mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
Finnish language translations
@ -393,304 +393,304 @@
"boy": "poika",
"pronoun": "heillä on tapana",
"Type of instance": "Esineen tyyppi",
"Security": "Security",
"Enabling broch mode": "Enabling broch mode provides a temporary fortification against attack. Only posts by already known instances will be accepted. If not turned off, it elapses after a week.",
"Instance Settings": "Instance Settings",
"Video Settings": "Video Settings",
"Filtering and Blocking": "Filtering and Blocking",
"Role Assignment": "Role Assignment",
"Contact Details": "Contact Details",
"Background Images": "Background Images",
"heart": "heart",
"counselor": "counselor",
"Counselors": "Counselors",
"shocked": "shocked",
"Encrypted": "Encrypted",
"Direct Message permitted instances": "Direct Message permitted instances",
"Direct messages are always allowed from these instances.": "Direct messages are always allowed from these instances.",
"Key Shortcuts": "Key Shortcuts",
"menuTimeline": "Timeline view",
"menuEdit": "Edit",
"menuProfile": "Profile view",
"menuInbox": "Inbox",
"menuSearch": "Search/follow",
"menuNewPost": "New post",
"menuNewBlog": "New blog",
"menuCalendar": "Calendar",
"menuDM": "Direct Messages",
"menuReplies": "Replies",
"menuOutbox": "Sent",
"menuBookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"menuShares": "Shared items",
"menuBlogs": "Blogs",
"Security": "Turvallisuus",
"Enabling broch mode": "Broch-tilan ottaminen käyttöön tarjoaa väliaikaisen suojan hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Vain jo tunnettujen tapausten viestit hyväksytään. Jos sitä ei sammuteta, se kuluu viikon kuluttua.",
"Instance Settings": "Ilmentymän asetukset",
"Video Settings": "Videoasetukset",
"Filtering and Blocking": "Suodatus ja esto",
"Role Assignment": "Roolien antaminen",
"Contact Details": "Yhteystiedot",
"Background Images": "Taustakuvat",
"heart": "sydän",
"counselor": "neuvonantaja",
"Counselors": "Neuvonantajat",
"shocked": "järkyttynyt",
"Encrypted": "Salattu",
"Direct Message permitted instances": "Suorat viestit sallitaan",
"Direct messages are always allowed from these instances.": "Suorat viestit ovat aina sallittuja näistä tapauksista.",
"Key Shortcuts": "Pikanäppäimet",
"menuTimeline": "Aikajananäkymä",
"menuEdit": "Muokata",
"menuProfile": "Profiilinäkymä",
"menuInbox": "Saapuneet",
"menuSearch": "Etsi/seuraa",
"menuNewPost": "Uusi postaus",
"menuNewBlog": "Uusi blogi",
"menuCalendar": "Kalenteri",
"menuDM": "Suorat viestit",
"menuReplies": "Vastauksia",
"menuOutbox": "Lähetetty",
"menuBookmarks": "Kirjanmerkit",
"menuShares": "Jaetut kohteet",
"menuBlogs": "Blogit",
"menuNewswire": "Newswire",
"menuLinks": "Links",
"menuModeration": "Moderation",
"menuFollowing": "Following",
"menuFollowers": "Followers",
"menuRoles": "Roles",
"menuSkills": "Skills",
"menuLogout": "Logout",
"menuKeys": "Key Shortcuts",
"submitButton": "Submit button",
"menuLinks": "Linkit",
"menuModeration": "Maltillisuus",
"menuFollowing": "Seurata",
"menuFollowers": "Seuraajat",
"menuRoles": "Roolit",
"menuSkills": "Taidot",
"menuLogout": "Kirjautua ulos",
"menuKeys": "Pikanäppäimet",
"submitButton": "Lähetä-painike",
"menuMedia": "Media",
"followButton": "Follow/unfollow button",
"blockButton": "Block button",
"infoButton": "Info button",
"snoozeButton": "Snooze button",
"reportButton": "Report button",
"viewButton": "View button",
"enterPetname": "Enter petname",
"enterNotes": "Enter notes",
"These access keys may be used": "These access keys may be used, typically with ALT + SHIFT + key or ALT + key",
"Show numbers of accounts within instance metadata": "Show numbers of accounts within instance metadata",
"Show version number within instance metadata": "Show version number within instance metadata",
"Joined": "Joined",
"City for spoofed GPS image metadata": "City for spoofed GPS image metadata",
"Occupation": "Occupation",
"Artists": "Artists",
"Graphic Design": "Graphic Design",
"Import Theme": "Import Theme",
"Export Theme": "Export Theme",
"Custom post submit button text": "Custom post submit button text",
"Blocked User Agents": "Blocked User Agents",
"Notify me when this account posts": "Notify me when this account posts",
"Languages": "Languages",
"Translated": "Translated",
"Quantity": "Quantity",
"food": "food",
"Price": "Price",
"Currency": "Currency",
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "List of domains which can access the shared items catalog",
"Shares Catalog": "Shares Catalog",
"tool": "tool",
"clothes": "clothes",
"medical": "medical",
"Wanted": "Wanted",
"Describe something wanted": "Describe something wanted",
"Enter the details for your wanted item below.": "Enter the details for your wanted item below.",
"Name of the wanted item": "Name of the wanted item",
"Description of the item wanted": "Description of the item wanted",
"Type of wanted item. eg. hat": "Type of wanted item. eg. hat",
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Category of wanted item. eg. clothes",
"City or location of the wanted item": "City or location of the wanted item",
"Maximum Price": "Maximum Price",
"Create a new wanted item": "Create a new wanted item",
"Wanted Items Search": "Wanted Items Search",
"Website": "Website",
"Low Bandwidth": "Low Bandwidth",
"accommodation": "accommodation",
"Forbidden": "Forbidden",
"You're not allowed": "You're not allowed",
"Hours after posting during which replies are allowed": "Hours after posting during which replies are allowed",
"followButton": "Seuraa/poista seuraaminen -painike",
"blockButton": "Estä-painike",
"infoButton": "Info-painike",
"snoozeButton": "Torkkunappi",
"reportButton": "Ilmoita-painike",
"viewButton": "Näytä-painike",
"enterPetname": "Anna lemmikin nimi",
"enterNotes": "Kirjoita muistiinpanoja",
"These access keys may be used": "Näitä pääsynäppäimiä voidaan käyttää, tyypillisesti ALT + SHIFT + -näppäimen tai ALT + -näppäimen kanssa",
"Show numbers of accounts within instance metadata": "Näytä tilien määrä esiintymän metatiedoissa",
"Show version number within instance metadata": "Näytä versionumero esiintymän metatiedoissa",
"Joined": "Liittyi",
"City for spoofed GPS image metadata": "Kaupunki väärennetyille GPS-kuvan metatiedoille",
"Occupation": "Ammatti",
"Artists": "Taiteilijat",
"Graphic Design": "Graafinen suunnittelu",
"Import Theme": "Tuo teema",
"Export Theme": "Vie teema",
"Custom post submit button text": "Mukautetun viestin lähetyspainikkeen teksti",
"Blocked User Agents": "Estetyt käyttäjäagentit",
"Notify me when this account posts": "Ilmoita minulle, kun tämä tili julkaistaan",
"Languages": "Kieli (kielet",
"Translated": "Käännetty",
"Quantity": "Määrä",
"food": "ruokaa",
"Price": "Hinta",
"Currency": "Valuutta",
"List of domains which can access the shared items catalog": "Luettelo verkkotunnuksista, joilla on pääsy jaettuun tuoteluetteloon",
"Shares Catalog": "Osakeluettelo",
"tool": "työkalu",
"clothes": "vaatteet",
"medical": "lääketieteellinen",
"Wanted": "Halusi",
"Describe something wanted": "Kuvaile jotain mitä haluttiin",
"Enter the details for your wanted item below.": "Anna haluamasi tuotteen tiedot alle.",
"Name of the wanted item": "Haetun kohteen nimi",
"Description of the item wanted": "Kuvaus halutusta tuotteesta",
"Type of wanted item. eg. hat": "Halutun kohteen tyyppi. esim. hattu",
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Halutun kohteen luokka. esim. vaatteet",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Etsityn kohteen kaupunki tai sijainti",
"Maximum Price": "Enimmäishinta",
"Create a new wanted item": "Luo uusi haluttu kohde",
"Wanted Items Search": "Haluttujen kohteiden haku",
"Website": "Verkkosivusto",
"Low Bandwidth": "Matala kaistanleveys",
"accommodation": "majoitus",
"Forbidden": "Kielletty",
"You're not allowed": "Sinua ei sallita",
"Hours after posting during which replies are allowed": "Tuntia julkaisun jälkeen, jolloin vastaukset ovat sallittuja",
"Twitter": "Twitter",
"Twitter Replacement Domain": "Twitter Replacement Domain",
"Buy": "Buy",
"Request to stay": "Request to stay",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Introduce yourself and specify the date and time when you wish to stay": "Introduce yourself and specify the date and time when you wish to stay",
"Members": "Members",
"Join": "Join",
"Leave": "Leave",
"System Monitor": "System Monitor",
"Add content warnings for the following sites": "Add content warnings for the following sites",
"Known Web Crawlers": "Known Web Crawlers",
"Add to the calendar": "Add to the calendar",
"Content License": "Content License",
"Reaction by": "Reaction by",
"Notify on emoji reactions": "Notify on emoji reactions",
"Select reaction": "Reaction",
"Don't show the Reaction button": "Don't show the Reaction button",
"New feed URL": "New feed URL",
"New link title and URL": "New link title and URL",
"Theme Designer": "Theme Designer",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Encryption Keys": "Encryption Keys",
"Filtered words within bio": "Filtered words within bio",
"Write your news report": "Write your news report",
"Dyslexic font": "Dyslexic font",
"Leave a comment": "Leave a comment",
"View comments": "View comments",
"Multi Status": "Multi Status",
"Lots of things": "Lots of things",
"Created": "Created",
"It is done": "It is done",
"Time Zone": "Time Zone",
"Show who liked this post": "Show who liked this post",
"Show who repeated this post": "Show who repeated this post",
"Repeated by": "Repeated by",
"Register": "Register",
"Web Bots Allowed": "Web Search Bots Allowed",
"Known Search Bots": "Known Web Search Bots",
"mitm": "Message could have been read or modified by a third party",
"Bold reading": "Bold reading",
"Attach an image, video or audio file": "Attach an image, video or audio file",
"Set a place and time": "Set a place and time",
"Describe your attachment": "Describe your attachment",
"Language used": "Language used",
"lang_ar": "Arabic",
"lang_bn": "Bengali",
"lang_cy": "Welsh",
"lang_en": "English",
"lang_fa": "Persian",
"lang_fr": "French",
"lang_hi": "Hindi",
"lang_he": "Hebrew",
"lang_ja": "Japanese",
"lang_ku": "Kurdish",
"lang_pl": "Polish",
"lang_ru": "Russian",
"lang_uk": "Ukrainian",
"lang_ca": "Catalan",
"lang_de": "German",
"lang_es": "Spanish",
"lang_ga": "Irish",
"lang_it": "Italian",
"lang_ko": "Korean",
"lang_oc": "Occitan",
"lang_pt": "Portuguese",
"lang_sw": "Swahili",
"lang_tr": "Turkish",
"lang_zh": "Chinese",
"lang_nl": "Dutch",
"lang_el": "Greek",
"lang_yi": "Yiddish",
"Common emoji": "Common emoji",
"Copy and paste into your text": "Copy and paste into your text",
"shrug": "shrug",
"DM warning": "Direct messages are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any highly sensitive information here.",
"Transcript": "Transcript",
"Color contrast is too low": "Color contrast is too low",
"View Larger Map": "View Larger Map",
"Start Time": "Start Time",
"End Time": "End Time",
"Switch to calendar view": "Switch to calendar view",
"Save": "Save",
"Switch to moderation view": "Switch to moderation view",
"Minimize attached images": "Minimize attached images",
"ActivityPub Specification": "ActivityPub Specification",
"Dogwhistle words": "Dogwhistle words",
"Content warnings will be added for the following": "Content warnings will be added for the following",
"nowplaying": "nowplaying",
"NowPlaying": "NowPlaying",
"Import and Export": "Import and Export",
"Import Follows": "Import Follows",
"Post expiry period in days": "Post expiry period in days",
"Keep DMs during post expiry": "Keep DMs during post expiry",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Twitter Replacement Domain": "Twitterin korvaava verkkotunnus",
"Buy": "Ostaa",
"Request to stay": "Pyydä jäämään",
"Profile": "Profiili",
"Introduce yourself and specify the date and time when you wish to stay": "Esittele itsesi ja ilmoita päivämäärä ja kellonaika, jolloin haluat jäädä",
"Members": "Jäsenet",
"Join": "Liittyä seuraan",
"Leave": "Lähde",
"System Monitor": "Järjestelmän valvonta",
"Add content warnings for the following sites": "Lisää sisältövaroitukset seuraaville sivustoille",
"Known Web Crawlers": "Tunnetut Web-indeksointirobotit",
"Add to the calendar": "Lisää kalenteriin",
"Content License": "Sisällön lisenssi",
"Reaction by": "Reaktio",
"Notify on emoji reactions": "Ilmoita emojireaktioista",
"Select reaction": "Reaktio",
"Don't show the Reaction button": "Älä näytä Reaktio-painiketta",
"New feed URL": "Uusi syötteen URL-osoite",
"New link title and URL": "Uusi linkin otsikko ja URL-osoite",
"Theme Designer": "Teeman suunnittelija",
"Reset": "Nollaa",
"Encryption Keys": "Salausavaimet",
"Filtered words within bio": "Suodatetut sanat biossa",
"Write your news report": "Kirjoita uutisraporttisi",
"Dyslexic font": "Dysleksinen fontti",
"Leave a comment": "Jätä kommentti",
"View comments": "Näytä kommentit",
"Multi Status": "Monitila",
"Lots of things": "Paljon asioita",
"Created": "Luotu",
"It is done": "Se on tehty",
"Time Zone": "Aikavyöhyke",
"Show who liked this post": "Näytä kuka piti tästä viestistä",
"Show who repeated this post": "Näytä, kuka toisti tämän viestin",
"Repeated by": "Toistaa",
"Register": "Rekisteröidy",
"Web Bots Allowed": "Verkkohakubotit sallittu",
"Known Search Bots": "Tunnetut verkkohakubotit",
"mitm": "Kolmas osapuoli on voinut lukea tai muokata viestiä",
"Bold reading": "Rohkeaa luettavaa",
"Attach an image, video or audio file": "Liitä kuva-, video- tai äänitiedosto",
"Set a place and time": "Aseta paikka ja aika",
"Describe your attachment": "Kuvaile liitettäsi",
"Language used": "Käytetty kieli",
"lang_ar": "arabialainen",
"lang_bn": "bengali",
"lang_cy": "Walesin",
"lang_en": "Englanti",
"lang_fa": "persialainen",
"lang_fr": "Ranskan kieli",
"lang_hi": "hindi",
"lang_he": "heprealainen",
"lang_ja": "japanilainen",
"lang_ku": "kurdi",
"lang_pl": "Kiillottaa",
"lang_ru": "Venäjän kieli",
"lang_uk": "ukrainalainen",
"lang_ca": "katalaani",
"lang_de": "Saksan kieli",
"lang_es": "Espanja",
"lang_ga": "irlantilainen",
"lang_it": "italialainen",
"lang_ko": "Korealainen",
"lang_oc": "Oksitaani",
"lang_pt": "Portugalin kieli",
"lang_sw": "swahili",
"lang_tr": "turkkilainen",
"lang_zh": "Kiinalainen",
"lang_nl": "Hollannin kieli",
"lang_el": "kreikkalainen",
"lang_yi": "jiddish",
"Common emoji": "Yleinen emoji",
"Copy and paste into your text": "Kopioi ja liitä tekstiisi",
"shrug": "kohauttaa olkapäitään",
"DM warning": "Suorat viestit eivät ole päästä päähän -salattuja. Älä jaa täällä mitään erittäin arkaluontoista tietoa.",
"Transcript": "Transkriptio",
