening Today'] + '</button></a>'
# happening this week button
if thisWeeksEventsCheck(baseDir, nickname, domain):
if not iconsAsButtons:
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/calendar"><button class="buttonevent">' + \
translate['Happening This Week'] + '</button></a>'
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/calendar"><button class="button">' + \
translate['Happening This Week'] + '</button></a>'
# happening this week button
if thisWeeksEventsCheck(baseDir, nickname, domain):
if not iconsAsButtons:
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/calendar"><button class="buttonevent">' + \
translate['Happening This Week'] + '</button></a>'
happeningStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/calendar"><button class="button">' + \
translate['Happening This Week'] + '</button></a>'
if not newsHeader:
# button for the outbox
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/outbox"><button class="' + \
sentButton + '"><span>' + translate['Outbox'] + \
# add other buttons
tlStr += \
sharesButtonStr + bookmarksButtonStr + eventsButtonStr + \
moderationButtonStr + happeningStr + newPostButtonStr
if not newsHeader:
if not iconsAsButtons:
# the search icon
tlStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/search"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/search.png" title="' + \
translate['Search and follow'] + '" alt="| ' + \
translate['Search and follow'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>'
# the search button
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/search"><button class="button">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Search'] + \
# benchmark 5
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 5 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# the calendar button
if not isFeaturesTimeline:
calendarAltText = translate['Calendar']
if newCalendarEvent:
# indicate that the calendar icon is highlighted
calendarAltText = '*' + calendarAltText + '*'
if not iconsAsButtons:
tlStr += \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="' + \
usersPath + calendarPath + \
'"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + '/' + \
calendarImage + '" title="' + translate['Calendar'] + \
'" alt="| ' + calendarAltText + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + calendarPath + \
'"><button class="button">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Calendar'] + \
if not newsHeader:
# the show/hide button, for a simpler header appearance
if not iconsAsButtons:
tlStr += \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="' + \
usersPath + '/minimal' + \
'"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/showhide.png" title="' + translate['Show/Hide Buttons'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Show/Hide Buttons'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/minimal' + \
'"><button class="button">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Expand'] + \
if newsHeader:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/inbox">' + \
'<button class="button">' + \
'<span>' + translate['User'] + '</span></button></a>'
# the newswire button to show right column links
if not iconsAsButtons:
tlStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchorMobile" href="' + \
usersPath + '/newswiremobile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/newswire.png" title="' + translate['News'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['News'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>'
# NOTE: deliberately no \n at end of line
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + \
usersPath + '/newswiremobile' + \
'"><button class="buttonMobile">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Newswire'] + \
# the links button to show left column links
if not iconsAsButtons:
tlStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchorMobile" href="' + \
usersPath + '/linksmobile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/links.png" title="' + translate['Edit Links'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Edit Links'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>'
# end of headericons div
tlStr += '</div>'
# NOTE: deliberately no \n at end of line
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + \
usersPath + '/linksmobile' + \
'"><button class="buttonMobile">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Links'] + \
if newsHeader:
tlStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/editprofile">' + \
'<button class="buttonDesktop">' + \
'<span>' + translate['Settings'] + '</span></button></a>'
if not newsHeader:
tlStr += followApprovals
# end of the button header with inbox, outbox, etc
tlStr += ' </div>\n'
return tlStr
def htmlTimeline(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int,
itemsPerPage: int, session, baseDir: str,
wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, timelineJson: {},
boxName: str, allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
manuallyApproveFollowers: bool,
minimal: bool,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, moderator: bool,
editor: bool,
positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the timeline as html
timelineStartTime = time.time()
accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain
# should the calendar icon be highlighted?
newCalendarEvent = False
calendarImage = 'calendar.png'
calendarPath = '/calendar'
calendarFile = accountDir + '/.newCalendar'
if os.path.isfile(calendarFile):
newCalendarEvent = True
calendarImage = 'calendar_notify.png'
with open(calendarFile, 'r') as calfile:
calendarPath = calfile.read().replace('##sent##', '')
calendarPath = calendarPath.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
# should the DM button be highlighted?
newDM = False
dmFile = accountDir + '/.newDM'
if os.path.isfile(dmFile):
newDM = True
if boxName == 'dm':
# should the Replies button be highlighted?
newReply = False
replyFile = accountDir + '/.newReply'
if os.path.isfile(replyFile):
newReply = True
if boxName == 'tlreplies':
# should the Shares button be highlighted?
newShare = False
newShareFile = accountDir + '/.newShare'
if os.path.isfile(newShareFile):
newShare = True
if boxName == 'tlshares':
# should the Moderation/reports button be highlighted?
newReport = False
newReportFile = accountDir + '/.newReport'
if os.path.isfile(newReportFile):
newReport = True
if boxName == 'moderation':
# directory where icons are found
# This changes depending upon theme
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
separatorStr = ''
if boxName != 'tlmedia':
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, None)
# the css filename
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = getBannerFile(baseDir, nickname, domain)
# benchmark 1
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if not profileStyle:
print('ERROR: css file not found ' + cssFilename)
return None
# replace any https within the css with whatever prefix is needed
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = \
httpPrefix + '://')
# is the user a moderator?
if not moderator:
moderator = isModerator(baseDir, nickname)
# is the user a site editor?
if not editor:
editor = isEditor(baseDir, nickname)
# benchmark 2
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 2 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# the appearance of buttons - highlighted or not
inboxButton = 'button'
blogsButton = 'button'
newsButton = 'button'
dmButton = 'button'
if newDM:
dmButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
repliesButton = 'button'
if newReply:
repliesButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
mediaButton = 'button'
bookmarksButton = 'button'
eventsButton = 'button'
sentButton = 'button'
sharesButton = 'button'
if newShare:
sharesButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
moderationButton = 'button'
if newReport:
moderationButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
if boxName == 'inbox':
inboxButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'tlblogs':
blogsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'tlnews':
newsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'dm':
dmButton = 'buttonselected'
if newDM:
dmButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
elif boxName == 'tlreplies':
repliesButton = 'buttonselected'
if newReply:
repliesButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
elif boxName == 'tlmedia':
mediaButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'outbox':
sentButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'moderation':
moderationButton = 'buttonselected'
if newReport:
moderationButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
elif boxName == 'tlshares':
sharesButton = 'buttonselected'
if newShare:
sharesButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
elif boxName == 'tlbookmarks' or boxName == 'bookmarks':
bookmarksButton = 'buttonselected'
elif boxName == 'tlevents':
eventsButton = 'buttonselected'
# get the full domain, including any port number
fullDomain = domain
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
fullDomain = domain + ':' + str(port)
usersPath = '/users/' + nickname
actor = httpPrefix + '://' + fullDomain + usersPath
showIndividualPostIcons = True
# show an icon for new follow approvals
followApprovals = ''
followRequestsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/followrequests.txt'
if os.path.isfile(followRequestsFilename):
with open(followRequestsFilename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if len(line) > 0:
# show follow approvals icon
followApprovals = \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/followers#buttonheader">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" ' + \
'class="timelineicon" alt="' + \
translate['Approve follow requests'] + \
'" title="' + translate['Approve follow requests'] + \
'" src="/' + iconsDir + '/person.png"/></a>\n'
# benchmark 3
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 3 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# moderation / reports button
moderationButtonStr = ''
if moderator and not minimal:
moderationButtonStr = \
'<a href="' + usersPath + \
'/moderation"><button class="' + \
moderationButton + '"><span>' + \
htmlHighlightLabel(translate['Mod'], newReport) + \
' </span></button></a>'
# shares, bookmarks and events buttons
sharesButtonStr = ''
bookmarksButtonStr = ''
eventsButtonStr = ''
if not minimal:
sharesButtonStr = \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/tlshares"><button class="' + \
sharesButton + '"><span>' + \
htmlHighlightLabel(translate['Shares'], newShare) + \
bookmarksButtonStr = \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/tlbookmarks"><button class="' + \
bookmarksButton + '"><span>' + translate['Bookmarks'] + \
eventsButtonStr = \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/tlevents"><button class="' + \
eventsButton + '"><span>' + translate['Events'] + \
tlStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
# benchmark 4
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 4 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# if this is a news instance and we are viewing the news timeline
newsHeader = False
if defaultTimeline == 'tlnews' and boxName == 'tlnews':
newsHeader = True
newPostButtonStr = ''
# start of headericons div
if not newsHeader:
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += '<div class="headericons">'
# what screen to go to when a new post is created
if boxName == 'dm':
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/newdm"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/newpost.png" title="' + \
translate['Create a new DM'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Create a new DM'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/newdm">' + \
'<button class="button"><span>' + \
translate['Post'] + ' </span></button></a>'
elif boxName == 'tlblogs' or boxName == 'tlnews':
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/newblog"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/newpost.png" title="' + \
translate['Create a new post'] + '" alt="| ' + \
translate['Create a new post'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/newblog">' + \
'<button class="button"><span>' + \
translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>'
elif boxName == 'tlevents':
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/newevent"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/newpost.png" title="' + \
translate['Create a new event'] + '" alt="| ' + \
translate['Create a new event'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/newevent">' + \
'<button class="button"><span>' + \
translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>'
if not manuallyApproveFollowers:
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/newpost"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/newpost.png" title="' + \
translate['Create a new post'] + '" alt="| ' + \
translate['Create a new post'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/newpost">' + \
'<button class="button"><span>' + \
translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>'
if not iconsAsButtons:
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + \
'/newfollowers"><img loading="lazy" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/newpost.png" title="' + \
translate['Create a new post'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Create a new post'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
newPostButtonStr += \
'<a href="' + usersPath + '/newfollowers">' + \
'<button class="button"><span>' + \
translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>'
# This creates a link to the profile page when viewed
# in lynx, but should be invisible in a graphical web browser
tlStr += \
'<div class="transparent"><label class="transparent">' + \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '">' + \
translate['Switch to profile view'] + '</a></label></div>\n'
# banner and row of buttons
tlStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to profile view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to profile view'] + '">\n'
tlStr += '<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
usersPath + '/' + bannerFile + '" /></a>\n'
if fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader:
tlStr += \
headerButtonsTimeline(defaultTimeline, boxName, pageNumber,
translate, usersPath, mediaButton,
blogsButton, newsButton, inboxButton,
dmButton, newDM, repliesButton,
newReply, minimal, sentButton,
sharesButtonStr, bookmarksButtonStr,
eventsButtonStr, moderationButtonStr,
newPostButtonStr, baseDir, nickname,
domain, iconsDir, timelineStartTime,
newCalendarEvent, calendarPath,
calendarImage, followApprovals,
# start the timeline
tlStr += '<table class="timeline">\n'
tlStr += ' <colgroup>\n'
tlStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-left">\n'
tlStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-center">\n'
tlStr += ' <col span="1" class="column-right">\n'
tlStr += ' </colgroup>\n'
tlStr += ' <tbody>\n'
tlStr += ' <tr>\n'
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
# left column
leftColumnStr = \
getLeftColumnContent(baseDir, nickname, domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate, iconsDir,
editor, False, None, rssIconAtTop,
True, False)
tlStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-left">' + \
leftColumnStr + ' </td>\n'
# center column containing posts
tlStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-center">\n'
if not fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader:
tlStr += \
headerButtonsTimeline(defaultTimeline, boxName, pageNumber,
translate, usersPath, mediaButton,
blogsButton, newsButton, inboxButton,
dmButton, newDM, repliesButton,
newReply, minimal, sentButton,
sharesButtonStr, bookmarksButtonStr,
eventsButtonStr, moderationButtonStr,
newPostButtonStr, baseDir, nickname,
domain, iconsDir, timelineStartTime,
newCalendarEvent, calendarPath,
calendarImage, followApprovals,
# second row of buttons for moderator actions
if moderator and boxName == 'moderation':
tlStr += \
'<form method="POST" action="/users/' + \
nickname + '/moderationaction">'
tlStr += '<div class="container">\n'
idx = 'Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain'
tlStr += \
' <b>' + translate[idx] + '</b><br>\n'
tlStr += ' <input type="text" ' + \
'name="moderationAction" value="" autofocus><br>\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Remove the above item'] + \
'" name="submitRemove" value="' + \
translate['Remove'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Suspend the above account nickname'] + \
'" name="submitSuspend" value="' + translate['Suspend'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Remove a suspension for an account nickname'] + \
'" name="submitUnsuspend" value="' + \
translate['Unsuspend'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Block an account on another instance'] + \
'" name="submitBlock" value="' + translate['Block'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Unblock an account on another instance'] + \
'" name="submitUnblock" value="' + translate['Unblock'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Information about current blocks/suspensions'] + \
'" name="submitInfo" value="' + translate['Info'] + '">\n'
tlStr += '</div>\n</form>\n'
# benchmark 6
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 6 = ' + str(timeDiff))
if boxName == 'tlshares':
maxSharesPerAccount = itemsPerPage
return (tlStr +
htmlSharesTimeline(translate, pageNumber, itemsPerPage,
baseDir, actor, nickname, domain, port,
maxSharesPerAccount, httpPrefix) +
# benchmark 7
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 7 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# benchmark 8
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 8 = ' + str(timeDiff))
# page up arrow
if pageNumber > 1:
tlStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/' + boxName + \
'?page=' + str(pageNumber - 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pageup.png" title="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
# show the posts
itemCtr = 0
if timelineJson:
# if this is the media timeline then add an extra gallery container
if boxName == 'tlmedia':
if pageNumber > 1:
tlStr += '<br>'
tlStr += '<div class="galleryContainer">\n'
# show each post in the timeline
for item in timelineJson['orderedItems']:
timelinePostStartTime = time.time()
if item['type'] == 'Create' or \
item['type'] == 'Announce' or \
item['type'] == 'Update':
