mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
4033 lines
153 KiB
4033 lines
153 KiB
__filename__ = "posts.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"
import json
import html
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
import uuid
import random
from socket import error as SocketError
from time import gmtime, strftime
from collections import OrderedDict
from threads import threadWithTrace
from cache import storePersonInCache
from cache import getPersonFromCache
from cache import expirePersonCache
from pprint import pprint
from session import createSession
from session import getJson
from session import postJson
from session import postJsonString
from session import postImage
from webfinger import webfingerHandle
from httpsig import createSignedHeader
from utils import getFollowersList
from utils import isEvil
from utils import removeIdEnding
from utils import siteIsActive
from utils import getCachedPostFilename
from utils import getStatusNumber
from utils import createPersonDir
from utils import urlPermitted
from utils import getNicknameFromActor
from utils import getDomainFromActor
from utils import deletePost
from utils import validNickname
from utils import locatePost
from utils import loadJson
from utils import saveJson
from utils import getConfigParam
from utils import locateNewsVotes
from utils import locateNewsArrival
from utils import votesOnNewswireItem
from utils import removeHtml
from media import attachMedia
from media import replaceYouTube
from content import removeLongWords
from content import addHtmlTags
from content import replaceEmojiFromTags
from content import removeTextFormatting
from auth import createBasicAuthHeader
from blocking import isBlocked
from filters import isFiltered
from git import convertPostToPatch
from jsonldsig import jsonldSign
from petnames import resolvePetnames
def isModerator(baseDir: str, nickname: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given nickname is a moderator
moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile):
adminName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not adminName:
return False
if adminName == nickname:
return True
return False
with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if len(lines) == 0:
adminName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not adminName:
return False
if adminName == nickname:
return True
for moderator in lines:
moderator = moderator.strip('\n').strip('\r')
if moderator == nickname:
return True
return False
def isEditor(baseDir: str, nickname: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given nickname is an editor
editorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/editors.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(editorsFile):
adminName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not adminName:
return False
if adminName == nickname:
return True
return False
with open(editorsFile, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if len(lines) == 0:
adminName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if not adminName:
return False
if adminName == nickname:
return True
for editor in lines:
editor = editor.strip('\n').strip('\r')
if editor == nickname:
return True
return False
def noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir: str, handle: str,
domain: str, followFile='followers.txt') -> int:
"""Returns the number of followers of the given handle from the given domain
filename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + followFile
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return 0
ctr = 0
with open(filename, "r") as followersFilename:
for followerHandle in followersFilename:
if '@' in followerHandle:
followerDomain = followerHandle.split('@')[1]
followerDomain = followerDomain.replace('\n', '')
followerDomain = followerDomain.replace('\r', '')
if domain == followerDomain:
ctr += 1
return ctr
def getPersonKey(nickname: str, domain: str, baseDir: str, keyType='public',
"""Returns the public or private key of a person
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
keyFilename = baseDir + '/keys/' + keyType + '/' + handle.lower() + '.key'
if not os.path.isfile(keyFilename):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: private key file not found: ' + keyFilename)
return ''
keyPem = ''
with open(keyFilename, "r") as pemFile:
keyPem = pemFile.read()
if len(keyPem) < 20:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: private key was too short: ' + keyPem)
return ''
return keyPem
def cleanHtml(rawHtml: str) -> str:
# text=BeautifulSoup(rawHtml, 'html.parser').get_text()
text = rawHtml
return html.unescape(text)
def getUserUrl(wfRequest: {}) -> str:
if wfRequest.get('links'):
for link in wfRequest['links']:
if link.get('type') and link.get('href'):
if link['type'] == 'application/activity+json':
if not ('/users/' in link['href'] or
'/accounts/' in link['href'] or
'/profile/' in link['href'] or
'/channel/' in link['href']):
print('Webfinger activity+json contains ' +
'single user instance actor')
return link['href']
return None
def parseUserFeed(session, feedUrl: str, asHeader: {},
projectVersion: str, httpPrefix: str,
domain: str, depth=0) -> {}:
if depth > 10:
return None
feedJson = getJson(session, feedUrl, asHeader, None,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not feedJson:
return None
if 'orderedItems' in feedJson:
for item in feedJson['orderedItems']:
yield item
nextUrl = None
if 'first' in feedJson:
nextUrl = feedJson['first']
elif 'next' in feedJson:
nextUrl = feedJson['next']
if nextUrl:
if isinstance(nextUrl, str):
if '?max_id=0' not in nextUrl:
userFeed = \
parseUserFeed(session, nextUrl, asHeader,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
domain, depth+1)
if userFeed:
for item in userFeed:
yield item
elif isinstance(nextUrl, dict):
userFeed = nextUrl
if userFeed.get('orderedItems'):
for item in userFeed['orderedItems']:
yield item
def getPersonBox(baseDir: str, session, wfRequest: {},
personCache: {},
projectVersion: str, httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
boxName='inbox') -> (str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str):
profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if not wfRequest.get('errors'):
personUrl = getUserUrl(wfRequest)
if nickname == 'dev':
# try single user instance
print('getPersonBox: Trying single user instance with ld+json')
personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname
if not personUrl:
return None, None, None, None, None, None, None
personJson = \
getPersonFromCache(baseDir, personUrl, personCache, True)
if not personJson:
if '/channel/' in personUrl or '/accounts/' in personUrl:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
personJson = getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not personJson:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
personJson = getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not personJson:
print('Unable to get actor')
return None, None, None, None, None, None, None
boxJson = None
if not personJson.get(boxName):
if personJson.get('endpoints'):
if personJson['endpoints'].get(boxName):
boxJson = personJson['endpoints'][boxName]
boxJson = personJson[boxName]
if not boxJson:
return None, None, None, None, None, None, None
personId = None
if personJson.get('id'):
personId = personJson['id']
pubKeyId = None
pubKey = None
if personJson.get('publicKey'):
if personJson['publicKey'].get('id'):
pubKeyId = personJson['publicKey']['id']
if personJson['publicKey'].get('publicKeyPem'):
pubKey = personJson['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']
sharedInbox = None
if personJson.get('sharedInbox'):
sharedInbox = personJson['sharedInbox']
if personJson.get('endpoints'):
if personJson['endpoints'].get('sharedInbox'):
sharedInbox = personJson['endpoints']['sharedInbox']
avatarUrl = None
if personJson.get('icon'):
if personJson['icon'].get('url'):
avatarUrl = personJson['icon']['url']
displayName = None
if personJson.get('name'):
displayName = personJson['name']
storePersonInCache(baseDir, personUrl, personJson, personCache, True)
return boxJson, pubKeyId, pubKey, personId, sharedInbox, \
avatarUrl, displayName
def getPosts(session, outboxUrl: str, maxPosts: int,
maxMentions: int,
maxEmoji: int, maxAttachments: int,
federationList: [],
personCache: {}, raw: bool,
simple: bool, debug: bool,
projectVersion: str, httpPrefix: str,
domain: str) -> {}:
"""Gets public posts from an outbox
personPosts = {}
if not outboxUrl:
return personPosts
profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if '/outbox/' in outboxUrl:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if raw:
result = []
i = 0
userFeed = parseUserFeed(session, outboxUrl, asHeader,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
for item in userFeed:
i += 1
if i == maxPosts:
return None
i = 0
userFeed = parseUserFeed(session, outboxUrl, asHeader,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
for item in userFeed:
if not item.get('id'):
if debug:
print('No id')
if not item.get('type'):
if debug:
print('No type')
if item['type'] != 'Create':
if debug:
print('Not Create type')
if not item.get('object'):
if debug:
print('No object')
if not isinstance(item['object'], dict):
if debug:
print('item object is not a dict')
if not item['object'].get('published'):
if debug:
print('No published attribute')
if not personPosts.get(item['id']):
# check that this is a public post
# #Public should appear in the "to" list
if item['object'].get('to'):
isPublic = False
for recipient in item['object']['to']:
if recipient.endswith('#Public'):
isPublic = True
if not isPublic:
content = \
item['object']['content'].replace(''', "'")
mentions = []
emoji = {}
if item['object'].get('tag'):
for tagItem in item['object']['tag']:
tagType = tagItem['type'].lower()
if tagType == 'emoji':
if tagItem.get('name') and tagItem.get('icon'):
if tagItem['icon'].get('url'):
# No emoji from non-permitted domains
if urlPermitted(tagItem['icon']['url'],
emojiName = tagItem['name']
emojiIcon = tagItem['icon']['url']
emoji[emojiName] = emojiIcon
if debug:
print('url not permitted ' +
if tagType == 'mention':
if tagItem.get('name'):
if tagItem['name'] not in mentions:
if len(mentions) > maxMentions:
if debug:
print('max mentions reached')
if len(emoji) > maxEmoji:
if debug:
print('max emojis reached')
summary = ''
if item['object'].get('summary'):
if item['object']['summary']:
summary = item['object']['summary']
inReplyTo = ''
if item['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
if item['object']['inReplyTo']:
if isinstance(item['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
# No replies to non-permitted domains
if not urlPermitted(item['object']['inReplyTo'],
if debug:
print('url not permitted ' +
inReplyTo = item['object']['inReplyTo']
conversation = ''
if item['object'].get('conversation'):
if item['object']['conversation']:
# no conversations originated in non-permitted domains
if urlPermitted(item['object']['conversation'],
federationList, "objects:read"):
conversation = item['object']['conversation']
attachment = []
if item['object'].get('attachment'):
if item['object']['attachment']:
for attach in item['object']['attachment']:
if attach.get('name') and attach.get('url'):
# no attachments from non-permitted domains
if urlPermitted(attach['url'],
if debug:
print('url not permitted ' +
sensitive = False
if item['object'].get('sensitive'):
sensitive = item['object']['sensitive']
if simple:
print(cleanHtml(content) + '\n')
personPosts[item['id']] = {
"sensitive": sensitive,
"inreplyto": inReplyTo,
"summary": summary,
"html": content,
"plaintext": cleanHtml(content),
"attachment": attachment,
"mentions": mentions,
"emoji": emoji,
"conversation": conversation
i += 1
if i == maxPosts:
return personPosts
def getPostDomains(session, outboxUrl: str, maxPosts: int,
maxMentions: int,
maxEmoji: int, maxAttachments: int,
federationList: [],
personCache: {},
debug: bool,
projectVersion: str, httpPrefix: str,
domain: str, domainList=[]) -> []:
"""Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts
if not outboxUrl:
return []
profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if '/outbox/' in outboxUrl:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
postDomains = domainList
i = 0
userFeed = parseUserFeed(session, outboxUrl, asHeader,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
for item in userFeed:
i += 1
if i > maxPosts:
if not item.get('object'):
if not isinstance(item['object'], dict):
if item['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
if isinstance(item['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
postDomain, postPort = \
if postDomain not in postDomains:
if item['object'].get('tag'):
for tagItem in item['object']['tag']:
tagType = tagItem['type'].lower()
if tagType == 'mention':
if tagItem.get('href'):
postDomain, postPort = \
if postDomain not in postDomains:
return postDomains
