
2426 lines
97 KiB

__filename__ = "webapp_profile.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "Web Interface"
import os
from pprint import pprint
from webfinger import webfingerHandle
from utils import getDisplayName
from utils import isGroupAccount
from utils import has_object_dict
from utils import getOccupationName
from utils import getLockedAccount
from utils import getFullDomain
from utils import isArtist
from utils import isDormant
from utils import getNicknameFromActor
from utils import getDomainFromActor
from utils import isSystemAccount
from utils import removeHtml
from utils import loadJson
from utils import getConfigParam
from utils import getImageFormats
from utils import acct_dir
from utils import getSupportedLanguages
from utils import local_actor_url
from utils import getReplyIntervalHours
from languages import getActorLanguages
from skills import getSkills
from theme import getThemesList
from person import personBoxJson
from person import getActorJson
from person import getPersonAvatarUrl
from posts import getPersonBox
from posts import isModerator
from posts import parseUserFeed
from posts import isCreateInsideAnnounce
from donate import getDonationUrl
from donate import getWebsite
from xmpp import getXmppAddress
from matrix import getMatrixAddress
from ssb import getSSBAddress
from pgp import getEmailAddress
from pgp import getPGPfingerprint
from pgp import getPGPpubKey
from enigma import getEnigmaPubKey
from tox import getToxAddress
from briar import getBriarAddress
from jami import getJamiAddress
from cwtch import getCwtchAddress
from filters import isFiltered
from follow import isFollowerOfPerson
from follow import getFollowerDomains
from webapp_frontscreen import htmlFrontScreen
from webapp_utils import htmlKeyboardNavigation
from webapp_utils import htmlHideFromScreenReader
from webapp_utils import scheduledPostsExist
from webapp_utils import htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle
from webapp_utils import htmlHeaderWithPersonMarkup
from webapp_utils import htmlFooter
from webapp_utils import addEmojiToDisplayName
from webapp_utils import getBannerFile
from webapp_utils import htmlPostSeparator
from webapp_utils import editCheckBox
from webapp_utils import editTextField
from webapp_utils import editTextArea
from webapp_utils import beginEditSection
from webapp_utils import endEditSection
from blog import getBlogAddress
from webapp_post import individualPostAsHtml
from webapp_timeline import htmlIndividualShare
from blocking import getCWlistVariable
def _validProfilePreviewPost(post_json_object: {},
personUrl: str) -> (bool, {}):
"""Returns true if the given post should appear on a person/group profile
after searching for a handle
isAnnouncedFeedItem = False
if isCreateInsideAnnounce(post_json_object):
isAnnouncedFeedItem = True
post_json_object = post_json_object['object']
if not post_json_object.get('type'):
return False, None
if post_json_object['type'] == 'Create':
if not has_object_dict(post_json_object):
return False, None
if post_json_object['type'] != 'Create' and \
post_json_object['type'] != 'Announce':
if post_json_object['type'] != 'Note' and \
post_json_object['type'] != 'Page':
return False, None
if not post_json_object.get('to'):
return False, None
if not post_json_object.get('id'):
return False, None
# wrap in create
cc = []
if post_json_object.get('cc'):
cc = post_json_object['cc']
newPostJsonObject = {
'object': post_json_object,
'to': post_json_object['to'],
'cc': cc,
'id': post_json_object['id'],
'actor': personUrl,
'type': 'Create'
post_json_object = newPostJsonObject
if not post_json_object.get('actor'):
return False, None
if not isAnnouncedFeedItem:
if post_json_object['actor'] != personUrl and \
post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Page':
return False, None
return True, post_json_object
def htmlProfileAfterSearch(cssCache: {},
recentPostsCache: {}, max_recent_posts: int,
translate: {},
base_dir: str, path: str, http_prefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
profileHandle: str,
session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
debug: bool, project_version: str,
yt_replace_domain: str,
twitter_replacement_domain: str,
show_published_date_only: bool,
defaultTimeline: str,
peertube_instances: [],
allow_local_network_access: bool,
theme_name: str,
accessKeys: {},
system_language: str,
max_like_count: int,
signing_priv_key_pem: str,
cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str) -> str:
"""Show a profile page after a search for a fediverse address
http = False
gnunet = False
if http_prefix == 'http':
http = True
elif http_prefix == 'gnunet':
gnunet = True
profile_json, asHeader = \
getActorJson(domain, profileHandle, http, gnunet, debug, False,
signing_priv_key_pem, session)
if not profile_json:
return None
personUrl = profile_json['id']
searchDomain, searchPort = getDomainFromActor(personUrl)
if not searchDomain:
return None
searchNickname = getNicknameFromActor(personUrl)
if not searchNickname:
return None
searchDomainFull = getFullDomain(searchDomain, searchPort)
profileStr = ''
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css'
isGroup = False
if profile_json.get('type'):
if profile_json['type'] == 'Group':
isGroup = True
avatarUrl = ''
if profile_json.get('icon'):
if profile_json['icon'].get('url'):
avatarUrl = profile_json['icon']['url']
if not avatarUrl:
avatarUrl = getPersonAvatarUrl(base_dir, personUrl,
person_cache, True)
displayName = searchNickname
if profile_json.get('name'):
displayName = profile_json['name']
lockedAccount = getLockedAccount(profile_json)
if lockedAccount:
displayName += '🔒'
movedTo = ''
if profile_json.get('movedTo'):
movedTo = profile_json['movedTo']
if '"' in movedTo:
movedTo = movedTo.split('"')[1]
displayName += ''
followsYou = \
nickname, domain,
profileDescription = ''
if profile_json.get('summary'):
profileDescription = profile_json['summary']
outboxUrl = None
if not profile_json.get('outbox'):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No outbox found')
return None
outboxUrl = profile_json['outbox']
# profileBackgroundImage = ''
# if profile_json.get('image'):
# if profile_json['image'].get('url'):
# profileBackgroundImage = profile_json['image']['url']
# url to return to
backUrl = path
if not backUrl.endswith('/inbox'):
backUrl += '/inbox'
profileDescriptionShort = profileDescription
if '\n' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('\n')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
if '<br>' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('<br>')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# keep the profile description short
if len(profileDescriptionShort) > 256:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# remove formatting from profile description used on title
avatarDescription = ''
if profile_json.get('summary'):
if isinstance(profile_json['summary'], str):
avatarDescription = \
profile_json['summary'].replace('<br>', '\n')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('<p>', '')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('</p>', '')
if '<' in avatarDescription:
avatarDescription = removeHtml(avatarDescription)
imageUrl = ''
if profile_json.get('image'):
if profile_json['image'].get('url'):
imageUrl = profile_json['image']['url']
alsoKnownAs = None
if profile_json.get('alsoKnownAs'):
alsoKnownAs = profile_json['alsoKnownAs']
joinedDate = None
if profile_json.get('published'):
if 'T' in profile_json['published']:
joinedDate = profile_json['published']
profileStr = \
nickname, defaultTimeline,
displayName, followsYou,
avatarUrl, imageUrl,
movedTo, profile_json['id'],
alsoKnownAs, accessKeys,
domain_full = getFullDomain(domain, port)
followIsPermitted = True
if not profile_json.get('followers'):
# no followers collection specified within actor
followIsPermitted = False
elif searchNickname == 'news' and searchDomainFull == domain_full:
# currently the news actor is not something you can follow
followIsPermitted = False
elif searchNickname == nickname and searchDomainFull == domain_full:
# don't follow yourself!
followIsPermitted = False
if followIsPermitted:
followStr = 'Follow'
if isGroup:
followStr = 'Join'
profileStr += \
'<div class="container">\n' + \
' <form method="POST" action="' + \
backUrl + '/followconfirm">\n' + \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
personUrl + '">\n' + \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitYes" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['followButton'] + '">' + \
translate[followStr] + '</button>\n' + \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitView" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['viewButton'] + '">' + \
translate['View'] + '</button>\n' + \
' </center>\n' + \
' </form>\n' + \
profileStr += \
'<div class="container">\n' + \
' <form method="POST" action="' + \
backUrl + '/followconfirm">\n' + \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
personUrl + '">\n' + \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitView" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['viewButton'] + '">' + \
translate['View'] + '</button>\n' + \
' </center>\n' + \
' </form>\n' + \
userFeed = \
session, outboxUrl, asHeader, project_version,
http_prefix, domain, debug)
if userFeed:
i = 0
for item in userFeed:
showItem, post_json_object = \
_validProfilePreviewPost(item, personUrl)
if not showItem:
profileStr += \
True, recentPostsCache,
translate, None, base_dir,
session, cached_webfingers, person_cache,
nickname, domain, port,
post_json_object, avatarUrl,
False, False,
http_prefix, project_version, 'inbox',
theme_name, system_language,
False, False, False, False, False, False,
cw_lists, lists_enabled)
i += 1
if i >= 8:
instanceTitle = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
return htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename, instanceTitle, None) + \
profileStr + htmlFooter()
def _getProfileHeader(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
domain_full: str, translate: {},
defaultTimeline: str,
displayName: str,
avatarDescription: str,
profileDescriptionShort: str,
loginButton: str, avatarUrl: str,
theme: str, movedTo: str,
alsoKnownAs: [],
pinnedContent: str,
accessKeys: {},
joinedDate: str,
occupationName: str) -> str:
"""The header of the profile screen, containing background
image and avatar
htmlStr = \
'\n\n <figure class="profileHeader">\n' + \
' <a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n' + \
' <img class="profileBackground" ' + \
'alt="" ' + \
'src="/users/' + nickname + '/image_' + theme + '.png" /></a>\n' + \
' <figcaption>\n' + \
' <a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n' + \
' <img loading="lazy" src="' + avatarUrl + '" ' + \
'alt="" class="title"></a>\n'
occupationStr = ''
if occupationName:
occupationStr += \
' <b>' + occupationName + '</b><br>\n'
htmlStr += ' <h1>' + displayName + '</h1>\n' + occupationStr
htmlStr += \
' <p><b>@' + nickname + '@' + domain_full + '</b><br>\n'
if joinedDate:
htmlStr += \
' <p>' + translate['Joined'] + ' ' + \
joinedDate.split('T')[0] + '<br>\n'
if movedTo:
newNickname = getNicknameFromActor(movedTo)
newDomain, newPort = getDomainFromActor(movedTo)
newDomainFull = getFullDomain(newDomain, newPort)
if newNickname and newDomain:
htmlStr += \
' <p>' + translate['New account'] + ': ' + \
'<a href="' + movedTo + '">@' + \
newNickname + '@' + newDomainFull + '</a><br>\n'
elif alsoKnownAs:
otherAccountsHtml = \
' <p>' + translate['Other accounts'] + ': '
actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
ctr = 0
if isinstance(alsoKnownAs, list):
for altActor in alsoKnownAs:
if altActor == actor:
if ctr > 0:
otherAccountsHtml += ' '
ctr += 1
altDomain, altPort = getDomainFromActor(altActor)
otherAccountsHtml += \
'<a href="' + altActor + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
elif isinstance(alsoKnownAs, str):
if alsoKnownAs != actor:
ctr += 1
altDomain, altPort = getDomainFromActor(alsoKnownAs)
otherAccountsHtml += \
'<a href="' + alsoKnownAs + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
otherAccountsHtml += '</p>\n'
if ctr > 0:
htmlStr += otherAccountsHtml
htmlStr += \
' <a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/qrcode.png" alt="' + translate['QR Code'] + '" title="' + \
translate['QR Code'] + '">' + \
'<img class="qrcode" alt="' + translate['QR Code'] + \
'" src="/icons/qrcode.png" /></a></p>\n' + \
' <p>' + profileDescriptionShort + '</p>\n' + loginButton
if pinnedContent:
htmlStr += pinnedContent.replace('<p>', '<p>📎', 1)
htmlStr += \
' </figcaption>\n' + \
' </figure>\n\n'
return htmlStr
def _getProfileHeaderAfterSearch(base_dir: str,
nickname: str, defaultTimeline: str,
searchNickname: str,
searchDomainFull: str,
translate: {},
displayName: str,
followsYou: bool,
profileDescriptionShort: str,
avatarUrl: str, imageUrl: str,
movedTo: str, actor: str,
alsoKnownAs: [],
accessKeys: {},
joinedDate: str) -> str:
"""The header of a searched for handle, containing background
image and avatar
if not imageUrl:
imageUrl = '/defaultprofilebackground'
htmlStr = \
'\n\n <figure class="profileHeader">\n' + \
' <a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['menuTimeline'] + '">\n' + \
' <img class="profileBackground" ' + \
'alt="" ' + \
'src="' + imageUrl + '" /></a>\n' + \
' <figcaption>\n'
if avatarUrl:
htmlStr += \
' <a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '">\n' + \
' <img loading="lazy" src="' + avatarUrl + '" ' + \
'alt="" class="title"></a>\n'
if not displayName:
displayName = searchNickname
htmlStr += \
' <h1>' + displayName + '</h1>\n' + \
' <p><b>@' + searchNickname + '@' + searchDomainFull + '</b><br>\n'
if joinedDate:
htmlStr += ' <p>' + translate['Joined'] + ' ' + \
joinedDate.split('T')[0] + '</p>\n'
if followsYou:
htmlStr += ' <p><b>' + translate['Follows you'] + '</b></p>\n'
if movedTo:
newNickname = getNicknameFromActor(movedTo)
newDomain, newPort = getDomainFromActor(movedTo)
newDomainFull = getFullDomain(newDomain, newPort)
if newNickname and newDomain:
newHandle = newNickname + '@' + newDomainFull
htmlStr += ' <p>' + translate['New account'] + \
': <a href="' + movedTo + '">@' + newHandle + '</a></p>\n'
elif alsoKnownAs:
otherAccountshtml = \
' <p>' + translate['Other accounts'] + ': '
ctr = 0
if isinstance(alsoKnownAs, list):
for altActor in alsoKnownAs:
if altActor == actor:
if ctr > 0:
otherAccountshtml += ' '
ctr += 1
altDomain, altPort = getDomainFromActor(altActor)
otherAccountshtml += \
'<a href="' + altActor + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
elif isinstance(alsoKnownAs, str):
if alsoKnownAs != actor:
ctr += 1
altDomain, altPort = getDomainFromActor(alsoKnownAs)
otherAccountshtml += \
'<a href="' + alsoKnownAs + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
otherAccountshtml += '</p>\n'
if ctr > 0:
htmlStr += otherAccountshtml
htmlStr += \
' <p>' + profileDescriptionShort + '</p>\n' + \
' </figcaption>\n' + \
' </figure>\n\n'
return htmlStr
def htmlProfile(signing_priv_key_pem: str,
rss_icon_at_top: bool,
cssCache: {}, icons_as_buttons: bool,
defaultTimeline: str,
recentPostsCache: {}, max_recent_posts: int,
translate: {}, project_version: str,
base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, authorized: bool,
profile_json: {}, selected: str,
session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
yt_replace_domain: str,
twitter_replacement_domain: str,
show_published_date_only: bool,
newswire: {}, theme: str, dormant_months: int,
peertube_instances: [],
allow_local_network_access: bool,
text_mode_banner: str,
debug: bool, accessKeys: {}, city: str,
system_language: str, max_like_count: int,
shared_items_federated_domains: [],
extraJson: {}, pageNumber: int,
maxItemsPerPage: int,
cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str,
content_license_url: str) -> str:
"""Show the profile page as html
nickname = profile_json['preferredUsername']
if not nickname:
return ""
if isSystemAccount(nickname):
return htmlFrontScreen(signing_priv_key_pem,
cssCache, icons_as_buttons,
recentPostsCache, max_recent_posts,
translate, project_version,
base_dir, http_prefix, authorized,
profile_json, selected,
session, cached_webfingers, person_cache,
newswire, theme, extraJson,
allow_local_network_access, accessKeys,
system_language, max_like_count,
shared_items_federated_domains, None,
pageNumber, maxItemsPerPage, cw_lists,
domain, port = getDomainFromActor(profile_json['id'])
if not domain:
return ""
displayName = \
addEmojiToDisplayName(session, base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
profile_json['name'], True)
domain_full = getFullDomain(domain, port)
profileDescription = \
addEmojiToDisplayName(session, base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
profile_json['summary'], False)
postsButton = 'button'
followingButton = 'button'
followersButton = 'button'
rolesButton = 'button'
skillsButton = 'button'
sharesButton = 'button'
wantedButton = 'button'
if selected == 'posts':
postsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'following':
followingButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'followers':
followersButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'roles':
rolesButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'skills':
skillsButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'shares':
sharesButton = 'buttonselected'
elif selected == 'wanted':
wantedButton = 'buttonselected'
loginButton = ''
followApprovalsSection = ''
followApprovals = False
editProfileStr = ''
logoutStr = ''
actor = profile_json['id']
usersPath = '/users/' + actor.split('/users/')[1]
donateSection = ''
donateUrl = getDonationUrl(profile_json)
websiteUrl = getWebsite(profile_json, translate)
blogAddress = getBlogAddress(profile_json)
EnigmaPubKey = getEnigmaPubKey(profile_json)
PGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(profile_json)
PGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(profile_json)
emailAddress = getEmailAddress(profile_json)
xmppAddress = getXmppAddress(profile_json)
matrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(profile_json)
ssbAddress = getSSBAddress(profile_json)
toxAddress = getToxAddress(profile_json)
briarAddress = getBriarAddress(profile_json)
jamiAddress = getJamiAddress(profile_json)
cwtchAddress = getCwtchAddress(profile_json)
if donateUrl or websiteUrl or xmppAddress or matrixAddress or \
ssbAddress or toxAddress or briarAddress or \
jamiAddress or cwtchAddress or PGPpubKey or EnigmaPubKey or \
PGPfingerprint or emailAddress:
donateSection = '<div class="container">\n'
donateSection += ' <center>\n'
if donateUrl and not isSystemAccount(nickname):
donateSection += \
' <p><a href="' + donateUrl + \
'"><button class="donateButton">' + translate['Donate'] + \
if websiteUrl:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['Website'] + ': <a href="' + \
websiteUrl + '">' + websiteUrl + '</a></p>\n'
if emailAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['Email'] + ': <a href="mailto:' + \
emailAddress + '">' + emailAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if blogAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>Blog: <a href="' + \
blogAddress + '">' + blogAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if xmppAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['XMPP'] + ': <a href="xmpp:' + \
xmppAddress + '">' + xmppAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if matrixAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>' + translate['Matrix'] + ': ' + matrixAddress + '</p>\n'
if ssbAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>SSB: <label class="ssbaddr">' + \
ssbAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if toxAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>Tox: <label class="toxaddr">' + \
toxAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if briarAddress:
if briarAddress.startswith('briar://'):
donateSection += \
'<p><label class="toxaddr">' + \
briarAddress + '</label></p>\n'
donateSection += \
'<p>briar://<label class="toxaddr">' + \
briarAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if jamiAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>Jami: <label class="toxaddr">' + \
jamiAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if cwtchAddress:
donateSection += \
'<p>Cwtch: <label class="toxaddr">' + \
cwtchAddress + '</label></p>\n'
if EnigmaPubKey:
donateSection += \
'<p>Enigma: <label class="toxaddr">' + \
EnigmaPubKey + '</label></p>\n'
if PGPfingerprint:
donateSection += \
'<p class="pgp">PGP: ' + \
PGPfingerprint.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
if PGPpubKey:
donateSection += \
'<p class="pgp">' + PGPpubKey.replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
donateSection += ' </center>\n'
donateSection += '</div>\n'
if authorized:
editProfileStr = \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + usersPath + '/editprofile">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/icons' + \
'/edit.png" title="' + translate['Edit'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Edit'] + '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
logoutStr = \
'<a class="imageAnchor" href="/logout">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" src="/icons' + \
'/logout.png" title="' + translate['Logout'] + \
'" alt="| ' + translate['Logout'] + \
'" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n'
# are there any follow requests?
followRequestsFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/followrequests.txt'
if os.path.isfile(followRequestsFilename):
with open(followRequestsFilename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if len(line) > 0:
followApprovals = True
followersButton = 'buttonhighlighted'
if selected == 'followers':
followersButton = 'buttonselectedhighlighted'
if selected == 'followers':
if followApprovals:
currFollowerDomains = \
getFollowerDomains(base_dir, nickname, domain)
with open(followRequestsFilename, 'r') as f:
for followerHandle in f:
if len(line) > 0:
followerHandle = followerHandle.replace('\n', '')
if '://' in followerHandle:
followerActor = followerHandle
nick = followerHandle.split('@')[0]
dom = followerHandle.split('@')[1]
followerActor = \
local_actor_url(http_prefix, nick, dom)
# is this a new domain?
# if so then append a new instance indicator
followerDomain, _ = \
newFollowerDomain = ''
if followerDomain not in currFollowerDomains:
newFollowerDomain = ''
basePath = '/users/' + nickname
followApprovalsSection += '<div class="container">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + followerActor + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<span class="followRequestHandle">' + \
followerHandle + \
newFollowerDomain + '</span></a>'
# show Approve and Deny buttons
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + basePath + \
'/followapprove=' + followerHandle + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<button class="followApprove">' + \
translate['Approve'] + '</button></a><br><br>'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<a href="' + basePath + \
'/followdeny=' + followerHandle + '">'
followApprovalsSection += \
'<button class="followDeny">' + \
translate['Deny'] + '</button></a>'
followApprovalsSection += '</div>'
profileDescriptionShort = profileDescription
if '\n' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('\n')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
if '<br>' in profileDescription:
if len(profileDescription.split('<br>')) > 2:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
profileDescription = profileDescription.replace('<br>', '\n')
# keep the profile description short
if len(profileDescriptionShort) > 256:
profileDescriptionShort = ''
# remove formatting from profile description used on title
avatarDescription = ''
if profile_json.get('summary'):
avatarDescription = profile_json['summary'].replace('<br>', '\n')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('<p>', '')
avatarDescription = avatarDescription.replace('</p>', '')
movedTo = ''
if profile_json.get('movedTo'):
movedTo = profile_json['movedTo']
if '"' in movedTo:
movedTo = movedTo.split('"')[1]
alsoKnownAs = None
if profile_json.get('alsoKnownAs'):
alsoKnownAs = profile_json['alsoKnownAs']
joinedDate = None
if profile_json.get('published'):
if 'T' in profile_json['published']:
joinedDate = profile_json['published']
occupationName = None
if profile_json.get('hasOccupation'):
occupationName = getOccupationName(profile_json)
avatarUrl = profile_json['icon']['url']
# use alternate path for local avatars to avoid any caching issues
if '://' + domain_full + '/system/accounts/avatars/' in avatarUrl:
avatarUrl = \
avatarUrl.replace('://' + domain_full +
'://' + domain_full + '/users/')
# get pinned post content
accountDir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
pinnedFilename = accountDir + '/pinToProfile.txt'
pinnedContent = None
if os.path.isfile(pinnedFilename):
with open(pinnedFilename, 'r') as pinFile:
pinnedContent = pinFile.read()
profileHeaderStr = \
_getProfileHeader(base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
domain_full, translate,
defaultTimeline, displayName,
loginButton, avatarUrl, theme,
movedTo, alsoKnownAs,
pinnedContent, accessKeys,
joinedDate, occupationName)
# keyboard navigation
userPathStr = '/users/' + nickname
deft = defaultTimeline
isGroup = False
followersStr = translate['Followers']
if isGroupAccount(base_dir, nickname, domain):
isGroup = True
followersStr = translate['Members']
menuTimeline = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('🏠') + ' ' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view']
menuEdit = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('') + ' ' + translate['Edit']
if not isGroup:
menuFollowing = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('👥') + ' ' + translate['Following']
menuFollowers = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('👪') + ' ' + followersStr
if not isGroup:
menuRoles = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('🤚') + ' ' + translate['Roles']
menuSkills = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('🛠') + ' ' + translate['Skills']
menuLogout = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('') + ' ' + translate['Logout']
navLinks = {
menuTimeline: userPathStr + '/' + deft,
menuEdit: userPathStr + '/editprofile',
menuFollowing: userPathStr + '/following#timeline',
menuFollowers: userPathStr + '/followers#timeline',
menuRoles: userPathStr + '/roles#timeline',
menuSkills: userPathStr + '/skills#timeline',
menuLogout: '/logout'
if isArtist(base_dir, nickname):
menuThemeDesigner = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('🎨') + ' ' + translate['Theme Designer']
navLinks[menuThemeDesigner] = userPathStr + '/themedesigner'
navAccessKeys = {}
for variableName, key in accessKeys.items():
if not locals().get(variableName):
navAccessKeys[locals()[variableName]] = key
profileStr = htmlKeyboardNavigation(text_mode_banner,
navLinks, navAccessKeys)
profileStr += profileHeaderStr + donateSection
profileStr += '<div class="container" id="buttonheader">\n'
profileStr += ' <center>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '#buttonheader"><button class="' + \
postsButton + '"><span>' + translate['Posts'] + \
' </span></button></a>'
if not isGroup:
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/following#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + followingButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Following'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/followers#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + followersButton + \
'"><span>' + followersStr + ' </span></button></a>'
if not isGroup:
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/roles#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + rolesButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Roles'] + \
' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += \
' <a href="' + usersPath + '/skills#buttonheader">' + \
'<button class="' + skillsButton + '"><span>' + \
translate['Skills'] + ' </span></button></a>'
# profileStr += \
# ' <a href="' + usersPath + '/shares#buttonheader">' + \
# '<button class="' + sharesButton + '"><span>' + \
# translate['Shares'] + ' </span></button></a>'
# profileStr += \
# ' <a href="' + usersPath + '/wanted#buttonheader">' + \
# '<button class="' + wantedButton + '"><span>' + \
# translate['Wanted'] + ' </span></button></a>'
profileStr += logoutStr + editProfileStr
profileStr += ' </center>'
profileStr += '</div>'
# start of #timeline
profileStr += '<div id="timeline">\n'
profileStr += followApprovalsSection
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css'
licenseStr = \
'<a href="https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="license" alt="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" title="' + \
translate['Get the source code'] + '" src="/icons/agpl.png" /></a>'
if selected == 'posts':
profileStr += \
_htmlProfilePosts(recentPostsCache, max_recent_posts,
base_dir, http_prefix, authorized,
nickname, domain, port,
session, cached_webfingers, person_cache,
theme, system_language,
cw_lists, lists_enabled) + licenseStr
if not isGroup:
if selected == 'following':
profileStr += \
_htmlProfileFollowing(translate, base_dir, http_prefix,
authorized, nickname,
domain, port, session,
person_cache, extraJson,
project_version, ["unfollow"], selected,
usersPath, pageNumber, maxItemsPerPage,
dormant_months, debug,
if selected == 'followers':
profileStr += \
_htmlProfileFollowing(translate, base_dir, http_prefix,
authorized, nickname,
domain, port, session,
person_cache, extraJson,
project_version, ["block"],
selected, usersPath, pageNumber,
maxItemsPerPage, dormant_months, debug,
if not isGroup:
if selected == 'roles':
profileStr += \
_htmlProfileRoles(translate, nickname, domain_full,
elif selected == 'skills':
profileStr += \
_htmlProfileSkills(translate, nickname, domain_full, extraJson)
# elif selected == 'shares':
# profileStr += \
# _htmlProfileShares(actor, translate,
# nickname, domain_full,
# extraJson, 'shares') + licenseStr
# elif selected == 'wanted':
# profileStr += \
# _htmlProfileShares(actor, translate,
# nickname, domain_full,
# extraJson, 'wanted') + licenseStr
# end of #timeline
profileStr += '</div>'
instanceTitle = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
profileStr = \
htmlHeaderWithPersonMarkup(cssFilename, instanceTitle,
profile_json, city,
content_license_url) + \
profileStr + htmlFooter()
return profileStr
def _htmlProfilePosts(recentPostsCache: {}, max_recent_posts: int,
translate: {},
base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
authorized: bool,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
project_version: str,
yt_replace_domain: str,
twitter_replacement_domain: str,
show_published_date_only: bool,
peertube_instances: [],
allow_local_network_access: bool,
theme_name: str, system_language: str,
max_like_count: int,
signing_priv_key_pem: str,
cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str) -> str:
"""Shows posts on the profile screen
These should only be public posts
separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(base_dir, None)
profileStr = ''
maxItems = 4
ctr = 0
currPage = 1
boxName = 'outbox'
while ctr < maxItems and currPage < 4:
outboxFeedPathStr = \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + boxName + '?page=' + \
outboxFeed = \
personBoxJson({}, session, base_dir, domain,
10, boxName,
authorized, 0, False, 0)
if not outboxFeed:
if len(outboxFeed['orderedItems']) == 0:
for item in outboxFeed['orderedItems']:
if item['type'] == 'Create':
postStr = \
True, recentPostsCache,
translate, None,
base_dir, session, cached_webfingers,
nickname, domain, port, item,
None, True, False,
http_prefix, project_version, 'inbox',
theme_name, system_language,
False, False, False,
True, False, False,
cw_lists, lists_enabled)
if postStr:
profileStr += postStr + separatorStr
ctr += 1
if ctr >= maxItems:
currPage += 1
return profileStr
def _htmlProfileFollowing(translate: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
authorized: bool,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
followingJson: {}, project_version: str,
buttons: [],
feedName: str, actor: str,
pageNumber: int,
maxItemsPerPage: int,
dormant_months: int, debug: bool,
signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> str:
"""Shows following on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
if authorized and pageNumber:
if authorized and pageNumber > 1:
# page up arrow
profileStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/' + feedName + \
'?page=' + str(pageNumber - 1) + '#buttonheader' + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
'icons/pageup.png" title="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
for followingActor in followingJson['orderedItems']:
# is this a dormant followed account?
dormant = False
if authorized and feedName == 'following':
dormant = \
isDormant(base_dir, nickname, domain, followingActor,
profileStr += \
translate, base_dir, session,
cached_webfingers, person_cache,
domain, followingActor,
authorized, nickname,
http_prefix, project_version, dormant,
debug, buttons)
if authorized and maxItemsPerPage and pageNumber:
if len(followingJson['orderedItems']) >= maxItemsPerPage:
# page down arrow
profileStr += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <a href="' + actor + '/' + feedName + \
'?page=' + str(pageNumber + 1) + '#buttonheader' + \
'"><img loading="lazy" class="pageicon" src="/' + \
'icons/pagedown.png" title="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \
' </center>\n'
return profileStr
def _htmlProfileRoles(translate: {}, nickname: str, domain: str,
rolesList: []) -> str:
"""Shows roles on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
profileStr += \
'<div class="roles">\n<div class="roles-inner">\n'
for role in rolesList:
if translate.get(role):
profileStr += '<h3>' + translate[role] + '</h3>\n'
profileStr += '<h3>' + role + '</h3>\n'
profileStr += '</div></div>\n'
if len(profileStr) == 0:
profileStr += \
'<p>@' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' has no roles assigned</p>\n'
profileStr = '<div>' + profileStr + '</div>\n'
return profileStr
def _htmlProfileSkills(translate: {}, nickname: str, domain: str,
skillsJson: {}) -> str:
"""Shows skills on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
for skill, level in skillsJson.items():
profileStr += \
'<div>' + skill + \
'<br><div id="myProgress"><div id="myBar" style="width:' + \
str(level) + '%"></div></div></div>\n<br>\n'
if len(profileStr) > 0:
profileStr = '<center><div class="skill-title">' + \
profileStr + '</div></center>\n'
return profileStr
def _htmlProfileShares(actor: str, translate: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, sharesJson: {},
sharesFileType: str) -> str:
"""Shows shares on the profile screen
profileStr = ''
for item in sharesJson['orderedItems']:
profileStr += htmlIndividualShare(domain, item['shareId'],
actor, item, translate, False, False,
if len(profileStr) > 0:
profileStr = '<div class="share-title">' + profileStr + '</div>\n'
return profileStr
def _grayscaleEnabled(base_dir: str) -> bool:
"""Is grayscale UI enabled?
return os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/.grayscale')
def _htmlThemesDropdown(base_dir: str, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Returns the html for theme selection dropdown
# Themes section
themes = getThemesList(base_dir)
themesDropdown = ' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Theme'] + '</label><br>\n'
grayscale = _grayscaleEnabled(base_dir)
themesDropdown += \
editCheckBox(translate['Grayscale'], 'grayscale', grayscale)
themesDropdown += ' <select id="themeDropdown" ' + \
'name="themeDropdown" class="theme">'
for theme_name in themes:
translatedThemeName = theme_name
if translate.get(theme_name):
translatedThemeName = translate[theme_name]
themesDropdown += ' <option value="' + \
theme_name.lower() + '">' + \
translatedThemeName + '</option>'
themesDropdown += ' </select><br>'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/fonts/custom.woff') or \
os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/fonts/custom.woff2') or \
os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/fonts/custom.otf') or \
os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/fonts/custom.ttf'):
themesDropdown += \
editCheckBox(translate['Remove the custom font'],
'removeCustomFont', False)
theme_name = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'theme')
themesDropdown = \
themesDropdown.replace('<option value="' + theme_name + '">',
'<option value="' + theme_name +
'" selected>')
return themesDropdown
def _htmlEditProfileGraphicDesign(base_dir: str, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Graphic design section on Edit Profile screen
themeFormats = '.zip, .gz'
graphicsStr = beginEditSection(translate['Graphic Design'])
low_bandwidth = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'low_bandwidth')
if not low_bandwidth:
low_bandwidth = False
graphicsStr += _htmlThemesDropdown(base_dir, translate)
graphicsStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Import Theme'] + '</label>\n'
graphicsStr += ' <input type="file" id="importTheme" '
graphicsStr += 'name="submitImportTheme" '
graphicsStr += 'accept="' + themeFormats + '">\n'
graphicsStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Export Theme'] + '</label><br>\n'
graphicsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
graphicsStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Low Bandwidth'], 'low_bandwidth',
graphicsStr += endEditSection()
return graphicsStr
def _htmlEditProfileTwitter(base_dir: str, translate: {},
removeTwitter: str) -> str:
"""Edit twitter settings within profile
# Twitter section
twitterStr = beginEditSection(translate['Twitter'])
twitterStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Remove Twitter posts'],
'removeTwitter', removeTwitter)
twitter_replacement_domain = getConfigParam(base_dir, "twitterdomain")
if not twitter_replacement_domain:
twitter_replacement_domain = ''
twitterStr += \
editTextField(translate['Twitter Replacement Domain'],
'twitterdomain', twitter_replacement_domain)
twitterStr += endEditSection()
return twitterStr
def _htmlEditProfileInstance(base_dir: str, translate: {},
peertube_instances: [],
media_instanceStr: str,
blogs_instanceStr: str,
news_instanceStr: str) -> (str, str, str, str):
"""Edit profile instance settings
imageFormats = getImageFormats()
# Instance details section
instanceDescription = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceDescription')
customSubmitText = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'customSubmitText')
instanceDescriptionShort = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceDescriptionShort')
instanceTitle = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
content_license_url = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'content_license_url')
if not content_license_url:
content_license_url = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0'
instanceStr = beginEditSection(translate['Instance Settings'])
instanceStr += \
editTextField(translate['Instance Title'],
'instanceTitle', instanceTitle)
instanceStr += '<br>\n'
instanceStr += \
editTextField(translate['Instance Short Description'],
'instanceDescriptionShort', instanceDescriptionShort)
instanceStr += '<br>\n'
instanceStr += \
editTextArea(translate['Instance Description'],
'instanceDescription', instanceDescription, 200,
'', True)
instanceStr += \
editTextField(translate['Content License'],
'content_license_url', content_license_url)
instanceStr += '<br>\n'
instanceStr += \
editTextField(translate['Custom post submit button text'],
'customSubmitText', customSubmitText)
instanceStr += '<br>\n'
instanceStr += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Instance Logo'] + '</label>' + \
' <input type="file" id="instanceLogo" name="instanceLogo"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '"><br>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Security'] + '</label><br>\n'
nodeInfoStr = \
translate['Show numbers of accounts within instance metadata']
if getConfigParam(base_dir, "show_node_info_accounts"):
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(nodeInfoStr, 'show_node_info_accounts', True)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(nodeInfoStr, 'show_node_info_accounts', False)
nodeInfoStr = \
translate['Show version number within instance metadata']
if getConfigParam(base_dir, "show_node_info_version"):
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(nodeInfoStr, 'show_node_info_version', True)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(nodeInfoStr, 'show_node_info_version', False)
if getConfigParam(base_dir, "verify_all_signatures"):
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Verify all signatures'],
'verifyallsignatures', True)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Verify all signatures'],
'verifyallsignatures', False)
instanceStr += translate['Enabling broch mode'] + '<br>\n'
if getConfigParam(base_dir, "broch_mode"):
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Broch mode'], 'broch_mode', True)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['Broch mode'], 'broch_mode', False)
# Instance type
instanceStr += \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Type of instance'] + '</label><br>\n'
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['This is a media instance'],
'media_instance', media_instanceStr)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['This is a blogging instance'],
'blogs_instance', blogs_instanceStr)
instanceStr += \
editCheckBox(translate['This is a news instance'],
'news_instance', news_instanceStr)
instanceStr += endEditSection()
# Role assignments section
moderators = ''
moderatorsFile = base_dir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'
if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile):
with open(moderatorsFile, 'r') as f:
moderators = f.read()
# site moderators
roleAssignStr = \
beginEditSection(translate['Role Assignment']) + \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Moderators'] + '</label></b><br>\n' + \
' ' + \
translate['A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.'] + \
' <textarea id="message" name="moderators" placeholder="' + \
translate['List of moderator nicknames'] + \
'..." style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
moderators + '</textarea>'
# site editors
editors = ''
editorsFile = base_dir + '/accounts/editors.txt'
if os.path.isfile(editorsFile):
with open(editorsFile, 'r') as f:
editors = f.read()
roleAssignStr += \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Site Editors'] + '</label></b><br>\n' + \
' ' + \
translate['A list of editor nicknames. One per line.'] + \
' <textarea id="message" name="editors" placeholder="" ' + \
'style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
editors + '</textarea>'
# counselors
counselors = ''
counselorsFile = base_dir + '/accounts/counselors.txt'
if os.path.isfile(counselorsFile):
with open(counselorsFile, 'r') as f:
counselors = f.read()
roleAssignStr += \
editTextArea(translate['Counselors'], 'counselors', counselors,
200, '', False)
# artists
artists = ''
artistsFile = base_dir + '/accounts/artists.txt'
if os.path.isfile(artistsFile):
with open(artistsFile, 'r') as f:
artists = f.read()
roleAssignStr += \
editTextArea(translate['Artists'], 'artists', artists,
200, '', False)
roleAssignStr += endEditSection()
# Video section
peertubeStr = beginEditSection(translate['Video Settings'])
peertube_instancesStr = ''
for url in peertube_instances:
peertube_instancesStr += url + '\n'
peertubeStr += \
editTextArea(translate['Peertube Instances'], 'ptInstances',
peertube_instancesStr, 200, '', False)
peertubeStr += \
' <br>\n'
yt_replace_domain = getConfigParam(base_dir, "youtubedomain")
if not yt_replace_domain:
yt_replace_domain = ''
peertubeStr += \
editTextField(translate['YouTube Replacement Domain'],
'ytdomain', yt_replace_domain)
peertubeStr += endEditSection()
libretranslateUrl = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'libretranslateUrl')
libretranslateApiKey = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'libretranslateApiKey')
libretranslateStr = \
return instanceStr, roleAssignStr, peertubeStr, libretranslateStr
def _htmlEditProfileDangerZone(translate: {}) -> str:
"""danger zone section of Edit Profile screen
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Danger Zone'])
editProfileForm += \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Danger Zone'] + '</label></b><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Deactivate this account'],
'deactivateThisAccount', False)
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlSystemMonitor(nickname: str, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Links to performance graphs
systemMonitorStr = beginEditSection(translate['System Monitor'])
systemMonitorStr += '<p><a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/performance?graph=get">📊 GET</a></p>'
systemMonitorStr += '<p><a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/performance?graph=post">📊 POST</a></p>'
systemMonitorStr += endEditSection()
return systemMonitorStr
def _htmlEditProfileSkills(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""skills section of Edit Profile screen
skills = getSkills(base_dir, nickname, domain)
skillsStr = ''
skillCtr = 1
if skills:
for skillDesc, skillValue in skills.items():
if isFiltered(base_dir, nickname, domain, skillDesc):
skillsStr += \
'<p><input type="text" placeholder="' + translate['Skill'] + \
' ' + str(skillCtr) + '" name="skillName' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" value="' + skillDesc + '" style="width:40%">' + \
'<input type="range" min="1" max="100" ' + \
'class="slider" name="skillValue' + \
str(skillCtr) + '" value="' + str(skillValue) + '"></p>'
skillCtr += 1
skillsStr += \
'<p><input type="text" placeholder="Skill ' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" name="skillName' + str(skillCtr) + \
'" value="" style="width:40%">' + \
'<input type="range" min="1" max="100" ' + \
'class="slider" name="skillValue' + \
str(skillCtr) + '" value="50"></p>' + endEditSection()
idx = 'If you want to participate within organizations then you ' + \
'can indicate some skills that you have and approximate ' + \
'proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct ' + \
'teams with an appropriate combination of skills.'
editProfileForm = \
beginEditSection(translate['Skills']) + \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Skills'] + '</label></b><br>\n' + \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + '</label>\n' + skillsStr
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileGitProjects(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""git projects section of edit profile screen
gitProjectsStr = ''
gitProjectsFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/gitprojects.txt'
if os.path.isfile(gitProjectsFilename):
with open(gitProjectsFilename, 'r') as gitProjectsFile:
gitProjectsStr = gitProjectsFile.read()
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Git Projects'])
idx = 'List of project names that you wish to receive git patches for'
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate[idx], 'gitProjects', gitProjectsStr,
100, '', False)
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileSharedItems(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""shared items section of edit profile screen
sharedItemsStr = ''
shared_items_federated_domainsStr = \
getConfigParam(base_dir, 'shared_items_federated_domains')
if shared_items_federated_domainsStr:
shared_items_federated_domainsList = \
for sharedFederatedDomain in shared_items_federated_domainsList:
sharedItemsStr += sharedFederatedDomain.strip() + '\n'
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Shares'])
idx = 'List of domains which can access the shared items catalog'
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate[idx], 'shareDomainList',
sharedItemsStr, 200, '', False)
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileFiltering(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
user_agents_blocked: str,
translate: {}, replyIntervalHours: int,
cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str) -> str:
"""Filtering and blocking section of edit profile screen
filterStr = ''
filterFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/filters.txt'
if os.path.isfile(filterFilename):
with open(filterFilename, 'r') as filterfile:
filterStr = filterfile.read()
filterBioStr = ''
filterBioFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/filters_bio.txt'
if os.path.isfile(filterBioFilename):
with open(filterBioFilename, 'r') as filterfile:
filterBioStr = filterfile.read()
switchStr = ''
switchFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/replacewords.txt'
if os.path.isfile(switchFilename):
with open(switchFilename, 'r') as switchfile:
switchStr = switchfile.read()
autoTags = ''
autoTagsFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/autotags.txt'
if os.path.isfile(autoTagsFilename):
with open(autoTagsFilename, 'r') as autoTagsFile:
autoTags = autoTagsFile.read()
autoCW = ''
autoCWFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/autocw.txt'
if os.path.isfile(autoCWFilename):
with open(autoCWFilename, 'r') as autoCWFile:
autoCW = autoCWFile.read()
blockedStr = ''
blockedFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/blocking.txt'
if os.path.isfile(blockedFilename):
with open(blockedFilename, 'r') as blockedfile:
blockedStr = blockedfile.read()
dmAllowedInstancesStr = ''
dmAllowedInstancesFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/dmAllowedInstances.txt'
if os.path.isfile(dmAllowedInstancesFilename):
with open(dmAllowedInstancesFilename, 'r') as dmAllowedInstancesFile:
dmAllowedInstancesStr = dmAllowedInstancesFile.read()
allowedInstancesStr = ''
allowedInstancesFilename = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/allowedinstances.txt'
if os.path.isfile(allowedInstancesFilename):
with open(allowedInstancesFilename, 'r') as allowedInstancesFile:
allowedInstancesStr = allowedInstancesFile.read()
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Filtering and Blocking'])
idx = 'Hours after posting during which replies are allowed'
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + \
':</label> <input type="number" name="replyhours" ' + \
'min="0" max="999999999999" step="1" ' + \
'value="' + str(replyIntervalHours) + '"><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + \
translate['City for spoofed GPS image metadata'] + \
city = ''
cityFilename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/city.txt'
if os.path.isfile(cityFilename):
with open(cityFilename, 'r') as fp:
city = fp.read().replace('\n', '')
locationsFilename = base_dir + '/custom_locations.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(locationsFilename):
locationsFilename = base_dir + '/locations.txt'
cities = []
with open(locationsFilename, 'r') as f:
cities = f.readlines()
editProfileForm += ' <select id="cityDropdown" ' + \
'name="cityDropdown" class="theme">\n'
city = city.lower()
for cityName in cities:
if ':' not in cityName:
citySelected = ''
cityName = cityName.split(':')[0]
cityName = cityName.lower()
if city:
if city in cityName:
citySelected = ' selected'
editProfileForm += \
' <option value="' + cityName + \
'"' + citySelected.title() + '>' + \
cityName + '</option>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </select><br>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Filtered words'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="filteredWords" style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
filterStr + '</textarea>\n' + \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Filtered words within bio'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="filteredWordsBio" style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
filterBioStr + '</textarea>\n' + \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Word Replacements'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">A -> B</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" name="switchWords" ' + \
'style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
switchStr + '</textarea>\n' + \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Autogenerated Hashtags'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">A -> #B</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" name="autoTags" ' + \
'style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
autoTags + '</textarea>\n' + \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Autogenerated Content Warnings'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">A -> B</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" name="autoCW" ' + \
'style="height:200px" spellcheck="true">' + autoCW + '</textarea>\n'
idx = 'Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form ' + \
'nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain'
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate['Blocked accounts'], 'blocked', blockedStr,
200, '', False)
idx = 'Direct messages are always allowed from these instances.'
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate['Direct Message permitted instances'],
'dmAllowedInstances', dmAllowedInstancesStr,
200, '', False)
idx = 'Federate only with a defined set of instances. ' + \
'One domain name per line.'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Federation list'] + '</label></b>\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate[idx] + '</label>\n' + \
' <textarea id="message" name="allowedInstances" ' + \
'style="height:200px" spellcheck="false">' + \
allowedInstancesStr + '</textarea>\n'
if isModerator(base_dir, nickname):
editProfileForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/crawlers">' + \
translate['Known Web Crawlers'] + '</a><br>\n'
user_agents_blockedStr = ''
for ua in user_agents_blocked:
if user_agents_blockedStr:
user_agents_blockedStr += '\n'
user_agents_blockedStr += ua
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate['Blocked User Agents'],
'user_agents_blockedStr', user_agents_blockedStr,
200, '', False)
cw_listsStr = ''
for name, item in cw_lists.items():
variableName = getCWlistVariable(name)
listIsEnabled = False
if lists_enabled:
if name in lists_enabled:
listIsEnabled = True
if translate.get(name):
name = translate[name]
cw_listsStr += editCheckBox(name, variableName, listIsEnabled)
if cw_listsStr:
idx = 'Add content warnings for the following sites'
editProfileForm += \
'<label class="labels">' + translate[idx] + ':</label>\n' + \
'<br>' + cw_listsStr
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileChangePassword(translate: {}) -> str:
"""Change password section of edit profile screen
editProfileForm = \
beginEditSection(translate['Change Password']) + \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['Change Password'] + \
'</label><br>\n' + \
' <input type="password" name="password" ' + \
'value=""><br>\n' + \
'<label class="labels">' + translate['Confirm Password'] + \
'</label><br>\n' + \
' <input type="password" name="passwordconfirm" value="">\n' + \
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileLibreTranslate(translate: {},
libretranslateUrl: str,
libretranslateApiKey: str) -> str:
"""Change automatic translation settings
editProfileForm = beginEditSection('LibreTranslate')
editProfileForm += \
editTextField('URL', 'libretranslateUrl', libretranslateUrl,
editProfileForm += \
editTextField('API Key', 'libretranslateApiKey', libretranslateApiKey)
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileBackground(news_instance: bool, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Background images section of edit profile screen
idx = 'The files attached below should be no larger than ' + \
'10MB in total uploaded at once.'
