Indicate minimum password length

Bob Mottram 2021-07-29 12:41:39 +01:00
parent 2e4832fc52
commit a7f32dcfd5
18 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "كنية",
"Enter Nickname": "أدخل كنية",
"Password": "كلمه السر",
"Enter Password": "أدخل كلمة المرور",
"Enter Password": "الحد الأدنى 8 أحرف",
"Profile for": "الملف الشخصي ل",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "يجب ألا يتجاوز حجم الملفات المرفقة أدناه 10 ميغابايت في المجموع.",
"Avatar image": "الصورة الرمزية",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Sobrenom",
"Enter Nickname": "Introduïu el sobrenom",
"Password": "Contrasenya",
"Enter Password": "Introduir la contrasenya",
"Enter Password": "Mínim 8 caràcters",
"Profile for": "Perfil de",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Els fitxers adjunts a continuació no han de ser superior a 10 MB en total carregats alhora.",
"Avatar image": "Imatge de Avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Llysenw",
"Enter Nickname": "Rhowch Llysenw",
"Password": "Cyfrinair",
"Enter Password": "Rhowch Gyfrinair",
"Enter Password": "O leiaf 8 cymeriad",
"Profile for": "Proffil ar gyfer",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Ni ddylai'r ffeiliau sydd ynghlwm isod fod yn fwy na 10MB wedi'u llwytho i fyny ar unwaith.",
"Avatar image": "Delwedd Avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Benutzername",
"Enter Nickname": "Benutzername eingeben",
"Password": "Passwort",
"Enter Password": "Passwort eingeben",
"Enter Password": "Mindestens 8 Zeichen",
"Profile for": "Profil für",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Die unten angehängten Dateien sollten gemeinsam pro Upload nicht größer als 10 MB sein.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar-Bild",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Nickname",
"Enter Nickname": "Enter Nickname",
"Password": "Password",
"Enter Password": "Enter Password",
"Enter Password": "Minimum 8 characters",
"Profile for": "Profile for",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar image",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Apodo",
"Enter Nickname": "Ingrese el apodo",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Enter Password": "Introducir la contraseña",
"Enter Password": "Mínimo 8 caracteres",
"Profile for": "Perfil para",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Los archivos adjuntos a continuación no deben tener más de 10 MB en total cargados a la vez.",
"Avatar image": "Imagen de avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Pseudo",
"Enter Nickname": "Entrez le pseudo",
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Enter Password": "Entrer le mot de passe",
"Enter Password": "Minimum 8 caractères",
"Profile for": "Profil pour",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Les fichiers joints ci-dessous ne doivent pas dépasser 10 Mo au total, téléchargés en même temps.",
"Avatar image": "Image d'avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Leasainm",
"Enter Nickname": "Cuir isteach an Leasainm",
"Password": "Pasfhocal",
"Enter Password": "Cuir isteach an Pasfhocal",
"Enter Password": "Íosmhéid 8 gcarachtar",
"Profile for": "Próifíl do",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Níor chóir go mbeadh uaslódáil níos mó ná 10MB ar na comhaid atá ceangailte thíos.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar image",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "उपनाम",
"Enter Nickname": "उपनाम दर्ज करें",
"Password": "पारण शब्द",
"Enter Password": "पास वर्ड दर्ज करें",
"Enter Password": "न्यूनतम 8 वर्ण",
"Profile for": "के लिए प्रोफाइल",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "नीचे दी गई फाइलें कुल मिलाकर 10MB से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए जो एक बार में अपलोड की गई हों।",
"Avatar image": "अवतार छवि",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Soprannome",
"Enter Nickname": "Inserisci il soprannome",
"Password": "Parola d'ordine",
"Enter Password": "Inserire la password",
"Enter Password": "Minimo 8 caratteri",
"Profile for": "Profilo per",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "I file allegati di seguito non devono superare i 10 MB in totale caricati contemporaneamente.",
"Avatar image": "Immagine avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "ニックネーム",
"Enter Nickname": "ニックネームを入力",
"Password": "パスワード",
"Enter Password": "パスワードを入力する",
"Enter Password": "最小8文字",
"Profile for": "のプロフィール",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "以下に添付するファイルは、一度にアップロードされる合計で最大10MBである必要があります。",
"Avatar image": "アバター画像",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Nasnav",
"Enter Nickname": "Navnîşan bikin",
"Password": "Şîfre",
"Enter Password": "Şifreyê têke",
"Enter Password": "Kêmtirîn 8 tîpan",
"Profile for": "Profîl ji bo",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Pelên ku li jêr hatine vegirtin divê bi tevahî di yek carekî de barkirî ji 10 MB mezintir nebin.",
"Avatar image": "Wêneyê Avatar",

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"Background image": "Imatge de fons",
"Avatar image": "Imatge davatar",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Los fichièrs junts çai-jos pòdon pas èsser mai gròsses que 10 Mo al total, enviat dun còp.",
"Enter Password": "Picatz lo senhal",
"Enter Password": "Minimum 8 characters",
"Password": "Senhal",
"Nickname": "Escais-nom",
"About this Instance": "A prepaus daquesta instància",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Apelido",
"Enter Nickname": "Digite o apelido",
"Password": "Senha",
"Enter Password": "Digite a senha",
"Enter Password": "Mínimo de 8 caracteres",
"Profile for": "Perfil para",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Os arquivos anexados abaixo não devem ter mais de 10 MB no total de upload de uma só vez.",
"Avatar image": "Imagem do avatar",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "кличка",
"Enter Nickname": "Введите ник",
"Password": "пароль",
"Enter Password": "Введите пароль",
"Enter Password": "Минимум 8 символов",
"Profile for": "Профиль для",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Прилагаемые ниже файлы должны быть не более 10 МБ в общей сложности загружены за один раз.",
"Avatar image": "Аватар изображения",

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Nickname": "Jina la utani",
"Enter Nickname": "Ingiza jina la utani",
"Password": "Nenosiri",
"Enter Password": "Ingiza nenosiri",
"Enter Password": "Kima cha chini cha wahusika 8",
"Profile for": "Profaili kwa",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "Faili zilizounganishwa hapa chini haipaswi kuwa kubwa kuliko 10MB kwa jumla iliyopakiwa mara moja.",
"Avatar image": "Avatar picha",

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"Nickname": "昵称",
"Enter Nickname": "输入昵称",
"Password": "密码",
"Enter Password": "输入密码",
"Enter Password": "至少8个字符",
"Profile for": "的个人资料",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "一次上传的文件总数不得超过10MB。",
"Avatar image": "头像图片",

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def htmlLogin(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
translate['Password'] + '</b></label>\n' + \
' <input type="password" ' + autocompleteStr + \
' placeholder="' + translate['Enter Password'] + \
'" name="password" required>\n' + \
' azAZ09" name="password" required>\n' + \
loginButtonStr + registerButtonStr + '\n' + \
' </div>\n' + \
'</form>\n' + \