Removing actors from follow request file

Bob Mottram 2021-03-12 10:44:37 +00:00
parent a0b714cf33
commit 79faa91534
1 changed files with 20 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def _removeFromFollowBase(baseDir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
acceptOrDenyHandle: str, followFile: str,
debug: bool) -> None:
"""Removes a handle from follow requests or rejects file
"""Removes a handle/actor from follow requests or rejects file
handle = nickname + '@' + domain
accountsDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle
@ -94,8 +94,26 @@ def _removeFromFollowBase(baseDir: str,
print('WARN: Approve follow requests file ' +
approveFollowsFilename + ' not found')
acceptDenyActor = None
if acceptOrDenyHandle not in open(approveFollowsFilename).read():
# is this stored in the file as an actor rather than a handle?
acceptDenyNickname = acceptOrDenyHandle.split('@')[0]
acceptDenyDomain = acceptOrDenyHandle.split('@')[1]
# for each possible users path construct an actor and
# check if it exists in teh file
usersPaths = ('users', 'profile', 'channel', 'accounts', 'u')
actorFound = False
for usersName in usersPaths:
acceptDenyActor = \
'://' + acceptDenyDomain + '/' + \
usersName + '/' + acceptDenyNickname
if acceptDenyActor in open(approveFollowsFilename).read():
# actor found, so use it in the subsequent removal
approveHandle = acceptDenyActor
actorFound = True
if not actorFound:
approvefilenew = open(approveFollowsFilename + '.new', 'w+')
with open(approveFollowsFilename, 'r') as approvefile:
for approveHandle in approvefile: