Filter buttons on moderator screen

Bob Mottram 2020-12-19 11:23:22 +00:00
parent cc01a4187a
commit bc1ab2dc37
16 changed files with 88 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "اسأل عن عنصر مشترك.", "Ask about a shared item.": "اسأل عن عنصر مشترك.",
"Account Information": "معلومات الحساب", "Account Information": "معلومات الحساب",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "يتفاعل هذا الحساب مع الحالات التالية", "This account interacts with the following instances": "يتفاعل هذا الحساب مع الحالات التالية",
"News posts are moderated": "المشاركات الإخبارية خاضعة للإشراف" "News posts are moderated": "المشاركات الإخبارية خاضعة للإشراف",
"Filter": "منقي",
"Filter out words": "تصفية الكلمات",
"Unfilter": "غير مرشح",
"Unfilter words": "الكلمات غير المصفاة"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Pregunteu sobre un element compartit.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Pregunteu sobre un element compartit.",
"Account Information": "Informació del compte", "Account Information": "Informació del compte",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Aquest compte interactua amb les instàncies següents", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Aquest compte interactua amb les instàncies següents",
"News posts are moderated": "Les publicacions de notícies es moderen" "News posts are moderated": "Les publicacions de notícies es moderen",
"Filter": "Filtre",
"Filter out words": "Filtra les paraules",
"Unfilter": "Sense filtre",
"Unfilter words": "Paraules sense filtre"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Gofynnwch am eitem a rennir.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Gofynnwch am eitem a rennir.",
"Account Information": "Gwybodaeth Gyfrif", "Account Information": "Gwybodaeth Gyfrif",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Mae'r cyfrif hwn yn rhyngweithio â'r achosion canlynol", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Mae'r cyfrif hwn yn rhyngweithio â'r achosion canlynol",
"News posts are moderated": "Mae swyddi newyddion yn cael eu cymedroli" "News posts are moderated": "Mae swyddi newyddion yn cael eu cymedroli",
"Filter": "Hidlo",
"Filter out words": "Hidlo geiriau",
"Unfilter": "Di-hid",
"Unfilter words": "Geiriau di-hid"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Fragen Sie nach einem gemeinsamen Artikel.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Fragen Sie nach einem gemeinsamen Artikel.",
"Account Information": "Kontoinformationen", "Account Information": "Kontoinformationen",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Dieses Konto interagiert mit den folgenden Instanzen", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Dieses Konto interagiert mit den folgenden Instanzen",
"News posts are moderated": "Nachrichtenbeiträge werden moderiert" "News posts are moderated": "Nachrichtenbeiträge werden moderiert",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter out words": "Wörter herausfiltern",
"Unfilter": "Filter entfernen",
"Unfilter words": "Wörter herausfiltern"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Ask about a shared item.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Ask about a shared item.",
"Account Information": "Account Information", "Account Information": "Account Information",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "This account interacts with the following instances", "This account interacts with the following instances": "This account interacts with the following instances",
"News posts are moderated": "News posts are moderated" "News posts are moderated": "News posts are moderated",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter out words": "Filter out words",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "Unfilter words"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Pregunte por un elemento compartido.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Pregunte por un elemento compartido.",
"Account Information": "Información de la cuenta", "Account Information": "Información de la cuenta",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Esta cuenta interactúa con las siguientes instancias", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Esta cuenta interactúa con las siguientes instancias",
"News posts are moderated": "Las publicaciones de noticias están moderadas" "News posts are moderated": "Las publicaciones de noticias están moderadas",
"Filter": "Filtrar",
"Filter out words": "Filtrar palabras",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "Palabras sin filtrar"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Renseignez-vous sur un élément partagé.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Renseignez-vous sur un élément partagé.",
"Account Information": "Information sur le compte", "Account Information": "Information sur le compte",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Ce compte interagit avec les instances suivantes", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Ce compte interagit avec les instances suivantes",
"News posts are moderated": "Les articles d'actualité sont modérés" "News posts are moderated": "Les articles d'actualité sont modérés",
"Filter": "Filtre",
"Filter out words": "Filtrer les mots",
"Unfilter": "Non filtrer",
"Unfilter words": "Mots non filtrés"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Fiafraigh faoi earra roinnte.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Fiafraigh faoi earra roinnte.",
"Account Information": "Faisnéis Chuntais", "Account Information": "Faisnéis Chuntais",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Idirghníomhaíonn an cuntas seo leis na cásanna seo a leanas", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Idirghníomhaíonn an cuntas seo leis na cásanna seo a leanas",
"News posts are moderated": "Déantar poist nuachta a mhodhnú" "News posts are moderated": "Déantar poist nuachta a mhodhnú",
"Filter": "Scagaire",
"Filter out words": "Scag focail amach",
"Unfilter": "Neamhleithleach",
"Unfilter words": "Focail neamhleithleacha"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "एक साझा आइटम के बारे में पूछें।", "Ask about a shared item.": "एक साझा आइटम के बारे में पूछें।",
"Account Information": "खाते की जानकारी", "Account Information": "खाते की जानकारी",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "यह खाता निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों के साथ सहभागिता करता है", "This account interacts with the following instances": "यह खाता निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों के साथ सहभागिता करता है",
"News posts are moderated": "समाचार पोस्ट संचालित होते हैं" "News posts are moderated": "समाचार पोस्ट संचालित होते हैं",
"Filter": "फ़िल्टर",
"Filter out words": "शब्दों को फ़िल्टर करें",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "अनफ़िल्टर शब्द"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Chiedi informazioni su un elemento condiviso.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Chiedi informazioni su un elemento condiviso.",
"Account Information": "Informazioni account", "Account Information": "Informazioni account",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Questo account interagisce con le seguenti istanze", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Questo account interagisce con le seguenti istanze",
"News posts are moderated": "I post di notizie sono moderati" "News posts are moderated": "I post di notizie sono moderati",
"Filter": "Filtro",
"Filter out words": "Filtra le parole",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "Parole non filtrate"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "共有アイテムについて質問します。", "Ask about a shared item.": "共有アイテムについて質問します。",
"Account Information": "口座情報", "Account Information": "口座情報",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "このアカウントは、次のインスタンスと相互作用します", "This account interacts with the following instances": "このアカウントは、次のインスタンスと相互作用します",
"News posts are moderated": "ニュース投稿はモデレートされます" "News posts are moderated": "ニュース投稿はモデレートされます",
"Filter": "フィルタ",
"Filter out words": "単語を除外する",
"Unfilter": "フィルタリング解除",
"Unfilter words": "単語のフィルタリングを解除する"
} }

