Bob Mottram 2020-06-11 12:56:08 +01:00
parent 353f87f1aa
commit 136949752f
1 changed files with 47 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def addMusicTag(content: str, tag: str) -> str:
tag = '#'+tag
if tag in content:
return content
musicSites = ['', '']
musicSites = ('', '')
musicSiteFound = False
for site in musicSites:
if site+'/' in content:
@ -129,11 +129,18 @@ def addWebLinks(content: str) -> str:
if ':' not in content:
return content
if not ('https://' in content or 'http://' in content or
'i2p://' in content or 'gnunet://' in content or
'gemini://' in content or 'gopher://' in content or
'hyper://' in content or 'dat://' in content or
'briar:' in content):
prefixes = ('https://', 'http://', 'dat://', 'i2p://', 'gnunet://',
'hyper://', 'gemini://', 'gopher://', 'briar:')
# do any of these prefixes exist within the content?
prefixFound = False
for prefix in prefixes:
if prefix in content:
prefixFound = True
# if there are no prefixes then just keep the content we have
if not prefixFound:
return content
maxLinkLength = 40
@ -143,56 +150,43 @@ def addWebLinks(content: str) -> str:
for w in words:
if ':' not in w:
if w.startswith('https://') or \
w.startswith('http://') or \
w.startswith('i2p://') or \
w.startswith('briar:') or \
w.startswith('gnunet://') or \
w.startswith('gemini://') or \
w.startswith('gopher://') or \
w.startswith('hyper://') or \
if w.endswith('.') or w.endswith(';'):
w = w[:-1]
markup = '<a href="' + w + \
'" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">'
if w.startswith('https://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">https://</span>'
elif w.startswith('http://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">http://</span>'
elif w.startswith('i2p://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">i2p://</span>'
elif w.startswith('gnunet://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">gnunet://</span>'
elif w.startswith('dat://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">dat://</span>'
elif w.startswith('hyper://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">hyper://</span>'
elif w.startswith('gemini://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">gemini://</span>'
elif w.startswith('gopher://'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">gopher://</span>'
elif w.startswith('briar:'):
markup += '<span class="invisible">briar:</span>'
linkText = w.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('dat://', '').replace('i2p://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('gnunet://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('hyper://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('gemini://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('gopher://', '')
linkText = linkText.replace('briar:', '')
# prevent links from becoming too long
if len(linkText) > maxLinkLength:
markup += '<span class="ellipsis">' + \
linkText[:maxLinkLength] + '</span>'
markup += '<span class="invisible">' + \
linkText[maxLinkLength:] + '</span></a>'
markup += '<span class="ellipsis">' + linkText + '</span></a>'
replaceDict[w] = markup
# does the word begin with a prefix?
prefixFound = False
for prefix in prefixes:
if w.startswith(prefix):
prefixFound = True
if not prefixFound:
# the word contains a prefix
if w.endswith('.') or w.endswith(';'):
w = w[:-1]
markup = '<a href="' + w + \
'" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">'
for prefix in prefixes:
if w.startswith(prefix):
markup += '<span class="invisible">' + prefix + '</span>'
linkText = w
for prefix in prefixes:
linkText = linkText.replace(prefix, '')
# prevent links from becoming too long
if len(linkText) > maxLinkLength:
markup += '<span class="ellipsis">' + \
linkText[:maxLinkLength] + '</span>'
markup += '<span class="invisible">' + \
linkText[maxLinkLength:] + '</span></a>'
markup += '<span class="ellipsis">' + linkText + '</span></a>'
replaceDict[w] = markup
# do the replacements
for url, markup in replaceDict.items():
content = content.replace(url, markup)
# replace any line breaks
content = content.replace(' --linebreak-- ', '<br>')
return content