sfdp settings

Bob Mottram 2020-12-23 13:41:54 +00:00
parent 72b07306f9
commit 76a634b9dd
1 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -2865,10 +2865,12 @@ def testFunctions():
callGraphStr += ' subgraph cluster_' + modName + ' {\n'
callGraphStr += ' label = "' + modName + '";\n'
callGraphStr += ' node [style=filled];\n'
callGraphStr += ' '
moduleFunctionsStr = ''
for name in modProperties['functions']:
callGraphStr += '"' + name + '" '
callGraphStr += ';\n'
if name not in excludeFuncs:
moduleFunctionsStr += '"' + name + '" '
if moduleFunctionsStr:
callGraphStr += ' ' + moduleFunctionsStr + ';\n'
callGraphStr += ' color=blue;\n'
callGraphStr += ' }\n\n'
@ -2876,14 +2878,16 @@ def testFunctions():
if not properties['calls']:
for calledFunc in properties['calls']:
callGraphStr += ' "' + name + '" -> "' + calledFunc + '";\n'
if calledFunc not in excludeFuncs:
callGraphStr += ' "' + name + '" -> "' + calledFunc + '";\n'
callGraphStr += '\n}\n'
with open('epicyon.dot', 'w+') as fp:
print('Call graph saved to epicyon.dot')
print('Convert to image with: ' +
'sfdp -x -Goverlap=scale -Tx11 epicyon.dot')
'sfdp -x -Goverlap=prism -Goverlap_scaling=8 ' +
'-Gsep=+120 -Tx11 epicyon.dot')
def runAllTests():