def deleteAllPosts(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, boxname: str) -> None:
"""Deletes all posts for a person from inbox or outbox
if boxname != 'inbox' and boxname != 'outbox' and \
boxname != 'tlblogs' and boxname != 'tlnews' and \
boxname != 'tlevents':
boxDir = createPersonDir(nickname, domain, baseDir, boxname)
for deleteFilename in os.scandir(boxDir):
deleteFilename = deleteFilename.name
filePath = os.path.join(boxDir, deleteFilename)
if os.path.isfile(filePath):
elif os.path.isdir(filePath):
except Exception as e:
def savePostToBox(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, postId: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, postJsonObject: {},
boxname: str) -> str:
"""Saves the give json to the give box
Returns the filename
if boxname != 'inbox' and boxname != 'outbox' and \
boxname != 'tlblogs' and boxname != 'tlnews' and \
boxname != 'tlevents' and \
boxname != 'scheduled':
return None
originalDomain = domain
if ':' in domain:
domain = domain.split(':')[0]
if not postId:
statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber()
postId = \
httpPrefix + '://' + originalDomain + '/users/' + nickname + \
'/statuses/' + statusNumber
postJsonObject['id'] = postId + '/activity'
if postJsonObject.get('object'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
postJsonObject['object']['id'] = postId
postJsonObject['object']['atomUri'] = postId
boxDir = createPersonDir(nickname, domain, baseDir, boxname)
filename = boxDir + '/' + postId.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
saveJson(postJsonObject, filename)
return filename
def updateHashtagsIndex(baseDir: str, tag: {}, newPostId: str) -> None:
"""Writes the post url for hashtags to a file
This allows posts for a hashtag to be quickly looked up
if tag['type'] != 'Hashtag':
# create hashtags directory
tagsDir = baseDir + '/tags'
if not os.path.isdir(tagsDir):
tagName = tag['name']
tagsFilename = tagsDir + '/' + tagName[1:] + '.txt'
tagline = newPostId + '\n'
if not os.path.isfile(tagsFilename):
# create a new tags index file
tagsFile = open(tagsFilename, "w+")
if tagsFile:
# prepend to tags index file
if tagline not in open(tagsFilename).read():
with open(tagsFilename, 'r+') as tagsFile:
content = tagsFile.read()
tagsFile.seek(0, 0)
except Exception as e:
print('WARN: Failed to write entry to tags file ' +
tagsFilename + ' ' + str(e))
def addSchedulePost(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
eventDateStr: str, postId: str) -> None:
"""Adds a scheduled post to the index
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
scheduleIndexFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/schedule.index'
indexStr = eventDateStr + ' ' + postId.replace('/', '#')
if os.path.isfile(scheduleIndexFilename):
if indexStr not in open(scheduleIndexFilename).read():
with open(scheduleIndexFilename, 'r+') as scheduleFile:
content = scheduleFile.read()
scheduleFile.seek(0, 0)
scheduleFile.write(indexStr + '\n' + content)
print('DEBUG: scheduled post added to index')
except Exception as e:
print('WARN: Failed to write entry to scheduled posts index ' +
scheduleIndexFilename + ' ' + str(e))
scheduleFile = open(scheduleIndexFilename, 'w+')
if scheduleFile:
scheduleFile.write(indexStr + '\n')
def appendEventFields(newPost: {},
eventUUID: str, eventStatus: str,
anonymousParticipationEnabled: bool,
repliesModerationOption: str,
category: str,
joinMode: str,
eventDateStr: str,
endDateStr: str,
location: str,
maximumAttendeeCapacity: int,
ticketUrl: str,
subject: str) -> None:
"""Appends Mobilizon-type event fields to a post
if not eventUUID:
# add attributes for Mobilizon-type events
newPost['uuid'] = eventUUID
if eventStatus:
newPost['ical:status'] = eventStatus
if anonymousParticipationEnabled:
newPost['anonymousParticipationEnabled'] = \
if repliesModerationOption:
newPost['repliesModerationOption'] = repliesModerationOption
if category:
newPost['category'] = category
if joinMode:
newPost['joinMode'] = joinMode
newPost['startTime'] = eventDateStr
newPost['endTime'] = endDateStr
if location:
newPost['location'] = location
if maximumAttendeeCapacity:
newPost['maximumAttendeeCapacity'] = maximumAttendeeCapacity
if ticketUrl:
newPost['ticketUrl'] = ticketUrl
if subject:
newPost['name'] = subject
newPost['summary'] = None
newPost['sensitive'] = False
def validContentWarning(cw: str) -> str:
"""Returns a validated content warning
cw = removeHtml(cw)
# hashtags within content warnings apparently cause a lot of trouble
# so remove them
if '#' in cw:
cw = cw.replace('#', '').replace(' ', ' ')
return cw
def loadAutoCW(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> []:
"""Loads automatic CWs file and returns a list containing
the lines of the file
filename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/autocw.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return []
with open(filename, "r") as f:
return f.readlines()
return []
def addAutoCW(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
subject: str, content: str) -> str:
"""Appends any automatic CW to the subject line
and returns the new subject line
newSubject = subject
autoCWList = loadAutoCW(baseDir, nickname, domain)
for cwRule in autoCWList:
if '->' not in cwRule:
match = cwRule.split('->')[0].strip()
if match not in content:
cwStr = cwRule.split('->')[1].strip()
if newSubject:
if cwStr not in newSubject:
newSubject += ', ' + cwStr
newSubject = cwStr
return newSubject
def createPostBase(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
toUrl: str, ccUrl: str, httpPrefix: str, content: str,
followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool, clientToServer: bool,
commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str,
mediaType: str, imageDescription: str,
useBlurhash: bool, isModerationReport: bool,
isArticle: bool,
inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None, schedulePost=False,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None, location=None,
eventUUID=None, category=None, joinMode=None,
endDate=None, endTime=None,
eventStatus=None, ticketUrl=None) -> {}:
"""Creates a message
subject = addAutoCW(baseDir, nickname, domain, subject, content)
if nickname != 'news':
mentionedRecipients = \
getMentionedPeople(baseDir, httpPrefix, content, domain, False)
mentionedRecipients = ''
tags = []
hashtagsDict = {}
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domain = domain + ':' + str(port)
# add tags
if nickname != 'news':
content = \
addHtmlTags(baseDir, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, content,
hashtagsDict, True)
# replace emoji with unicode
tags = []
for tagName, tag in hashtagsDict.items():
# get list of tags
if nickname != 'news':
content = replaceEmojiFromTags(content, tags, 'content')
# remove replaced emoji
hashtagsDictCopy = hashtagsDict.copy()
for tagName, tag in hashtagsDictCopy.items():
if tag.get('name'):
if tag['name'].startswith(':'):
if tag['name'] not in content:
del hashtagsDict[tagName]
statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber()
newPostId = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/statuses/' + statusNumber
sensitive = False
summary = None
if subject:
summary = validContentWarning(subject)
sensitive = True
toRecipients = []
toCC = []
if toUrl:
if not isinstance(toUrl, str):
print('ERROR: toUrl is not a string')
return None
toRecipients = [toUrl]
# who to send to
if mentionedRecipients:
for mention in mentionedRecipients:
if mention not in toCC:
# create a list of hashtags
# Only posts which are #Public are searchable by hashtag
if hashtagsDict:
isPublic = False
for recipient in toRecipients:
if recipient.endswith('#Public'):
isPublic = True
for tagName, tag in hashtagsDict.items():
if isPublic:
updateHashtagsIndex(baseDir, tag, newPostId)
print('Content tags: ' + str(tags))
if inReplyTo and not sensitive:
# locate the post which this is a reply to and check if
# it has a content warning. If it does then reproduce
# the same warning
replyPostFilename = \
locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, inReplyTo)
if replyPostFilename:
replyToJson = loadJson(replyPostFilename)
if replyToJson:
if replyToJson.get('object'):
if replyToJson['object'].get('sensitive'):
if replyToJson['object']['sensitive']:
sensitive = True
if replyToJson['object'].get('summary'):
summary = replyToJson['object']['summary']
# get the ending date and time
endDateStr = None
if endDate:
eventName = summary
if not eventName:
eventName = content
endDateStr = endDate
if endTime:
if endTime.endswith('Z'):
endDateStr = endDate + 'T' + endTime
endDateStr = endDate + 'T' + endTime + \
':00' + strftime("%z", gmtime())
endDateStr = endDate + 'T12:00:00Z'
# get the starting date and time
eventDateStr = None
if eventDate:
eventName = summary
if not eventName:
eventName = content
eventDateStr = eventDate
if eventTime:
if eventTime.endswith('Z'):
eventDateStr = eventDate + 'T' + eventTime
eventDateStr = eventDate + 'T' + eventTime + \
':00' + strftime("%z", gmtime())
eventDateStr = eventDate + 'T12:00:00Z'
if not endDateStr:
endDateStr = eventDateStr
if not schedulePost and not eventUUID:
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"type": "Event",
"name": eventName,
"startTime": eventDateStr,
"endTime": endDateStr
if location and not eventUUID:
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"type": "Place",
"name": location
postContext = [
'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag',
'sensitive': 'as:sensitive',
'toot': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#',
'votersCount': 'toot:votersCount'
# make sure that CC doesn't also contain a To address
# eg. To: [ "https://mydomain/users/foo/followers" ]
# CC: [ "X", "Y", "https://mydomain/users/foo", "Z" ]
removeFromCC = []
for ccRecipient in toCC:
for sendToActor in toRecipients:
if ccRecipient in sendToActor and \
ccRecipient not in removeFromCC:
for ccRemoval in removeFromCC:
# the type of post to be made
postObjectType = 'Note'
if eventUUID:
postObjectType = 'Event'
if not clientToServer:
actorUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname
idStr = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname + \
'/statuses/' + statusNumber + '/replies'
newPost = {
'@context': postContext,
'id': newPostId + '/activity',
'type': 'Create',
'actor': actorUrl,
'published': published,
'to': toRecipients,
'cc': toCC,
'object': {
'id': newPostId,
'type': postObjectType,
'summary': summary,
'inReplyTo': inReplyTo,
'published': published,
'url': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/@'+nickname+'/'+statusNumber,
'attributedTo': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname,
'to': toRecipients,
'cc': toCC,
'sensitive': sensitive,
'atomUri': newPostId,
'inReplyToAtomUri': inReplyToAtomUri,
'commentsEnabled': commentsEnabled,
'mediaType': 'text/html',
'content': content,
'contentMap': {
'en': content
'attachment': [],
'tag': tags,
'replies': {
'id': idStr,
'type': 'Collection',
'first': {
'type': 'CollectionPage',
'partOf': idStr,
'items': []
if attachImageFilename:
newPost['object'] = \
attachMedia(baseDir, httpPrefix, domain, port,
newPost['object'], attachImageFilename,
mediaType, imageDescription, useBlurhash)
appendEventFields(newPost['object'], eventUUID, eventStatus,
category, joinMode,
eventDateStr, endDateStr,
location, maximumAttendeeCapacity,
ticketUrl, subject)
idStr = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname + \
'/statuses/' + statusNumber + '/replies'
newPost = {
"@context": postContext,
'id': newPostId,
'type': postObjectType,
'summary': summary,
'inReplyTo': inReplyTo,
'published': published,
'url': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/@'+nickname+'/'+statusNumber,
'attributedTo': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname,
'to': toRecipients,
'cc': toCC,
'sensitive': sensitive,
'atomUri': newPostId,
'inReplyToAtomUri': inReplyToAtomUri,
'commentsEnabled': commentsEnabled,
'mediaType': 'text/html',
'content': content,
'contentMap': {
'en': content
'attachment': [],
'tag': tags,
'replies': {
'id': idStr,
'type': 'Collection',
'first': {
'type': 'CollectionPage',
'partOf': idStr,
'items': []
if attachImageFilename:
newPost = \
attachMedia(baseDir, httpPrefix, domain, port,
newPost, attachImageFilename,
mediaType, imageDescription, useBlurhash)
appendEventFields(newPost, eventUUID, eventStatus,
category, joinMode,
eventDateStr, endDateStr,
location, maximumAttendeeCapacity,
ticketUrl, subject)
if ccUrl:
if len(ccUrl) > 0:
newPost['cc'] = [ccUrl]
if newPost.get('object'):
newPost['object']['cc'] = [ccUrl]
# if this is a moderation report then add a status
if isModerationReport:
# add status
if newPost.get('object'):
newPost['object']['moderationStatus'] = 'pending'
newPost['moderationStatus'] = 'pending'
# save to index file
moderationIndexFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderation.txt'
modFile = open(moderationIndexFile, "a+")
if modFile:
modFile.write(newPostId + '\n')