# is the actor who sent this post snoozed?
if isPersonSnoozed(baseDir, nickname, domain, item['actor']):
# is the post in the memory cache of recent ones?
currTlStr = None
if boxName != 'tlmedia' and \
postId = \
removeIdEnding(item['id']).replace('/', '#')
if postId in recentPostsCache['index']:
if not item.get('muted'):
if recentPostsCache['html'].get(postId):
currTlStr = recentPostsCache['html'][postId]
currTlStr = \
# benchmark cache post
timeDiff = \
int((time.time() -
timelinePostStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
boxName + ' = ' + str(timeDiff))
if not currTlStr:
# benchmark cache post
timeDiff = \
int((time.time() -
timelinePostStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
boxName + ' = ' + str(timeDiff))
# read the post from disk
currTlStr = \
individualPostAsHtml(False, recentPostsCache,
iconsDir, translate, pageNumber,
baseDir, session, wfRequest,
nickname, domain, port,
item, None, True,
httpPrefix, projectVersion,
boxName != 'dm',
False, True)
# benchmark cache post
timeDiff = \
int((time.time() -
timelinePostStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
boxName + ' = ' + str(timeDiff))
if currTlStr:
itemCtr += 1
if separatorStr:
tlStr += separatorStr
tlStr += currTlStr
if boxName == 'tlmedia':
tlStr += '</div>\n'
# page down arrow
if itemCtr > 2:
tlStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/' + boxName + '?page=' + \
str(pageNumber + 1) + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/pagedown.png" title="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
# end of column-center
tlStr += ' </td>\n'
# right column
rightColumnStr = getRightColumnContent(baseDir, nickname, domainFull,
httpPrefix, translate, iconsDir,
moderator, editor,
newswire, positiveVoting,
False, None, True,
rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
authorized, True)
tlStr += ' <td valign="top" class="col-right">' + \
rightColumnStr + ' </td>\n'
tlStr += ' </tr>\n'
# benchmark 9
timeDiff = int((time.time() - timelineStartTime) * 1000)
if timeDiff > 100:
print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + boxName + ' 9 = ' + str(timeDiff))
tlStr += ' </tbody>\n'
tlStr += '</table>\n'
tlStr += htmlFooter()
return tlStr
def htmlShares(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the shares timeline as html
manuallyApproveFollowers = \
followerApprovalActive(baseDir, nickname, domain)
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, None,
'tlshares', allowDeletion,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, manuallyApproveFollowers,
False, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInbox(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the inbox as html
manuallyApproveFollowers = \
followerApprovalActive(baseDir, nickname, domain)
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson,
'inbox', allowDeletion,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, manuallyApproveFollowers,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlBookmarks(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, bookmarksJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the bookmarks as html
manuallyApproveFollowers = \
followerApprovalActive(baseDir, nickname, domain)
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, bookmarksJson,
'tlbookmarks', allowDeletion,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, manuallyApproveFollowers,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlEvents(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, bookmarksJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the events as html
manuallyApproveFollowers = \
followerApprovalActive(baseDir, nickname, domain)
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, bookmarksJson,
'tlevents', allowDeletion,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, manuallyApproveFollowers,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInboxDMs(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the DM timeline as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'dm', allowDeletion,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, False, minimal,
YTReplacementDomain, showPublishedDateOnly,
newswire, False, False, positiveVoting,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInboxReplies(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the replies timeline as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'tlreplies',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, False,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInboxMedia(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the media timeline as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'tlmedia',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, False,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInboxBlogs(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the blogs timeline as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'tlblogs',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, False,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, False, False,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlInboxNews(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, moderator: bool, editor: bool,
positiveVoting: bool, showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the news timeline as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'tlnews',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, False,
minimal, YTReplacementDomain,
newswire, moderator, editor,
positiveVoting, showPublishAsIcon,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlModeration(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the moderation feed as html
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, inboxJson, 'moderation',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, True, False,
YTReplacementDomain, showPublishedDateOnly,
newswire, False, False, positiveVoting,
showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlOutbox(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, pageNumber: int, itemsPerPage: int,
session, baseDir: str, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, outboxJson: {},
allowDeletion: bool,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
minimal: bool, YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
newswire: {}, positiveVoting: bool,
showPublishAsIcon: bool,
fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool,
iconsAsButtons: bool,
rssIconAtTop: bool,
publishButtonAtTop: bool,
authorized: bool) -> str:
"""Show the Outbox as html
manuallyApproveFollowers = \
followerApprovalActive(baseDir, nickname, domain)
return htmlTimeline(cssCache, defaultTimeline,
recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
translate, pageNumber,
itemsPerPage, session, baseDir, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, outboxJson, 'outbox',
allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion,
manuallyApproveFollowers, minimal,
YTReplacementDomain, showPublishedDateOnly,
newswire, False, False, positiveVoting,
showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader,
iconsAsButtons, rssIconAtTop, publishButtonAtTop,
def htmlIndividualPost(cssCache: {},
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {},
baseDir: str, session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, authorized: bool,
postJsonObject: {}, httpPrefix: str,
projectVersion: str, likedBy: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
"""Show an individual post as html
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
postStr = ''
if likedBy:
likedByNickname = getNicknameFromActor(likedBy)
likedByDomain, likedByPort = getDomainFromActor(likedBy)
if likedByPort:
if likedByPort != 80 and likedByPort != 443:
likedByDomain += ':' + str(likedByPort)
likedByHandle = likedByNickname + '@' + likedByDomain
postStr += \
'<p>' + translate['Liked by'] + \
' <a href="' + likedBy + '">@' + \
likedByHandle + '</a>\n'
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
actor = '/users/' + nickname
followStr = ' <form method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + actor + '/searchhandle">\n'
followStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + actor + '">\n'
followStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="searchtext" value="' + \
likedByHandle + '">\n'
if not isFollowingActor(baseDir, nickname, domainFull, likedBy):
followStr += ' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
'name="submitSearch">' + translate['Follow'] + '</button>\n'
followStr += ' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
'name="submitBack">' + translate['Go Back'] + '</button>\n'
followStr += ' </form>\n'
postStr += followStr + '</p>\n'
postStr += \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
iconsDir, translate, None,
baseDir, session, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, postJsonObject,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, authorized, False, False, False)
messageId = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id'])
# show the previous posts
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
while postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
postFilename = \
locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain,
if not postFilename:
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if postJsonObject:
postStr = \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
iconsDir, translate, None,
baseDir, session, wfRequest,
nickname, domain, port,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, authorized,
False, False, False) + postStr
# show the following posts
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, messageId)
if postFilename:
# is there a replies file for this post?
repliesFilename = postFilename.replace('.json', '.replies')
if os.path.isfile(repliesFilename):
# get items from the replies file
repliesJson = {
'orderedItems': []
populateRepliesJson(baseDir, nickname, domain,
repliesFilename, authorized, repliesJson)
# add items to the html output
for item in repliesJson['orderedItems']:
postStr += \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
iconsDir, translate, None,
baseDir, session, wfRequest,
nickname, domain, port, item,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, authorized,
False, False, False)
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
postsCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if postsCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
postsCSS = postsCSS.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
return htmlHeader(cssFilename, postsCSS) + postStr + htmlFooter()
def htmlPostReplies(cssCache: {},
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {}, baseDir: str,
session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, repliesJson: {},
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
"""Show the replies to an individual post as html
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
repliesStr = ''
if repliesJson.get('orderedItems'):
for item in repliesJson['orderedItems']:
repliesStr += \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
iconsDir, translate, None,
baseDir, session, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, item,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, False, False, False, False)
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
postsCSS = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if postsCSS:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
postsCSS = postsCSS.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
return htmlHeader(cssFilename, postsCSS) + repliesStr + htmlFooter()
def htmlRemoveSharedItem(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
actor: str, shareName: str,
callingDomain: str) -> str:
"""Shows a screen asking to confirm the removal of a shared item
itemID = getValidSharedItemID(shareName)
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor)
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor)
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
sharesFile = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/shares.json'
if not os.path.isfile(sharesFile):
print('ERROR: no shares file ' + sharesFile)
return None
sharesJson = loadJson(sharesFile)
if not sharesJson:
print('ERROR: unable to load shares.json')
return None
if not sharesJson.get(itemID):
print('ERROR: share named "' + itemID + '" is not in ' + sharesFile)
return None
sharedItemDisplayName = sharesJson[itemID]['displayName']
sharedItemImageUrl = None
if sharesJson[itemID].get('imageUrl'):
sharedItemImageUrl = sharesJson[itemID]['imageUrl']
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/shares-background.png'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/shares-background.png'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/shares-background.png',
baseDir + '/accounts/shares-background.png')
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-follow.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/follow.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/follow.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
sharesStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
sharesStr += '<div class="follow">\n'
sharesStr += ' <div class="followAvatar">\n'
sharesStr += ' <center>\n'
if sharedItemImageUrl:
sharesStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + \
sharedItemImageUrl + '"/>\n'
sharesStr += \
' <p class="followText">' + translate['Remove'] + \
' ' + sharedItemDisplayName + ' ?</p>\n'
postActor = getAltPath(actor, domainFull, callingDomain)
sharesStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + postActor + '/rmshare">\n'
sharesStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + actor + '">\n'
sharesStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="shareName" value="' + \
shareName + '">\n'
sharesStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
sharesStr += \
' <a href="' + actor + '/inbox' + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
sharesStr += ' </form>\n'
sharesStr += ' </center>\n'
sharesStr += ' </div>\n'
sharesStr += '</div>\n'
sharesStr += htmlFooter()
return sharesStr
def htmlDeletePost(cssCache: {},
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate, pageNumber: int,
session, baseDir: str, messageId: str,
httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
callingDomain: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
"""Shows a screen asking to confirm the deletion of a post
if '/statuses/' not in messageId:
return None
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
actor = messageId.split('/statuses/')[0]
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor)
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor)
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, messageId)
if not postFilename:
return None
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if not postJsonObject:
return None
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/delete-background.png'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/delete-background.png'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/delete-background.png',
baseDir + '/accounts/delete-background.png')
deletePostStr = None
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = profileStyle.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
deletePostStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
deletePostStr += \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
iconsDir, translate, pageNumber,
baseDir, session, wfRequest, personCache,
nickname, domain, port, postJsonObject,
None, True, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'outbox',
False, False, False, False, False)
deletePostStr += '<center>'
deletePostStr += \
' <p class="followText">' + \
translate['Delete this post?'] + '</p>'
postActor = getAltPath(actor, domainFull, callingDomain)
deletePostStr += \
' <form method="POST" action="' + postActor + '/rmpost">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="pageNumber" value="' + \
str(pageNumber) + '">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="messageId" value="' + \
messageId + '">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <a href="' + actor + '/inbox"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
deletePostStr += ' </form>\n'
deletePostStr += '</center>\n'
deletePostStr += htmlFooter()
return deletePostStr
def htmlCalendarDeleteConfirm(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
path: str, httpPrefix: str,
domainFull: str, postId: str, postTime: str,
year: int, monthNumber: int,
dayNumber: int, callingDomain: str) -> str:
"""Shows a screen asking to confirm the deletion of a calendar event
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor)
messageId = actor + '/statuses/' + postId
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, messageId)
if not postFilename:
return None
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if not postJsonObject:
return None
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/delete-background.png'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/delete-background.png'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/delete-background.png',