"Color contrast is too low": "Värikontrasti on liian alhainen",
"View Larger Map": "Näytä suurempi kartta",
"Start Time": "Aloitusaika",
"End Time": "Loppu aika",
"Switch to calendar view": "Vaihda kalenterinäkymään",
"Save": "Tallentaa",
"Switch to moderation view": "Vaihda valvontanäkymään",
"Minimize attached images": "Minimoi liitetyt kuvat",
"ActivityPub Specification": "ActivityPub-määritykset",
"Dogwhistle words": "Koiran pilli sanat",
"Content warnings will be added for the following": "Sisältövaroitukset lisätään seuraaviin",
"nowplaying": "nytsoi",
"NowPlaying": "NytSoi",
"Import and Export": "Tuonti ja vienti",
"Import Follows": "Tuo seuraa",
"Post expiry period in days": "Vanhenemisaika päivinä",
"Keep DMs during post expiry": "Säilytä DM:t vanhenemisen jälkeen",
"Notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"ntfy URL": "ntfy URL",
"ntfy topic": "ntfy topic",
"Last hour": "Last hour",
"Last 3 hours": "Last 3 hours",
"Last 6 hours": "Last 6 hours",
"Last 12 hours": "Last 12 hours",
"Last day": "Last day",
"Last 2 days": "Last 2 days",
"Last week": "Last week",
"Last 2 weeks": "Last 2 weeks",
"Last month": "Last month",
"Last 6 months": "Last 6 months",
"Last year": "Last year",
"Unauthorized": "Unauthorized",
"No login credentials were posted": "No login credentials were posted",
"Credentials are too long": "Credentials are too long",
"Site DevOps": "Site DevOps",
"A list of devops nicknames. One per line.": "A list of devops nicknames. One per line.",
"ntfy topic": "ntfy aihe",
"Last hour": "Viime tunti",
"Last 3 hours": "Viimeiset 3 tuntia",
"Last 6 hours": "Viimeiset 6 tuntia",
"Last 12 hours": "Viimeiset 12 tuntia",
"Last day": "Viimeinen päivä",
"Last 2 days": "Viimeiset 2 päivää",
"Last week": "Viime viikko",
"Last 2 weeks": "Viimeiset 2 viikkoa",
"Last month": "Viime kuukausi",
"Last 6 months": "Viimeiset 6 kuukautta",
"Last year": "Viime vuonna",
"Unauthorized": "Luvaton",
"No login credentials were posted": "Kirjautumistunnuksia ei lähetetty",
"Credentials are too long": "Tunnukset ovat liian pitkiä",
"Site DevOps": "Sivusto DevOps",
"A list of devops nicknames. One per line.": "Luettelo devops-nimistä. Yksi per rivi.",
"devops": "devops",
"Reject spam accounts": "Reject spam accounts",
"User Manual": "User Manual",
"Allow announces": "Allow announces",
"Send": "Send",
"Minimize all images": "Minimize all images",
"Edit post": "Edit post",
"Preview posts on profile screen": "Preview posts on profile screen",
"Reverse timelines": "Reverse timelines",
"Moved": "Moved",
"Move": "Move",
"Inactive": "Inactive",
"Registrations open": "Registrations open",
"Registrations remaining": "Registrations remaining",
"Edit reminder": "Edit reminder",
"Purchase": "Purchase",
"Subscribe": "Subscribe",
"Buy link": "Buy link",
"Buy links are allowed from the following domains": "Buy links are allowed from the following domains",
"Media license": "Media license",
"Media creator": "Media creator",
"Import Blocks": "Import Blocks",
"Export Blocks": "Export Blocks",
"Transcript": "Transcript",
"Show vote posts": "Show vote posts",
"Featured hashtags": "Featured hashtags",
"Proxy": "Proxy",
"Only allow replies from followers": "Only allow replies from followers",
"Only allow replies from mutuals": "Only allow replies from mutuals",
"Reason": "Reason",
"Reject spam accounts": "Hylkää roskapostitilit",
"User Manual": "Ohjekirja",
"Allow announces": "Salli ilmoitukset",
"Send": "Lähettää",
"Minimize all images": "Pienennä kaikki kuvat",
"Edit post": "Muokkaa viestiä",
"Preview posts on profile screen": "Esikatsele viestejä profiilinäytöllä",
"Reverse timelines": "Käänteiset aikajanat",