editProfileForm = \
beginEditSection(translate['Background Images']) + \
' <label class="labels">' + translate[idx] + '</label><br><br>\n'
if not news_instance:
imageFormats = getImageFormats()
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + \
translate['Background image'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="image" name="image"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Timeline banner image'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="banner" name="banner"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Search banner image'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="search_banner" ' + \
'name="search_banner"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Left column image'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="left_col_image" ' + \
'name="left_col_image"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n' + \
' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Right column image'] + '</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="right_col_image" ' + \
'name="right_col_image"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileContactInfo(nickname: str,
emailAddress: str,
xmppAddress: str,
matrixAddress: str,
ssbAddress: str,
toxAddress: str,
briarAddress: str,
jamiAddress: str,
cwtchAddress: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""Contact Information section of edit profile screen
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Contact Details'])
editProfileForm += editTextField(translate['Email'],
'email', emailAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField(translate['XMPP'],
'xmppAddress', xmppAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField(translate['Matrix'],
'matrixAddress', matrixAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField('SSB', 'ssbAddress', ssbAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField('Tox', 'toxAddress', toxAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField('Briar', 'briarAddress', briarAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField('Jami', 'jamiAddress', jamiAddress)
editProfileForm += editTextField('Cwtch', 'cwtchAddress', cwtchAddress)
editProfileForm += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/followingaccounts"><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Following'] + '</label></a><br>\n'
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileEncryptionKeys(PGPfingerprint: str,
PGPpubKey: str,
EnigmaPubKey: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""Contact Information section of edit profile screen
editProfileForm = beginEditSection(translate['Encryption Keys'])
enigmaUrl = 'https://github.com/enigma-reloaded/enigma-reloaded'
editProfileForm += \
editTextField('<a href="' + enigmaUrl + '">Enigma</a>',
'enigmapubkey', EnigmaPubKey)
editProfileForm += editTextField(translate['PGP Fingerprint'],
'openpgp', PGPfingerprint)
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate['PGP'], 'pgp', PGPpubKey, 600,
'-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', False)
editProfileForm += endEditSection()
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileOptions(isAdmin: bool,
manuallyApprovesFollowers: str,
isBot: str, isGroup: str,
followDMs: str, removeTwitter: str,
notifyLikes: str, notifyReactions: str,
hideLikeButton: str,
hideReactionButton: str,
translate: {}) -> str:
"""option checkboxes section of edit profile screen
editProfileForm = ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Approve follower requests'],
'approveFollowers', manuallyApprovesFollowers)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['This is a bot account'],
'isBot', isBot)
if isAdmin:
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['This is a group account'],
'isGroup', isGroup)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Only people I follow can send me DMs'],
'followDMs', followDMs)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Remove Twitter posts'],
'removeTwitter', removeTwitter)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Notify when posts are liked'],
'notifyLikes', notifyLikes)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Notify on emoji reactions'],
'notifyReactions', notifyReactions)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate["Don't show the Like button"],
'hideLikeButton', hideLikeButton)
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate["Don't show the Reaction button"],
'hideReactionButton', hideReactionButton)
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
return editProfileForm
def _getSupportedLanguagesSorted(base_dir: str) -> str:
"""Returns a list of supported languages
lang_list = getSupportedLanguages(base_dir)
if not lang_list:
return ''
languagesStr = ''
for lang in lang_list:
if languagesStr:
languagesStr += ' / ' + lang
languagesStr = lang
return languagesStr
def _htmlEditProfileMain(base_dir: str, displayNickname: str, bioStr: str,
movedTo: str, donateUrl: str, websiteUrl: str,
blogAddress: str, actor_json: {},
translate: {}) -> str:
"""main info on edit profile screen
imageFormats = getImageFormats()
editProfileForm = ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Nickname'], 'displayNickname',
editProfileForm += \
editTextArea(translate['Your bio'], 'bio', bioStr, 200, '', True)
editProfileForm += \
' <label class="labels">' + translate['Avatar image'] + \
'</label>\n' + \
' <input type="file" id="avatar" name="avatar"' + \
' accept="' + imageFormats + '">\n'
occupationName = ''
if actor_json.get('hasOccupation'):
occupationName = getOccupationName(actor_json)
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Occupation'], 'occupationName',
alsoKnownAsStr = ''
if actor_json.get('alsoKnownAs'):
alsoKnownAs = actor_json['alsoKnownAs']
ctr = 0
for altActor in alsoKnownAs:
if ctr > 0:
alsoKnownAsStr += ', '
ctr += 1
alsoKnownAsStr += altActor
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Other accounts'], 'alsoKnownAs',
alsoKnownAsStr, 'https://...')
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Moved to new account address'], 'movedTo',
movedTo, 'https://...')
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Donations link'], 'donateUrl',
donateUrl, 'https://...')
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Website'], 'websiteUrl',
websiteUrl, 'https://...')
editProfileForm += \
editTextField('Blog', 'blogAddress', blogAddress, 'https://...')
languagesListStr = _getSupportedLanguagesSorted(base_dir)
showLanguages = getActorLanguages(actor_json)
editProfileForm += \
editTextField(translate['Languages'], 'showLanguages',
showLanguages, languagesListStr)
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
return editProfileForm
def _htmlEditProfileTopBanner(base_dir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str,
defaultTimeline: str, bannerFile: str,
path: str, accessKeys: {}, translate: {}) -> str:
"""top banner on edit profile screen
editProfileForm = \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline + '">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" class="timeline-banner" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + bannerFile + '" alt="" /></a>\n'
editProfileForm += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/profiledata">\n'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <h1>' + translate['Profile for'] + \
' ' + nickname + '@' + domain_full + '</h1>'
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="submit" name="submitProfile" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['submitButton'] + '" ' + \
'value="' + translate['Submit'] + '">\n' + \
' </center>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
if scheduledPostsExist(base_dir, nickname, domain):
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
editCheckBox(translate['Remove scheduled posts'],
'removeScheduledPosts', False)
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
return editProfileForm
def htmlEditProfile(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, base_dir: str, path: str,
domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
defaultTimeline: str, theme: str,
peertube_instances: [],
text_mode_banner: str, city: str,
user_agents_blocked: str,
accessKeys: {},
default_reply_interval_hrs: int,
cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str) -> str:
"""Shows the edit profile screen
path = path.replace('/inbox', '').replace('/outbox', '')
path = path.replace('/shares', '').replace('/wanted', '')
nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
domain_full = getFullDomain(domain, port)
actorFilename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '.json'
if not os.path.isfile(actorFilename):
return ''
# filename of the banner shown at the top
bannerFile, bannerFilename = \
getBannerFile(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme)
displayNickname = nickname
isBot = isGroup = followDMs = removeTwitter = ''
notifyLikes = notifyReactions = ''
hideLikeButton = hideReactionButton = media_instanceStr = ''
blogs_instanceStr = news_instanceStr = movedTo = twitterStr = ''
bioStr = donateUrl = websiteUrl = emailAddress = ''
