
434 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
__filename__ = "webapp_person_options.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
2021-01-26 10:07:42 +00:00
__version__ = "1.2.0"
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
2021-09-10 16:14:50 +00:00
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
__status__ = "Production"
2021-06-15 15:08:12 +00:00
__module_group__ = "Web Interface"
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
import os
from shutil import copyfile
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
from petnames import get_pet_name
from person import is_person_snoozed
2021-12-28 19:33:29 +00:00
from posts import is_moderator
2021-12-26 12:45:03 +00:00
from utils import get_full_domain
2021-12-26 14:08:58 +00:00
from utils import get_config_param
2021-12-26 12:54:51 +00:00
from utils import is_dormant
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
from utils import remove_html
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
from utils import get_domain_from_actor
2021-12-27 22:19:18 +00:00
from utils import get_nickname_from_actor
2021-12-26 12:07:40 +00:00
from utils import is_featured_writer
2021-12-26 12:02:29 +00:00
from utils import acct_dir
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
from blocking import is_blocked
from follow import is_follower_of_person
2021-12-28 20:32:11 +00:00
from follow import is_following_actor
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
from followingCalendar import receiving_calendar_events
from notifyOnPost import notify_when_person_posts
from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style
from webapp_utils import html_footer
from webapp_utils import get_broken_link_substitute
from webapp_utils import html_keyboard_navigation
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
def html_person_options(defaultTimeline: str,
css_cache: {}, translate: {}, base_dir: str,
domain: str, domain_full: str,
originPathStr: str,
optionsActor: str,
optionsProfileUrl: str,
optionsLink: str,
pageNumber: int,
donateUrl: str,
webAddress: str,
xmppAddress: str,
matrixAddress: str,
ssbAddress: str,
blogAddress: str,
toxAddress: str,
briarAddress: str,
jamiAddress: str,
cwtchAddress: str,
EnigmaPubKey: str,
PGPpubKey: str,
PGPfingerprint: str,
emailAddress: str,
dormant_months: int,
backToPath: str,
lockedAccount: bool,
movedTo: str,
alsoKnownAs: [],
text_mode_banner: str,
news_instance: bool,
authorized: bool,
accessKeys: {},
isGroup: bool) -> str:
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
"""Show options for a person: view/follow/block/report
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
optionsDomain, optionsPort = get_domain_from_actor(optionsActor)
2021-12-26 12:45:03 +00:00
optionsDomainFull = get_full_domain(optionsDomain, optionsPort)
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-12-25 16:17:53 +00:00
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/options-background-custom.jpg'):
if not os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg'):
copyfile(base_dir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg',
base_dir + '/accounts/options-background.jpg')
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
dormant = False
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
followStr = 'Follow'
if isGroup:
followStr = 'Join'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
blockStr = 'Block'
nickname = None
optionsNickname = None
followsYou = False
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if originPathStr.startswith('/users/'):
nickname = originPathStr.split('/users/')[1]
if '/' in nickname:
nickname = nickname.split('/')[0]
if '?' in nickname:
nickname = nickname.split('?')[0]
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
followerDomain, followerPort = get_domain_from_actor(optionsActor)
2021-12-28 20:32:11 +00:00
if is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
followStr = 'Unfollow'
if isGroup:
followStr = 'Leave'
dormant = \
2021-12-26 12:54:51 +00:00
is_dormant(base_dir, nickname, domain, optionsActor,
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-12-27 22:19:18 +00:00
optionsNickname = get_nickname_from_actor(optionsActor)
2021-12-26 12:45:03 +00:00
optionsDomainFull = get_full_domain(optionsDomain, optionsPort)
followsYou = \
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
nickname, domain,
optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull)
if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain,
optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull):
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
blockStr = 'Block'
optionsLinkStr = ''
if optionsLink:
optionsLinkStr = \
' <input type="hidden" name="postUrl" value="' + \
optionsLink + '">\n'
2021-12-25 16:17:53 +00:00
cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-options.css'
if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/options.css'):
cssFilename = base_dir + '/options.css'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
# To snooze, or not to snooze? That is the question
snoozeButtonStr = 'Snooze'
if nickname:
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
if is_person_snoozed(base_dir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
snoozeButtonStr = 'Unsnooze'
donateStr = ''
if donateUrl:
donateStr = \
' <a href="' + donateUrl + \
2021-02-12 19:30:22 +00:00
' tabindex="-1""><button class="button" name="submitDonate">' + \
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
translate['Donate'] + '</button></a>\n'
2021-01-11 19:46:21 +00:00
instanceTitle = \
2021-12-26 14:08:58 +00:00
get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle')
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
optionsStr = \
html_header_with_external_style(cssFilename, instanceTitle, None)
optionsStr += html_keyboard_navigation(text_mode_banner, {}, {})
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
optionsStr += '<br><br>\n'
optionsStr += '<div class="options">\n'
optionsStr += ' <div class="optionsAvatar">\n'
optionsStr += ' <center>\n'
optionsStr += ' <a href="' + optionsActor + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <img loading="lazy" src="' + optionsProfileUrl + \
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
'" alt="" ' + get_broken_link_substitute() + '/></a>\n'
2021-12-27 22:19:18 +00:00
handle = get_nickname_from_actor(optionsActor) + '@' + optionsDomain
handleShown = handle
if lockedAccount:
handleShown += '🔒'
2021-01-12 11:08:54 +00:00
if movedTo:
handleShown += ''
if dormant:
2020-12-13 13:43:09 +00:00
handleShown += ' 💤'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
optionsStr += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + translate['Options for'] + \
' @' + handleShown + '</p>\n'
if followsYou:
optionsStr += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + translate['Follows you'] + '</p>\n'
2021-01-12 11:08:54 +00:00
if movedTo:
2021-12-27 22:19:18 +00:00
newNickname = get_nickname_from_actor(movedTo)
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
newDomain, newPort = get_domain_from_actor(movedTo)
2021-01-12 11:08:54 +00:00
if newNickname and newDomain:
newHandle = newNickname + '@' + newDomain
optionsStr += \
' <p class="optionsText">' + \
translate['New account'] + \
': <a href="' + movedTo + '">@' + newHandle + '</a></p>\n'
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
elif alsoKnownAs:
otherAccountsHtml = \
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
' <p class="optionsText">' + \
translate['Other accounts'] + ': '
ctr = 0
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
if isinstance(alsoKnownAs, list):
for altActor in alsoKnownAs:
if altActor == optionsActor:
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
if ctr > 0:
otherAccountsHtml += ' '
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
ctr += 1
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
altDomain, altPort = get_domain_from_actor(altActor)
otherAccountsHtml += \
2021-01-22 20:35:14 +00:00
'<a href="' + altActor + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
elif isinstance(alsoKnownAs, str):
if alsoKnownAs != optionsActor:
ctr += 1
2021-12-27 19:05:25 +00:00
altDomain, altPort = get_domain_from_actor(alsoKnownAs)
otherAccountsHtml += \
'<a href="' + alsoKnownAs + '">' + altDomain + '</a>'
otherAccountsHtml += '</p>\n'
if ctr > 0:
optionsStr += otherAccountsHtml
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if emailAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['Email'] + \
': <a href="mailto:' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
emailAddress + '">' + remove_html(emailAddress) + '</a></p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if xmppAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['XMPP'] + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
': <a href="xmpp:' + remove_html(xmppAddress) + '">' + \
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
xmppAddress + '</a></p>\n'
if matrixAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + translate['Matrix'] + ': ' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(matrixAddress) + '</p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if ssbAddress:
optionsStr += \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
'<p class="imText">SSB: ' + remove_html(ssbAddress) + '</p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if blogAddress:
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">Blog: <a href="' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(blogAddress) + '">' + \
remove_html(blogAddress) + '</a></p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if toxAddress:
