Bob Mottram 2021-10-15 10:02:18 +01:00
parent b490c0b791
commit bde8dadce0
1 changed files with 47 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -508,57 +508,58 @@ def _getLikeIconHtml(nickname: str, domainFull: str,
maxLikeCount: int) -> str:
"""Returns html for like icon/button
if not showLikeButton or isModerationPost:
return ''
likeStr = ''
if not isModerationPost and showLikeButton:
likeIcon = 'like_inactive.png'
likeLink = 'like'
likeTitle = 'Like this post'
if translate.get(likeTitle):
likeTitle = translate[likeTitle]
likeEmoji = ''
likeCount = noOfLikes(postJsonObject)
likeIcon = 'like_inactive.png'
likeLink = 'like'
likeTitle = 'Like this post'
if translate.get(likeTitle):
likeTitle = translate[likeTitle]
likeEmoji = ''
likeCount = noOfLikes(postJsonObject)
_logPostTiming(enableTimingLog, postStartTime, '12.1')
_logPostTiming(enableTimingLog, postStartTime, '12.1')
likeCountStr = ''
if likeCount > 0:
if likeCount <= maxLikeCount:
likeCountStr = ' (' + str(likeCount) + ')'
likeCountStr = ' (' + str(maxLikeCount) + '+)'
if likedByPerson(postJsonObject, nickname, domainFull):
if likeCount == 1:
# liked by the reader only
likeCountStr = ''
likeIcon = 'like.png'
likeLink = 'unlike'
likeTitle = 'Undo the like'
if translate.get(likeTitle):
likeTitle = translate[likeTitle]
likeEmoji = '👍 '
likeCountStr = ''
if likeCount > 0:
if likeCount <= maxLikeCount:
likeCountStr = ' (' + str(likeCount) + ')'
likeCountStr = ' (' + str(maxLikeCount) + '+)'
if likedByPerson(postJsonObject, nickname, domainFull):
if likeCount == 1:
# liked by the reader only
likeCountStr = ''
likeIcon = 'like.png'
likeLink = 'unlike'
likeTitle = 'Undo the like'
if translate.get(likeTitle):
likeTitle = translate[likeTitle]
likeEmoji = '👍 '
_logPostTiming(enableTimingLog, postStartTime, '12.2')
_logPostTiming(enableTimingLog, postStartTime, '12.2')
likeStr = ''
if likeCountStr:
# show the number of likes next to icon
likeStr += '<label class="likesCount">'
likeStr += likeCountStr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip()
likeStr += '</label>\n'
likePostId = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id'])
likeStr += \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="/users/' + nickname + '?' + \
likeLink + '=' + likePostId + \
pageNumberParam + \
'?actor=' + postJsonObject['actor'] + \
'?bm=' + timelinePostBookmark + \
'?tl=' + boxName + '" title="' + \
likeTitle + likeCountStr + '">\n'
likeStr += \
' ' + \
'<img loading="lazy" title="' + likeTitle + likeCountStr + \
'" alt="' + likeEmoji + likeTitle + \
' |" src="/icons/' + likeIcon + '"/></a>\n'
likeStr = ''
if likeCountStr:
# show the number of likes next to icon
likeStr += '<label class="likesCount">'
likeStr += likeCountStr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip()
likeStr += '</label>\n'
likePostId = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id'])
likeStr += \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="/users/' + nickname + '?' + \
likeLink + '=' + likePostId + \
pageNumberParam + \
'?actor=' + postJsonObject['actor'] + \
'?bm=' + timelinePostBookmark + \
'?tl=' + boxName + '" title="' + \
likeTitle + likeCountStr + '">\n'
likeStr += \
' ' + \
'<img loading="lazy" title="' + likeTitle + likeCountStr + \
'" alt="' + likeEmoji + likeTitle + \
' |" src="/icons/' + likeIcon + '"/></a>\n'
return likeStr