mirror of https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon
Back symbol
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "وقف الحظر",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "أدخل اسم رمز تعبيري للبحث عنه",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "أدخل عنوانًا أو عنصرًا مشتركًا أو! history أو #hashtag أو * مهارة أو: emoji: للبحث عنه",
"Go Back": "عد",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "معلومات الاعتدال",
"Suspended accounts": "الحسابات المعلقه",
"These are currently suspended": "هذه معلقة حاليا",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Deixeu de bloquejar",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Introduïu un nom emoji per cercar",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Introduïu una adreça, un element compartit, un historial!, #Hashtag, * skill o: emoji: per cercar",
"Go Back": "Torna",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Informació de moderació",
"Suspended accounts": "Comptes suspesos",
"These are currently suspended": "Actualment estan suspeses",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Stopiwch rwystro",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Rhowch enw emoji i chwilio amdano",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Rhowch gyfeiriad, eitem a rennir ,! Hanes, #hashtag, * sgil neu: emoji: i chwilio amdano",
"Go Back": "Go Back",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Gwybodaeth Cymedroli",
"Suspended accounts": "Cyfrifon gohiriedig",
"These are currently suspended": "Mae'r rhain wedi'u hatal ar hyn o bryd",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Sperre aufheben",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Geben Sie einen Emojinamen ein, nach dem gesucht werden soll",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Geben Sie eine Adresse, ein freigegebenes Element ,! History, #hashtag, * Skill oder: emoji: ein, nach der gesucht werden soll",
"Go Back": "Zurück",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Moderationsinformationen",
"Suspended accounts": "Temporäre gesperrte Benutzer",
"These are currently suspended": "Diese sind temporär gesperrt",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Stop blocking",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Enter an emoji name to search for",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for",
"Go Back": "⬅",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Moderation Information",
"Suspended accounts": "Suspended accounts",
"These are currently suspended": "These are currently suspended",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Dejar de bloquear",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Ingrese un nombre de emoji para buscar",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Ingrese una dirección, elemento compartido,! Historial, #hashtag, * skill o: emoji: para buscar",
"Go Back": "Regresa",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Información de moderación",
"Suspended accounts": "Cuentas suspendidas",
"These are currently suspended": "Actualmente están suspendidos",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Arrêtez le blocage",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Entrez un nom emoji à rechercher",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Entrez une adresse, un élément partagé,! History, #hashtag, * skill ou: emoji: pour rechercher",
"Go Back": "Retourner",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Informations de modération",
"Suspended accounts": "Comptes suspendus",
"These are currently suspended": "Ceux-ci sont actuellement suspendus",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Stop blocáil",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Cuir isteach ainm emoji chun cuardach a dhéanamh",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Iontráil seoladh, mír roinnte ,! Stair, #hashtag, * scil nó: emoji: chun cuardach a dhéanamh",
"Go Back": "Dul ar ais",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Faisnéis Modhnóireachta",
"Suspended accounts": "Cuntais ar fionraí",
"These are currently suspended": "Tá siad seo ar fionraí faoi láthair",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "रोकना बंद करो",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "खोजने के लिए एक इमोजी नाम दर्ज करें",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "एक पता, साझा किया गया आइटम दर्ज करें; इतिहास, # अंश, * कौशल या: इमोजी: खोजने के लिए",
"Go Back": "वापस जाओ",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "मॉडरेशन जानकारी",
"Suspended accounts": "निलंबित खाते",
"These are currently suspended": "ये फिलहाल निलंबित हैं",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Smetti di bloccare",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Inserisci un nome emoji da cercare",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Inserisci un indirizzo, un oggetto condiviso,! Storia, #hashtag, * abilità o: emoji: per cercare",
"Go Back": "Torna indietro",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Informazioni sulla moderazione",
"Suspended accounts": "Conti sospesi",
"These are currently suspended": "Questi sono attualmente sospesi",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "ブロックを停止",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "検索する絵文字名を入力してください",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "検索するアドレス、共有アイテム、!history、#ハッシュタグ、* skillまたは:emoji:を入力してください",
"Go Back": "戻る",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "モデレーション情報",
"Suspended accounts": "一時停止されたアカウント",
"These are currently suspended": "これらは現在一時停止中です",
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"About this Instance": "A prepaus d’aquesta instància",
"Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.": "Tot blocatge o suspension realizada pels moderators son mostrats aquí.",
"These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance": "Aquí son los blocatges generals per totes los comptes d’aquesta instància",
"Go Back": "Tornar",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Stop blocking": "Quitar de blocar",
"View": "Veire",
"Options for": "Opcions per",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Pare de bloquear",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Digite um nome emoji para procurar",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Digite um endereço, item compartilhado,! History, #hashtag, * skill ou: emoji: para procurar",
"Go Back": "Volte",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Informações sobre moderação",
"Suspended accounts": "Contas suspensas",
"These are currently suspended": "Estes estão atualmente suspensos",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"Stop blocking": "Прекратить блокировку",
"Enter an emoji name to search for": "Введите имя смайлика для поиска",
"Enter an address, shared item, !history, #hashtag, *skill or :emoji: to search for": "Введите адрес, общий элемент,! History, #hashtag, * skill или: emoji: для поиска",
"Go Back": "Вернитесь назад",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Moderation Information": "Модерация Информация",
"Suspended accounts": "Приостановленные аккаунты",
"These are currently suspended": "В настоящее время они приостановлены",
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.": "一次上传的文件总数不得超过10MB。",
"Avatar image": "头像图片",
"Background image": "背景图",
"Go Back": "◀",
"Timeline banner image": "时间线横幅图片",
"Approve follower requests": "批准关注者请求",
"This is a bot account": "这是一个机器人帐户",
Reference in New Issue