optionsStr += \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
'<p class="imText">Tox: ' + remove_html(toxAddress) + '</p>\n'
2020-12-24 16:48:03 +00:00
if briarAddress:
2020-12-24 17:11:18 +00:00
if briarAddress.startswith('briar://'):
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(briarAddress) + '</p>\n'
2020-12-24 17:11:18 +00:00
optionsStr += \
'<p class="imText">briar://' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(briarAddress) + '</p>\n'
2020-11-29 12:50:41 +00:00
if jamiAddress:
optionsStr += \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
'<p class="imText">Jami: ' + remove_html(jamiAddress) + '</p>\n'
2021-06-27 11:48:03 +00:00
if cwtchAddress:
optionsStr += \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
'<p class="imText">Cwtch: ' + remove_html(cwtchAddress) + '</p>\n'
2021-12-11 10:53:38 +00:00
if EnigmaPubKey:
optionsStr += \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
'<p class="imText">Enigma: ' + remove_html(EnigmaPubKey) + '</p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if PGPfingerprint:
optionsStr += '<p class="pgp">PGP: ' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(PGPfingerprint).replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
if PGPpubKey:
optionsStr += '<p class="pgp">' + \
2021-12-27 15:43:22 +00:00
remove_html(PGPpubKey).replace('\n', '<br>') + '</p>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
optionsStr += ' <form method="POST" action="' + \
originPathStr + '/personoptions">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="pageNumber" value="' + \
str(pageNumber) + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="actor" value="' + \
optionsActor + '">\n'
optionsStr += ' <input type="hidden" name="avatarUrl" value="' + \
optionsProfileUrl + '">\n'
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
if authorized:
if originPathStr == '/users/' + nickname:
if optionsNickname:
2021-06-30 13:01:51 +00:00
# handle = optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomainFull
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
petname = get_pet_name(base_dir, nickname, domain, handle)
optionsStr += \
' ' + translate['Petname'] + ': \n' + \
' <input type="text" name="optionpetname" value="' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
petname + '" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['enterPetname'] + '">\n' \
' <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPetname">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
# Notify when a post arrives from this person
2021-12-28 20:32:11 +00:00
if is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="notifyOnPost" checked> 🔔' + \
translate['Notify me when this account posts'] + \
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitNotifyOnPost">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
if not notify_when_person_posts(base_dir, nickname, domain,
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="onCalendar" checked> ' + \
translate['Receive calendar events from this account'] + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitOnCalendar">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
if not receiving_calendar_events(base_dir, nickname, domain,
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
# checkbox for permission to post to newswire
newswirePostsPermitted = False
2021-12-26 10:00:46 +00:00
if optionsDomainFull == domain_full:
2021-12-26 14:08:58 +00:00
adminNickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
if (nickname == adminNickname or
2021-12-28 19:33:29 +00:00
(is_moderator(base_dir, nickname) and
not is_moderator(base_dir, optionsNickname))):
newswireBlockedFilename = \
2021-12-25 16:17:53 +00:00
base_dir + '/accounts/' + \
optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomain + '/.nonewswire'
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="postsToNews" checked> ' + \
translate['Allow news posts'] + \
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPostToNews">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
if os.path.isfile(newswireBlockedFilename):
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
newswirePostsPermitted = True
optionsStr += checkboxStr
2021-02-13 11:37:02 +00:00
# whether blogs created by this account are moderated on
# the newswire
if newswirePostsPermitted:
moderatedFilename = \
2021-12-25 16:17:53 +00:00
base_dir + '/accounts/' + \
optionsNickname + '@' + \
optionsDomain + '/.newswiremoderated'
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="modNewsPosts" checked> ' + \
translate['News posts are moderated'] + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitModNewsPosts">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
if not os.path.isfile(moderatedFilename):
