Remove spaces from dropdown content

Bob Mottram 2020-11-04 10:01:53 +00:00
parent 60067cc894
commit c37f3ca16f
1 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -2859,23 +2859,23 @@ def htmlNewPost(cssCache: {}, mediaInstance: bool, translate: {},
dropDownContent = ''
if not reportUrl:
dropDownContent += "<div class='msgscope-collapse collapse "
dropDownContent += "right desktoponly' id='msgscope'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <ul class='nav msgscope-nav msgscope-right'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <li class=' ' style='position: relative;'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <div class='toggle-msgScope button-msgScope'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <input id='toggleMsgScope' "
dropDownContent += "name='toggleMsgScope' type='checkbox'/>\n"
dropDownContent += " <label for='toggleMsgScope'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <div class='lined-thin'>\n"
dropDownContent += ' <img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/'
dropDownContent += "right desktoponly' id='msgscope'>"
dropDownContent += "<ul class='nav msgscope-nav msgscope-right'>"
dropDownContent += "<li style='position: relative;'>"
dropDownContent += "<div class='toggle-msgScope button-msgScope'>"
dropDownContent += "<input id='toggleMsgScope' "
dropDownContent += "name='toggleMsgScope' type='checkbox'/>"
dropDownContent += "<label for='toggleMsgScope'>"
dropDownContent += "<div class='lined-thin'>"
dropDownContent += '<img loading="lazy" alt="" title="" src="/'
dropDownContent += iconsDir + '/' + scopeIcon
dropDownContent += '"/><b class="scope-desc">'
dropDownContent += scopeDescription + '</b>\n'
dropDownContent += " <span class='caret'/>\n"
dropDownContent += " </div>\n"
dropDownContent += " </label>\n"
dropDownContent += " <div class='toggle-inside'>\n"
dropDownContent += " <ul aria-labelledby='dropdownMsgScope' "
dropDownContent += scopeDescription + '</b>'
dropDownContent += "<span class='caret'/>"
dropDownContent += "</div>"
dropDownContent += "</label>"
dropDownContent += "<div class='toggle-inside'>"
dropDownContent += "<ul aria-labelledby='dropdownMsgScope' "
dropDownContent += "class='dropdown-menutoggle'>"
if showPublicOnDropdown: