Less indentation

Bob Mottram 2024-05-07 10:20:10 +01:00
parent 6a9aea9a3c
commit a215fe2e6a
1 changed files with 16 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -126,21 +126,22 @@ def blocked_user_agent(calling_domain: str, agent_str: str,
if agent_str:
# is this a web crawler? If so then block it by default
# unless this is a news instance or if it is in the allowed list
bot_strings = ('bot/', 'bot-', '/bot', '_bot', 'bot_', 'bot;', ' bot ',
'/robot', 'gptbot', '-ai/', ' ai/', '-ai ',
' ai ', 'spider/', 'spider.ht', '/spider.', '-spider',
'externalhit/', 'chatgpt', 'google', 'anthropic',
'facebook', 'slurp', 'crawler', 'crawling', ' crawl ',
'gigablast', 'archive.org', 'httrack',
'spider-', ' spider ', 'findlink', 'ips-agent',
'woriobot', 'mlbot', 'webbot', 'webcrawl',
'voilabot', 'rank/', 'ezooms', 'heritrix', 'indeedbot',
'woobot', 'infobot', 'viewbot', 'swimgbot', 'eright',
'apercite', 'bot (', 'summify', 'ccbot', 'linkfind',
'linkanalyze', 'analyzer', 'wotbox', 'ichiro',
'drupact', 'searchengine', 'coccoc',
'explorer/', 'explorer;', 'crystalsemantics',
'scraper/', ' scraper ', ' scrape ', 'scraping')
bot_strings = (
'bot/', 'bot-', '/bot', '_bot', 'bot_', 'bot;', ' bot ',
'/robot', 'gptbot', '-ai/', ' ai/', '-ai ',
' ai ', 'spider/', 'spider.ht', '/spider.', '-spider',
'externalhit/', 'chatgpt', 'google', 'anthropic',
'facebook', 'slurp', 'crawler', 'crawling', ' crawl ',
'gigablast', 'archive.org', 'httrack',
'spider-', ' spider ', 'findlink', 'ips-agent',
'woriobot', 'mlbot', 'webbot', 'webcrawl',
'voilabot', 'rank/', 'ezooms', 'heritrix', 'indeedbot',
'woobot', 'infobot', 'viewbot', 'swimgbot', 'eright',
'apercite', 'bot (', 'summify', 'ccbot', 'linkfind',
'linkanalyze', 'analyzer', 'wotbox', 'ichiro',
'drupact', 'searchengine', 'coccoc',
'explorer/', 'explorer;', 'crystalsemantics',
'scraper/', ' scraper ', ' scrape ', 'scraping')
contains_bot_string = False
for bot_str in bot_strings:
if bot_str in agent_str_lower: