mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "فقط للجماهير",
"Approve fans": "الموافقة على المشجعين",
"Only allow replies from fans": "السماح فقط بالردود من المعجبين",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "لا تظهر المعجبين في ملفك الشخصي"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "لا تظهر المعجبين في ملفك الشخصي",
"Don't show boosted replies": "عدم إظهار الردود المعززة"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "শুধুমাত্র ভক্তদের জন্য",
"Approve fans": "ভক্তদের অনুমোদন করুন",
"Only allow replies from fans": "শুধুমাত্র অনুরাগীদের কাছ থেকে উত্তরের অনুমতি দিন",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "আপনার প্রোফাইলে ভক্ত দেখাবেন না"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "আপনার প্রোফাইলে ভক্ত দেখাবেন না",
"Don't show boosted replies": "বুস্ট করা উত্তর দেখাবেন না"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Només als aficionats",
"Approve fans": "Aprovar els aficionats",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Només permet respostes dels fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "No mostris els fans al teu perfil"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "No mostris els fans al teu perfil",
"Don't show boosted replies": "No mostris respostes reforçades"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Dim ond i gefnogwyr",
"Approve fans": "Cymeradwyo cefnogwyr",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Caniatewch atebion gan gefnogwyr yn unig",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Peidiwch â dangos cefnogwyr ar eich proffil"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Peidiwch â dangos cefnogwyr ar eich proffil",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Peidiwch â dangos atebion cryfach"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Nur für Fans",
"Approve fans": "Fans genehmigen",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Erlaube nur Antworten von Fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Zeigen Sie keine Fans in Ihrem Profil an"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Zeigen Sie keine Fans in Ihrem Profil an",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Keine geboosteten Antworten anzeigen"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Μόνο στους οπαδούς",
"Approve fans": "Έγκριση οπαδών",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Επιτρέπονται μόνο απαντήσεις από θαυμαστές",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Μην εμφανίζετε θαυμαστές στο προφίλ σας"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Μην εμφανίζετε θαυμαστές στο προφίλ σας",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Μην εμφανίζετε ενισχυμένες απαντήσεις"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Only to fans",
"Approve fans": "Approve fans",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Only allow replies from fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Don't show fans on your profile"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Don't show fans on your profile",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Don't show boosted replies"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Solo para las fans",
"Approve fans": "Aprobar las fans",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Solo permitir respuestas de las fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "No mostrar fans en tu perfil"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "No mostrar fans en tu perfil",
"Don't show boosted replies": "No mostrar respuestas mejoradas"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "فقط به طرفداران",
"Approve fans": "طرفداران را تایید کنید",
"Only allow replies from fans": "فقط اجازه پاسخ از طرفداران را بدهید",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "طرفداران را در نمایه خود نشان ندهید"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "طرفداران را در نمایه خود نشان ندهید",
"Don't show boosted replies": "پاسخ های تقویت شده را نشان ندهید"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Uniquement aux fans",
"Approve fans": "Approuver les fans",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Autoriser uniquement les réponses des fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Ne pas afficher les fans sur votre profil"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Ne pas afficher les fans sur votre profil",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Ne pas afficher les réponses boostées"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "A lucht leanúna amháin",
"Approve fans": "Lucht leanúna a cheadú",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Ná ceadaigh ach freagraí ón lucht leanúna",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Ná taispeáin lucht leanúna ar do phróifíl"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Ná taispeáin lucht leanúna ar do phróifíl",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Ná taispeáin freagraí treisithe"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "רק למעריצים",
"Approve fans": "לאשר מעריצים",
"Only allow replies from fans": "אפשר רק תשובות ממעריצים",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "אל תראה מעריצים בפרופיל שלך"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "אל תראה מעריצים בפרופיל שלך",
"Don't show boosted replies": "אל תראה תשובות מוגברות"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "केवल प्रशंसकों के लिए",
"Approve fans": "प्रशंसकों का अनुमोदन करें",
"Only allow replies from fans": "केवल प्रशंसकों के उत्तरों की अनुमति दें",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल पर प्रशंसकों को न दिखाएं"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल पर प्रशंसकों को न दिखाएं",
"Don't show boosted replies": "बढ़ाए गए उत्तर न दिखाएं"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Solo ai tifosi",
"Approve fans": "Approva i fan",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Consenti solo risposte da parte dei fan",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Non mostrare i fan sul tuo profilo"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Non mostrare i fan sul tuo profilo",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Non mostrare le risposte in evidenza"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "ファンだけに",
"Approve fans": "ファンを承認する",
"Only allow replies from fans": "ファンからの返信のみを許可する",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "プロフィールにファンを表示しない"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "プロフィールにファンを表示しない",
"Don't show boosted replies": "ブーストされた返信を表示しない"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "팬들에게만",
"Approve fans": "팬 승인",
"Only allow replies from fans": "팬의 답글만 허용",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "프로필에 팬을 표시하지 마세요."
"Do not show fans on your profile": "프로필에 팬을 표시하지 마세요.",
"Don't show boosted replies": "홍보된 답글 표시 안함"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Tenê ji temaşevanan re",
"Approve fans": "Fans pejirandî",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Tenê destûr bidin bersivên temaşevanan",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Li ser profîla xwe temaşevanan nîşan nedin"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Li ser profîla xwe temaşevanan nîşan nedin",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Bersivên zêdekirî nîşan nedin"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Alleen voor fans",
"Approve fans": "Fans goedkeuren",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Sta alleen antwoorden van fans toe",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Toon geen fans op je profiel"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Toon geen fans op je profiel",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Geen gepromote antwoorden weergeven"
@ -662,5 +662,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Only to fans",
"Approve fans": "Approve fans",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Only allow replies from fans",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Do not show fans on your profile"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Do not show fans on your profile",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Don't show boosted replies"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Tylko dla fanów",
"Approve fans": "Zatwierdź fanów",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Zezwalaj tylko na odpowiedzi od fanów",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Nie pokazuj fanów na swoim profilu"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Nie pokazuj fanów na swoim profilu",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Nie pokazuj wzmocnionych odpowiedzi"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Somente para fãs",
"Approve fans": "Aprovar fãs",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Permitir apenas respostas de fãs",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Não mostre fãs em seu perfil"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Não mostre fãs em seu perfil",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Não mostrar respostas otimizadas"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Только фанатам",
"Approve fans": "Одобрить поклонников",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Разрешить ответы только от фанатов",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Не показывать поклонников в своем профиле"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Не показывать поклонников в своем профиле",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Не показывать усиленные ответы"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Kwa mashabiki pekee",
"Approve fans": "Idhinisha mashabiki",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Ruhusu majibu kutoka kwa mashabiki pekee",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Usionyeshe mashabiki kwenye wasifu wako"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Usionyeshe mashabiki kwenye wasifu wako",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Usionyeshe majibu yaliyoboreshwa"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Sadece hayranlara",
"Approve fans": "Hayranları onayla",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Yalnızca hayranlardan gelen yanıtlara izin ver",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Hayranlarınızı profilinizde gösterme"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Hayranlarınızı profilinizde gösterme",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Öne çıkarılan yanıtları gösterme"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "Тільки фанатам",
"Approve fans": "Схвалити шанувальників",
"Only allow replies from fans": "Дозволити лише відповіді від шанувальників",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Не показуйте шанувальників у своєму профілі"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "Не показуйте шанувальників у своєму профілі",
"Don't show boosted replies": "Не показувати посилені відповіді"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "נאָר צו פאַנס",
"Approve fans": "אַפּרווו פאַנס",
"Only allow replies from fans": "נאָר לאָזן ענטפֿערס פון פאַנס",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "צי ניט ווייַזן פאַנס אויף דיין פּראָפיל"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "צי ניט ווייַזן פאַנס אויף דיין פּראָפיל",
"Don't show boosted replies": "צי ניט ווייַזן בוסטיד ענטפֿערס"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"Only to fans": "只给粉丝",
"Approve fans": "批准粉丝",
"Only allow replies from fans": "只允许粉丝回复",
"Do not show fans on your profile": "不要在您的个人资料上显示粉丝"
"Do not show fans on your profile": "不要在您的个人资料上显示粉丝",
"Don't show boosted replies": "不显示强化回复"
Reference in New Issue