2 Theme
OMN edited this page 2018-03-10 17:33:19 +00:00


Modify Themes/tempates Oscar

Default search language UK English

Could turn on auto complete? This slows down? maybe a privacy issue?

Change the default search engines

Web Take out Google (its failing) Add duckduckgo

The rest need looking at, what are we missing. Are the new plug-ins on github, would be nice to have a mastodon one as the new version has search.

Plug-ins Maybe turn on “Avoid pay walls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications when available” needs testing

Look and feel

light and basic - a copy of https://www.google.co.uk would be fine.

  • Turn the bar at the top light Gray

  • The cauldron image needs to be smaller

  • This needs adding at some point. As the is the default landing page for all the openworlds projects

https://campaign.openworlds.info mastodon https://activism.openworlds.info mastodon http://omn.openworlds.info news linking https://openworlds.info search http://visionon.tv video (coming back soon as peertube instance)

sites that might need rebooting http://fund.openworlds.info http://streetreporter.org http://springofcode.org

We need to think of some way of linking these

Maybe the image that Google uses on search the 9 dot icon in the top bar with a pop over window listing icons/the projects.

We can reuse this on all the projects.