Revert "Calendar header scope"

This reverts commit 31f04a3ebe.
Bob Mottram 2022-05-25 17:55:48 +01:00
parent 31f04a3ebe
commit ba8364e12d
1 changed files with 7 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -131,15 +131,13 @@ def _html_calendar_day(person_cache: {}, css_cache: {}, translate: {},
calendar_str += '<main><table class="calendar">\n'
calendar_str += '<caption class="calendar__banner--month">\n'
calendar_str += \
' <h1><a href="' + cal_actor + '/calendar?year=' + str(year) + \
'?month=' + str(month_number) + \
'" class="imageAnchor" tabindex="1" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuCalendar'] + '">\n'
' <a href="' + cal_actor + '/calendar?year=' + str(year) + \
'?month=' + str(month_number) + '">\n'
datetime_str = str(year) + '-' + str(month_number) + '-' + str(day_number)
calendar_str += \
' <time datetime="' + datetime_str + '">' + \
' <h1><time datetime="' + datetime_str + '">' + \
str(day_number) + ' ' + month_name + \
'</time></a></h1><br><span class="year">' + str(year) + '</span>\n'
'</time></h1></a><br><span class="year">' + str(year) + '</span>\n'
calendar_str += '</caption>\n'
calendar_str += '<tbody>\n'
@ -440,14 +438,14 @@ def html_calendar(person_cache: {}, css_cache: {}, translate: {},
'" title="' + translate['Previous month'] + '" src="/icons' + \
'/prev.png" class="buttonprev"/></a>\n'
calendar_str += \
' <h1><a href="' + cal_actor + '/' + default_timeline + '" title="'
' <a href="' + cal_actor + '/' + default_timeline + '" title="'
calendar_str += translate['Switch to timeline view'] + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + access_keys['menuTimeline'] + \
'" tabindex="1" class="imageAnchor">'
calendar_str += \
' <time datetime="' + \
' <h1><time datetime="' + \
str(year) + '-' + str(month_number) + '">' + month_name + \
calendar_str += \
' <a href="' + cal_actor + '/calendar?year=' + str(next_year) + \
'?month=' + str(next_month_number) + '" ' + \