View File

@ -338,5 +338,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Ask about a shared item.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Ask about a shared item.",
"Account Information": "Account Information", "Account Information": "Account Information",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "This account interacts with the following instances", "This account interacts with the following instances": "This account interacts with the following instances",
"News posts are moderated": "News posts are moderated" "News posts are moderated": "News posts are moderated",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter out words": "Filter out words",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "Unfilter words"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Pergunte sobre um item compartilhado.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Pergunte sobre um item compartilhado.",
"Account Information": "Informação da conta", "Account Information": "Informação da conta",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Esta conta interage com as seguintes instâncias", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Esta conta interage com as seguintes instâncias",
"News posts are moderated": "Postagens de notícias são moderadas" "News posts are moderated": "Postagens de notícias são moderadas",
"Filter": "Filtro",
"Filter out words": "Filtrar palavras",
"Unfilter": "Unfilter",
"Unfilter words": "Palavras sem filtro"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "Спросите об общем элементе.", "Ask about a shared item.": "Спросите об общем элементе.",
"Account Information": "Информация об аккаунте", "Account Information": "Информация об аккаунте",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "Этот аккаунт взаимодействует со следующими экземплярами", "This account interacts with the following instances": "Этот аккаунт взаимодействует со следующими экземплярами",
"News posts are moderated": "Сообщения новостей модерируются" "News posts are moderated": "Сообщения новостей модерируются",
"Filter": "Фильтр",
"Filter out words": "Отфильтровать слова",
"Unfilter": "Нефильтровать",
"Unfilter words": "Не фильтровать слова"
} }

View File

@ -342,5 +342,9 @@
"Ask about a shared item.": "询问共享项目。", "Ask about a shared item.": "询问共享项目。",
"Account Information": "帐户信息", "Account Information": "帐户信息",
"This account interacts with the following instances": "此帐户与以下实例进行交互", "This account interacts with the following instances": "此帐户与以下实例进行交互",
"News posts are moderated": "新闻发布被审核" "News posts are moderated": "新闻发布被审核",
"Filter": "过滤",
"Filter out words": "过滤掉单词",
"Unfilter": "取消过滤",
"Unfilter words": "未过滤字词"
} }

View File

@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ def htmlTimeline(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
else: else:
tlStr += ' <input type="text" ' + \ tlStr += ' <input type="text" ' + \
'name="moderationAction" value="" autofocus><br>\n' 'name="moderationAction" value="" autofocus><br>\n'
tlStr += \ tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Information about current blocks/suspensions'] + \ translate['Information about current blocks/suspensions'] + \
@ -453,6 +454,7 @@ def htmlTimeline(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
translate['Remove the above item'] + \ translate['Remove the above item'] + \
'" name="submitRemove" value="' + \ '" name="submitRemove" value="' + \
translate['Remove'] + '">\n' translate['Remove'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \ tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Suspend the above account nickname'] + \ translate['Suspend the above account nickname'] + \
@ -462,6 +464,7 @@ def htmlTimeline(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
translate['Remove a suspension for an account nickname'] + \ translate['Remove a suspension for an account nickname'] + \
'" name="submitUnsuspend" value="' + \ '" name="submitUnsuspend" value="' + \
translate['Unsuspend'] + '">\n' translate['Unsuspend'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \ tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Block an account on another instance'] + \ translate['Block an account on another instance'] + \
@ -470,6 +473,16 @@ def htmlTimeline(cssCache: {}, defaultTimeline: str,
' <input type="submit" title="' + \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Unblock an account on another instance'] + \ translate['Unblock an account on another instance'] + \
'" name="submitUnblock" value="' + translate['Unblock'] + '">\n' '" name="submitUnblock" value="' + translate['Unblock'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Filter out words'] + \
'" name="submitFilter" value="' + translate['Filter'] + '">\n'
tlStr += \
' <input type="submit" title="' + \
translate['Unfilter words'] + \
'" name="submitUnfilter" value="' + translate['Unfilter'] + '">\n'
tlStr += '</div>\n</form>\n' tlStr += '</div>\n</form>\n'
logTimelineTiming(enableTimingLog, timelineStartTime, boxName, '6') logTimelineTiming(enableTimingLog, timelineStartTime, boxName, '6')