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Missing translation
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "فئة العنصر المطلوب. على سبيل المثال ملابس",
"City or location of the wanted item": "مدينة أو موقع العنصر المطلوب",
"Maximum Price": "السعر الأقصى",
"Create a new wanted item": "قم بإنشاء عنصر مطلوب جديد"
"Create a new wanted item": "قم بإنشاء عنصر مطلوب جديد",
"Wanted Items Search": "البحث عن العناصر المطلوبة"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Categoria de l'article desitjat. per exemple. roba",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Ciutat o ubicació de l’article desitjat",
"Maximum Price": "Preu màxim",
"Create a new wanted item": "Creeu un element desitjat"
"Create a new wanted item": "Creeu un element desitjat",
"Wanted Items Search": "Cerca d'articles desitjats"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Categori yr eitem sydd ei eisiau. ee. dillad",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Dinas neu leoliad yr eitem sydd ei eisiau",
"Maximum Price": "Uchafswm Pris",
"Create a new wanted item": "Creu eitem newydd ei heisiau"
"Create a new wanted item": "Creu eitem newydd ei heisiau",
"Wanted Items Search": "Chwilio Eitemau Eisiau"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Kategorie des gesuchten Artikels. z.B. Kleidung",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Stadt oder Ort des gesuchten Artikels",
"Maximum Price": "Höchstpreis",
"Create a new wanted item": "Erstelle einen neuen gesuchten Artikel"
"Create a new wanted item": "Erstelle einen neuen gesuchten Artikel",
"Wanted Items Search": "Gesuchte Artikel suchen"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Category of wanted item. eg. clothes",
"City or location of the wanted item": "City or location of the wanted item",
"Maximum Price": "Maximum Price",
"Create a new wanted item": "Create a new wanted item"
"Create a new wanted item": "Create a new wanted item",
"Wanted Items Search": "Wanted Items Search"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Categoría de artículo buscado. p.ej. ropa",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Ciudad o ubicación del artículo buscado",
"Maximum Price": "Precio Máximo",
"Create a new wanted item": "Crea un nuevo artículo buscado"
"Create a new wanted item": "Crea un nuevo artículo buscado",
"Wanted Items Search": "Búsqueda de artículos deseados"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Catégorie de l'article recherché. par exemple. vêtements",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Ville ou lieu de l'article recherché",
"Maximum Price": "Prix maximum",
"Create a new wanted item": "Créer un nouvel article recherché"
"Create a new wanted item": "Créer un nouvel article recherché",
"Wanted Items Search": "Recherche d'objets recherchés"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Catagóir an earra a theastaigh. m.sh. éadaí",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Cathair nó suíomh an earra a theastaigh",
"Maximum Price": "Uasphraghas",
"Create a new wanted item": "Cruthaigh mír nua a theastaigh"
"Create a new wanted item": "Cruthaigh mír nua a theastaigh",
"Wanted Items Search": "Cuardaigh Míreanna Teastaíonn"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "वांछित वस्तु की श्रेणी। उदाहरण के लिए कपड़े",
"City or location of the wanted item": "वांछित वस्तु का शहर या स्थान",
"Maximum Price": "अधिकतम मूल्य",
"Create a new wanted item": "एक नई वांछित वस्तु बनाएँ"
"Create a new wanted item": "एक नई वांछित वस्तु बनाएँ",
"Wanted Items Search": "वांटेड आइटम सर्च"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Categoria dell'oggetto ricercato. per esempio. Abiti",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Città o posizione dell'articolo desiderato",
"Maximum Price": "Prezzo massimo",
"Create a new wanted item": "Crea un nuovo oggetto ricercato"
"Create a new wanted item": "Crea un nuovo oggetto ricercato",
"Wanted Items Search": "Ricerca articoli ricercati"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "欲しいアイテムのカテゴリー。 例えば。 服",
"City or location of the wanted item": "欲しいアイテムの都市または場所",
"Maximum Price": "最高価格",
"Create a new wanted item": "新しい欲しいアイテムを作成する"
"Create a new wanted item": "新しい欲しいアイテムを作成する",
"Wanted Items Search": "欲しいアイテム検索"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Kategoriya tiştê xwestî. mînak. cilan",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Bajar an cîhê tiştê xwestî",
"Maximum Price": "Maximum Price",
"Create a new wanted item": "Tiştek xwestî ya nû biafirînin"
"Create a new wanted item": "Tiştek xwestî ya nû biafirînin",
"Wanted Items Search": "Wanted Items Search"
@ -467,5 +467,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Category of wanted item. eg. clothes",
"City or location of the wanted item": "City or location of the wanted item",
"Maximum Price": "Maximum Price",
"Create a new wanted item": "Create a new wanted item"
"Create a new wanted item": "Create a new wanted item",
"Wanted Items Search": "Wanted Items Search"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Categoria do item desejado. por exemplo. roupas",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Cidade ou localização do item desejado",
"Maximum Price": "Preço Máximo",
"Create a new wanted item": "Crie um novo item desejado"
"Create a new wanted item": "Crie um novo item desejado",
"Wanted Items Search": "Pesquisa de Itens Desejados"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Категория разыскиваемого предмета. например. одежда",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Город или местонахождение разыскиваемого предмета",
"Maximum Price": "Максимальная цена",
"Create a new wanted item": "Создать новый требуемый предмет"
"Create a new wanted item": "Создать новый требуемый предмет",
"Wanted Items Search": "Поиск требуемых предметов"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "Jamii ya bidhaa inayotafutwa. km. nguo",
"City or location of the wanted item": "Jiji au eneo la kitu kinachotafutwa",
"Maximum Price": "Bei ya juu",
"Create a new wanted item": "Unda kipengee kipya kinachotafutwa"
"Create a new wanted item": "Unda kipengee kipya kinachotafutwa",
"Wanted Items Search": "Utafutaji wa Vitu vinavyotafutwa"
@ -471,5 +471,6 @@
"Category of wanted item. eg. clothes": "通缉物品类别。 例如。 衣服",
"City or location of the wanted item": "通缉物品的城市或位置",
"Maximum Price": "最高价格",
"Create a new wanted item": "创建一个新的通缉物品"
"Create a new wanted item": "创建一个新的通缉物品",
"Wanted Items Search": "通缉物品搜索"
Reference in New Issue