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
# checkbox for permission to post to featured articles
2021-12-26 10:00:46 +00:00
if news_instance and optionsDomainFull == domain_full:
2021-12-26 14:08:58 +00:00
adminNickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
if (nickname == adminNickname or
2021-12-28 19:33:29 +00:00
(is_moderator(base_dir, nickname) and
not is_moderator(base_dir, optionsNickname))):
checkboxStr = \
' <input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" ' + \
'name="postsToFeatures" checked> ' + \
translate['Featured writer'] + \
'\n <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPostToFeatures">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
2021-12-26 12:07:40 +00:00
if not is_featured_writer(base_dir, optionsNickname,
checkboxStr = checkboxStr.replace(' checked>', '>')
optionsStr += checkboxStr
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
optionsStr += optionsLinkStr
2020-11-10 20:40:19 +00:00
backPath = '/'
if nickname:
2020-11-10 20:44:38 +00:00
backPath = '/users/' + nickname + '/' + defaultTimeline
2020-12-20 13:54:54 +00:00
if 'moderation' in backToPath:
backPath = '/users/' + nickname + '/moderation'
2021-02-23 17:59:56 +00:00
if authorized and originPathStr == '/users/' + nickname:
optionsStr += \
' <a href="' + backPath + '"><button type="button" ' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
'class="buttonIcon" name="submitBack" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['menuTimeline'] + '">' + \
translate['Go Back'] + '</button></a>\n'
optionsStr += \
' <a href="' + originPathStr + '"><button type="button" ' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
'class="buttonIcon" name="submitBack" accesskey="' + \
accessKeys['menuTimeline'] + '">' + translate['Go Back'] + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
if authorized:
optionsStr += \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
'name="submitView" accesskey="' + \
accessKeys['viewButton'] + '">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
translate['View'] + '</button>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
optionsStr += donateStr
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
if authorized:
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
followStr + '" accesskey="' + accessKeys['followButton'] + '">' + \
translate[followStr] + '</button>\n'
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
blockStr + '" accesskey="' + accessKeys['blockButton'] + '">' + \
translate[blockStr] + '</button>\n'
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
optionsStr += \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitDM" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['menuDM'] + '">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
translate['DM'] + '</button>\n'
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
snoozeButtonStr + '" accesskey="' + \
accessKeys['snoozeButton'] + '">' + translate[snoozeButtonStr] + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
2020-12-16 18:04:32 +00:00
optionsStr += \
2020-12-16 18:24:04 +00:00
' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
'name="submitReport" accesskey="' + \
accessKeys['reportButton'] + '">' + \
translate['Report'] + '</button>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-12-28 19:33:29 +00:00
if is_moderator(base_dir, nickname):
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" ' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
'name="submitPersonInfo" accesskey="' + \
accessKeys['infoButton'] + '">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
translate['Info'] + '</button>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
personNotes = ''
2021-02-23 17:45:53 +00:00
if originPathStr == '/users/' + nickname:
2021-02-23 17:35:26 +00:00
personNotesFilename = \
2021-12-26 12:02:29 +00:00
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + \
2021-02-23 17:35:26 +00:00
'/notes/' + handle + '.txt'
if os.path.isfile(personNotesFilename):
with open(personNotesFilename, 'r') as fp:
personNotes = fp.read()
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
optionsStr += \
' <br><br>' + translate['Notes'] + ': \n'
optionsStr += ' <button type="submit" class="buttonsmall" ' + \
'name="submitPersonNotes">' + \
translate['Submit'] + '</button><br>\n'
optionsStr += \
' <textarea id="message" ' + \
2021-04-23 12:04:42 +00:00
'name="optionnotes" style="height:400px" spellcheck="true" ' + \
'accesskey="' + accessKeys['enterNotes'] + '">' + \
2021-02-23 17:29:22 +00:00
personNotes + '</textarea>\n'
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
2021-07-06 10:00:19 +00:00
optionsStr += \
' </form>\n' + \
'</center>\n' + \
'</div>\n' + \
2021-12-29 21:55:09 +00:00
optionsStr += html_footer()
2020-11-09 22:44:03 +00:00
return optionsStr