# If a patch has been posted - i.e. the output from
# git format-patch - then convert the activitypub type
convertPostToPatch(baseDir, nickname, domain, newPost)
if schedulePost:
if eventDate and eventTime:
# add an item to the scheduled post index file
addSchedulePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, eventDateStr, newPostId)
savePostToBox(baseDir, httpPrefix, newPostId,
nickname, domain, newPost, 'scheduled')
print('Unable to create scheduled post without ' +
'date and time values')
return newPost
elif saveToFile:
if isArticle:
savePostToBox(baseDir, httpPrefix, newPostId,
nickname, domain, newPost, 'tlblogs')
elif eventUUID:
savePostToBox(baseDir, httpPrefix, newPostId,
nickname, domain, newPost, 'tlevents')
savePostToBox(baseDir, httpPrefix, newPostId,
nickname, domain, newPost, 'outbox')
return newPost
def outboxMessageCreateWrap(httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
messageJson: {}) -> {}:
"""Wraps a received message in a Create
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domain = domain + ':' + str(port)
statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber()
if messageJson.get('published'):
published = messageJson['published']
newPostId = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname + \
'/statuses/' + statusNumber
cc = []
if messageJson.get('cc'):
cc = messageJson['cc']
newPost = {
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
'id': newPostId + '/activity',
'type': 'Create',
'actor': httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname,
'published': published,
'to': messageJson['to'],
'cc': cc,
'object': messageJson
newPost['object']['id'] = newPost['id']
newPost['object']['url'] = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/@' + nickname + '/' + statusNumber
newPost['object']['atomUri'] = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname + \
'/statuses/' + statusNumber
return newPost
def postIsAddressedToFollowers(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str,
postJsonObject: {}) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post is addressed to followers of the nickname
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domain = domain + ':' + str(port)
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return False
toList = []
ccList = []
if postJsonObject['type'] != 'Update' and \
isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
if postJsonObject['object'].get('to'):
toList = postJsonObject['object']['to']
if postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'):
ccList = postJsonObject['object']['cc']
if postJsonObject.get('to'):
toList = postJsonObject['to']
if postJsonObject.get('cc'):
ccList = postJsonObject['cc']
followersUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/followers'
# does the followers url exist in 'to' or 'cc' lists?
addressedToFollowers = False
if followersUrl in toList:
addressedToFollowers = True
elif followersUrl in ccList:
addressedToFollowers = True
return addressedToFollowers
def postIsAddressedToPublic(baseDir: str, postJsonObject: {}) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post is addressed to public
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return False
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('to'):
return False
publicUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
# does the public url exist in 'to' or 'cc' lists?
addressedToPublic = False
if publicUrl in postJsonObject['object']['to']:
addressedToPublic = True
if not addressedToPublic:
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'):
return False
if publicUrl in postJsonObject['object']['cc']:
addressedToPublic = True
return addressedToPublic
def createPublicPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
inReplyTo=None, inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None, location=None) -> {}:
"""Public post
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
return createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' +
nickname + '/followers',
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location,
None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
def createBlogPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
inReplyTo=None, inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None, location=None) -> {}:
blog = \
nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix,
content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
eventDate, eventTime, location)
blog['object']['type'] = 'Article'
# append citations tags, stored in a file
citationsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/.citations.txt'
if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename):
citationsSeparator = '#####'
with open(citationsFilename, "r") as f:
citations = f.readlines()
for line in citations:
if citationsSeparator not in line:
sections = line.strip().split(citationsSeparator)
if len(sections) != 3:
# dateStr = sections[0]
title = sections[1]
link = sections[2]
tagJson = {
"type": "Article",
"name": title,
"url": link
return blog
def createNewsPost(baseDir: str,
domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
subject: str) -> {}:
clientToServer = False
inReplyTo = None
inReplyToAtomUri = None
schedulePost = False
eventDate = None
eventTime = None
location = None
blog = \
'news', domain, port, httpPrefix,
content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, False,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
eventDate, eventTime, location)
blog['object']['type'] = 'Article'
return blog
def createQuestionPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, qOptions: [],
followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
subject: str, durationDays: int) -> {}:
"""Question post with multiple choice options
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
messageJson = \
createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' +
nickname + '/followers',
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, None, None, subject,
False, None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
messageJson['object']['type'] = 'Question'
messageJson['object']['oneOf'] = []
messageJson['object']['votersCount'] = 0
currTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
daysSinceEpoch = \
int((currTime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days + durationDays)
endTime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + \
messageJson['object']['endTime'] = endTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
for questionOption in qOptions:
"type": "Note",
"name": questionOption,
"replies": {
"type": "Collection",
"totalItems": 0
return messageJson
def createUnlistedPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
inReplyTo=None, inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None, location=None) -> {}:
"""Unlisted post. This has the #Public and followers links inverted.
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
return createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' +
nickname + '/followers',
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location,
None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
def createFollowersOnlyPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool,
saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
inReplyTo=None, inReplyToAtomUri=None,
subject=None, schedulePost=False,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None,
location=None) -> {}:
"""Followers only post
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
return createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' +
nickname + '/followers',
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location,
None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
def createEventPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool,
saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
subject=None, schedulePost=False,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None,
location=None, category=None, joinMode=None,
endDate=None, endTime=None,
eventStatus=None, ticketUrl=None) -> {}:
"""Mobilizon-type Event post
if not attachImageFilename:
print('Event has no attached image')
return None
if not category:
print('Event has no category')
return None
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
# create event uuid
eventUUID = str(uuid.uuid1())
toStr1 = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
toStr2 = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/followers',
if followersOnly:
toStr1 = toStr2
toStr2 = None
return createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
toStr1, toStr2,
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, None, None, subject,
schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location,
eventUUID, category, joinMode,
endDate, endTime, maximumAttendeeCapacity,
eventStatus, ticketUrl)
def getMentionedPeople(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, domain: str, debug: bool) -> []:
"""Extracts a list of mentioned actors from the given message content
if '@' not in content:
return None
mentions = []
words = content.split(' ')
for wrd in words:
if wrd.startswith('@'):
handle = wrd[1:]
if debug:
print('DEBUG: mentioned handle ' + handle)
if '@' not in handle:
handle = handle + '@' + domain
if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle):
externalDomain = handle.split('@')[1]
if not ('.' in externalDomain or
externalDomain == 'localhost'):
mentionedNickname = handle.split('@')[0]
mentionedDomain = handle.split('@')[1].strip('\n').strip('\r')
if ':' in mentionedDomain:
mentionedDomain = mentionedDomain.split(':')[0]
if not validNickname(mentionedDomain, mentionedNickname):
actor = \
httpPrefix + '://' + handle.split('@')[1] + \
'/users/' + mentionedNickname
return mentions
def createDirectMessagePost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool,
saveToFile: bool, clientToServer: bool,
commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
inReplyTo=None, inReplyToAtomUri=None,
subject=None, debug=False,
eventDate=None, eventTime=None,
location=None) -> {}:
"""Direct Message post
content = resolvePetnames(baseDir, nickname, domain, content)
mentionedPeople = \
getMentionedPeople(baseDir, httpPrefix, content, domain, debug)
if debug:
print('mentionedPeople: ' + str(mentionedPeople))
if not mentionedPeople:
return None
postTo = None
postCc = None
messageJson = \
createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
postTo, postCc,
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, False, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location,
None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
# mentioned recipients go into To rather than Cc
messageJson['to'] = messageJson['object']['cc']
messageJson['object']['to'] = messageJson['to']
messageJson['cc'] = []
messageJson['object']['cc'] = []
if schedulePost:
savePostToBox(baseDir, httpPrefix, messageJson['object']['id'],
nickname, domain, messageJson, 'scheduled')
return messageJson
def createReportPost(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
content: str, followersOnly: bool, saveToFile: bool,
clientToServer: bool, commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
debug: bool, subject=None) -> {}:
"""Send a report to moderators
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
# add a title to distinguish moderation reports from other posts
reportTitle = 'Moderation Report'
if not subject:
subject = reportTitle
if not subject.startswith(reportTitle):
subject = reportTitle + ': ' + subject
# create the list of moderators from the moderators file
moderatorsList = []
moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'
if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile):
with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as fileHandler:
for line in fileHandler:
line = line.strip('\n').strip('\r')
if line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith('/users/'):
line = line.replace('users', '')
if line.startswith('@'):
line = line[1:]
if '@' in line:
moderatorActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \
'/users/' + line.split('@')[0]
if moderatorActor not in moderatorsList:
if line.startswith('http') or line.startswith('dat'):
# must be a local address - no remote moderators
if '://' + domainFull + '/' in line:
if line not in moderatorsList:
if '/' not in line:
moderatorActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \
'/users/' + line
if moderatorActor not in moderatorsList:
if len(moderatorsList) == 0:
# if there are no moderators then the admin becomes the moderator
adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin')
if adminNickname:
moderatorsList.append(httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull +
'/users/' + adminNickname)
if not moderatorsList:
return None
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Sending report to moderators')
postTo = moderatorsList
postCc = None
postJsonObject = None
for toUrl in postTo:
# who is this report going to?
toNickname = toUrl.split('/users/')[1]
handle = toNickname + '@' + domain
postJsonObject = \
createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
toUrl, postCc,
httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile,
clientToServer, commentsEnabled,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
True, False, None, None, subject,
False, None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
if not postJsonObject:
# update the inbox index with the report filename
# indexFilename = baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+'/inbox.index'
# indexEntry = \
# removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id']).replace('/','#') + '.json'
# if indexEntry not in open(indexFilename).read():
# try:
# with open(indexFilename, 'a+') as fp:
# fp.write(indexEntry)
# except:
# pass
# save a notification file so that the moderator
# knows something new has appeared
newReportFile = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/.newReport'
if os.path.isfile(newReportFile):
with open(newReportFile, 'w+') as fp:
fp.write(toUrl + '/moderation')
except BaseException:
return postJsonObject
def threadSendPost(session, postJsonStr: str, federationList: [],
inboxUrl: str, baseDir: str,
signatureHeaderJson: {}, postLog: [],
debug: bool) -> None:
"""Sends a with retries
tries = 0
sendIntervalSec = 30
for attempt in range(20):
postResult = None
unauthorized = False
postResult, unauthorized = \
postJsonString(session, postJsonStr, federationList,
inboxUrl, signatureHeaderJson,
except Exception as e:
print('ERROR: postJsonString failed ' + str(e))
if unauthorized:
print('threadSendPost: Post is unauthorized')
if postResult:
logStr = 'Success on try ' + str(tries) + ': ' + postJsonStr
logStr = 'Retry ' + str(tries) + ': ' + postJsonStr
# keep the length of the log finite
# Don't accumulate massive files on systems with limited resources
while len(postLog) > 16:
if debug:
# save the log file
postLogFilename = baseDir + '/post.log'
with open(postLogFilename, "a+") as logFile:
logFile.write(logStr + '\n')
if postResult:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: successful json post to ' + inboxUrl)
# our work here is done
if debug:
print('DEBUG: json post to ' + inboxUrl +
' failed. Waiting for ' +
str(sendIntervalSec) + ' seconds.')
tries += 1
def sendPost(projectVersion: str,
session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
toNickname: str, toDomain: str, toPort: int, cc: str,
httpPrefix: str, content: str, followersOnly: bool,
saveToFile: bool, clientToServer: bool,
commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
federationList: [], sendThreads: [], postLog: [],
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
isArticle: bool,
debug=False, inReplyTo=None,
inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None) -> int:
"""Post to another inbox
withDigest = True
if toNickname == 'inbox':
# shared inbox actor on @domain@domain
toNickname = toDomain
if toPort:
if toPort != 80 and toPort != 443:
if ':' not in toDomain:
toDomain = toDomain + ':' + str(toPort)
handle = httpPrefix + '://' + toDomain + '/@' + toNickname
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix,
domain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return 1
if not clientToServer:
postToBox = 'inbox'
postToBox = 'outbox'
if isArticle:
postToBox = 'tlblogs'
# get the actor inbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
toPersonId, sharedInbox,
avatarUrl, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, postToBox)
if not inboxUrl:
return 3
if not pubKey:
return 4
if not toPersonId:
return 5
# sharedInbox is optional
postJsonObject = \
createPostBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port,
toPersonId, cc, httpPrefix, content,
followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, isArticle, inReplyTo,
inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
False, None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
# get the senders private key
privateKeyPem = getPersonKey(nickname, domain, baseDir, 'private')
if len(privateKeyPem) == 0:
return 6
if toDomain not in inboxUrl:
return 7
postPath = inboxUrl.split(toDomain, 1)[1]
if not postJsonObject.get('signature'):
signedPostJsonObject = jsonldSign(postJsonObject, privateKeyPem)
postJsonObject = signedPostJsonObject
except Exception as e:
print('WARN: failed to JSON-LD sign post, ' + str(e))
# convert json to string so that there are no
# subsequent conversions after creating message body digest
postJsonStr = json.dumps(postJsonObject)
# construct the http header, including the message body digest
signatureHeaderJson = \
createSignedHeader(privateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port,
toDomain, toPort,
postPath, httpPrefix, withDigest, postJsonStr)
# Keep the number of threads being used small
while len(sendThreads) > 1000:
print('WARN: Maximum threads reached - killing send thread')
print('WARN: thread killed')
thr = \
inboxUrl, baseDir,
debug), daemon=True)
return 0
def sendPostViaServer(projectVersion: str,
baseDir: str, session, fromNickname: str, password: str,
fromDomain: str, fromPort: int,
toNickname: str, toDomain: str, toPort: int, cc: str,
httpPrefix: str, content: str, followersOnly: bool,
commentsEnabled: bool,
attachImageFilename: str, mediaType: str,
imageDescription: str, useBlurhash: bool,
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
isArticle: bool, debug=False, inReplyTo=None,
inReplyToAtomUri=None, subject=None) -> int:
"""Send a post via a proxy (c2s)
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendPostViaServer')
return 6
if toPort:
if toPort != 80 and toPort != 443:
if ':' not in fromDomain:
fromDomain = fromDomain + ':' + str(fromPort)
handle = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomain + '/@' + fromNickname
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = \
webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers,
fromDomain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: webfinger failed for ' + handle)
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return 1
postToBox = 'outbox'
if isArticle:
postToBox = 'tlblogs'
# get the actor inbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
fromPersonId, sharedInbox,
avatarUrl, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
fromDomain, postToBox)
if not inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle)
return 3
if not fromPersonId:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No actor was found for ' + handle)
return 4
# Get the json for the c2s post, not saving anything to file
# Note that baseDir is set to None
saveToFile = False
clientToServer = True
if toDomain.lower().endswith('public'):
toPersonId = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
fromDomainFull = fromDomain
if fromPort:
if fromPort != 80 and fromPort != 443:
if ':' not in fromDomain:
fromDomainFull = fromDomain + ':' + str(fromPort)
cc = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/users/' + \
fromNickname + '/followers'
if toDomain.lower().endswith('followers') or \
toPersonId = \
httpPrefix + '://' + \
fromDomainFull + '/users/' + fromNickname + '/followers'
toDomainFull = toDomain
if toPort:
if toPort != 80 and toPort != 443:
if ':' not in toDomain:
toDomainFull = toDomain + ':' + str(toPort)
toPersonId = httpPrefix + '://' + toDomainFull + \
'/users/' + toNickname
postJsonObject = \
fromNickname, fromDomain, fromPort,
toPersonId, cc, httpPrefix, content,
followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer,
attachImageFilename, mediaType,
imageDescription, useBlurhash,
False, isArticle, inReplyTo,
inReplyToAtomUri, subject,
False, None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password)
if attachImageFilename:
headers = {
'host': fromDomain,
'Authorization': authHeader
postResult = \
postImage(session, attachImageFilename, [],
inboxUrl, headers)
if not postResult:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Failed to upload image')
# return 9
headers = {
'host': fromDomain,
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authHeader
postResult = \
postJsonString(session, json.dumps(postJsonObject), [],
inboxUrl, headers, debug)
if not postResult:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: POST failed for c2s to '+inboxUrl)
return 5
if debug:
print('DEBUG: c2s POST success')
return 0
def groupFollowersByDomain(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> {}:
"""Returns a dictionary with followers grouped by domain
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
followersFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/followers.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(followersFilename):
return None
grouped = {}
with open(followersFilename, "r") as f:
for followerHandle in f:
if '@' in followerHandle:
fHandle = \
followerHandle.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
followerDomain = fHandle.split('@')[1]
if not grouped.get(followerDomain):
grouped[followerDomain] = [fHandle]
return grouped
def addFollowersToPublicPost(postJsonObject: {}) -> None:
"""Adds followers entry to cc if it doesn't exist
if not postJsonObject.get('actor'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str):
if not postJsonObject.get('to'):
if len(postJsonObject['to']) > 1:
if len(postJsonObject['to']) == 0:
if not postJsonObject['to'][0].endswith('#Public'):
if postJsonObject.get('cc'):
postJsonObject['cc'] = postJsonObject['actor'] + '/followers'
elif isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('to'):
if len(postJsonObject['object']['to']) > 1:
if len(postJsonObject['object']['to']) == 0:
if not postJsonObject['object']['to'][0].endswith('#Public'):
if postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'):
postJsonObject['object']['cc'] = postJsonObject['actor'] + '/followers'
def sendSignedJson(postJsonObject: {}, session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
toNickname: str, toDomain: str, toPort: int, cc: str,
httpPrefix: str, saveToFile: bool, clientToServer: bool,
federationList: [],
sendThreads: [], postLog: [], cachedWebfingers: {},
personCache: {}, debug: bool, projectVersion: str) -> int:
"""Sends a signed json object to an inbox/outbox
if debug:
print('DEBUG: sendSignedJson start')
if not session:
print('WARN: No session specified for sendSignedJson')
return 8
withDigest = True
if toDomain.endswith('.onion') or toDomain.endswith('.i2p'):
httpPrefix = 'http'
# sharedInbox = False
if toNickname == 'inbox':
# shared inbox actor on @domain@domain
toNickname = toDomain
# sharedInbox = True
if toPort:
if toPort != 80 and toPort != 443:
if ':' not in toDomain:
toDomain = toDomain + ':' + str(toPort)
toDomainUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + toDomain
if not siteIsActive(toDomainUrl):
print('Domain is inactive: ' + toDomainUrl)
return 9
print('Domain is active: ' + toDomainUrl)
handleBase = toDomainUrl + '/@'
if toNickname:
handle = handleBase + toNickname
singleUserInstanceNickname = 'dev'
handle = handleBase + singleUserInstanceNickname
if debug:
print('DEBUG: handle - ' + handle + ' toPort ' + str(toPort))
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers,
domain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: webfinger for ' + handle + ' failed')
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return 1
if wfRequest.get('errors'):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: webfinger for ' + handle +
' failed with errors ' + str(wfRequest['errors']))
if not clientToServer:
postToBox = 'inbox'
postToBox = 'outbox'
# get the actor inbox/outbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, toPersonId, sharedInboxUrl, avatarUrl,
displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, postToBox)
print("inboxUrl: " + str(inboxUrl))
print("toPersonId: " + str(toPersonId))
print("sharedInboxUrl: " + str(sharedInboxUrl))
if inboxUrl:
if inboxUrl.endswith('/actor/inbox'):
inboxUrl = sharedInboxUrl
if not inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: missing inboxUrl')
return 3
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Sending to endpoint ' + inboxUrl)
if not pubKey:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: missing pubkey')
return 4
if not toPersonId:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: missing personId')
return 5
