Avoid conflic with python 3.10 match keyword

Bob Mottram 2021-10-07 20:03:01 +01:00
parent a8f17d3773
commit c2d9aa3f9b
3 changed files with 38 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ def dangerousCSS(filename: str, allowLocalNetworkAccess: bool) -> bool:
cssMatches = ('behavior:', ':expression', '?php', '.php',
'google', 'regexp', 'localhost',
'127.0.', '192.168', '10.0.', '@import')
for match in cssMatches:
if match in content:
for cssmatch in cssMatches:
if cssmatch in content:
return True
# search for non-local web links
@ -727,8 +727,8 @@ def _autoTag(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
if '->' not in tagRule:
match = tagRule.split('->')[0].strip()
if match != wordStr:
rulematch = tagRule.split('->')[0].strip()
if rulematch != wordStr:
tagName = tagRule.split('->')[1].strip()
if tagName.startswith('#'):

View File

@ -997,8 +997,8 @@ def _addAutoCW(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
for cwRule in autoCWList:
if '->' not in cwRule:
match = cwRule.split('->')[0].strip()
if match not in content:
rulematch = cwRule.split('->')[0].strip()
if rulematch not in content:
cwStr = cwRule.split('->')[1].strip()
if newSubject:

View File

@ -340,16 +340,17 @@ def parse_link_header(header):
return rval
r_link_header = r'\s*<([^>]*?)>\s*(?:;\s*(.*))?'
for entry in entries:
match = re.search(r_link_header, entry)
if not match:
ldmatch = re.search(r_link_header, entry)
if not ldmatch:
match = match.groups()
result = {'target': match[0]}
params = match[1]
ldmatch = ldmatch.groups()
result = {'target': ldmatch[0]}
params = ldmatch[1]
r_params = r'(.*?)=(?:(?:"([^"]*?)")|([^"]*?))\s*(?:(?:;\s*)|$)'
matches = re.findall(r_params, params)
for match in matches:
result[match[0]] = match[2] if match[1] is None else match[1]
for ldmatch in matches:
result[ldmatch[0]] = \
ldmatch[2] if ldmatch[1] is None else ldmatch[1]
rel = result.get('rel', '')
if isinstance(rval.get(rel), list):
@ -1474,30 +1475,30 @@ class JsonLdProcessor(object):
# parse quad
match = re.search(quad, line)
if match is None:
ldmatch = re.search(quad, line)
if ldmatch is None:
raise JsonLdError(
'Error while parsing N-Quads invalid quad.',
'jsonld.ParseError', {'line': line_number})
match = match.groups()
ldmatch = ldmatch.groups()
# create RDF triple
triple = {'subject': {}, 'predicate': {}, 'object': {}}
# get subject
if match[0] is not None:
triple['subject'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': match[0]}
if ldmatch[0] is not None:
triple['subject'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': ldmatch[0]}
triple['subject'] = {'type': 'blank node', 'value': match[1]}
triple['subject'] = {'type': 'blank node', 'value': ldmatch[1]}
# get predicate
triple['predicate'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': match[2]}
triple['predicate'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': ldmatch[2]}
# get object
if match[3] is not None:
triple['object'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': match[3]}
elif match[4] is not None:
triple['object'] = {'type': 'blank node', 'value': match[4]}
if ldmatch[3] is not None:
triple['object'] = {'type': 'IRI', 'value': ldmatch[3]}
elif ldmatch[4] is not None:
triple['object'] = {'type': 'blank node', 'value': ldmatch[4]}
triple['object'] = {'type': 'literal'}
replacements = {
@ -1507,24 +1508,24 @@ class JsonLdProcessor(object):
'\\r': '\r',
'\\\\': '\\'
unescaped = match[5]
for match, repl in replacements.items():
unescaped = unescaped.replace(match, repl)
if match[6] is not None:
triple['object']['datatype'] = match[6]
elif match[7] is not None:
unescaped = ldmatch[5]
for ldmatch, repl in replacements.items():
unescaped = unescaped.replace(ldmatch, repl)
if ldmatch[6] is not None:
triple['object']['datatype'] = ldmatch[6]
elif ldmatch[7] is not None:
triple['object']['datatype'] = RDF_LANGSTRING
triple['object']['language'] = match[7]
triple['object']['language'] = ldmatch[7]
triple['object']['datatype'] = XSD_STRING
triple['object']['value'] = unescaped
# get graph name ('@default' is used for the default graph)
name = '@default'
if match[8] is not None:
name = match[8]
elif match[9] is not None:
name = match[9]
if ldmatch[8] is not None:
name = ldmatch[8]
elif ldmatch[9] is not None:
name = ldmatch[9]
# initialize graph in dataset
if name not in dataset:
@ -1623,8 +1624,8 @@ class JsonLdProcessor(object):
'\"': '\\"'
escaped = o['value']
for match, repl in replacements.items():
escaped = escaped.replace(match, repl)
for ldmatch, repl in replacements.items():
escaped = escaped.replace(ldmatch, repl)
quad += '"' + escaped + '"'
if o['datatype'] == RDF_LANGSTRING:
if o['language']: