mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
Display mutuals
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "ألقاب الحسابات التذكارية (واحد في كل سطر)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "ألقاب الحسابات التذكارية (واحد في كل سطر)",
"Memorials": "النصب التذكارية",
"Memorials": "النصب التذكارية",
"places": "أماكن",
"places": "أماكن",
"offline": "غير متصل على الانترنت"
"offline": "غير متصل على الانترنت",
"Mutuals": "التعاضد"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "স্মারক অ্যাকাউন্টের ডাকনাম (প্রতি লাইনে একটি)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "স্মারক অ্যাকাউন্টের ডাকনাম (প্রতি লাইনে একটি)",
"Memorials": "স্মারক",
"Memorials": "স্মারক",
"places": "জায়গা",
"places": "জায়গা",
"offline": "অফলাইন"
"offline": "অফলাইন",
"Mutuals": "পারস্পরিক"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Sobrenoms dels comptes commemoratius (un per línia)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Sobrenoms dels comptes commemoratius (un per línia)",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"places": "llocs",
"places": "llocs",
"offline": "fora de línia"
"offline": "fora de línia",
"Mutuals": "Mútues"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Llysenwau cyfrifon coffa (un fesul llinell)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Llysenwau cyfrifon coffa (un fesul llinell)",
"Memorials": "Cofebau",
"Memorials": "Cofebau",
"places": "lleoedd",
"places": "lleoedd",
"offline": "all-lein"
"offline": "all-lein",
"Mutuals": "Cydfuddiol"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Spitznamen der Gedenkkonten (einer pro Zeile)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Spitznamen der Gedenkkonten (einer pro Zeile)",
"Memorials": "Denkmäler",
"Memorials": "Denkmäler",
"places": "setzt",
"places": "setzt",
"offline": "offline"
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Gegenseitigkeitsgesellschaften"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Ψευδώνυμα λογαριασμών μνήμης (ένα ανά γραμμή)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Ψευδώνυμα λογαριασμών μνήμης (ένα ανά γραμμή)",
"Memorials": "Μνημείων",
"Memorials": "Μνημείων",
"places": "μέρη",
"places": "μέρη",
"offline": "εκτός σύνδεσης"
"offline": "εκτός σύνδεσης",
"Mutuals": "Αμοιβαία"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"places": "places",
"places": "places",
"offline": "offline"
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Mutuals"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Apodos de cuentas conmemorativas (uno por línea)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Apodos de cuentas conmemorativas (uno por línea)",
"Memorials": "Memoriales",
"Memorials": "Memoriales",
"places": "lugares",
"places": "lugares",
"offline": "desconectada"
"offline": "desconectada",
"Mutuals": "Mutuales"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "نام مستعار حساب های یادبود (یکی در هر خط)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "نام مستعار حساب های یادبود (یکی در هر خط)",
"Memorials": "یادبودها",
"Memorials": "یادبودها",
"places": "مکان ها",
"places": "مکان ها",
"offline": "آفلاین"
"offline": "آفلاین",
"Mutuals": "متقابل"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Surnoms des comptes commémoratifs (un par ligne)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Surnoms des comptes commémoratifs (un par ligne)",
"Memorials": "Mémoriaux",
"Memorials": "Mémoriaux",
"places": "lieux",
"places": "lieux",
"offline": "hors ligne"
"offline": "hors ligne",
"Mutuals": "Mutuelles"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Leasainmneacha na gcuntas cuimhneacháin (ceann in aghaidh na líne)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Leasainmneacha na gcuntas cuimhneacháin (ceann in aghaidh na líne)",
"Memorials": "Cuimhneacháin",
"Memorials": "Cuimhneacháin",
"places": "áiteanna",
"places": "áiteanna",
"offline": "as líne"
"offline": "as líne",
"Mutuals": "Comhpháirteacha"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "כינויים של חשבונות זיכרון (אחד בכל שורה)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "כינויים של חשבונות זיכרון (אחד בכל שורה)",
"Memorials": "אנדרטאות",
"Memorials": "אנדרטאות",
"places": "מקומות",
"places": "מקומות",
"offline": "במצב לא מקוון"
"offline": "במצב לא מקוון",
"Mutuals": "הדדיות"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "स्मारक खातों के उपनाम (प्रति पंक्ति एक)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "स्मारक खातों के उपनाम (प्रति पंक्ति एक)",
"Memorials": "इतिवृत्त",
"Memorials": "इतिवृत्त",
"places": "स्थानों",
"places": "स्थानों",
"offline": "ऑफलाइन"
"offline": "ऑफलाइन",
"Mutuals": "पारस्परिक"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Soprannomi degli account commemorativi (uno per riga)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Soprannomi degli account commemorativi (uno per riga)",
"Memorials": "Memoriali",
"Memorials": "Memoriali",
"places": "luoghi",
"places": "luoghi",
"offline": "disconnessa"
"offline": "disconnessa",
"Mutuals": "Mutui"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "追悼アカウントのニックネーム(1行に1つ)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "追悼アカウントのニックネーム(1行に1つ)",
"Memorials": "記念碑",
"Memorials": "記念碑",
"places": "場所",
"places": "場所",
"offline": "オフライン"
"offline": "オフライン",
"Mutuals": "相互作用"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "추모 계정의 닉네임(한 줄에 하나씩)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "추모 계정의 닉네임(한 줄에 하나씩)",
"Memorials": "기록",
"Memorials": "기록",
"places": "장소",
"places": "장소",
"offline": "오프라인"
"offline": "오프라인",
"Mutuals": "상호"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nasnavên hesabên bîranînê (yek ji rêzê)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nasnavên hesabên bîranînê (yek ji rêzê)",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"places": "cihên",
"places": "cihên",
"offline": "offline"
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Mutuals"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Bijnamen van herdenkingsverslagen (één per regel)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Bijnamen van herdenkingsverslagen (één per regel)",
"Memorials": "Gedenktekens",
"Memorials": "Gedenktekens",
"places": "plaatsen",
"places": "plaatsen",
"offline": "offline"
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Mutualiteiten"
@ -634,5 +634,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"Memorials": "Memorials",
"places": "places",
"places": "places",
"offline": "offline"
"offline": "offline",
"Mutuals": "Mutuals"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Pseudonimy kont pamięci (po jednym w wierszu)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Pseudonimy kont pamięci (po jednym w wierszu)",
"Memorials": "Pamiętnik",
"Memorials": "Pamiętnik",
"places": "miejsca",
"places": "miejsca",
"offline": "nieaktywny"
"offline": "nieaktywny",
"Mutuals": "Wzajemne relacje"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Apelidos de contas memoriais (um por linha)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Apelidos de contas memoriais (um por linha)",
"Memorials": "Memoriais",
"Memorials": "Memoriais",
"places": "lugares",
"places": "lugares",
"offline": "desligada"
"offline": "desligada",
"Mutuals": "Mútuas"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Никнеймы мемориальных аккаунтов (по одному в строке)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Никнеймы мемориальных аккаунтов (по одному в строке)",
"Memorials": "Мемориалы",
"Memorials": "Мемориалы",
"places": "места",
"places": "места",
"offline": "не в сети"
"offline": "не в сети",
"Mutuals": "Взаимные отношения"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Majina ya utani ya akaunti za ukumbusho (moja kwa kila mstari)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Majina ya utani ya akaunti za ukumbusho (moja kwa kila mstari)",
"Memorials": "Makumbusho",
"Memorials": "Makumbusho",
"places": "maeneo",
"places": "maeneo",
"offline": "nje ya mtandao"
"offline": "nje ya mtandao",
"Mutuals": "Kuheshimiana"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Anma hesaplarının takma adları (her satıra bir tane)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Anma hesaplarının takma adları (her satıra bir tane)",
"Memorials": "Anıtlar",
"Memorials": "Anıtlar",
"places": "yer",
"places": "yer",
"offline": "çevrimdışı"
"offline": "çevrimdışı",
"Mutuals": "Karşılıklar"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Ніки меморіалів (по одному в рядку)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "Ніки меморіалів (по одному в рядку)",
"Memorials": "Меморіали",
"Memorials": "Меморіали",
"places": "місць",
"places": "місць",
"offline": "офлайн"
"offline": "офлайн",
"Mutuals": "Мутуали"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "ניקניימז פון דענקמאָל אַקאַונץ (איינער פּער שורה)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "ניקניימז פון דענקמאָל אַקאַונץ (איינער פּער שורה)",
"Memorials": "מעמאָריאַלן",
"Memorials": "מעמאָריאַלן",
"places": "ערטער",
"places": "ערטער",
"offline": "אָפפלינע"
"offline": "אָפפלינע",
"Mutuals": "קעגנצייַטיק"
@ -638,5 +638,6 @@
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "纪念帐户昵称(每行一个)",
"Nicknames of memorial accounts (one per line)": "纪念帐户昵称(每行一个)",
"Memorials": "纪念馆",
"Memorials": "纪念馆",
"places": "地方",
"places": "地方",
"offline": "离线"
"offline": "离线",
"Mutuals": "互助基金"
@ -318,8 +318,13 @@ def html_person_options(default_timeline: str,
translate['FollowWarning'] + '</b></p>\n'
translate['FollowWarning'] + '</b></p>\n'
if follows_you and authorized:
if follows_you and authorized:
options_str += \
if follow_str != 'Unfollow':
' <p class="optionsText">' + translate['Follows you'] + '</p>\n'
options_str += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + \
translate['Follows you'] + '</p>\n'
options_str += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + translate['Mutuals'] + '</p>\n'
options_str += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
options_str += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
origin_path_str + '/personoptions">\n'
origin_path_str + '/personoptions">\n'
if moved_to:
if moved_to:
Reference in New Issue