Undoing announces via c2s

Bob Mottram 2021-03-18 20:56:08 +00:00
parent 3795cb4ce4
commit e65ad80d59
2 changed files with 141 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -266,3 +266,82 @@ def sendAnnounceViaServer(baseDir: str, session,
print('DEBUG: c2s POST announce success')
return newAnnounceJson
def sendUndoAnnounceViaServer(baseDir: str, session,
undoPostJsonObject: {},
nickname: str, password: str,
domain: str, port: int,
httpPrefix: str, repeatObjectUrl: str,
cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {},
debug: bool, projectVersion: str) -> {}:
"""Undo an announce message via c2s
if not session:
print('WARN: No session for sendUndoAnnounceViaServer')
return 6
domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port)
actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname
handle = actor.replace('/users/', '/@')
statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber()
unAnnounceJson = {
'@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
'id': actor + '/statuses/' + str(statusNumber) + '/undo',
'type': 'Undo',
'actor': actor,
'object': undoPostJsonObject['object']
# lookup the inbox for the To handle
wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix,
domain, projectVersion, debug)
if not wfRequest:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: undo announce webfinger failed for ' + handle)
return 1
if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict):
print('WARN: undo announce webfinger for ' + handle +
' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest))
return 1
postToBox = 'outbox'
# get the actor inbox for the To handle
(inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId,
sharedInbox, avatarUrl,
displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
projectVersion, httpPrefix,
nickname, domain,
postToBox, 73528)
if not inboxUrl:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: undo announce no ' + postToBox +
' was found for ' + handle)
return 3
if not fromPersonId:
if debug:
print('DEBUG: undo announce no actor was found for ' + handle)
return 4
authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password)
headers = {
'host': domain,
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authHeader
postResult = postJson(session, unAnnounceJson, [], inboxUrl,
headers, 30, True)
if not postResult:
print('WARN: undo announce not posted')
if debug:
print('DEBUG: c2s POST undo announce success')
return unAnnounceJson

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from follow import sendUnfollowRequestViaServer
from posts import sendPostViaServer
from posts import c2sBoxJson
from announce import sendAnnounceViaServer
from announce import sendUndoAnnounceViaServer
from pgp import pgpDecrypt
from pgp import hasLocalPGPkey
from pgp import pgpEncryptToActor
@ -994,7 +995,15 @@ def runDesktopClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str,
screenreader, systemLanguage,
elif commandStr == 'like':
elif commandStr == 'like' or commandStr.startswith('like '):
currIndex = 0
if ' ' in commandStr:
postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip()
if postIndex.isdigit():
currIndex = int(postIndex)
if currIndex > 0 and boxJson:
postJsonObject = \
_desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject.get('id'):
likeActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo']
@ -1012,6 +1021,14 @@ def runDesktopClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str,
False, __version__)
elif commandStr == 'unlike' or commandStr == 'undo like':
currIndex = 0
if ' ' in commandStr:
postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip()
if postIndex.isdigit():
currIndex = int(postIndex)
if currIndex > 0 and boxJson:
postJsonObject = \
_desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject.get('id'):
unlikeActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo']
@ -1029,9 +1046,17 @@ def runDesktopClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str,
cachedWebfingers, personCache,
False, __version__)
elif (commandStr == 'announce' or
commandStr == 'boost' or
commandStr == 'retweet'):
elif (commandStr.startswith('announce') or
commandStr.startswith('boost') or
currIndex = 0
if ' ' in commandStr:
postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip()
if postIndex.isdigit():
currIndex = int(postIndex)
if currIndex > 0 and boxJson:
postJsonObject = \
_desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject.get('id'):
postId = postJsonObject['id']
@ -1050,6 +1075,39 @@ def runDesktopClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str,
cachedWebfingers, personCache,
True, __version__)
elif (commandStr.startswith('unannounce') or
commandStr.startswith('undo announce') or
commandStr.startswith('unboost') or
commandStr.startswith('undo boost') or
commandStr.startswith('undo retweet')):
currIndex = 0
if ' ' in commandStr:
postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip()
if postIndex.isdigit():
currIndex = int(postIndex)
if currIndex > 0 and boxJson:
postJsonObject = \
_desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex)
if postJsonObject:
if postJsonObject.get('id'):
postId = postJsonObject['id']
announceActor = \
sayStr = 'Undoing announce post by ' + \
_sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr,
systemLanguage, espeak)
sessionAnnounce = createSession(proxyType)
sendUndoAnnounceViaServer(baseDir, sessionAnnounce,
nickname, password,
domain, port,
httpPrefix, postId,
True, __version__)
elif commandStr.startswith('follow '):
followHandle = commandStr.replace('follow ', '').strip()
if followHandle.startswith('@'):