PGPpubKey = EnigmaPubKey = ''
PGPfingerprint = xmppAddress = matrixAddress = ''
ssbAddress = blogAddress = toxAddress = jamiAddress = ''
cwtchAddress = briarAddress = manuallyApprovesFollowers = ''
actor_json = loadJson(actorFilename)
if actor_json:
if actor_json.get('movedTo'):
movedTo = actor_json['movedTo']
donateUrl = getDonationUrl(actor_json)
websiteUrl = getWebsite(actor_json, translate)
xmppAddress = getXmppAddress(actor_json)
matrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(actor_json)
ssbAddress = getSSBAddress(actor_json)
blogAddress = getBlogAddress(actor_json)
toxAddress = getToxAddress(actor_json)
briarAddress = getBriarAddress(actor_json)
jamiAddress = getJamiAddress(actor_json)
cwtchAddress = getCwtchAddress(actor_json)
emailAddress = getEmailAddress(actor_json)
EnigmaPubKey = getEnigmaPubKey(actor_json)
PGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(actor_json)
PGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(actor_json)
if actor_json.get('name'):
if not isFiltered(base_dir, nickname, domain, actor_json['name']):
displayNickname = actor_json['name']
if actor_json.get('summary'):
bioStr = \
actor_json['summary'].replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', '')
if isFiltered(base_dir, nickname, domain, bioStr):
bioStr = ''
if actor_json.get('manuallyApprovesFollowers'):
if actor_json['manuallyApprovesFollowers']:
manuallyApprovesFollowers = 'checked'
manuallyApprovesFollowers = ''
if actor_json.get('type'):
if actor_json['type'] == 'Service':
isBot = 'checked'
isGroup = ''
elif actor_json['type'] == 'Group':
isGroup = 'checked'
isBot = ''
accountDir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.followDMs'):
followDMs = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.removeTwitter'):
removeTwitter = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.notifyLikes'):
notifyLikes = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.notifyReactions'):
notifyReactions = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.hideLikeButton'):
hideLikeButton = 'checked'
if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/.hideReactionButton'):
hideReactionButton = 'checked'
media_instance = getConfigParam(base_dir, "media_instance")
if media_instance:
if media_instance is True:
media_instanceStr = 'checked'
blogs_instanceStr = news_instanceStr = ''
news_instance = getConfigParam(base_dir, "news_instance")
if news_instance:
if news_instance is True:
news_instanceStr = 'checked'
blogs_instanceStr = media_instanceStr = ''
blogs_instance = getConfigParam(base_dir, "blogs_instance")
if blogs_instance:
if blogs_instance is True:
blogs_instanceStr = 'checked'
media_instanceStr = news_instanceStr = ''
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'):
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css'
instanceStr = ''
roleAssignStr = ''
peertubeStr = ''
libretranslateStr = ''
systemMonitorStr = ''
graphicsStr = ''
sharesFederationStr = ''
adminNickname = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'admin')
if isArtist(base_dir, nickname) or \
path.startswith('/users/' + str(adminNickname) + '/'):
graphicsStr = _htmlEditProfileGraphicDesign(base_dir, translate)
isAdmin = False
if adminNickname:
if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'):
isAdmin = True
twitterStr = \
_htmlEditProfileTwitter(base_dir, translate, removeTwitter)
# shared items section
sharesFederationStr = \
_htmlEditProfileSharedItems(base_dir, nickname,
domain, translate)
instanceStr, roleAssignStr, peertubeStr, libretranslateStr = \
_htmlEditProfileInstance(base_dir, translate,
systemMonitorStr = _htmlSystemMonitor(nickname, translate)
instanceTitle = getConfigParam(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
editProfileForm = \
htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename, instanceTitle, None)
# keyboard navigation
userPathStr = '/users/' + nickname
userTimalineStr = '/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline
menuTimeline = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('🏠') + ' ' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view']
menuProfile = \
htmlHideFromScreenReader('👤') + ' ' + \
translate['Switch to profile view']
navLinks = {
menuProfile: userPathStr,
menuTimeline: userTimalineStr
navAccessKeys = {
menuProfile: 'p',
menuTimeline: 't'
editProfileForm += htmlKeyboardNavigation(text_mode_banner,
navLinks, navAccessKeys)
# top banner
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileTopBanner(base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full,
defaultTimeline, bannerFile,
path, accessKeys, translate)
# main info
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileMain(base_dir, displayNickname, bioStr,
movedTo, donateUrl, websiteUrl,
blogAddress, actor_json, translate)
# Option checkboxes
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileOptions(isAdmin, manuallyApprovesFollowers,
isBot, isGroup, followDMs, removeTwitter,
notifyLikes, notifyReactions,
hideLikeButton, hideReactionButton,
# Contact information
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileContactInfo(nickname, emailAddress,
xmppAddress, matrixAddress,
ssbAddress, toxAddress,
briarAddress, jamiAddress,
cwtchAddress, translate)
# Encryption Keys
editProfileForm += \
PGPpubKey, EnigmaPubKey, translate)
# Customize images and banners
editProfileForm += _htmlEditProfileBackground(news_instance, translate)
# Change password
editProfileForm += _htmlEditProfileChangePassword(translate)
# automatic translations
editProfileForm += libretranslateStr
# system monitor
editProfileForm += systemMonitorStr
# Filtering and blocking section
replyIntervalHours = getReplyIntervalHours(base_dir, nickname, domain,
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileFiltering(base_dir, nickname, domain,
user_agents_blocked, translate,
cw_lists, lists_enabled)
# git projects section
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileGitProjects(base_dir, nickname, domain, translate)
# Skills section
editProfileForm += \
_htmlEditProfileSkills(base_dir, nickname, domain, translate)
editProfileForm += roleAssignStr + peertubeStr + graphicsStr
editProfileForm += sharesFederationStr + twitterStr + instanceStr
# danger zone section
editProfileForm += _htmlEditProfileDangerZone(translate)
editProfileForm += ' <div class="container">\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <center>\n' + \
' <input type="submit" name="submitProfile" value="' + \
translate['Submit'] + '">\n' + \
' </center>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += ' </div>\n'
editProfileForm += '</form>\n'
editProfileForm += htmlFooter()
return editProfileForm
def _individualFollowAsHtml(signing_priv_key_pem: str,
translate: {},
base_dir: str, session,
cached_webfingers: {},
person_cache: {}, domain: str,
followUrl: str,
authorized: bool,
actorNickname: str,
http_prefix: str,
project_version: str,
dormant: bool,
debug: bool,
buttons=[]) -> str:
"""An individual follow entry on the profile screen
followUrlNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followUrl)
followUrlDomain, followUrlPort = getDomainFromActor(followUrl)
followUrlDomainFull = getFullDomain(followUrlDomain, followUrlPort)
titleStr = '@' + followUrlNickname + '@' + followUrlDomainFull
avatarUrl = getPersonAvatarUrl(base_dir, followUrl, person_cache, True)
if not avatarUrl:
avatarUrl = followUrl + '/avatar.png'
displayName = getDisplayName(base_dir, followUrl, person_cache)
isGroup = False
if not displayName:
# lookup the correct webfinger for the followUrl
followUrlHandle = followUrlNickname + '@' + followUrlDomainFull
followUrlWf = \
webfingerHandle(session, followUrlHandle, http_prefix,
domain, __version__, debug, False,
originDomain = domain
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl2,
displayName, isGroup) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem,
base_dir, session,
person_cache, project_version,
http_prefix, followUrlNickname,
domain, 'outbox', 43036)
if avatarUrl2:
avatarUrl = avatarUrl2
if displayName:
displayName = \
addEmojiToDisplayName(None, base_dir, http_prefix,
actorNickname, domain,
displayName, False)
titleStr = displayName
if dormant:
titleStr += ' 💤'
buttonsStr = ''
if authorized:
for b in buttons:
if b == 'block':
buttonsStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + \
'?options=' + followUrl + \
';1;' + avatarUrl + '"><button class="buttonunfollow">' + \
translate['Block'] + '</button></a>\n'
elif b == 'unfollow':
unfollowStr = 'Unfollow'
if isGroup or \
followUrlNickname, followUrlDomain):
unfollowStr = 'Leave'
buttonsStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + \
'?options=' + followUrl + \
';1;' + avatarUrl + '"><button class="buttonunfollow">' + \
translate[unfollowStr] + '</button></a>\n'
resultStr = '<div class="container">\n'
resultStr += \
'<a href="/users/' + actorNickname + '?options=' + \
followUrl + ';1;' + avatarUrl + '">\n'
resultStr += '<p><img loading="lazy" src="' + avatarUrl + '" alt=" ">'
resultStr += titleStr + '</a>' + buttonsStr + '</p>\n'
resultStr += '</div>\n'
return resultStr