#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I. use strict; use Data::Dumper; use HTML::Template; use URI::Escape; use JSON; use Tweetodon::User; our %FORM; our $CURRENTUSER; our $config = ""; open CONFIG, "tweetodon.conf.json" or die "Cannot open tweetodon.conf.json"; { $/ = undef; $config = ; } close CONFIG; $config = decode_json($config); sub Error {{{ my $errorheadline = shift; my $errormessage = shift; $errormessage .= "\nStack Trace:\n"; my $i=0; while ((my @call_details = (caller($i++))) ){ $errormessage .= $call_details[1].":".$call_details[2]." in function ".$call_details[3]."\n"; } my $output; if ($FORM{"mode"} eq "JSON"){ $output = HTML::Template->new(filename => "error.json", path => "static/templates", die_on_bad_params=>0); print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf8\n\n"; $errormessage =~ s/\n/\\n/g; } else { $output = HTML::Template->new(filename => "Error.html", path => "static/templates", die_on_bad_params=>0); print "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf8\n\n"; } $output->param(status => $errorheadline, msg => $errormessage); print $output->output(); exit(1); }}} sub populateAddToFORM {{{ my $key = shift; my $value = shift; return unless defined($value); $key =~ s/\+/ /g; $key = uri_unescape($key); $key =~ s/\[\]$//; $value =~ s/\+/ /g; $value = uri_unescape($value); if (exists($FORM{$key}) && $key ne "mode"){ if (ref($FORM{$key}) ne 'ARRAY'){ my $x = $FORM{$key}; delete $FORM{$key}; @{$FORM{$key}} = ($x); } push @{$FORM{$key}}, $value; } else { $FORM{$key} = $value; } }}} sub populateGetFields {{{ my $tmpStr = ""; if (defined($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})){ $tmpStr = "".$ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}; } my @parts = split(/\&/, $tmpStr); foreach my $part (@parts) { my ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $part); &populateAddToFORM($key, $value); } }}} sub populatePostFields {{{ return unless (exists($ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"})); my $tmpStr; read(STDIN, $tmpStr, $ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"}); my @parts = split( /\&/, $tmpStr ); foreach my $part (@parts) { my ($key, $value) = split( /\=/, $part ); &populateAddToFORM($key, $value); } }}} sub populateCookieFields {{{ my $tmpStr = ""; if (defined($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})){ $tmpStr = "".$ENV{"HTTP_COOKIE"}; } my @parts = split(/;/, $tmpStr); foreach my $part (@parts) { my ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $part); $key =~ s/^ //; &populateAddToFORM($key, $value); } }}} sub CheckCredentials { $CURRENTUSER = Tweetodon::User->authenticate(); if ($CURRENTUSER){ return 1; } return 0; } $FORM{"mode"} = "Login"; &populateGetFields(); &populatePostFields(); &populateCookieFields(); # Force Unicode output binmode STDERR, ":utf8"; binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; my $object; # TODO: This is a very bad solution but not as bad as an uncontrolled eval... # The @main::modules array holds a list of all permissible values of the $main::FORM{"mode"} variable. # If the value is not in this array, the request is not processed and an error is displayed. my @modules = ("Login", "Logout", "OAuthLogin", "Dashboard", "Callback", "JSON", "EditFeed"); if (! grep {$_ eq $FORM{mode}} @modules) { Error("Validation Error", "$FORM{mode} is not a valid module"); } my $x = "Tweetodon::Website::$FORM{mode}"; eval "use $x; 1" || Error("Parse Error", "Could not include $x: $@"); eval { $object=$x->new(); } || Error("Functional Error", "This function is not implemented yet ('".$FORM{mode}."')."); if ($object->requires_authentication()) { # Mode requires user to be logged in? unless (CheckCredentials()) { $x = "Tweetodon::Website::Login"; eval "use $x; 1" || Error("Parse Error", "Could not include $x: $@"); eval { $object=$x->new(); } || Error("Functional Error", "This function is not implemented yet ('".$FORM{mode}."')."); } } $object->render();