Reaction icon links react or unreact

Bob Mottram 2021-11-10 21:55:56 +00:00
parent 5a06cf762a
commit 862403054a
1 changed files with 10 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -521,8 +521,13 @@ def htmlEmojiReactions(postJsonObject: {}, interactive: bool,
if not postJsonObject['object']['reactions'].get('items'):
return ''
reactions = {}
reactedToByThisActor = []
for item in postJsonObject['object']['reactions']['items']:
emojiContent = item['content']
emojiActor = item['actor']
if emojiActor == actor:
if emojiContent not in reactedToByThisActor:
if not reactions.get(emojiContent):
if len(reactions.items()) < maxReactionTypes:
reactions[emojiContent] = 1
@ -531,9 +536,13 @@ def htmlEmojiReactions(postJsonObject: {}, interactive: bool,
if len(reactions.items()) == 0:
return ''
reactBy = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['object']['id'])
baseUrl = actor + '?react=' + reactBy + '?emojreact='
htmlStr = '<div class="emojiReactionBar">\n'
for emojiContent, count in reactions.items():
if emojiContent not in reactedToByThisActor:
baseUrl = actor + '?react=' + reactBy + '?emojreact='
baseUrl = actor + '?unreact=' + reactBy + '?emojreact='
htmlStr += ' <div class="emojiReactionButton">\n'
if count < 100:
countStr = str(count)