
210 lines
8.4 KiB

__filename__ = "notifications_client.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
import os
import html
import time
import sys
import select
from session import createSession
from speaker import getSpeakerFromServer
from speaker import getSpeakerPitch
from speaker import getSpeakerRate
from speaker import getSpeakerRange
def _waitForKeypress(timeout: int, debug: bool) -> str:
"""Waits for a keypress with a timeout
Returns the key pressed, or None on timeout
i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
if (i):
text = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if debug:
print("Text entered: " + text)
return text
if debug:
return None
def _speakerEspeak(espeak, pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int,
sayText: str) -> None:
"""Speaks the given text with espeak
espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Pitch, pitch)
espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Rate, rate)
espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Range, srange)
def _speakerPicospeaker(pitch: int, rate: int, systemLanguage: str,
sayText: str) -> None:
speakerLang = 'en-GB'
if systemLanguage:
if systemLanguage.startswith('fr'):
speakerLang = 'fr-FR'
elif systemLanguage.startswith('es'):
speakerLang = 'es-ES'
elif systemLanguage.startswith('de'):
speakerLang = 'de-DE'
elif systemLanguage.startswith('it'):
speakerLang = 'it-IT'
speakerCmd = 'picospeaker ' + \
'-l ' + speakerLang + \
' -r ' + str(rate) + \
' -p ' + str(pitch) + ' "' + \
html.unescape(sayText) + '"'
# print(speakerCmd)
def _playNotificationSound(soundFilename: str, player='ffplay') -> None:
"""Plays a sound
if not os.path.isfile(soundFilename):
if player == 'ffplay':
os.system('ffplay ' + soundFilename +
' -autoexit -hide_banner -nodisp')
def runNotificationsClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
password: str, screenreader: str,
systemLanguage: str, debug: bool) -> None:
"""Runs the notifications and screen reader client,
which announces new inbox items
if screenreader:
if screenreader == 'espeak':
print('Setting up espeak')
from espeak import espeak
elif screenreader != 'picospeaker':
print(screenreader + ' is not a supported TTS system')
print('Running ' + screenreader + ' for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
prevSay = ''
prevDM = False
prevReply = False
prevCalendar = False
prevFollow = False
prevLike = ''
prevShare = False
dmSoundFilename = 'dm.ogg'
replySoundFilename = 'reply.ogg'
calendarSoundFilename = 'calendar.ogg'
followSoundFilename = 'follow.ogg'
likeSoundFilename = 'like.ogg'
shareSoundFilename = 'share.ogg'
player = 'ffplay'
while (1):
session = createSession(proxyType)
speakerJson = \
getSpeakerFromServer(baseDir, session, nickname, password,
domain, port, httpPrefix, True, __version__)
if speakerJson:
if speakerJson.get('notify'):
soundsDir = 'theme/default/sounds'
if speakerJson['notify'].get('theme'):
soundsDir = \
'theme/' + speakerJson['notify']['theme'] + '/sounds'
if not os.path.isdir(soundsDir):
soundsDir = 'theme/default/sounds'
if dmSoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['dm'] != prevDM:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
dmSoundFilename, player)
elif replySoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['reply'] != prevReply:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
replySoundFilename, player)
elif calendarSoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['calendar'] != prevCalendar:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
calendarSoundFilename, player)
elif followSoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['followRequests'] != prevFollow:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
followSoundFilename, player)
elif likeSoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['likedBy'] != prevLike:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
likeSoundFilename, player)
elif shareSoundFilename:
if speakerJson['notify']['share'] != prevShare:
_playNotificationSound(soundsDir + '/' +
shareSoundFilename, player)
prevDM = speakerJson['notify']['dm']
prevReply = speakerJson['notify']['reply']
prevCalendar = speakerJson['notify']['calendar']
prevFollow = speakerJson['notify']['followRequests']
prevLike = speakerJson['notify']['likedBy']
prevShare = speakerJson['notify']['share']
if speakerJson.get('say'):
if speakerJson['say'] != prevSay:
if speakerJson.get('name'):
nameStr = speakerJson['name']
gender = 'They/Them'
if speakerJson.get('gender'):
gender = speakerJson['gender']
# get the speech parameters
pitch = getSpeakerPitch(nameStr, screenreader, gender)
rate = getSpeakerRate(nameStr, screenreader)
srange = getSpeakerRange(nameStr)
# say the speaker's name
if screenreader == 'espeak':
_speakerEspeak(espeak, pitch, rate, srange,
elif screenreader == 'picospeaker':
_speakerPicospeaker(pitch, rate,
systemLanguage, nameStr)
# append image description if needed
if not speakerJson.get('imageDescription'):
sayStr = speakerJson['say']
# echo spoken text to the screen
print(html.unescape(nameStr) + ': ' +
html.unescape(speakerJson['say']) + '\n')
sayStr = speakerJson['say'] + '. ' + \
# echo spoken text to the screen
imageDescription = \
print(html.unescape(nameStr) + ': ' +
html.unescape(speakerJson['say']) + '\n' +
# speak the post content
if screenreader == 'espeak':
_speakerEspeak(espeak, pitch, rate, srange, sayStr)
elif screenreader == 'picospeaker':
_speakerPicospeaker(pitch, rate,
systemLanguage, sayStr)
prevSay = speakerJson['say']
# wait for a while, or until a key is pressed
keyPress = _waitForKeypress(30, debug)
if keyPress:
if keyPress.startswith('/'):
keyPress = keyPress[1:]
if keyPress == 'q' or keyPress == 'quit' or keyPress == 'exit':