Wanted items timeline welcome text

Bob Mottram 2024-12-21 11:09:32 +00:00
parent bebbb696e7
commit 16d4ac54ea
20 changed files with 80 additions and 80 deletions

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Artículos buscados
Por lo general, se trata de objetos físicos o servicios locales que le gustaría tener.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Por ejemplo, es posible que desee una herramienta de jardinería o un instrumento musical en particular, o ayuda para hacer algo.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Para evitar el spam, los elementos deseados no están federados a través de ActivityPub y son locales para los miembros en la misma instancia.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### موارد مورد نظر
اینها معمولاً اشیاء فیزیکی یا خدمات محلی هستند که شما دوست دارید داشته باشید.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
به عنوان مثال، ممکن است یک ابزار باغبانی یا آلات موسیقی خاص یا کمک برای انجام کاری بخواهید.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
برای جلوگیری از هرزنامه، موارد مورد نظر از طریق ActivityPub فدرال نمی‌شوند و برای اعضای همان نمونه محلی هستند.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Haluttuja kohteita
Nämä ovat tyypillisesti fyysisiä esineitä tai paikallisia palveluita, joita haluat saada.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Saatat esimerkiksi tarvita tietyn puutarhatyökalun tai musiikki-instrumentin tai apua jonkin tekemisessä.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Roskapostin välttämiseksi haluttuja kohteita ei liitetä ActivityPubin kautta, ja ne ovat paikallisia saman esiintymän jäsenille.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Articles recherchés
Il sagit généralement dobjets physiques ou de services locaux que vous aimeriez avoir.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Par exemple, vous pourriez avoir besoin dun outil de jardinage particulier, dun instrument de musique ou daide pour faire quelque chose.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Pour éviter le spam, les éléments recherchés ne sont pas fédérés via ActivityPub et sont locaux pour les membres de la même instance.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Míreanna ag teastáil
Is gnách gur rudaí fisiceacha nó seirbhísí áitiúla iad seo ar mhaith leat a bheith acu.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Mar shampla, bfhéidir gur mhaith leat uirlis garraíodóireachta ar leith nó uirlis ceoil nó cabhair le rud éigin a dhéanamh.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Chun turscar a sheachaint, ní dhéantar earraí atá uait a chónascadh trí ActivityPub agus tá siad áitiúil do bhaill ar an ásc céanna.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### פריטים מבוקשים
אלו בדרך כלל חפצים פיזיים או שירותים מקומיים שהיית רוצה לקבל.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
לדוגמה, ייתכן שתרצה כלי גינון מסוים או כלי נגינה או עזרה בעשיית משהו.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
כדי למנוע דואר זבל, פריטים מבוקשים אינם מאוגדים באמצעות ActivityPub והם מקומיים לחברים באותו מופע.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### वांछित वस्तुएँ
ये आमतौर पर भौतिक वस्तुएं या स्थानीय सेवाएं होती हैं जिन्हें आप चाहते हैं।
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
उदाहरण के लिए, हो सकता है कि आपको कोई विशेष बागवानी उपकरण या संगीत वाद्य यंत्र चाहिए हो या किसी काम में मदद चाहिए हो।
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
स्पैम से बचने के लिए, वांछित आइटमों को एक्टिविटीपब के माध्यम से संघीकृत नहीं किया जाता है, तथा वे उसी इंस्टैंस पर सदस्यों के लिए स्थानीय होते हैं।

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Oggetti ricercati
Di solito si tratta di oggetti fisici o servizi locali di cui vorresti disporre.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Ad esempio, potresti aver bisogno di un particolare attrezzo da giardinaggio o di uno strumento musicale, oppure di aiuto per fare qualcosa.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Per evitare lo spam, gli elementi desiderati non vengono federati tramite ActivityPub e sono locali per i membri della stessa istanza.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### 欲しい物
これらは通常、あなたが利用したい物理的なオブジェクトまたはローカル サービスです。
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
スパムを避けるため、必要なアイテムは ActivityPub 経由で統合されず、同じインスタンスのメンバーに対してローカルになります。

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### 원하는 항목
이는 일반적으로 여러분이 원하는 물리적 사물이나 지역 서비스입니다.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
예를 들어, 특정한 정원 가꾸기 도구나 악기가 필요하거나, 어떤 일을 하는 데 도움이 필요할 수도 있습니다.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
스팸을 피하기 위해 원하는 항목은 ActivityPub를 통해 연합되지 않으며 동일한 인스턴스의 멤버에게만 로컬로 저장됩니다.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Tiştên xwestin
Vana bi gelemperî tiştên laşî an karûbarên herêmî ne ku hûn dixwazin hebin.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Mînakî, dibe ku hûn amûrek taybetî ya baxçevaniyê an amûrek muzîkê bixwazin an jî di kirina tiştek de alîkariyê bikin.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Ji bo ku ji spam dûr nekevin, tiştên ku têne xwestin bi navgîniya ActivityPub ve nayên federekirin û ji endamên heman nimûneyê re herêmî ne.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Gezochte artikelen
Meestal zijn dit fysieke objecten of lokale diensten die u graag zou willen hebben.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
U wilt bijvoorbeeld een bepaald tuingereedschap, een muziekinstrument of hulp bij iets anders.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Om spam te voorkomen, worden gewenste items niet via ActivityPub gefedereerd en zijn ze lokaal voor leden op dezelfde instantie.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Poszukiwane przedmioty
Zazwyczaj są to obiekty fizyczne lub usługi lokalne, które chciałbyś mieć.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Na przykład możesz potrzebować konkretnego narzędzia ogrodniczego, instrumentu muzycznego lub pomocy w jakiejś czynności.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Aby uniknąć spamu, pożądane przedmioty nie są grupowane za pośrednictwem ActivityPub i są dostępne lokalnie dla członków tej samej instancji.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Itens procurados
Normalmente são objetos físicos ou serviços locais que gostaria de ter.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Por exemplo, pode querer uma ferramenta de jardinagem ou um instrumento musical específico ou ajuda para fazer alguma coisa.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Para evitar spam, os itens desejados não são federados através do ActivityPub e são locais para os membros na mesma instância.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Требуемые предметы
Обычно это физические объекты или местные услуги, которыми вы хотели бы пользоваться.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Например, вам может понадобиться определенный садовый инструмент или музыкальный инструмент или помощь в каком-либо деле.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Во избежание спама требуемые элементы не объединяются через ActivityPub и являются локальными для участников одного и того же экземпляра.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Vitu vinavyotakiwa
Hivi kwa kawaida ni vitu halisi au huduma za ndani ambazo ungependa kuwa nazo.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Kwa mfano, unaweza kutaka zana fulani ya bustani au ala ya muziki au usaidizi wa kufanya jambo fulani.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Ili kuepuka barua taka, vitu vinavyohitajika havishirikishwi kupitia ActivityPub na vinapatikana kwa wanachama kwa wakati mmoja.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### İstenilen ürünler
Bunlar genellikle sahip olmak isteyeceğiniz fiziksel nesneler veya yerel hizmetlerdir.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Örneğin, belirli bir bahçe aleti, müzik aleti veya bir konuda yardım isteyebilirsiniz.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Spam'ı önlemek için, istenen öğeler ActivityPub üzerinden birleştirilmez ve aynı örnekteki üyelere yereldir.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### Розшукувані предмети
Зазвичай це фізичні об’єкти або місцеві послуги, які ви хотіли б мати.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
Наприклад, вам може знадобитися певний садовий інструмент чи музичний інструмент або допомога в чомусь.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
Щоб уникнути спаму, потрібні елементи не об’єднуються через ActivityPub і є локальними для учасників того самого екземпляра.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### געוואלט זאכן
דאָס זענען טיפּיקלי גשמיות אַבדזשעקץ אָדער היגע באַדינונגס וואָס איר וואָלט ווי צו האָבן.
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
פֿאַר בייַשפּיל, איר קען וועלן אַ באַזונדער גאָרטנצוכט געצייַג אָדער מוזיקאַליש קיילע אָדער הילף מיט טאן עפּעס.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
צו ויסמיידן ספּאַם, געוואלט זאכן זענען נישט פעדערייטיד דורך ActivityPub און זענען היגע פֿאַר מיטגלידער אין דער זעלביקער בייַשפּיל.

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### Wanted items
These are typically physical objects or local services that you would like to have.
### 求购物品
For example, you may want a particular gardening tool or musical instrument or help with doing something.
To avoid spam, wanted items are not federated via ActivityPub and are local to members on the same instance.
为了避免垃圾邮件,所需物品不会通过 ActivityPub 联合,并且对于同一实例上的成员而言是本地的。