"Moved": "Siirretty",
"Move": "Liikkua",
"Inactive": "Epäaktiivinen",
"Registrations open": "Ilmoittautumiset auki",
"Registrations remaining": "Ilmoittautumisia jäljellä",
"Edit reminder": "Muokkaa muistutusta",
"Purchase": "Ostaa",
"Subscribe": "Tilaa",
"Buy link": "Osta linkki",
"Buy links are allowed from the following domains": "Ostoslinkit ovat sallittuja seuraavista verkkotunnuksista",
"Media license": "Median lisenssi",
"Media creator": "Median luoja",
"Import Blocks": "Tuo lohkot",
"Export Blocks": "Vie lohkot",
"Transcript": "Transkriptio",
"Show vote posts": "Näytä äänestysviestit",
"Featured hashtags": "Suositellut hashtagit",
"Proxy": "Välityspalvelin",
"Only allow replies from followers": "Salli vain seuraajien vastaukset",
"Only allow replies from mutuals": "Salli vastaukset vain keskinäisiltä henkilöiltä",
"Reason": "Syy",
"Chat": "Chat",
"Chat link": "Chat link",
"Clear Cache": "Clear Cache",
"Block military instances": "Block military instances",
"Display on your public profile": "Display on your public profile",
"FollowWarning": "WARNING: this instance may be blocking you",
"FollowAccountWarning": "WARNING: this account may be blocking you",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"places": "places",
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Mutuals",
"Public replies default to unlisted scope": "Public replies default to unlisted scope",
"About the author": "About the author",
"Do not show follows on your profile": "Don't show follows on your profile",
"rated": "rated",
"wants to read": "wants to read",
"finished reading": "finished reading",
"Reading Status": "Reading Status",
"Book reading updates": "Book reading updates",
"want to read": "want to read",
"am reading": "am reading",
"Update type": "Update type",
"add a rating": "add a rating",
"Rating": "Rating",
"reading": "reading",
"Birthday": "Birthday",
"Only show reminders": "Only show reminders",
"Show all events": "Show all events",
"Blocking API endpoints": "Blocking API endpoints",
"Payment required": "Payment required",
"It's time to splash that cash": "It's time to splash that cash",
"Premium account": "Premium account",
"Premium account subscription link": "Premium account subscription link",
"Fans": "Fans",
"Only to fans": "Only to fans",
"Approve fans": "Approve fans",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Only allow replies from fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Don't show fans on your profile",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Don't show boosted replies",
"Show quote posts": "Show quote posts",
"Link Trackers": "Link Trackers",
"Hide Announces": "Hide Announces",
"Show Announces": "Show Announces",
"Type your post, then press Enter": "Type your post, then press Enter",
"No post was entered": "No post was entered",
"You entered this public post": "You entered this public post",
"Send this post, yes or no?": "Send this post, yes or no?",
"Abandoning new post": "Abandoning new post",
"Type your reply message, then press Enter": "Type your reply message, then press Enter",
"No reply was entered": "No reply was entered",
"You entered this reply": "You entered this reply",
"Send this reply, yes or no?": "Send this reply, yes or no?",
"Abandoning reply": "Abandoning reply",
"Post failed": "Post failed",
"Encrypted message. Please enter your passphrase.": "Encrypted message. Please enter your passphrase.",
"Message could not be decrypted": "Message could not be decrypted",
"Create new direct message to": "Create new direct message to",
"No direct message was entered": "No direct message was entered",