# sharedInbox is optional
# get the senders private key
privateKeyPem = getPersonKey(nickname, domain, baseDir, 'private', debug)
if len(privateKeyPem) == 0:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Private key not found for ' +
nickname + '@' + domain + ' in ' + baseDir + '/keys/private')
return 6
if toDomain not in inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: ' + toDomain + ' is not in ' + inboxUrl)
return 7
postPath = inboxUrl.split(toDomain, 1)[1]
if not postJsonObject.get('signature'):
signedPostJsonObject = jsonldSign(postJsonObject, privateKeyPem)
postJsonObject = signedPostJsonObject
except Exception as e:
print('WARN: failed to JSON-LD sign post, ' + str(e))
# convert json to string so that there are no
# subsequent conversions after creating message body digest
postJsonStr = json.dumps(postJsonObject)
# construct the http header, including the message body digest
signatureHeaderJson = \
createSignedHeader(privateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port,
toDomain, toPort,
postPath, httpPrefix, withDigest, postJsonStr)
# Keep the number of threads being used small
while len(sendThreads) > 1000:
print('WARN: Maximum threads reached - killing send thread')
print('WARN: thread killed')
if debug:
print('DEBUG: starting thread to send post')
thr = \
inboxUrl, baseDir,
debug), daemon=True)
# thr.start()
return 0
def addToField(activityType: str, postJsonObject: {},
debug: bool) -> ({}, bool):
"""The Follow activity doesn't have a 'to' field and so one
needs to be added so that activity distribution happens in a consistent way
Returns true if a 'to' field exists or was added
if postJsonObject.get('to'):
return postJsonObject, True
if debug:
print('DEBUG: no "to" field when sending to named addresses 2')
isSameType = False
toFieldAdded = False
if postJsonObject.get('object'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str):
if postJsonObject.get('type'):
if postJsonObject['type'] == activityType:
isSameType = True
if debug:
print('DEBUG: "to" field assigned to Follow')
toAddress = postJsonObject['object']
if '/statuses/' in toAddress:
toAddress = toAddress.split('/statuses/')[0]
postJsonObject['to'] = [toAddress]
toFieldAdded = True
elif isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
if postJsonObject['object'].get('type'):
if postJsonObject['object']['type'] == activityType:
isSameType = True
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['object'], str):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: "to" field assigned to Follow')
toAddress = postJsonObject['object']['object']
if '/statuses/' in toAddress:
toAddress = toAddress.split('/statuses/')[0]
postJsonObject['object']['to'] = [toAddress]
postJsonObject['to'] = \
toFieldAdded = True
if not isSameType:
return postJsonObject, True
if toFieldAdded:
return postJsonObject, True
return postJsonObject, False
def sendToNamedAddresses(session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, federationList: [],
sendThreads: [], postLog: [],
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
postJsonObject: {}, debug: bool,
projectVersion: str) -> None:
"""sends a post to the specific named addresses in to/cc
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendToNamedAddresses')
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
isProfileUpdate = False
# for actor updates there is no 'to' within the object
if postJsonObject['object'].get('type') and postJsonObject.get('type'):
if (postJsonObject['type'] == 'Update' and
(postJsonObject['object']['type'] == 'Person' or
postJsonObject['object']['type'] == 'Application' or
postJsonObject['object']['type'] == 'Group' or
postJsonObject['object']['type'] == 'Service')):
# use the original object, which has a 'to'
recipientsObject = postJsonObject
isProfileUpdate = True
if not isProfileUpdate:
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('to'):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: ' +
'no "to" field when sending to named addresses')
if postJsonObject['object'].get('type'):
if postJsonObject['object']['type'] == 'Follow':
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['object'], str):
if debug:
print('DEBUG: "to" field assigned to Follow')
postJsonObject['object']['to'] = \
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('to'):
recipientsObject = postJsonObject['object']
postJsonObject, fieldAdded = \
addToField('Follow', postJsonObject, debug)
if not fieldAdded:
postJsonObject, fieldAdded = addToField('Like', postJsonObject, debug)
if not fieldAdded:
recipientsObject = postJsonObject
recipients = []
recipientType = ('to', 'cc')
for rType in recipientType:
if not recipientsObject.get(rType):
if isinstance(recipientsObject[rType], list):
if debug:
print('recipientsObject: ' + str(recipientsObject[rType]))
for address in recipientsObject[rType]:
if not address:
if '/' not in address:
if address.endswith('#Public'):
if address.endswith('/followers'):
elif isinstance(recipientsObject[rType], str):
address = recipientsObject[rType]
if address:
if '/' in address:
if address.endswith('#Public'):
if address.endswith('/followers'):
if not recipients:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: no individual recipients')
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Sending individually addressed posts: ' +
# this is after the message has arrived at the server
clientToServer = False
for address in recipients:
toNickname = getNicknameFromActor(address)
if not toNickname:
toDomain, toPort = getDomainFromActor(address)
if not toDomain:
if debug:
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
toDomainFull = toDomain
if toPort:
if toPort != 80 and toPort != 443:
if ':' not in toDomain:
toDomainFull = toDomain + ':' + str(toPort)
print('DEBUG: Post sending s2s: ' + nickname + '@' + domainFull +
' to ' + toNickname + '@' + toDomainFull)
# if we have an alt onion domain and we are sending to
# another onion domain then switch the clearnet
# domain for the onion one
fromDomain = domain
fromHttpPrefix = httpPrefix
if onionDomain:
if toDomain.endswith('.onion'):
fromDomain = onionDomain
fromHttpPrefix = 'http'
elif i2pDomain:
if toDomain.endswith('.i2p'):
fromDomain = i2pDomain
fromHttpPrefix = 'http'
cc = []
sendSignedJson(postJsonObject, session, baseDir,
nickname, fromDomain, port,
toNickname, toDomain, toPort,
cc, fromHttpPrefix, True, clientToServer,
sendThreads, postLog, cachedWebfingers,
personCache, debug, projectVersion)
def hasSharedInbox(session, httpPrefix: str, domain: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given domain has a shared inbox
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, domain + '@' + domain,
httpPrefix, {},
None, __version__)
if wfRequest:
if isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
if not wfRequest.get('errors'):
return True
return False
def sendToFollowers(session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str,
domain: str,
onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, federationList: [],
sendThreads: [], postLog: [],
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
postJsonObject: {}, debug: bool,
projectVersion: str) -> None:
"""sends a post to the followers of the given nickname
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendToFollowers')
if not postIsAddressedToFollowers(baseDir, nickname, domain,
port, httpPrefix,
if debug:
print('Post is not addressed to followers')
print('Post is addressed to followers')
grouped = groupFollowersByDomain(baseDir, nickname, domain)
if not grouped:
if debug:
print('Post to followers did not resolve any domains')
print('Post to followers resolved domains')
# this is after the message has arrived at the server
clientToServer = False
# for each instance
for followerDomain, followerHandles in grouped.items():
if debug:
print('DEBUG: follower handles for ' + followerDomain)
# check that the follower's domain is active
followerDomainUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + followerDomain
if not siteIsActive(followerDomainUrl):
print('Domain is inactive: ' + followerDomainUrl)
print('Domain is active: ' + followerDomainUrl)
withSharedInbox = hasSharedInbox(session, httpPrefix, followerDomain)
if debug:
if withSharedInbox:
print(followerDomain + ' has shared inbox')
print(followerDomain + ' does not have a shared inbox')
toPort = port
index = 0
toDomain = followerHandles[index].split('@')[1]
if ':' in toDomain:
toPort = toDomain.split(':')[1]
toDomain = toDomain.split(':')[0]
cc = ''
# if we are sending to an onion domain and we
# have an alt onion domain then use the alt
fromDomain = domain
fromHttpPrefix = httpPrefix
if onionDomain:
if toDomain.endswith('.onion'):
fromDomain = onionDomain
fromHttpPrefix = 'http'
elif i2pDomain:
if toDomain.endswith('.i2p'):
fromDomain = i2pDomain
fromHttpPrefix = 'http'
if withSharedInbox:
toNickname = followerHandles[index].split('@')[0]
# if there are more than one followers on the domain
# then send the post to the shared inbox
if len(followerHandles) > 1:
toNickname = 'inbox'
if toNickname != 'inbox' and postJsonObject.get('type'):
if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Update':
if postJsonObject.get('object'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
if postJsonObject['object'].get('type'):
typ = postJsonObject['object']['type']
if typ == 'Person' or \
typ == 'Application' or \
typ == 'Group' or \
typ == 'Service':
print('Sending profile update to ' +
'shared inbox of ' + toDomain)
toNickname = 'inbox'
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Sending from ' + nickname + '@' + domain +
' to ' + toNickname + '@' + toDomain)
sendSignedJson(postJsonObject, session, baseDir,
nickname, fromDomain, port,
toNickname, toDomain, toPort,
cc, fromHttpPrefix, True, clientToServer,
sendThreads, postLog, cachedWebfingers,
personCache, debug, projectVersion)
# send to individual followers without using a shared inbox
for handle in followerHandles:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: Sending to ' + handle)
toNickname = handle.split('@')[0]
if debug:
if postJsonObject['type'] != 'Update':
print('DEBUG: Sending from ' +
nickname + '@' + domain + ' to ' +
toNickname + '@' + toDomain)
print('DEBUG: Sending profile update from ' +
nickname + '@' + domain + ' to ' +
toNickname + '@' + toDomain)
sendSignedJson(postJsonObject, session, baseDir,
nickname, fromDomain, port,
toNickname, toDomain, toPort,
cc, fromHttpPrefix, True, clientToServer,
sendThreads, postLog, cachedWebfingers,
personCache, debug, projectVersion)
if debug:
print('DEBUG: End of sendToFollowers')
def sendToFollowersThread(session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str,
domain: str,
onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, federationList: [],
sendThreads: [], postLog: [],
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
postJsonObject: {}, debug: bool,
projectVersion: str):
"""Returns a thread used to send a post to followers
sendThread = \
args=(session, baseDir,
nickname, domain,
onionDomain, i2pDomain, port,
httpPrefix, federationList,
sendThreads, postLog,
cachedWebfingers, personCache,
postJsonObject.copy(), debug,
projectVersion), daemon=True)
except SocketError as e:
print('WARN: socket error while starting ' +
'thread to send to followers. ' + str(e))
return None
except ValueError as e:
print('WARN: error while starting ' +
'thread to send to followers. ' + str(e))
return None
return sendThread
def createInbox(recentPostsCache: {},
session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int, headerOnly: bool,
pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed(recentPostsCache,
session, baseDir, 'inbox',
nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createBookmarksTimeline(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'tlbookmarks',
nickname, domain,
port, httpPrefix, itemsPerPage, headerOnly,
True, 0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createEventsTimeline(recentPostsCache: {},
session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, 'tlevents',
nickname, domain,
port, httpPrefix, itemsPerPage, headerOnly,
True, 0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createDMTimeline(recentPostsCache: {},
session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed(recentPostsCache,
session, baseDir, 'dm', nickname,
domain, port, httpPrefix, itemsPerPage,
headerOnly, True, 0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createRepliesTimeline(recentPostsCache: {},
