Sending out updates when votes on a question change

Bob Mottram 2019-11-29 22:02:16 +00:00
parent d0705c3f98
commit c94b80a36d
2 changed files with 17 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ from posts import isDM
from posts import isReply
from posts import isImageMedia
from posts import sendSignedJson
from posts import sendToFollowersThread
from webinterface import individualPostAsHtml
from webinterface import getIconsDir
from question import questionUpdateVotes
@ -1798,7 +1799,21 @@ def inboxAfterCapabilities(recentPostsCache: {},maxRecentPosts: int, \
# if this is a reply to a question then update the votes
if questionJson:
# Is this a question created by this instance?
if questionJson['object']['id'].startswith(httpPrefix+'://'+domain):
# if the votes on a question have changed then send out an update
sendToFollowersThread(session,baseDir, \
nickname,domain,port, \
httpPrefix,federationList, \
sendThreads,postLog, \
cachedWebfingers,personCache, \
postJsonObject,debug, \
if not isGroup:
# create a DM notification file if needed

View File

@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ def sendToFollowers(session,baseDir: str, \
print('DEBUG: End of sendToFollowers')
def sendToFollowersThread(session,baseDir: str, \
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, \
nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \
httpPrefix: str,federationList: [], \
sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \
cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {}, \