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# Editorial Collective
[need more description/clarity here?]
- [PGA](PGA) hallmarks is mission statement
- [#4opens](4-Opens) tech statement for tools
# The Principles of Unity
1. The Independent Media Center Network (IMCN) is based upon principles of equality, decentralization and local autonomy. The IMCN is not derived from a centralized bureaucratic process, but from the self-organization of autonomous collectives that recognize the importance in developing a union of networks.
2. All IMC's consider open exchange of and open access to information a prerequisite to the building of a more free and just society.
3. [All IMC's respect the right of activists who choose not to be photographed or filmed.]
4. All IMC's, based upon the trust of their contributors and readers, shall utilize open web based publishing, allowing individuals, groups and organizations to express their views, anonymously if desired. **see appendix: Open Publishing document --> still in proposal phase, at this address:
5. The IMC Network and all local IMC collectives shall be not-for-profit.
6. All IMC's recognize the importance of process to social change and are committed to the development of non-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian relationships, from interpersonal relationships to group dynamics. Therefore, shall organize themselves collectively and be committed to the principle of consensus decision making and the development of a direct, participatory democratic process] that is transparent to its membership.
7. [All IMC's recognize that a prerequisite for participation in the decision making process of each local group is the contribution of an individual's labor to the group.]
8. All IMC's are committed to caring for one another and our respective communities both collectively and as individuals and will promote the sharing of resources including knowledge, skills and equipment.
9. All IMC's shall be committed to the use of free source code, whenever possible, in order to develop the digital infrastructure, and to increase the independence of the network by not relying on proprietary software.
10. All IMC's shall be committed to the principle of human equality, and shall not discriminate, including discrimination based upon race, gender, age, class or sexual orientation. Recognizing the vast cultural traditions within the network, we are committed to building [diversity] within our localities.
From -
- [Peoples Global Action](PGA)(PGA) hallmarks as a mission statement
- [#4opens](4-Opens) as as tech statement for tools
- [Principles of Unity](Principles-of-Unity) as a "code of conduct" for IMC's
Reference in New Issue