session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, 'tlreplies',
nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createBlogsTimeline(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'tlblogs', nickname,
domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createFeaturesTimeline(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'tlfeatures', nickname,
domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createMediaTimeline(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'tlmedia', nickname,
domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createNewsTimeline(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int,
headerOnly: bool, newswireVotesThreshold: int,
positiveVoting: bool, votingTimeMins: int,
pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'outbox', 'news',
domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, True,
newswireVotesThreshold, positiveVoting,
votingTimeMins, pageNumber)
def createOutbox(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str,
itemsPerPage: int, headerOnly: bool, authorized: bool,
pageNumber=None) -> {}:
return createBoxIndexed({}, session, baseDir, 'outbox',
nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix,
itemsPerPage, headerOnly, authorized,
0, False, 0, pageNumber)
def createModeration(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, itemsPerPage: int, headerOnly: bool,
pageNumber=None) -> {}:
boxDir = createPersonDir(nickname, domain, baseDir, 'inbox')
boxname = 'moderation'
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domain = domain + ':' + str(port)
if not pageNumber:
pageNumber = 1
pageStr = '?page=' + str(pageNumber)
boxUrl = httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/'+boxname
boxHeader = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'first': boxUrl+'?page=true',
'id': boxUrl,
'last': boxUrl+'?page=true',
'totalItems': 0,
'type': 'OrderedCollection'
boxItems = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': boxUrl+pageStr,
'orderedItems': [
'partOf': boxUrl,
'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage'
if isModerator(baseDir, nickname):
moderationIndexFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderation.txt'
if os.path.isfile(moderationIndexFile):
with open(moderationIndexFile, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
boxHeader['totalItems'] = len(lines)
if headerOnly:
return boxHeader
pageLines = []
if len(lines) > 0:
endLineNumber = len(lines) - 1 - int(itemsPerPage * pageNumber)
if endLineNumber < 0:
endLineNumber = 0
startLineNumber = \
len(lines) - 1 - int(itemsPerPage * (pageNumber - 1))
if startLineNumber < 0:
startLineNumber = 0
lineNumber = startLineNumber
while lineNumber >= endLineNumber:
lineNumber -= 1
for postUrl in pageLines:
postFilename = \
boxDir + '/' + postUrl.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(postFilename):
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if postJsonObject:
if headerOnly:
return boxHeader
return boxItems
def getStatusNumberFromPostFilename(filename) -> int:
"""Gets the status number from a post filename
eg. https:##testdomain.com:8085#users#testuser567#
returns 156295850695206
if '#statuses#' not in filename:
return None
return int(filename.split('#')[-1].replace('.json', ''))
def isDM(postJsonObject: {}) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post is a DM
if postJsonObject['type'] != 'Create':
return False
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return False
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
return False
if postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Note' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Patch' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'EncryptedMessage' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Article':
return False
if postJsonObject['object'].get('moderationStatus'):
return False
fields = ('to', 'cc')
for f in fields:
if not postJsonObject['object'].get(f):
for toAddress in postJsonObject['object'][f]:
if toAddress.endswith('#Public'):
return False
if toAddress.endswith('followers'):
return False
return True
def isImageMedia(session, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
postJsonObject: {}, translate: {},
YTReplacementDomain: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post has attached image media
if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce':
postJsonAnnounce = \
downloadAnnounce(session, baseDir, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, postJsonObject,
__version__, translate,
if postJsonAnnounce:
postJsonObject = postJsonAnnounce
if postJsonObject['type'] != 'Create':
return False
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return False
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
return False
if postJsonObject['object'].get('moderationStatus'):
return False
if postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Note' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Event' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Article':
return False
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('attachment'):
return False
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['attachment'], list):
return False
for attach in postJsonObject['object']['attachment']:
if attach.get('mediaType') and attach.get('url'):
if attach['mediaType'].startswith('image/') or \
attach['mediaType'].startswith('audio/') or \
return True
return False
def isReply(postJsonObject: {}, actor: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post is a reply to the given actor
if postJsonObject['type'] != 'Create':
return False
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return False
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
return False
if postJsonObject['object'].get('moderationStatus'):
return False
if postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Note' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'EncryptedMessage' and \
postJsonObject['object']['type'] != 'Article':
return False
if postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
if postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'].startswith(actor):
return True
if not postJsonObject['object'].get('tag'):
return False
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['tag'], list):
return False
for tag in postJsonObject['object']['tag']:
if not tag.get('type'):
if tag['type'] == 'Mention':
if not tag.get('href'):
if actor in tag['href']:
return True
return False
def createBoxIndex(boxDir: str, postsInBoxDict: {}) -> int:
""" Creates an index for the given box
postsCtr = 0
postsInPersonInbox = os.scandir(boxDir)
for postFilename in postsInPersonInbox:
postFilename = postFilename.name
if not postFilename.endswith('.json'):
# extract the status number
statusNumber = getStatusNumberFromPostFilename(postFilename)
if statusNumber:
postsInBoxDict[statusNumber] = os.path.join(boxDir, postFilename)
postsCtr += 1
return postsCtr
def createSharedInboxIndex(baseDir: str, sharedBoxDir: str,
postsInBoxDict: {}, postsCtr: int,
nickname: str, domain: str) -> int:
""" Creates an index for the given shared inbox
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
followingFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/following.txt'
postsInSharedInbox = os.scandir(sharedBoxDir)
followingHandles = None
for postFilename in postsInSharedInbox:
postFilename = postFilename.name
if not postFilename.endswith('.json'):
statusNumber = getStatusNumberFromPostFilename(postFilename)
if not statusNumber:
sharedInboxFilename = os.path.join(sharedBoxDir, postFilename)
# get the actor from the shared post
postJsonObject = loadJson(sharedInboxFilename, 0)
if not postJsonObject:
print('WARN: json load exception createSharedInboxIndex')
actorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['actor'])
if not actorNickname:
actorDomain, actorPort = getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['actor'])
if not actorDomain:
# is the actor followed by this account?
if not followingHandles:
with open(followingFilename, 'r') as followingFile:
followingHandles = followingFile.read()
if actorNickname + '@' + actorDomain not in followingHandles:
postsInBoxDict[statusNumber] = sharedInboxFilename
postsCtr += 1
return postsCtr
def addPostStringToTimeline(postStr: str, boxname: str,
postsInBox: [], boxActor: str) -> bool:
""" is this a valid timeline post?
# must be a recognized ActivityPub type
if ('"Note"' in postStr or
'"EncryptedMessage"' in postStr or
'"Event"' in postStr or
'"Article"' in postStr or
'"Patch"' in postStr or
'"Announce"' in postStr or
('"Question"' in postStr and
('"Create"' in postStr or '"Update"' in postStr))):
if boxname == 'dm':
if '#Public' in postStr or '/followers' in postStr:
return False
elif boxname == 'tlreplies':
if boxActor not in postStr:
return False
elif (boxname == 'tlblogs' or
boxname == 'tlnews' or
boxname == 'tlfeatures'):
if '"Create"' not in postStr:
return False
if '"Article"' not in postStr:
return False
elif boxname == 'tlmedia':
if '"Create"' in postStr:
if 'mediaType' not in postStr or 'image/' not in postStr:
return False
# add the post to the dictionary
return True
return False
def addPostToTimeline(filePath: str, boxname: str,
postsInBox: [], boxActor: str) -> bool:
""" Reads a post from file and decides whether it is valid
with open(filePath, 'r') as postFile:
postStr = postFile.read()
return addPostStringToTimeline(postStr, boxname, postsInBox, boxActor)
return False
def createBoxIndexed(recentPostsCache: {},
session, baseDir: str, boxname: str,
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
itemsPerPage: int, headerOnly: bool, authorized: bool,
newswireVotesThreshold: int, positiveVoting: bool,
votingTimeMins: int, pageNumber=None) -> {}:
"""Constructs the box feed for a person with the given nickname
if not authorized or not pageNumber:
pageNumber = 1
if boxname != 'inbox' and boxname != 'dm' and \
boxname != 'tlreplies' and boxname != 'tlmedia' and \
boxname != 'tlblogs' and boxname != 'tlnews' and \
boxname != 'tlfeatures' and \
boxname != 'outbox' and boxname != 'tlbookmarks' and \
boxname != 'bookmarks' and \
boxname != 'tlevents':
return None
# bookmarks and events timelines are like the inbox
# but have their own separate index
indexBoxName = boxname
timelineNickname = nickname
if boxname == "tlbookmarks":
boxname = "bookmarks"
indexBoxName = boxname
elif boxname == "tlfeatures":
boxname = "tlblogs"
indexBoxName = boxname
timelineNickname = 'news'
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domain = domain + ':' + str(port)
boxActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname
pageStr = '?page=true'
if pageNumber:
if pageNumber < 1:
pageNumber = 1
pageStr = '?page=' + str(pageNumber)
except BaseException:
boxUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname + '/' + boxname
boxHeader = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'first': boxUrl + '?page=true',
'id': boxUrl,
'last': boxUrl + '?page=true',
'totalItems': 0,
'type': 'OrderedCollection'
boxItems = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': boxUrl + pageStr,
'orderedItems': [
'partOf': boxUrl,
'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage'
postsInBox = []
indexFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + timelineNickname + '@' + domain + \
'/' + indexBoxName + '.index'
postsCtr = 0
if os.path.isfile(indexFilename):
maxPostCtr = itemsPerPage * pageNumber
with open(indexFilename, 'r') as indexFile:
while postsCtr < maxPostCtr:
postFilename = indexFile.readline()
if not postFilename:
# apply votes within this timeline
if newswireVotesThreshold > 0:
# note that the presence of an arrival file also indicates
# that this post is moderated
arrivalDate = \
locateNewsArrival(baseDir, domain, postFilename)
if arrivalDate:
# how long has elapsed since this post arrived?
currDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
timeDiffMins = \
int((currDate - arrivalDate).total_seconds() / 60)
# has the voting time elapsed?
if timeDiffMins < votingTimeMins:
# voting is still happening, so don't add this
# post to the timeline
# if there a votes file for this post?
votesFilename = \
locateNewsVotes(baseDir, domain, postFilename)
if votesFilename:
# load the votes file and count the votes
votesJson = loadJson(votesFilename, 0, 2)
if votesJson:
if not positiveVoting:
if votesOnNewswireItem(votesJson) >= \
# Too many veto votes.
# Continue without incrementing
# the posts counter
if votesOnNewswireItem < \
# Not enough votes.
# Continue without incrementing
# the posts counter
# Skip through any posts previous to the current page
if postsCtr < int((pageNumber - 1) * itemsPerPage):
postsCtr += 1
# if this is a full path then remove the directories
if '/' in postFilename:
postFilename = postFilename.split('/')[-1]
# filename of the post without any extension or path
# This should also correspond to any index entry in
# the posts cache
postUrl = \
postFilename.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
postUrl = postUrl.replace('.json', '').strip()
# is the post cached in memory?
if recentPostsCache.get('index'):
if postUrl in recentPostsCache['index']:
if recentPostsCache['json'].get(postUrl):
url = recentPostsCache['json'][postUrl]
boxname, postsInBox,
postsCtr += 1
# read the post from file
fullPostFilename = \
locatePost(baseDir, nickname,
domain, postUrl, False)
if fullPostFilename:
addPostToTimeline(fullPostFilename, boxname,
postsInBox, boxActor)
# if this is the features timeline
if timelineNickname != nickname:
fullPostFilename = \
locatePost(baseDir, timelineNickname,
domain, postUrl, False)
if fullPostFilename:
addPostToTimeline(fullPostFilename, boxname,
postsInBox, boxActor)
print('WARN: unable to locate post ' + postUrl)
print('WARN: unable to locate post ' + postUrl)
postsCtr += 1
# Generate first and last entries within header
if postsCtr > 0:
lastPage = int(postsCtr / itemsPerPage)
if lastPage < 1:
lastPage = 1
boxHeader['last'] = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + boxname + '?page=' + str(lastPage)
if headerOnly:
boxHeader['totalItems'] = len(postsInBox)
prevPageStr = 'true'
if pageNumber > 1:
prevPageStr = str(pageNumber - 1)
boxHeader['prev'] = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + boxname + '?page=' + prevPageStr
nextPageStr = str(pageNumber + 1)
boxHeader['next'] = \
httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + \
nickname + '/' + boxname + '?page=' + nextPageStr
return boxHeader
for postStr in postsInBox:
p = None
p = json.loads(postStr)
except BaseException:
# Don't show likes, replies or shares (announces) to
# unauthorized viewers
if not authorized:
if p.get('object'):
if isinstance(p['object'], dict):
if p['object'].get('likes'):
p['likes'] = {'items': []}
if p['object'].get('replies'):
p['replies'] = {}
if p['object'].get('shares'):
p['shares'] = {}
if p['object'].get('bookmarks'):
p['bookmarks'] = {}
return boxItems
def expireCache(baseDir: str, personCache: {},
httpPrefix: str, archiveDir: str,
recentPostsCache: {},
"""Thread used to expire actors from the cache and archive old posts
while True:
# once per day
time.sleep(60 * 60 * 24)
expirePersonCache(baseDir, personCache)
archivePosts(baseDir, httpPrefix, archiveDir, recentPostsCache,
def archivePosts(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, archiveDir: str,
recentPostsCache: {},
maxPostsInBox=32000) -> None:
"""Archives posts for all accounts
if archiveDir:
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir):
if archiveDir:
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir + '/accounts'):
os.mkdir(archiveDir + '/accounts')
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts'):
for handle in dirs:
if '@' in handle:
nickname = handle.split('@')[0]
domain = handle.split('@')[1]
archiveSubdir = None
if archiveDir:
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' + handle):
os.mkdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' + handle)
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' +
handle + '/inbox'):
os.mkdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' +
handle + '/inbox')
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' +
handle + '/outbox'):
os.mkdir(archiveDir + '/accounts/' +
handle + '/outbox')
archiveSubdir = archiveDir + '/accounts/' + \
handle + '/inbox'
archivePostsForPerson(httpPrefix, nickname, domain, baseDir,
'inbox', archiveSubdir,
recentPostsCache, maxPostsInBox)
if archiveDir:
archiveSubdir = archiveDir + '/accounts/' + \
handle + '/outbox'
archivePostsForPerson(httpPrefix, nickname, domain, baseDir,
'outbox', archiveSubdir,
recentPostsCache, maxPostsInBox)
def archivePostsForPerson(httpPrefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
baseDir: str,
boxname: str, archiveDir: str,
recentPostsCache: {},
maxPostsInBox=32000) -> None:
"""Retain a maximum number of posts within the given box
Move any others to an archive directory
if boxname != 'inbox' and boxname != 'outbox':
if archiveDir:
if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir):
boxDir = createPersonDir(nickname, domain, baseDir, boxname)
postsInBox = os.scandir(boxDir)
noOfPosts = 0
for f in postsInBox:
noOfPosts += 1
if noOfPosts <= maxPostsInBox:
print('Checked ' + str(noOfPosts) + ' ' + boxname +
' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
# remove entries from the index
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
indexFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + boxname + '.index'
if os.path.isfile(indexFilename):
indexCtr = 0
# get the existing index entries as a string
newIndex = ''
with open(indexFilename, 'r') as indexFile:
for postId in indexFile:
newIndex += postId
indexCtr += 1
if indexCtr >= maxPostsInBox:
# save the new index file
if len(newIndex) > 0:
indexFile = open(indexFilename, 'w+')
if indexFile:
postsInBoxDict = {}
postsCtr = 0
postsInBox = os.scandir(boxDir)
for postFilename in postsInBox:
postFilename = postFilename.name
if not postFilename.endswith('.json'):
# Time of file creation
fullFilename = os.path.join(boxDir, postFilename)
if os.path.isfile(fullFilename):
content = open(fullFilename).read()
if '"published":' in content:
publishedStr = content.split('"published":')[1]
if '"' in publishedStr:
publishedStr = publishedStr.split('"')[1]
if publishedStr.endswith('Z'):
postsInBoxDict[publishedStr] = postFilename
postsCtr += 1
noOfPosts = postsCtr
if noOfPosts <= maxPostsInBox:
print('Checked ' + str(noOfPosts) + ' ' + boxname +
' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
# sort the list in ascending order of date
postsInBoxSorted = \
OrderedDict(sorted(postsInBoxDict.items(), reverse=False))
# directory containing cached html posts
postCacheDir = boxDir.replace('/' + boxname, '/postcache')
removeCtr = 0
for publishedStr, postFilename in postsInBoxSorted.items():
filePath = os.path.join(boxDir, postFilename)
if not os.path.isfile(filePath):
if archiveDir:
archivePath = os.path.join(archiveDir, postFilename)
os.rename(filePath, archivePath)
extensions = ('replies', 'votes', 'arrived', 'muted')
for ext in extensions:
extPath = filePath.replace('.json', '.' + ext)
if os.path.isfile(extPath):
archivePath.replace('.json', '.' + ext))
extPath = filePath.replace('.json',
'.json.' + ext)
if os.path.isfile(extPath):
archivePath.replace('.json', '.json.' + ext))
deletePost(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain,
filePath, False, recentPostsCache)
# remove cached html posts
postCacheFilename = \
os.path.join(postCacheDir, postFilename).replace('.json', '.html')
if os.path.isfile(postCacheFilename):
noOfPosts -= 1
removeCtr += 1
if noOfPosts <= maxPostsInBox:
if archiveDir:
print('Archived ' + str(removeCtr) + ' ' + boxname +
' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
print('Removed ' + str(removeCtr) + ' ' + boxname +
' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
print(nickname + '@' + domain + ' has ' + str(noOfPosts) +
' in ' + boxname)
def getPublicPostsOfPerson(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
raw: bool, simple: bool, proxyType: str,
port: int, httpPrefix: str,
debug: bool, projectVersion: str) -> None:
""" This is really just for test purposes
print('Starting new session for getting public posts')
session = createSession(proxyType)
if not session:
personCache = {}
cachedWebfingers = {}
federationList = []
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
handle = httpPrefix + "://" + domainFull + "/@" + nickname
wfRequest = \
webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers,
domain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
(personUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
personId, shaedInbox,
avatarUrl, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, 'outbox')
maxMentions = 10
maxEmoji = 10
maxAttachments = 5
getPosts(session, personUrl, 30, maxMentions, maxEmoji,
maxAttachments, federationList,
personCache, raw, simple, debug,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
def getPublicPostDomains(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
proxyType: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
debug: bool, projectVersion: str,
domainList=[]) -> []:
""" Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts
if not session:
session = createSession(proxyType)
if not session:
return domainList
personCache = {}
cachedWebfingers = {}
federationList = []
domainFull = domain
if port:
if port != 80 and port != 443:
if ':' not in domain:
domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
handle = httpPrefix + "://" + domainFull + "/@" + nickname
wfRequest = \
webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers,
domain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
return domainList
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return domainList
(personUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
personId, sharedInbox,
avatarUrl, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain, 'outbox')
maxMentions = 99
maxEmoji = 99
maxAttachments = 5
postDomains = \
getPostDomains(session, personUrl, 64, maxMentions, maxEmoji,
maxAttachments, federationList,
personCache, debug,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain, domainList)
return postDomains
def getPublicPostDomainsBlocked(session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
proxyType: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
debug: bool, projectVersion: str,
domainList=[]) -> []:
""" Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts which
are globally blocked on this instance
postDomains = \
getPublicPostDomains(session, baseDir, nickname, domain,
proxyType, port, httpPrefix,
debug, projectVersion,
if not postDomains:
return []
blockingFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/blocking.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(blockingFilename):
return []
# read the blocked domains as a single string
blockedStr = ''
with open(blockingFilename, 'r') as fp:
blockedStr = fp.read()
blockedDomains = []
for domainName in postDomains:
if '@' not in domainName:
# get the domain after the @
domainName = domainName.split('@')[1].strip()
if isEvil(domainName):
if domainName in blockedStr:
return blockedDomains
def getNonMutualsOfPerson(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str) -> []:
"""Returns the followers who are not mutuals of a person
i.e. accounts which follow you but you don't follow them
followers = \
getFollowersList(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'followers.txt')
following = \
getFollowersList(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'following.txt')
nonMutuals = []
for handle in followers:
if handle not in following:
return nonMutuals
def checkDomains(session, baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
proxyType: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str,
debug: bool, projectVersion: str,
maxBlockedDomains: int, singleCheck: bool):
"""Checks follower accounts for references to globally blocked domains
nonMutuals = getNonMutualsOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain)
if not nonMutuals:
print('No non-mutual followers were found')
followerWarningFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/followerWarnings.txt'
updateFollowerWarnings = False
followerWarningStr = ''
if os.path.isfile(followerWarningFilename):
with open(followerWarningFilename, 'r') as fp:
followerWarningStr = fp.read()
if singleCheck:
# checks a single random non-mutual
index = random.randrange(0, len(nonMutuals))
handle = nonMutuals[index]
if '@' in handle:
nonMutualNickname = handle.split('@')[0]
nonMutualDomain = handle.split('@')[1].strip()
blockedDomains = \
getPublicPostDomainsBlocked(session, baseDir,
proxyType, port, httpPrefix,
debug, projectVersion, [])
if blockedDomains:
if len(blockedDomains) > maxBlockedDomains:
followerWarningStr += handle + '\n'
updateFollowerWarnings = True
# checks all non-mutuals
for handle in nonMutuals:
if '@' not in handle:
if handle in followerWarningStr:
nonMutualNickname = handle.split('@')[0]
nonMutualDomain = handle.split('@')[1].strip()
blockedDomains = \
getPublicPostDomainsBlocked(session, baseDir,
proxyType, port, httpPrefix,
debug, projectVersion, [])
if blockedDomains:
for d in blockedDomains:
print(' ' + d)
if len(blockedDomains) > maxBlockedDomains:
followerWarningStr += handle + '\n'
updateFollowerWarnings = True
if updateFollowerWarnings and followerWarningStr:
with open(followerWarningFilename, 'w+') as fp:
if not singleCheck:
def populateRepliesJson(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
postRepliesFilename: str, authorized: bool,
repliesJson: {}) -> None:
pubStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
