mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
618 lines
24 KiB
618 lines
24 KiB
__filename__ = "webapp_column_left.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.6.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "Web Interface Columns"
import os
from flags import is_editor
from flags import is_artist
from utils import replace_strings
from utils import data_dir
from utils import get_config_param
from utils import get_nickname_from_actor
from utils import remove_domain_port
from utils import local_actor_url
from webapp_utils import shares_timeline_json
from webapp_utils import html_post_separator
from webapp_utils import get_left_image_file
from webapp_utils import header_buttons_front_screen
from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style
from webapp_utils import html_footer
from webapp_utils import get_banner_file
from webapp_utils import edit_text_field
from shares import share_category_icon
def _links_exist(base_dir: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if links have been created
links_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/links.txt'
return os.path.isfile(links_filename)
def _get_left_column_shares(base_dir: str,
http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str,
nickname: str,
max_shares_in_left_column: int,
translate: {},
shared_items_federated_domains: []) -> []:
"""get any shares and turn them into the left column links format
page_number = 1
actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
# NOTE: this could potentially be slow if the number of federated
# shared items is large
shares_json, _ = \
shares_timeline_json(actor, page_number, max_shares_in_left_column,
base_dir, domain, nickname,
shared_items_federated_domains, 'shares')
if not shares_json:
return []
links_list = []
ctr = 0
for _, item in shares_json.items():
sharedesc = item['displayName']
if '<' in sharedesc or '?' in sharedesc:
share_id = item['shareId']
# selecting this link calls html_show_share
share_link = actor + '?showshare=' + share_id
if item.get('category'):
share_link += '?category=' + item['category']
share_category = share_category_icon(item['category'])
links_list.append(share_category + sharedesc + ' ' + share_link)
ctr += 1
if ctr >= max_shares_in_left_column:
if links_list:
links_list = ['* ' + translate['Shares']] + links_list
return links_list
def _get_left_column_wanted(base_dir: str,
http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str,
nickname: str,
max_shares_in_left_column: int,
translate: {},
shared_items_federated_domains: []) -> []:
"""get any wanted items and turn them into the left column links format
page_number = 1
actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
# NOTE: this could potentially be slow if the number of federated
# wanted items is large
shares_json, _ = \
shares_timeline_json(actor, page_number, max_shares_in_left_column,
base_dir, domain, nickname,
shared_items_federated_domains, 'wanted')
if not shares_json:
return []
links_list = []
ctr = 0
for _, item in shares_json.items():
sharedesc = item['displayName']
if '<' in sharedesc or ';' in sharedesc:
share_id = item['shareId']
# selecting this link calls html_show_share
share_link = actor + '?showwanted=' + share_id
links_list.append(sharedesc + ' ' + share_link)
ctr += 1
if ctr >= max_shares_in_left_column:
if links_list:
links_list = ['* ' + translate['Wanted']] + links_list
return links_list
def get_left_column_content(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain_full: str,
http_prefix: str, translate: {},
editor: bool, artist: bool,
show_back_button: bool, timeline_path: str,
rss_icon_at_top: bool, show_header_image: bool,
front_page: bool, theme: str,
access_keys: {},
shared_items_federated_domains: [],
known_epicyon_instances: []) -> str:
"""Returns html content for the left column
html_str = ''
separator_str = html_post_separator(base_dir, 'left')
domain = remove_domain_port(domain_full)
edit_image_class = ''
if show_header_image:
left_image_file, left_column_image_filename = \
get_left_image_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme)
# show the image at the top of the column
edit_image_class = 'leftColEdit'
if os.path.isfile(left_column_image_filename):
edit_image_class = 'leftColEditImage'
html_str += \
'\n <center>\n <img class="leftColImg" ' + \
'alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + left_image_file + '" />\n' + \
' </center>\n'
if show_back_button:
html_str += \
' <div> <a href="' + timeline_path + '">' + \
'<button class="cancelbtn">' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
if (editor or rss_icon_at_top) and not show_header_image:
html_str += '<div class="columnIcons">'
if edit_image_class == 'leftColEdit':
html_str += '\n <center>\n'
# start of links column icons
html_str += ' <div class="leftColIcons">\n'
# 1. RSS icon
if nickname != 'news':
# rss feed for this account
rss_url = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + \
'/blog/' + nickname + '/rss.xml'
# rss feed for all accounts on the instance
rss_url = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/blog/rss.xml'
if not front_page:
rss_title = translate['RSS feed for your blog']
rss_title = translate['RSS feed for this site']
rss_icon_str = \
' <a href="' + rss_url + '" tabindex="5" class="imageAnchor">' + \
'<img class="' + edit_image_class + \
'" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="' + \
rss_title + '" title="' + rss_title + \
'" src="/icons/logorss.png" /></a>\n'
if rss_icon_at_top:
html_str += rss_icon_str
if artist:
# 2. show the theme designer icon
html_str += \
' <a href="/users/' + nickname + '/themedesigner" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuThemeDesigner'] + \
'" tabindex="5" class="imageAnchor">' + \
'<img class="' + edit_image_class + \
'" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="' + \
translate['Theme Designer'] + ' | " title="' + \
translate['Theme Designer'] + '" src="/icons/theme.png" /></a>\n'
if editor:
# 3. show the edit icon
html_str += \
' <a href="/users/' + nickname + '/editlinks" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuEdit'] + '" tabindex="5" ' + \
'class="imageAnchor">' + \
'<img class="' + edit_image_class + \
'" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="' + \
translate['Edit Links'] + ' | " title="' + \
translate['Edit Links'] + '" src="/icons/edit.png" /></a>\n'
# end of links column icons
html_str += ' </div>\n'
if edit_image_class == 'leftColEdit':
html_str += ' </center>\n'
if (editor or rss_icon_at_top) and not show_header_image:
html_str += '</div><br>'
# if show_header_image:
# html_str += '<br>'
# flag used not to show the first separator
first_separator_added = False
links_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/links.txt'
links_file_contains_entries = False
links_list = None
if os.path.isfile(links_filename):
with open(links_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_links:
links_list = fp_links.readlines()
except OSError:
print('EX: get_left_column_content unable to read ' +
if not front_page:
# show a number of shares
max_shares_in_left_column = 3
shares_list = \
http_prefix, domain, domain_full, nickname,
max_shares_in_left_column, translate,
if links_list and shares_list:
links_list = shares_list + links_list
wanted_list = \
http_prefix, domain, domain_full, nickname,
max_shares_in_left_column, translate,
if links_list and wanted_list:
links_list = wanted_list + links_list
new_tab_str = ' target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"'
if links_list:
html_str += '<nav itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Collection">\n'
for line_str in links_list:
if ' ' not in line_str:
if '#' not in line_str:
if '*' not in line_str:
if not line_str.startswith('['):
if not line_str.startswith('=> '):
line_str = line_str.strip()
link_str = None
if not line_str.startswith('['):
words = line_str.split(' ')
# get the link
for word in words:
if word in ('#', '*', '=>'):
if '://' in word:
link_str = word
# markdown link
if ']' not in line_str:
if '(' not in line_str:
if ')' not in line_str:
link_str = line_str.split('(')[1]
if ')' not in link_str:
link_str = link_str.split(')')[0]
if '://' not in link_str:
line_str = line_str.split('[')[1]
if ']' not in line_str:
line_str = line_str.split(']')[0]
if link_str:
line_str = line_str.replace(link_str, '').strip()
# avoid any dubious scripts being added
if '<' not in line_str:
# remove trailing comma if present
if line_str.endswith(','):
line_str = line_str[:len(line_str)-1]
# add link to the returned html
if '?showshare=' not in link_str and \
'?showwarning=' not in link_str:
html_str += \
' <p><a href="' + link_str + \
'"' + new_tab_str + '>' + \
line_str + '</a></p>\n'
html_str += \
' <p><a href="' + link_str + \
'">' + line_str + '</a></p>\n'
links_file_contains_entries = True
elif line_str.startswith('=> '):
# gemini style link
line_str = line_str.replace('=> ', '')
line_str = line_str.replace(link_str, '')
# add link to the returned html
if '?showshare=' not in link_str and \
'?showwarning=' not in link_str:
html_str += \
' <p><a href="' + link_str + \
'"' + new_tab_str + '>' + \
line_str.strip() + '</a></p>\n'
html_str += \
' <p><a href="' + link_str + \
'">' + line_str.strip() + '</a></p>\n'
links_file_contains_entries = True
if line_str.startswith('#') or line_str.startswith('*'):
line_str = line_str[1:].strip()
if first_separator_added:
html_str += separator_str
first_separator_added = True
html_str += \
' <h3 class="linksHeader">' + \
line_str + '</h3>\n'
html_str += \
' <p>' + line_str + '</p>\n'
links_file_contains_entries = True
html_str += '</nav>\n'
if first_separator_added:
html_str += separator_str
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/users/' + nickname + \
'/catalog.csv">' + translate['Shares Catalog'] + '</a></p>'
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/accesskeys" accesskey="' + \
access_keys['menuKeys'] + '">' + \
translate['Key Shortcuts'] + '</a></p>'
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/about">' + \
translate['About this Instance'] + '</a></p>'
if known_epicyon_instances:
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/users/' + \
nickname + '/knowninstances">' + \
translate['Epicyon Instances'] + '</a></p>'
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/manual">' + \
translate['User Manual'] + '</a></p>'
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/activitypub">' + \
translate['ActivityPub Specification'] + '</a></p>'
html_str += \
'<p class="login-text"><a href="/terms">' + \
translate['Terms of Service'] + '</a></p>'
if links_file_contains_entries and not rss_icon_at_top:
html_str += '<br><div class="columnIcons">' + rss_icon_str + '</div>'
return html_str
def html_links_mobile(base_dir: str,
nickname: str, domain_full: str,
http_prefix: str, translate,
timeline_path: str, authorized: bool,
rss_icon_at_top: bool,
icons_as_buttons: bool,
default_timeline: str,
theme: str, access_keys: {},
shared_items_federated_domains: [],
known_epicyon_instances: []) -> str:
"""Show the left column links within mobile view
html_str = ''
# the css filename
css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'):
css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css'
# is the user a site editor?
if nickname == 'news':
editor = False
artist = False
editor = is_editor(base_dir, nickname)
artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname)
domain = remove_domain_port(domain_full)
instance_title = \
get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
preload_images = []
html_str = \
html_header_with_external_style(css_filename, instance_title, None,
banner_file, _ = \
get_banner_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme)
html_str += \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + default_timeline + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuTimeline'] + '">' + \
'<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="timeline-banner" ' + \
'alt="' + translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" ' + \
'src="/users/' + nickname + '/' + banner_file + '" /></a>\n'
html_str += '<div class="col-left-mobile">\n'
html_str += '<center>' + \
header_buttons_front_screen(translate, nickname,
'links', authorized,
icons_as_buttons) + '</center>'
html_str += \
get_left_column_content(base_dir, nickname, domain_full,
http_prefix, translate,
editor, artist,
False, timeline_path,
rss_icon_at_top, False, False,
theme, access_keys,
if editor and not _links_exist(base_dir):
html_str += '<br><br><br>\n<center>\n '
html_str += translate['Select the edit icon to add web links']
html_str += '\n</center>\n'
# end of col-left-mobile
html_str += '</div>\n'
html_str += '</div>\n' + html_footer()
return html_str
def html_edit_links(translate: {}, base_dir: str, path: str,
domain: str,
default_timeline: str, theme: str,
access_keys: {}) -> str:
"""Shows the edit links screen
if '/users/' not in path:
return ''
replacements = {
'/inbox': '',
'/outbox': '',
'/shares': '',
'/wanted': ''
path = replace_strings(path, replacements)
nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(path)
if not nickname:
return ''
# is the user a moderator?
if not is_editor(base_dir, nickname):
return ''
css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-links.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/links.css'):
css_filename = base_dir + '/links.css'
# filename of the banner shown at the top
banner_file, _ = \
get_banner_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme)
instance_title = \
get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
preload_images = []
edit_links_form = \
html_header_with_external_style(css_filename, instance_title, None,
# top banner
edit_links_form += \
'<header>\n' + \
'<a href="/users/' + nickname + '/' + default_timeline + \
'" title="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" alt="' + \
translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuTimeline'] + '">\n'
edit_links_form += \
'<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="timeline-banner" ' + \
'alt = "" src="' + \
'/users/' + nickname + '/' + banner_file + '" /></a>\n' + \
edit_links_form += \
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" ' + \
'accept-charset="UTF-8" action="' + path + '/linksdata">\n'
edit_links_form += \
' <div class="vertical-center">\n'
edit_links_form += \
' <div class="containerSubmitNewPost">\n'
edit_links_form += \
' <h1>' + translate['Edit Links'] + '</h1>'
edit_links_form += \
' <input type="submit" name="submitLinks" value="' + \
translate['Publish'] + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['submitButton'] + '">\n'
edit_links_form += \
' </div>\n'
links_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/links.txt'
links_str = ''
if os.path.isfile(links_filename):
with open(links_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_links:
links_str = fp_links.read()
except OSError:
print('EX: html_edit_links unable to read ' +
edit_links_form += \
'<div class="container">'
edit_links_form += \
' ' + \
translate['One link per line. Description followed by the link.'] + \
new_col_link_str = translate['New link title and URL']
edit_links_form += \
edit_text_field(None, 'newColLink', '', new_col_link_str)
edit_links_form += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedLinks" ' + \
'style="height:80vh" spellcheck="false">' + links_str + '</textarea>'
edit_links_form += \
# the admin can edit terms of service, about and specification text
admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
if admin_nickname:
if nickname == admin_nickname:
about_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/about.md'
about_str = ''
if os.path.isfile(about_filename):
with open(about_filename, 'r',
encoding='utf-8') as fp_about:
about_str = fp_about.read()
except OSError:
print('EX: html_edit_links unable to read 2 ' +
edit_links_form += \
'<div class="container">'
edit_links_form += \
' ' + \
translate['About this Instance'] + \
edit_links_form += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedAbout" ' + \
'style="height:100vh" spellcheck="true" autocomplete="on">' + \
about_str + '</textarea>'
edit_links_form += \
tos_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/tos.md'
tos_str = ''
if os.path.isfile(tos_filename):
with open(tos_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_tos:
tos_str = fp_tos.read()
except OSError:
print('EX: html_edit_links unable to read 3 ' +
edit_links_form += \
'<div class="container">'
edit_links_form += \
' ' + \
translate['Terms of Service'] + \
edit_links_form += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedTOS" ' + \
'style="height:100vh" spellcheck="true" autocomplete="on">' + \
tos_str + '</textarea>'
edit_links_form += \
specification_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/activitypub.md'
specification_str = ''
if os.path.isfile(specification_filename):
with open(specification_filename, 'r',
encoding='utf-8') as fp_specification:
specification_str = fp_specification.read()
except OSError:
print('EX: html_edit_links unable to read 4 ' +
edit_links_form += \
'<div class="container">'
edit_links_form += \
' ' + \
translate['ActivityPub Specification'] + \
edit_links_form += \
' <textarea id="message" name="editedSpecification" ' + \
'style="height:1000vh" spellcheck="true" ' + \
'autocomplete="on">' + specification_str + '</textarea>'
edit_links_form += \
edit_links_form += html_footer()
return edit_links_form