"You entered this direct message to": "You entered this direct message to",
"Message encrypted": "Message encrypted",
"Send this direct message, yes or no?": "Send this direct message, yes or no?",
"Abandoning new direct message": "Abandoning new direct message",
"Press Enter to continue": "Press Enter to continue",
"PGP Public Key": "PGP Public Key"
"Chat link": "Chat linkki",
"Clear Cache": "Tyhjennä välimuisti",
"Block military instances": "Estä sotilaalliset tapaukset",
"Display on your public profile": "Näytä julkisessa profiilissasi",
"FollowWarning": "VAROITUS: tämä esiintymä saattaa estää sinut",
"FollowAccountWarning": "VAROITUS: tämä tili saattaa estää sinut",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Muistomerkkitilien lempinimet (yksi per rivi)",
"Memorials": "Muistomerkit",
"places": "paikoissa",
"offline": "offline-tilassa",
"Mutuals": "Keskinäiset",
"Public replies default to unlisted scope": "Julkiset vastaukset ovat oletusarvoisesti luetteloimattomia",
"About the author": "Kirjailijasta",
"Do not show follows on your profile": "Älä näytä seuraajia profiilissasi",
"rated": "arvioitu",
"wants to read": "haluaa lukea",
"finished reading": "lukenut loppuun",
"Reading Status": "Lukemisen tila",
"Book reading updates": "Kirjanlukupäivitykset",
"want to read": "haluaa lukea",
"am reading": "luen",
"Update type": "Päivityksen tyyppi",
"add a rating": "lisää arvosana",
"Rating": "Luokitus",
"reading": "lukeminen",
"Birthday": "Syntymäpäivä",
"Only show reminders": "Näytä vain muistutukset",
"Show all events": "Näytä kaikki tapahtumat",
"Blocking API endpoints": "API-päätepisteiden estäminen",
"Payment required": "Maksua vaaditaan",
"It's time to splash that cash": "On aika tuhlata rahaa",
"Premium account": "Premium tili",
"Premium account subscription link": "Premium-tilin tilauslinkki",
"Fans": "Fanit",
"Only to fans": "Vain faneille",
"Approve fans": "Hyväksy fanit",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Salli vain fanien vastaukset",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Älä näytä faneja profiilissasi",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Älä näytä tehostettuja vastauksia",
"Show quote posts": "Näytä lainausviestit",
"Link Trackers": "Linkkijäljittimet",
"Hide Announces": "Piilota ilmoitukset",
"Show Announces": "Näytä ilmoittaa",
"Type your post, then press Enter": "Kirjoita viestisi ja paina sitten Enter",
"No post was entered": "Viestiä ei syötetty",
"You entered this public post": "Kirjoitit tähän julkiseen viestiin",
"Send this post, yes or no?": "Lähetä tämä viesti, kyllä vai ei?",
"Abandoning new post": "Uuden postauksen hylkääminen",
"Type your reply message, then press Enter": "Kirjoita vastausviestisi ja paina sitten Enter",
"No reply was entered": "Vastausta ei syötetty",
"You entered this reply": "Kirjoitit tämän vastauksen",
"Send this reply, yes or no?": "Lähetä tämä vastaus, kyllä vai ei?",
"Abandoning reply": "Vastauksen hylkääminen",
"Post failed": "Postitus epäonnistui",
"Encrypted message. Please enter your passphrase.": "Salattu viesti. Anna salasanasi.",
"Message could not be decrypted": "Viestin salausta ei voitu purkaa",
"Create new direct message to": "Luo uusi suora viesti vastaanottajalle",
"No direct message was entered": "Suoraa viestiä ei syötetty",
"You entered this direct message to": "Kirjoitit tämän viestin osoitteeseen",
"Message encrypted": "Viesti salattu",
"Send this direct message, yes or no?": "Lähetä tämä suora viesti, kyllä vai ei?",
"Abandoning new direct message": "Uuden suoran viestin hylkääminen",
"Press Enter to continue": "Jatka painamalla Enter",
"PGP Public Key": "PGP julkinen avain"
Reference in New Issue