# populate the items list with replies
repliesBoxes = ('outbox', 'inbox')
with open(postRepliesFilename, 'r') as repliesFile:
for messageId in repliesFile:
replyFound = False
# examine inbox and outbox
for boxname in repliesBoxes:
messageId2 = messageId.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
searchFilename = \
baseDir + \
'/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + \
domain+'/' + \
boxname+'/' + \
messageId2.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(searchFilename):
if authorized or \
pubStr in open(searchFilename).read():
postJsonObject = loadJson(searchFilename)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'):
pjo = postJsonObject
if (authorized or
(pubStr in pjo['object']['to'] or
pubStr in pjo['object']['cc'])):
replyFound = True
if authorized or \
pubStr in postJsonObject['object']['to']:
pjo = postJsonObject
replyFound = True
# if not in either inbox or outbox then examine the shared inbox
if not replyFound:
messageId2 = messageId.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
searchFilename = \
baseDir + \
'/accounts/inbox@' + \
domain+'/inbox/' + \
messageId2.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(searchFilename):
if authorized or \
pubStr in open(searchFilename).read():
# get the json of the reply and append it to
# the collection
postJsonObject = loadJson(searchFilename)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'):
pjo = postJsonObject
if (authorized or
(pubStr in pjo['object']['to'] or
pubStr in pjo['object']['cc'])):
pjo = postJsonObject
if authorized or \
pubStr in postJsonObject['object']['to']:
pjo = postJsonObject
def rejectAnnounce(announceFilename: str):
"""Marks an announce as rejected
if not os.path.isfile(announceFilename + '.reject'):
rejectAnnounceFile = open(announceFilename + '.reject', "w+")
if rejectAnnounceFile:
def downloadAnnounce(session, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
postJsonObject: {}, projectVersion: str,
translate: {}, YTReplacementDomain: str) -> {}:
"""Download the post referenced by an announce
if not postJsonObject.get('object'):
return None
if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str):
return None
# get the announced post
announceCacheDir = baseDir + '/cache/announce/' + nickname
if not os.path.isdir(announceCacheDir):
announceFilename = \
announceCacheDir + '/' + \
postJsonObject['object'].replace('/', '#') + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(announceFilename + '.reject'):
return None
if os.path.isfile(announceFilename):
print('Reading cached Announce content for ' +
postJsonObject = loadJson(announceFilename)
if postJsonObject:
return postJsonObject
profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
if '/channel/' in postJsonObject['actor'] or \
'/accounts/' in postJsonObject['actor']:
asHeader = {
'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"'
actorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['actor'])
actorDomain, actorPort = getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['actor'])
if not actorDomain:
print('Announce actor does not contain a ' +
'valid domain or port number: ' +
return None
if isBlocked(baseDir, nickname, domain, actorNickname, actorDomain):
print('Announce download blocked actor: ' +
actorNickname + '@' + actorDomain)
return None
objectNickname = getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['object'])
objectDomain, objectPort = getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['object'])
if not objectDomain:
print('Announce object does not contain a ' +
'valid domain or port number: ' +
return None
if isBlocked(baseDir, nickname, domain, objectNickname, objectDomain):
if objectNickname and objectDomain:
print('Announce download blocked object: ' +
objectNickname + '@' + objectDomain)
print('Announce download blocked object: ' +
return None
print('Downloading Announce content for ' + postJsonObject['object'])
announcedJson = \
getJson(session, postJsonObject['object'], asHeader,
None, projectVersion, httpPrefix, domain)
if not announcedJson:
return None
if not isinstance(announcedJson, dict):
print('WARN: announce json is not a dict - ' +
return None
if not announcedJson.get('id'):
return None
if '/statuses/' not in announcedJson['id']:
return None
if '/users/' not in announcedJson['id'] and \
'/accounts/' not in announcedJson['id'] and \
'/channel/' not in announcedJson['id'] and \
'/profile/' not in announcedJson['id']:
return None
if not announcedJson.get('type'):
# pprint(announcedJson)
return None
if announcedJson['type'] != 'Note' and \
announcedJson['type'] != 'Article':
# pprint(announcedJson)
return None
if not announcedJson.get('content'):
return None
if isFiltered(baseDir, nickname, domain, announcedJson['content']):
return None
# remove any long words
announcedJson['content'] = \
removeLongWords(announcedJson['content'], 40, [])
# remove text formatting, such as bold/italics
announcedJson['content'] = \
# wrap in create to be consistent with other posts
announcedJson = \
actorNickname, actorDomain, actorPort,
if announcedJson['type'] != 'Create':
# pprint(announcedJson)
return None
# labelAccusatoryPost(postJsonObject, translate)
# set the id to the original status
announcedJson['id'] = postJsonObject['object']
announcedJson['object']['id'] = postJsonObject['object']
# check that the repeat isn't for a blocked account
attributedNickname = \
attributedDomain, attributedPort = \
if attributedNickname and attributedDomain:
if attributedPort:
if attributedPort != 80 and attributedPort != 443:
attributedDomain = \
attributedDomain + ':' + str(attributedPort)
if isBlocked(baseDir, nickname, domain,
attributedNickname, attributedDomain):
return None
postJsonObject = announcedJson
replaceYouTube(postJsonObject, YTReplacementDomain)
if saveJson(postJsonObject, announceFilename):
return postJsonObject
return None
def isMuted(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, postId: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the given post is muted
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, postId)
if not postFilename:
return False
if os.path.isfile(postFilename + '.muted'):
return True
return False
def mutePost(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, postId: str,
recentPostsCache: {}) -> None:
""" Mutes the given post
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, postId)
if not postFilename:
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if not postJsonObject:
# remove cached post so that the muted version gets recreated
# without its content text and/or image
cachedPostFilename = \
getCachedPostFilename(baseDir, nickname, domain, postJsonObject)
if cachedPostFilename:
if os.path.isfile(cachedPostFilename):
muteFile = open(postFilename + '.muted', 'w+')
if muteFile:
print('MUTE: ' + postFilename + '.muted file added')
# if the post is in the recent posts cache then mark it as muted
if recentPostsCache.get('index'):
postId = \
removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id']).replace('/', '#')
if postId in recentPostsCache['index']:
print('MUTE: ' + postId + ' is in recent posts cache')
if recentPostsCache['json'].get(postId):
postJsonObject['muted'] = True
recentPostsCache['json'][postId] = json.dumps(postJsonObject)
if recentPostsCache.get('html'):
if recentPostsCache['html'].get(postId):
del recentPostsCache['html'][postId]
print('MUTE: ' + postId +
' marked as muted in recent posts memory cache')
def unmutePost(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, postId: str,
recentPostsCache: {}) -> None:
""" Unmutes the given post
postFilename = locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, postId)
if not postFilename:
postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
if not postJsonObject:
muteFilename = postFilename + '.muted'
if os.path.isfile(muteFilename):
print('UNMUTE: ' + muteFilename + ' file removed')
# remove cached post so that the muted version gets recreated
# with its content text and/or image
cachedPostFilename = \
getCachedPostFilename(baseDir, nickname, domain, postJsonObject)
if cachedPostFilename:
if os.path.isfile(cachedPostFilename):
# if the post is in the recent posts cache then mark it as unmuted
if recentPostsCache.get('index'):
postId = \
removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id']).replace('/', '#')
if postId in recentPostsCache['index']:
print('UNMUTE: ' + postId + ' is in recent posts cache')
if recentPostsCache['json'].get(postId):
postJsonObject['muted'] = False
recentPostsCache['json'][postId] = json.dumps(postJsonObject)
if recentPostsCache.get('html'):
if recentPostsCache['html'].get(postId):
del recentPostsCache['html'][postId]
print('UNMUTE: ' + postId +
' marked as unmuted in recent posts cache')
def sendBlockViaServer(baseDir: str, session,
fromNickname: str, password: str,
fromDomain: str, fromPort: int,
httpPrefix: str, blockedUrl: str,
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
debug: bool, projectVersion: str) -> {}:
"""Creates a block via c2s
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendBlockViaServer')
return 6
fromDomainFull = fromDomain
if fromPort:
if fromPort != 80 and fromPort != 443:
if ':' not in fromDomain:
fromDomainFull = fromDomain + ':' + str(fromPort)
toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/users/' + \
fromNickname + '/followers'
blockActor = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/users/' + fromNickname
newBlockJson = {
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
'type': 'Block',
'actor': blockActor,
'object': blockedUrl,
'to': [toUrl],
'cc': [ccUrl]
handle = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix,
fromDomain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: announce webfinger failed for ' + handle)
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return 1
postToBox = 'outbox'
# get the actor inbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl,
displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, fromNickname,
fromDomain, postToBox)
if not inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle)
return 3
if not fromPersonId:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No actor was found for ' + handle)
return 4
authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password)
headers = {
'host': fromDomain,
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authHeader
postResult = postJson(session, newBlockJson, [], inboxUrl, headers)
if not postResult:
print('WARN: Unable to post block')
if debug:
print('DEBUG: c2s POST block success')
return newBlockJson
def sendUndoBlockViaServer(baseDir: str, session,
fromNickname: str, password: str,
fromDomain: str, fromPort: int,
httpPrefix: str, blockedUrl: str,
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
debug: bool, projectVersion: str) -> {}:
"""Creates a block via c2s
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendBlockViaServer')
return 6
fromDomainFull = fromDomain
if fromPort:
if fromPort != 80 and fromPort != 443:
if ':' not in fromDomain:
fromDomainFull = fromDomain + ':' + str(fromPort)
toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/users/' + \
fromNickname + '/followers'
blockActor = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/users/' + fromNickname
newBlockJson = {
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
'type': 'Undo',
'actor': blockActor,
'object': {
'type': 'Block',
'actor': blockActor,
'object': blockedUrl,
'to': [toUrl],
'cc': [ccUrl]
handle = httpPrefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix,
fromDomain, projectVersion)
if not wfRequest:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: announce webfinger failed for ' + handle)
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
return 1
postToBox = 'outbox'
# get the actor inbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl,
displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest, personCache,
projectVersion, httpPrefix, fromNickname,
fromDomain, postToBox)
if not inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle)
return 3
if not fromPersonId:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: No actor was found for ' + handle)
return 4
authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password)
headers = {
'host': fromDomain,
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authHeader
postResult = postJson(session, newBlockJson, [], inboxUrl, headers)
if not postResult:
print('WARN: Unable to post block')
if debug:
print('DEBUG: c2s POST block success')
return newBlockJson
def postIsMuted(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
postJsonObject: {}, messageId: str) -> bool:
""" Returns true if the given post is muted
isMuted = postJsonObject.get('muted')
if isMuted is True or isMuted is False:
return isMuted
postDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain
muteFilename = \
postDir + '/inbox/' + messageId.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
if os.path.isfile(muteFilename):
return True
muteFilename = \
postDir + '/outbox/' + messageId.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
if os.path.isfile(muteFilename):
return True
muteFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/cache/announce/' + nickname + \
'/' + messageId.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
if os.path.isfile(muteFilename):
return True
return False