Don't link to person options for the news account

Bob Mottram 2020-10-13 10:27:05 +01:00
parent 4f76103e92
commit 4e183894f8
1 changed files with 33 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -4433,14 +4433,21 @@ def individualPostAsHtml(allowDownloads: bool,
if showAvatarOptions and \
fullDomain + '/users/' + nickname not in postActor:
avatarLink = \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="/users/' + \
nickname + '?options=' + postActor + \
';' + str(pageNumber) + ';' + avatarUrl + messageIdStr + '">\n'
avatarLink += \
' <img loading="lazy" title="' + \
translate['Show options for this person'] + \
'" src="' + avatarUrl + '" ' + avatarPosition + '/></a>\n'
if '/users/news/' not in avatarUrl:
avatarLink = \
' <a class="imageAnchor" href="/users/' + \
nickname + '?options=' + postActor + \
';' + str(pageNumber) + ';' + avatarUrl + messageIdStr + '">\n'
avatarLink += \
' <img loading="lazy" title="' + \
translate['Show options for this person'] + \
'" src="' + avatarUrl + '" ' + avatarPosition + '/></a>\n'
# don't link to the person options for the news account
avatarLink += \
' <img loading="lazy" title="' + \
translate['Show options for this person'] + \
'" src="' + avatarUrl + '" ' + avatarPosition + '/>\n'
avatarImageInPost = \
' <div class="timeline-avatar">' + avatarLink.strip() + '</div>\n'
@ -4929,20 +4936,24 @@ def individualPostAsHtml(allowDownloads: bool,
if announceAvatarUrl:
idx = 'Show options for this person'
replyAvatarImageInPost = \
' ' \
'<div class="timeline-avatar-reply">\n' \
' <a class="imageAnchor" ' + \
'href="/users/' + nickname + \
'?options=' + \
announceActor + ';' + str(pageNumber) + \
';' + announceAvatarUrl + \
messageIdStr + '">' \
'<img loading="lazy" src="' + \
announceAvatarUrl + '" ' \
'title="' + translate[idx] + \
'" alt=" "' + avatarPosition + \
'/></a>\n </div>\n'
if '/users/news/' not in announceAvatarUrl:
replyAvatarImageInPost = \
' ' \
'<div class=' + \
'"timeline-avatar-reply">\n' \
' ' + \
'<a class="imageAnchor" ' + \
'href="/users/' + nickname + \
'?options=' + \
announceActor + ';' + \
str(pageNumber) + \
';' + announceAvatarUrl + \
messageIdStr + '">' \
'<img loading="lazy" src="' + \
announceAvatarUrl + '" ' \
'title="' + translate[idx] + \
'" alt=" "' + avatarPosition + \
'/></a>\n </div>\n'
titleStr += \
' <img loading="lazy" title="' + \