
Bob Mottram 2019-12-02 09:59:23 +00:00
parent 8265538c55
commit 56c90452b5
13 changed files with 39 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "الشهر الماضى",
"Next month": "الشهر القادم",
"Get the source code": "الحصول على شفرة المصدر",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "هذا هو مثيل الوسائط",
"Mute this post": "كتم هذا المنصب",
"Undo mute": "التراجع عن كتم الصوت"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Mes anterior",
"Next month": "El mes que ve",
"Get the source code": "Obteniu el codi font",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Es tracta duna instància de mitjans de comunicació",
"Mute this post": "Silencia aquesta publicació",
"Undo mute": "Desfés silenci"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Y mis blaenorol",
"Next month": "Mis nesaf",
"Get the source code": "Sicrhewch y cod ffynhonnell",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Mae hyn yn enghraifft cyfryngau",
"Mute this post": "Treiglo'r swydd hon",
"Undo mute": "Dadwneud yn fud"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Vorheriger Monat",
"Next month": "Nächsten Monat",
"Get the source code": "Holen Sie sich den Quellcode",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Dies ist eine Medieninstanz",
"Mute this post": "Diesen Beitrag stumm schalten",
"Undo mute": "Stummschaltung aufheben"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Mes anterior",
"Next month": "Próximo mes",
"Get the source code": "Obtén el código fuente",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Esta es una instancia de medios",
"Mute this post": "Silenciar esta publicación",
"Undo mute": "Deshacer silencio"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Le mois précédent",
"Next month": "Le mois prochain",
"Get the source code": "Obtenir le code source",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Ceci est une instance de média",
"Mute this post": "Mute ce post",
"Undo mute": "Annuler muet"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "An mhí roimhe seo",
"Next month": "An mhí seo chugainn",
"Get the source code": "Faigh an cód foinse",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Is cás na meán é seo",
"Mute this post": "Cuir an post seo i leataobh",
"Undo mute": "Cealaigh toit"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "पिछ्ला महिना",
"Next month": "अगले महीने",
"Get the source code": "स्रोत कोड प्राप्त करें",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "यह एक मीडिया उदाहरण है",
"Mute this post": "इस पोस्ट को म्यूट करें",
"Undo mute": "पूर्ववत करें"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Il mese scorso",
"Next month": "Il prossimo mese",
"Get the source code": "Ottieni il codice sorgente",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Questa è un'istanza multimediale",
"Mute this post": "Disattiva questo post",
"Undo mute": "Annulla muto"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "前月",
"Next month": "来月",
"Get the source code": "ソースコードを入手する",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "これはメディアインスタンスです",
"Mute this post": "この投稿をミュート",
"Undo mute": "ミュートを元に戻す"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Mês anterior",
"Next month": "Próximo mês",
"Get the source code": "Obter o código fonte",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Esta é uma instância de mídia",
"Mute this post": "Ignorar esta postagem",
"Undo mute": "Desfazer mudo"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "Предыдущий месяц",
"Next month": "В следующем месяце",
"Get the source code": "Получить исходный код",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "Это экземпляр СМИ",
"Mute this post": "Отключить этот пост",
"Undo mute": "Отменить отключение звука"

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"Previous month": "前一个月",
"Next month": "下个月",
"Get the source code": "获取源代码",
"This is a media instance": "This is a media instance",
"Mute this post": "Mute this post",
"Undo mute": "Undo mute"
"This is a media instance": "这是一个媒体实例",
"Mute this post": "将此帖子静音",
"Undo mute": "撤消静音"