baseDir + '/accounts/delete-background.png')
deletePostStr = None
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = profileStyle.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
deletePostStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
deletePostStr += \
'<center><h1>' + postTime + ' ' + str(year) + '/' + \
str(monthNumber) + \
'/' + str(dayNumber) + '</h1></center>'
deletePostStr += '<center>'
deletePostStr += ' <p class="followText">' + \
translate['Delete this event'] + '</p>'
postActor = getAltPath(actor, domainFull, callingDomain)
deletePostStr += \
' <form method="POST" action="' + postActor + '/rmpost">\n'
deletePostStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="year" value="' + \
str(year) + '">\n'
deletePostStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="month" value="' + \
str(monthNumber) + '">\n'
deletePostStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="day" value="' + \
str(dayNumber) + '">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="pageNumber" value="1">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="messageId" value="' + \
messageId + '">\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
deletePostStr += \
' <a href="' + actor + '/calendar?year=' + \
str(year) + '?month=' + \
str(monthNumber) + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
deletePostStr += ' </form>\n'
deletePostStr += '</center>\n'
deletePostStr += htmlFooter()
return deletePostStr
def htmlFollowConfirm(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
originPathStr: str,
followActor: str,
followProfileUrl: str) -> str:
"""Asks to confirm a follow
followDomain, port = getDomainFromActor(followActor)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background-custom.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background.jpg')
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-follow.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/follow.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/follow.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
followStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
followStr += '<div class="follow">\n'
followStr += ' <div class="followAvatar">\n'
followStr += ' <center>\n'
followStr += ' <a href="' + followActor + '">\n'
followStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + followProfileUrl + '"/></a>\n'
followStr += \
' <p class="followText">' + translate['Follow'] + ' ' + \
getNicknameFromActor(followActor) + '@' + followDomain + ' ?</p>\n'
followStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
originPathStr + '/followconfirm">\n'
followStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
followActor + '">\n'
followStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
followStr += \
' <a href="' + originPathStr + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
followStr += ' </form>\n'
followStr += '</center>\n'
followStr += '</div>\n'
followStr += '</div>\n'
followStr += htmlFooter()
return followStr
def htmlUnfollowConfirm(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
originPathStr: str,
followActor: str,
followProfileUrl: str) -> str:
"""Asks to confirm unfollowing an actor
followDomain, port = getDomainFromActor(followActor)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background-custom.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/follow-background.jpg')
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-follow.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/follow.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/follow.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
followStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
followStr += '<div class="follow">\n'
followStr += ' <div class="followAvatar">\n'
followStr += ' <center>\n'
followStr += ' <a href="' + followActor + '">\n'
followStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + followProfileUrl + '"/></a>\n'
followStr += \
' <p class="followText">' + translate['Stop following'] + \
' ' + getNicknameFromActor(followActor) + \
'@' + followDomain + ' ?</p>\n'
followStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
originPathStr + '/unfollowconfirm">\n'
followStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
followActor + '">\n'
followStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
followStr += \
' <a href="' + originPathStr + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
followStr += ' </form>\n'
followStr += '</center>\n'
followStr += '</div>\n'
followStr += '</div>\n'
followStr += htmlFooter()
return followStr
def htmlPersonOptions(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
domain: str, domainFull: str,
originPathStr: str,
optionsActor: str,
optionsProfileUrl: str,
optionsLink: str,
pageNumber: int,
donateUrl: str,
xmppAddress: str,
matrixAddress: str,
ssbAddress: str,
blogAddress: str,
toxAddress: str,
PGPpubKey: str,
PGPfingerprint: str,
emailAddress) -> str:
"""Show options for a person: view/follow/block/report
optionsDomain, optionsPort = getDomainFromActor(optionsActor)
optionsDomainFull = optionsDomain
if optionsPort:
if optionsPort != 80 and optionsPort != 443:
optionsDomainFull = optionsDomain + ':' + str(optionsPort)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/options-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg',
baseDir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg')
followStr = 'Follow'
blockStr = 'Block'
nickname = None
optionsNickname = None
if originPathStr.startswith('/users/'):
nickname = originPathStr.split('/users/')[1]
if '/' in nickname:
nickname = nickname.split('/')[0]
if '?' in nickname:
nickname = nickname.split('?')[0]
followerDomain, followerPort = getDomainFromActor(optionsActor)
if isFollowingActor(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
followStr = 'Unfollow'
optionsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(optionsActor)
optionsDomainFull = optionsDomain
if optionsPort:
if optionsPort != 80 and optionsPort != 443:
optionsDomainFull = optionsDomain + ':' + str(optionsPort)
if isBlocked(baseDir, nickname, domain,
optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull):
blockStr = 'Block'
optionsLinkStr = ''
if optionsLink:
optionsLinkStr = \
' <input type="hidden" name="postUrl" value="' + \
optionsLink + '">\n'
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-options.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/options.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/options.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
profileStyle = \
profileStyle.replace('--follow-text-entry-width: 90%;',
'--follow-text-entry-width: 20%;')
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' +
profileStyle = \
profileStyle.replace('background-image: ' +
'background-image: none;')
# To snooze, or not to snooze? That is the question
snoozeButtonStr = 'Snooze'
if nickname:
if isPersonSnoozed(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
snoozeButtonStr = 'Unsnooze'
donateStr = ''
if donateUrl:
donateStr = \
' <a href="' + donateUrl + \
'"><button class="button" name="submitDonate">' + \
translate['Donate'] + '</button></a>\n'
optionsStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
optionsStr += '<br><br>\n'
optionsStr += '<div class="options">\n'
optionsStr += ' <div class="optionsAvatar">\n'
optionsStr += ' <center>\n'
optionsStr += ' <a href="' + optionsActor + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + optionsProfileUrl + \
handle = getNicknameFromActor(optionsActor) + '@' + optionsDomain
optionsStr += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + translate['Options for'] + \
' @' + handle + '</p>\n'
if emailAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['Email'] + \
': <a href="mailto:' + \
emailAddress + '">' + emailAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if xmppAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['XMPP'] + \
': <a href="xmpp:' + xmppAddress + '">' + \
xmppAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if matrixAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['Matrix'] + ': ' + \
matrixAddress + '</p>\n'
if ssbAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">SSB: ' + ssbAddress + '</p>\n'
if blogAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">Blog: <a href="' + blogAddress + '">' + \
blogAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if toxAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">Tox: ' + toxAddress + '</p>\n'
if PGPfingerprint:
optionsStr += '<p class="pgp">PGP: ' + \
PGPfingerprint.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
if PGPpubKey:
optionsStr += '<p class="pgp">' + \
PGPpubKey.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
optionsStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
originPathStr + '/personoptions">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="pageNumber" value="' + \
str(pageNumber) + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
optionsActor + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="avatarUrl" value="' + \
optionsProfileUrl + '">\n'
if optionsNickname:
handle = optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomainFull
petname = getPetName(baseDir, nickname, domain, handle)
optionsStr += \
' ' + translate['Petname'] + ': \n' + \
' <input type="text" name="optionpetname" value="' + \
petname + '">\n' \
' <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPetname">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
# checkbox for receiving calendar events
if isFollowingActor(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="onCalendar" checked> ' + \
translate['Receive calendar events from this account'] + \
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitOnCalendar">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
if not receivingCalendarEvents(baseDir, nickname, domain,
optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull):
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
# checkbox for permission to post to newswire
if optionsDomainFull == domainFull:
if isModerator(baseDir, nickname) and \
not isModerator(baseDir, optionsNickname):
newswireBlockedFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomain + '/.nonewswire'
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="postsToNews" checked> ' + \
translate['Allow news posts'] + \
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPostToNews">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
if os.path.isfile(newswireBlockedFilename):
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
optionsStr += optionsLinkStr
optionsStr += \
' <a href="/"><button type="button" class="buttonIcon" ' + \
'name="submitBack">' + translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitView">' + \
translate['View'] + '</button>'
optionsStr += donateStr
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
followStr + '">' + translate[followStr] + '</button>'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
blockStr + '">' + translate[blockStr] + '</button>'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitDM">' + \
translate['DM'] + '</button>'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
snoozeButtonStr + '">' + translate[snoozeButtonStr] + '</button>'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitReport">' + \
translate['Report'] + '</button>'
personNotes = ''
personNotesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + \
'/notes/' + handle + '.txt'
if os.path.isfile(personNotesFilename):
with open(personNotesFilename, 'r') as fp:
personNotes = fp.read()
optionsStr += \
' <br><br>' + translate['Notes'] + ': \n'
optionsStr += ' <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPersonNotes">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
optionsStr += \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="optionnotes" style="height:400px">' + \
personNotes + '</textarea>\n'
optionsStr += ' </form>\n'
optionsStr += '</center>\n'
optionsStr += '</div>\n'
optionsStr += '</div>\n'
optionsStr += htmlFooter()
return optionsStr
def htmlUnblockConfirm(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
originPathStr: str,
blockActor: str,
blockProfileUrl: str) -> str:
"""Asks to confirm unblocking an actor
blockDomain, port = getDomainFromActor(blockActor)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/block-background.png'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/block-background.png'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/block-background.png',
baseDir + '/accounts/block-background.png')
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-follow.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/follow.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/follow.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
blockStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle)
blockStr += '<div class="block">\n'
blockStr += ' <div class="blockAvatar">\n'
blockStr += ' <center>\n'
blockStr += ' <a href="' + blockActor + '">\n'
blockStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + blockProfileUrl + '"/></a>\n'
blockStr += \
' <p class="blockText">' + translate['Stop blocking'] + ' ' + \
getNicknameFromActor(blockActor) + '@' + blockDomain + ' ?</p>\n'
blockStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
originPathStr + '/unblockconfirm">\n'
blockStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
blockActor + '">\n'
blockStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Yes'] + '</button>\n'
blockStr += \
' <a href="' + originPathStr + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['No'] + '</button></a>\n'
blockStr += ' </form>\n'
blockStr += '</center>\n'
blockStr += '</div>\n'
blockStr += '</div>\n'
blockStr += htmlFooter()
return blockStr
def htmlCalendarDay(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
baseDir: str, path: str,
year: int, monthNumber: int, dayNumber: int,
nickname: str, domain: str, dayEvents: [],
monthName: str, actor: str) -> str:
"""Show a day within the calendar
accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain
calendarFile = accountDir + '/.newCalendar'
if os.path.isfile(calendarFile):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-calendar.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/calendar.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/calendar.css'
calendarStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
calActor = actor
if '/users/' in actor:
calActor = '/users/' + actor.split('/users/')[1]
calendarStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, calendarStyle)
calendarStr += '<main><table class="calendar">\n'
calendarStr += '<caption class="calendar__banner--month">\n'
calendarStr += \
' <a href="' + calActor + '/calendar?year=' + str(year) + \
'?month=' + str(monthNumber) + '">\n'
calendarStr += \
' <h1>' + str(dayNumber) + ' ' + monthName + \
'</h1></a><br><span class="year">' + str(year) + '</span>\n'
calendarStr += '</caption>\n'
calendarStr += '<tbody>\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
if dayEvents:
for eventPost in dayEvents:
eventTime = None
eventDescription = None
eventPlace = None
postId = None
# get the time place and description
for ev in eventPost:
if ev['type'] == 'Event':
if ev.get('postId'):
postId = ev['postId']
if ev.get('startTime'):
eventDate = \
eventTime = eventDate.strftime("%H:%M").strip()
if ev.get('name'):
eventDescription = ev['name'].strip()
elif ev['type'] == 'Place':
if ev.get('name'):
eventPlace = ev['name']
deleteButtonStr = ''
if postId:
deleteButtonStr = \
'<td class="calendar__day__icons"><a href="' + calActor + \
'/eventdelete?id=' + postId + '?year=' + str(year) + \
'?month=' + str(monthNumber) + '?day=' + str(dayNumber) + \
'?time=' + eventTime + \
'">\n<img class="calendardayicon" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['Delete this event'] + ' |" title="' + \
translate['Delete this event'] + '" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/delete.png" /></a></td>\n'
if eventTime and eventDescription and eventPlace:
calendarStr += \
'<tr><td class="calendar__day__time"><b>' + eventTime + \
'</b></td><td class="calendar__day__event">' + \
'<span class="place">' + \
eventPlace + '</span><br>' + eventDescription + \
'</td>' + deleteButtonStr + '</tr>\n'
elif eventTime and eventDescription and not eventPlace:
calendarStr += \
'<tr><td class="calendar__day__time"><b>' + eventTime + \
'</b></td><td class="calendar__day__event">' + \
eventDescription + '</td>' + deleteButtonStr + '</tr>\n'
elif not eventTime and eventDescription and not eventPlace:
calendarStr += \
'<tr><td class="calendar__day__time">' + \
'</td><td class="calendar__day__event">' + \
eventDescription + '</td>' + deleteButtonStr + '</tr>\n'
elif not eventTime and eventDescription and eventPlace:
calendarStr += \
'<tr><td class="calendar__day__time"></td>' + \
'<td class="calendar__day__event"><span class="place">' + \
eventPlace + '</span><br>' + eventDescription + \
'</td>' + deleteButtonStr + '</tr>\n'
elif eventTime and not eventDescription and eventPlace:
calendarStr += \
'<tr><td class="calendar__day__time"><b>' + eventTime + \
'</b></td><td class="calendar__day__event">' + \
'<span class="place">' + \
eventPlace + '</span></td>' + \
deleteButtonStr + '</tr>\n'
calendarStr += '</tbody>\n'
calendarStr += '</table></main>\n'
calendarStr += htmlFooter()
return calendarStr
def htmlCalendar(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
baseDir: str, path: str,
httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str) -> str:
"""Show the calendar for a person
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
domain = domainFull
if ':' in domainFull:
domain = domainFull.split(':')[0]
monthNumber = 0
dayNumber = None
year = 1970
actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path.replace('/calendar', '')
if '?' in actor:
first = True
for p in actor.split('?'):
if not first:
if '=' in p:
if p.split('=')[0] == 'year':
numStr = p.split('=')[1]
if numStr.isdigit():
year = int(numStr)
elif p.split('=')[0] == 'month':
numStr = p.split('=')[1]
if numStr.isdigit():
monthNumber = int(numStr)
elif p.split('=')[0] == 'day':
numStr = p.split('=')[1]
if numStr.isdigit():
dayNumber = int(numStr)
first = False
actor = actor.split('?')[0]
currDate = datetime.now()
if year == 1970 and monthNumber == 0:
year = currDate.year
monthNumber = currDate.month
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor)
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/calendar-background.png'):
if not os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/calendar-background.png'):
copyfile(baseDir + '/img/calendar-background.png',
baseDir + '/accounts/calendar-background.png')
months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
'October', 'November', 'December')
monthName = translate[months[monthNumber - 1]]
if dayNumber:
dayEvents = None
events = \
getTodaysEvents(baseDir, nickname, domain,
year, monthNumber, dayNumber)
if events:
if events.get(str(dayNumber)):
dayEvents = events[str(dayNumber)]
return htmlCalendarDay(cssCache, translate, baseDir, path,
year, monthNumber, dayNumber,
nickname, domain, dayEvents,
monthName, actor)
events = \
getCalendarEvents(baseDir, nickname, domain, year, monthNumber)
prevYear = year
prevMonthNumber = monthNumber - 1
if prevMonthNumber < 1:
prevMonthNumber = 12
prevYear = year - 1
nextYear = year
nextMonthNumber = monthNumber + 1
if nextMonthNumber > 12:
nextMonthNumber = 1
nextYear = year + 1
print('Calendar year=' + str(year) + ' month=' + str(monthNumber) +
' ' + str(weekDayOfMonthStart(monthNumber, year)))
if monthNumber < 12:
daysInMonth = \
(date(year, monthNumber + 1, 1) - date(year, monthNumber, 1)).days
daysInMonth = \
(date(year + 1, 1, 1) - date(year, monthNumber, 1)).days
# print('daysInMonth ' + str(monthNumber) + ': ' + str(daysInMonth))
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-calendar.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/calendar.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/calendar.css'
calendarStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
calActor = actor
if '/users/' in actor:
calActor = '/users/' + actor.split('/users/')[1]
calendarStr = htmlHeader(cssFilename, calendarStyle)
calendarStr += '<main><table class="calendar">\n'
calendarStr += '<caption class="calendar__banner--month">\n'
calendarStr += \
' <a href="' + calActor + '/calendar?year=' + str(prevYear) + \
'?month=' + str(prevMonthNumber) + '">'
calendarStr += \
' <img loading="lazy" alt="' + translate['Previous month'] + \
'" title="' + translate['Previous month'] + '" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/prev.png" class="buttonprev"/></a>\n'
calendarStr += ' <a href="' + calActor + '/inbox" title="'
calendarStr += translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">'
calendarStr += ' <h1>' + monthName + '</h1></a>\n'
calendarStr += \
' <a href="' + calActor + '/calendar?year=' + str(nextYear) + \
'?month=' + str(nextMonthNumber) + '">'
calendarStr += \
' <img loading="lazy" alt="' + translate['Next month'] + \
'" title="' + translate['Next month'] + '" src="/' + iconsDir + \
'/prev.png" class="buttonnext"/></a>\n'
calendarStr += '</caption>\n'
calendarStr += '<thead>\n'
calendarStr += '<tr>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Sun'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Mon'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Tue'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Wed'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Thu'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Fri'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += ' <th class="calendar__day__header">' + \
translate['Sat'] + '</th>\n'
calendarStr += '</tr>\n'
calendarStr += '</thead>\n'
calendarStr += '<tbody>\n'
dayOfMonth = 0
dow = weekDayOfMonthStart(monthNumber, year)
for weekOfMonth in range(1, 7):
if dayOfMonth == daysInMonth:
calendarStr += ' <tr>\n'
for dayNumber in range(1, 8):
if (weekOfMonth > 1 and dayOfMonth < daysInMonth) or \
(weekOfMonth == 1 and dayNumber >= dow):
dayOfMonth += 1
isToday = False
if year == currDate.year:
if currDate.month == monthNumber:
if dayOfMonth == currDate.day:
isToday = True
if events.get(str(dayOfMonth)):
url = calActor + '/calendar?year=' + \
str(year) + '?month=' + \
str(monthNumber) + '?day=' + str(dayOfMonth)
dayLink = '<a href="' + url + '">' + \
str(dayOfMonth) + '</a>'
# there are events for this day
if not isToday:
calendarStr += \
' <td class="calendar__day__cell" ' + \
'data-event="">' + \
dayLink + '</td>\n'
calendarStr += \
' <td class="calendar__day__cell" ' + \
'data-today-event="">' + \
dayLink + '</td>\n'
# No events today
if not isToday:
calendarStr += \
' <td class="calendar__day__cell">' + \
str(dayOfMonth) + '</td>\n'
calendarStr += \
' <td class="calendar__day__cell" ' + \
'data-today="">' + str(dayOfMonth) + '</td>\n'
calendarStr += ' <td class="calendar__day__cell"></td>\n'
calendarStr += ' </tr>\n'
calendarStr += '</tbody>\n'
calendarStr += '</table></main>\n'
calendarStr += htmlFooter()
return calendarStr
def htmlProfileAfterSearch(cssCache: {},
recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
translate: {},
baseDir: str, path: str, httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
profileHandle: str,
session, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
debug: bool, projectVersion: str,
YTReplacementDomain: str,
showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
"""Show a profile page after a search for a fediverse address
if '/users/' in profileHandle or \
'/accounts/' in profileHandle or \
'/channel/' in profileHandle or \
'/profile/' in profileHandle or \
'/@' in profileHandle:
searchNickname = getNicknameFromActor(profileHandle)
searchDomain, searchPort = getDomainFromActor(profileHandle)
if '@' not in profileHandle:
print('DEBUG: no @ in ' + profileHandle)
return None
if profileHandle.startswith('@'):
profileHandle = profileHandle[1:]
if '@' not in profileHandle:
print('DEBUG: no @ in ' + profileHandle)
return None
searchNickname = profileHandle.split('@')[0]
searchDomain = profileHandle.split('@')[1]
searchPort = None
if ':' in searchDomain:
searchPortStr = searchDomain.split(':')[1]
if searchPortStr.isdigit():
searchPort = int(searchPortStr)
searchDomain = searchDomain.split(':')[0]
if searchPort:
print('DEBUG: Search for handle ' +
str(searchNickname) + '@' + str(searchDomain) + ':' +
print('DEBUG: Search for handle ' +
str(searchNickname) + '@' + str(searchDomain))
if not searchNickname:
print('DEBUG: No nickname found in ' + profileHandle)
return None
if not searchDomain:
print('DEBUG: No domain found in ' + profileHandle)
return None
searchDomainFull = searchDomain
if searchPort:
if searchPort != 80 and searchPort != 443:
if ':' not in searchDomain:
searchDomainFull = searchDomain + ':' + str(searchPort)
profileStr = ''
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
profileStyle = getCSS(baseDir, cssFilename, cssCache)
if profileStyle:
wf = \
searchNickname + '@' + searchDomainFull,
httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers,
domain, projectVersion)
if not wf:
print('DEBUG: Unable to webfinger ' +
searchNickname + '@' + searchDomainFull)
print('DEBUG: cachedWebfingers ' + str(cachedWebfingers))
print('DEBUG: httpPrefix ' + httpPrefix)
print('DEBUG: domain ' + domain)
return None
if not isinstance(wf, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger search for ' +
searchNickname + '@' + searchDomainFull +
' did not return a dict. ' +
return None
personUrl = None
if wf.get('errors'):
personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + \
searchDomainFull + '/users/' + searchNickname
profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if not personUrl:
personUrl = getUserUrl(wf)
if not personUrl:
# try single user instance
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + searchDomainFull
profileJson = \
getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not profileJson:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
profileJson = \
getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not profileJson:
print('DEBUG: No actor returned from ' + personUrl)
return None
avatarUrl = ''
if profileJson.get('icon'):
if profileJson['icon'].get('url'):
avatarUrl = profileJson['icon']['url']
if not avatarUrl:
avatarUrl = getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir, personUrl,
personCache, True)
displayName = searchNickname
if profileJson.get('name'):
displayName = profileJson['name']
profileDescription = ''
if profileJson.get('summary'):
profileDescription = profileJson['summary']
outboxUrl = None
if not profileJson.get('outbox'):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No outbox found')
return None
outboxUrl = profileJson['outbox']
profileBackgroundImage = ''
if profileJson.get('image'):
if profileJson['image'].get('url'):
profileBackgroundImage = profileJson['image']['url']
profileStyle = profileStyle.replace('image.png',
if httpPrefix != 'https':
profileStyle = profileStyle.replace('https://',
httpPrefix + '://')
# url to return to
backUrl = path
if not backUrl.endswith('/inbox'):
backUrl += '/inbox'
profileDescriptionShort = profileDescription
if '\n' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('\n')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
if '<br>' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('<br>')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# keep the profile description short
if len(profileDescriptionShort) > 256:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# remove formatting from profile description used on title
avatarDescription = ''
if profileJson.get('summary'):
if isinstance(profileJson['summary'], str):
avatarDescription = \
profileJson['summary'].replace('<br>', '\n')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('<p>', '')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('</p>', '')
if '<' in avatarDescription:
avatarDescription = removeHtml(avatarDescription)
profileStr = ' <div class="hero-image">\n'
profileStr += ' <div class="hero-text">\n'
if avatarUrl:
profileStr += \
' <img loading="lazy" src="' + avatarUrl + \
'" alt="' + avatarDescription + '" title="' + \
avatarDescription + '" class="title">\n'
profileStr += ' <h1>' + displayName + '</h1>\n'
profileStr += ' <p><b>@' + searchNickname + '@' + \
searchDomainFull + '</b></p>\n'
profileStr += ' <p>' + profileDescriptionShort + '</p>\n'
profileStr += ' </div>\n'
profileStr += '</div>\n'
profileStr += '<div class="container">\n'
profileStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
backUrl + '/followconfirm">\n'
profileStr += ' <center>\n'
profileStr += \
' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
personUrl + '">\n'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + backUrl + '"><button class="button">' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
profileStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes">' + \
translate['Follow'] + '</button>\n'
profileStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitView">' + \
translate['View'] + '</button>\n'
profileStr += ' </center>\n'
profileStr += ' </form>\n'
profileStr += '</div>\n'
iconsDir = getIconsDir(baseDir)
i = 0
for item in parseUserFeed(session, outboxUrl, asHeader,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain):
if not item.get('type'):
if item['type'] != 'Create' and item['type'] != 'Announce':
if not item.get('object'):
profileStr += \
individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
iconsDir, translate, None, baseDir,
session, cachedWebfingers, personCache,
nickname, domain, port,
item, avatarUrl, False, False,
httpPrefix, projectVersion, 'inbox',
False, False, False, False, False)
i += 1
if i >= 20:
return htmlHeader(cssFilename, profileStyle) + profileStr + htmlFooter()