284 lines
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284 lines
8.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set foldmarker={,}:
use strict;
use Tweetodon::DB;
use Tweetodon::Account;
use Tweetodon::Identity;
use Tweetodon::Website;
package Tweetodon::Website::JSON;
@Tweetodon::Website::JSON::ISA = qw(Website);
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
sub requires_authentication {
return 1;
sub fill_content {
return 1;
sub prerender {
my $self = shift;
$self->{"template"} = "error";
$self->{"content_type"} = "json";
$self->{"params"}->{"currentmode"} = "JSON";
my $submode = $main::FORM{r};
sub SaveSettings {
my $self = shift;
$self->{"template"} = "Settings_Save";
foreach my $k (keys %{$main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}}, "password"){
next if $k eq "login";
if (exists($main::FORM{$k})){
$main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{$k} = $main::FORM{$k};
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->save()){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = $DBI::errstr;
} else {
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "Saved successfully";
sub identity_accounts {
my $self = shift;
if ((!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")) && ($main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{"id"} != $main::FORM{"id"})){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "accounts";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my @accounts;
my $i = Tweetodon::Identity->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $a ($i->accounts()){
my %account;
foreach my $k (keys %{$a->{"data"}}){
$account{$k} = $a->{"data"}->{$k};
push @accounts, \%account;
$self->{"params"}->{"accounts"} = \@accounts;
sub applications_all {
my $self = shift;
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("superuser")){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "applications_all";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my @applications;
foreach my $a (Tweetodon::Application->all()){
my %application;
foreach my $k (keys %{$a->{"data"}}){
$application{$k} = $a->{"data"}->{$k};
$application{"b64_configuration"} = encode_base64($a->{"data"}->{"configuration"}, "");
push @applications, \%application;
$self->{"params"}->{"applications"} = \@applications;
sub application_by_id {
my $self = shift;
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("superuser")){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "application";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $a = Tweetodon::Application->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $k (keys %{$a->{"data"}}){
$self->{"params"}->{$k} = $a->{"data"}->{$k};
$self->{"params"}->{"b64_configuration"} = encode_base64($a->{"data"}->{"configuration"}, "");
$self->{"params"}->{"options"} = encode_json($a->get_handler()->configuration_options());
sub application_save {
my $self = shift;
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("superuser")){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "error";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $a;
if ($main::FORM{"id"} eq "new"){
# my %data;
# $data{"login"} = $main::FORM{"login"};
# $u = Tweetodon::Application->create(%data);
} else {
$a = Tweetodon::Application->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $k (keys %{$a->{"data"}}){
if (exists($main::FORM{$k}) && "x".$main::FORM{$k} ne "x"){
$a->{"data"}->{$k} = $main::FORM{$k};
sub application_import_accounts {
my $self = shift;
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("superuser")){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "application_import_accounts";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $a = Tweetodon::Application->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
my @accounts;
foreach my $acc ($a->get_handler()->import_accounts_from_application()){
my %account;
$account{"username"} = $$acc{"username"};
$account{"disabled"} = $$acc{"disabled"};
push @accounts, \%account;
$self->{"params"}->{"accounts"} = \@accounts;
sub users_all {
my $self = shift;
if (!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "users_all";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my @users;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $u (Tweetodon::User->all()){
my %user;
foreach my $k (keys %{$u->{"data"}}){
next if $k eq "password";
$user{$k} = $u->{"data"}->{$k};
push @users, \%user;
$self->{"params"}->{"users"} = \@users;
$self->{"params"}->{"count"} = $count;
sub user_by_id {
my $self = shift;
if ((!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")) && ($main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{"id"} != $main::FORM{"id"})){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "user";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $u = Tweetodon::User->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $k (keys %{$u->{"data"}}){
next if $k eq "password";
$self->{"params"}->{$k} = $u->{"data"}->{$k};
sub user_save {
my $self = shift;
if ((!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")) && ($main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{"id"} != $main::FORM{"id"})){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "error";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $u;
if ($main::FORM{"id"} eq "new"){
my %data;
$data{"login"} = $main::FORM{"login"};
$u = Tweetodon::User->create(%data);
} else {
$u = Tweetodon::User->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
delete $main::FORM{"id"};
foreach my $k (keys %{$u->{"data"}}){
if (exists($main::FORM{$k}) && "x".$main::FORM{$k} ne "x"){
$u->{"data"}->{$k} = $main::FORM{$k};
sub user_identities {
my $self = shift;
if ((!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")) && ($main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{"id"} != $main::FORM{"id"})){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "identities";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my @identities;
my $u = Tweetodon::User->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $id ($u->identities()){
my %identity;
foreach my $k (keys %{$id->{"data"}}){
$identity{$k} = $id->{"data"}->{$k};
push @identities, \%identity;
$self->{"params"}->{"identities"} = \@identities;
sub identities_save {
my $self = shift;
if ((!$main::CURRENTUSER->has_privilege("useradmin")) && ($main::CURRENTUSER->{"data"}->{"id"} != $main::FORM{"id"})){
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "Error";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "You are not allowed to perform this operation.";
return 1;
$self->{"template"} = "error";
$self->{"params"}->{"status"} = "OK";
$self->{"params"}->{"msg"} = "";
my $user = Tweetodon::User->get_by("id", $main::FORM{"id"});
foreach my $id ($user->identities()){
if (exists($main::FORM{$id->{"data"}->{"id"}})){
$id->{"data"}->{"description"} = $main::FORM{$id->{"data"}->{"id"}};
if (exists($main::FORM{"new"})){
my %data;
$data{user_id} = $user->{"data"}->{"id"};
$data{description} = $main::FORM{"new"};