
Bob Mottram 2021-08-08 19:58:13 +01:00
parent 75de286a1a
commit e62939e5c0
17 changed files with 34 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "قائمة المجالات التي يمكن الوصول إلى كتالوج البنود المشتركة",
"Shares Catalog": "كتالوج الأسهم",
"tool": "أداة",
"clothes": "ملابس"
"clothes": "ملابس",
"medical": "طبي"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Llista de dominis que poden accedir al catàleg d'articles compartits",
"Shares Catalog": "Catàleg d'accions",
"tool": "eina",
"clothes": "roba"
"clothes": "roba",
"medical": "mèdic"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Rhestr o barthau a all gael mynediad i'r catalog eitemau a rennir",
"Shares Catalog": "Catalog Cyfranddaliadau",
"tool": "hofferyn",
"clothes": "ddillad"
"clothes": "ddillad",
"medical": "meddygol"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Liste der Domains, die auf den gemeinsam genutzten Artikelkatalog zugreifen können",
"Shares Catalog": "Aktienkatalog",
"tool": "werkzeug",
"clothes": "kleidung"
"clothes": "kleidung",
"medical": "medizinisch"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "List of domains which can access the shared items catalog",
"Shares Catalog": "Shares Catalog",
"tool": "tool",
"clothes": "clothes"
"clothes": "clothes",
"medical": "medical"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Lista de dominios que pueden acceder al catálogo de artículos compartidos",
"Shares Catalog": "Catálogo de acciones",
"tool": "herramienta",
"clothes": "ropa"
"clothes": "ropa",
"medical": "médica"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Liste des domaines pouvant accéder au catalogue d'éléments partagés",
"Shares Catalog": "Actions Catalogue",
"tool": "outil",
"clothes": "vêtements"
"clothes": "vêtements",
"medical": "médicale"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Liosta na bhfearann a fhéadann rochtain a fháil ar chatalóg na míreanna comhroinnte",
"Shares Catalog": "Scaireanna Catalóg",
"tool": "uirlis",
"clothes": "éadaí"
"clothes": "éadaí",
"medical": "scrúdú dochtúra"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "डोमेन की सूची जो साझा आइटम कैटलॉग तक पहुंच सकती है",
"Shares Catalog": "शेयर कैटलॉग",
"tool": "साधन",
"clothes": "कपड़े"
"clothes": "कपड़े",
"medical": "मेडिकल"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Elenco dei domini che possono accedere al catalogo articoli condivisi",
"Shares Catalog": "Condivide il catalogo",
"tool": "attrezzo",
"clothes": "abiti"
"clothes": "abiti",
"medical": "medica"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "共有項目カタログにアクセスできるドメインのリスト",
"Shares Catalog": "カタログを共有します",
"tool": "道具",
"clothes": "服"
"clothes": "服",
"medical": "医学"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Navnîşa domên ku dikarin bigihîjin kataloga tiştên parvekirî",
"Shares Catalog": "Kataloga Shares",
"tool": "hacet",
"clothes": "lebas"
"clothes": "lebas",
"medical": "pizişkî"

View File

@ -456,5 +456,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "List of domains which can access the shared items catalog",
"Shares Catalog": "Shares Catalog",
"tool": "tool",
"clothes": "clothes"
"clothes": "clothes",
"medical": "medical"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Lista de domínios que podem acessar o catálogo de itens compartilhados",
"Shares Catalog": "Catálogo de ações",
"tool": "ferramenta",
"clothes": "roupas"
"clothes": "roupas",
"medical": "médica"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Список доменов, которые могут получить доступ к каталогу общих пунктов",
"Shares Catalog": "Акции каталог",
"tool": "орудие труда",
"clothes": "одежда"
"clothes": "одежда",
"medical": "медицинский"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Orodha ya Domains ambayo inaweza kufikia orodha ya vitu vya pamoja",
"Shares Catalog": "Inashiriki orodha",
"tool": "chombo",
"clothes": "nguo"
"clothes": "nguo",
"medical": "matibabu"

View File

@ -460,5 +460,6 @@
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "可以访问共享项目目录的域名列表",
"Shares Catalog": "股票目录",
"tool": "工具",
"clothes": "衣服"
"clothes": "衣服",
"medical": "医疗的"