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15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
mj-saunders bd997128e3 Disable verbose and debug for production 2018-06-05 08:30:27 +00:00
mj-saunders 9fd16a6256 Merge remote-tracking branch 'devel-test/develop' into develop 2018-06-05 07:40:37 +00:00
mj-saunders a3a5f8f057 A small tidy up 2018-06-05 07:38:36 +00:00
mj-saunders e9d45023c4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'devel-test/develop' into develop 2018-06-05 07:23:34 +00:00
mj-saunders 7f719b90e7 Merge branch 'toot-digest' into develop 2018-06-04 14:00:45 +00:00
mj-saunders dc39b094d6 Update backend, allow tooting of digests
A bit of a messy solution but should suffice for now.
- Preserves url's from being truncated
- Preserves other format text not directly replaced by a placeholder

Also tweaked some frontend text on Edit Feed page.
2018-06-04 13:27:04 +00:00
mj-saunders 9b84f30547 Update front end to display and edit toot digest settings 2018-05-26 10:31:35 +00:00
mj-saunders 22962f88c5 Prepare db for toot digests 2018-05-21 14:08:33 +00:00
mj-saunders 5b48172342 Merge branch 'develop' into toot-digest 2018-05-05 08:07:54 +00:00
mj-saunders b395930084 Improve some readability 2018-05-05 08:00:10 +00:00
mj-saunders 8c4ea44725 Use a development database, not production 2018-05-05 07:58:24 +00:00
mj-saunders bd07500ce1 Merge branch 'toot-visibility' into develop
Initial update to include hardcoded change.
Cleaner, more complete solution to be merged at later time.
2018-05-01 11:35:50 +00:00
mj-saunders c367a6e39c Initially hardcode 'public' tooting
Also tweaked to allow \n char in feed format string.

Nb. Toots defaulted to 'private' which means only subscribers would see
them. Ultimately this is better, but for purposes such as outreach, is
not so useful.

This feature should be editable per-feed.
The database and front end will need further attention for this.
2018-05-01 10:35:53 +00:00
mj-saunders 0bcad080ac Allow \n char in Feed Format string 2018-03-25 07:48:02 +00:00
mj-saunders c6386e1787 Print some basic info to syslog 2018-03-25 07:39:52 +00:00
7 changed files with 251 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ sub fill_content {
if ($main::FORM{enabledigest} and "x".$main::FORM{enabledigest} eq "x".$feed->{data}->{ID}){
$feed->{data}->{digest_enabled} = 1;
if ($main::FORM{disabledigest} and "x".$main::FORM{disabledigest} eq "x".$feed->{data}->{ID}){
$feed->{data}->{digest_enabled} = 0;
if ($main::FORM{action} and "x".$main::FORM{action} eq "xsavedigest"){
$feed->{data}->{digest_limit} = $main::FORM{digestlimit};
$feed->{data}->{digest_signature} = $main::FORM{digestsig};
my @param_entries;
my @filters = $feed->filters();
my $feeddata = $feed->fetch_entries();
@ -106,6 +120,10 @@ sub fill_content {
$output->param("url", $feed->{data}->{url});
$output->param("feed_id", $feed->{data}->{ID});
$output->param("format", $feed->{data}->{format});
$output->param("digestenabled", $feed->{data}->{digest_enabled});
$output->param("digestlimit", $feed->{data}->{digest_limit});
$output->param("digestsig", $feed->{data}->{digest_signature});
return 1;
sub prerender {

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ use RSSTootalizer::User;
use RSSTootalizer::Entry;
use RSSTootalizer::DB;
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $DEBUG = 0;
our $config = "";
open CONFIG, "rsstootalizer.conf.json" or die "Cannot open rsstootalizer.conf.json";
@ -35,13 +38,24 @@ sub Error {{{
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
if ($VERBOSE) {print STDOUT "Checking for new entries\n";}
my $new_entries = 0;
my $std_length = 500;
my $link_disp_len = 23;
my @feeds = RSSTootalizer::Feed->all();
# For each Feed stored in database
FEED: foreach my $feed (@feeds){
next FEED unless $feed;
next FEED unless $feed->{data}->{enabled};
# If enabled, fetch the RSS xml
my $entries = $feed->fetch_entries();
next FEED unless $entries;
my @posts;
# For each entry in the xml file
ENTRY: foreach my $entry ($entries->items){
# Does the entry already exist in the database?
my @seen_entries = $feed->entry_by("entry_link", $entry->link());
next ENTRY if ((scalar @seen_entries) > 0);
@ -55,54 +69,199 @@ FEED: foreach my $feed (@feeds){
$entry{id} = $entry->id();
$entry{tags} = join(", ", $entry->tags());
my $do_post = 0;
my @filters = $feed->filters();
# White/black-list entry based on filter(s)
foreach my $filter (@filters){
if ($filter->apply($entry)){
if ($filter->{data}->{type} eq "white"){
$do_post = 1;
} else {
$do_post = 0;
push(@posts, {%entry});
if ($do_post){
my $user = $feed->user();
my $status = $feed->{data}->{format};
$status =~ s/{ID}/$entry{id}/g;
if (defined($entry{title})){
$status =~ s/{Title}/$entry{title}/g;
} else {
$status =~ s/{Title}/No Title/g;
$status =~ s/{Link}/$entry{link}/g;
$status =~ s/{Content}/$entry{content}/g;
$status =~ s/{Author}/$entry{author}/g;
$status =~ s/{Issued}/$entry{issued}/g;
$status =~ s/{Modified}/$entry{modified}/g;
$status =~ s/{Tags}/$entry{tags}/g;
if (@posts){
my $user = $feed->user();
my %toot;
$toot{visibility} = 'public';
# Visibility of a toot can be 'direct', 'private', 'unlisted' or 'public'
# 'direct' and 'unlisted' are irrelevant, except perhaps for testing
# 'private' posts only to followers [default]
# 'public' posts to public timelines [ethical issue?]
# [* Should be set per feed in the sql db *]
# [* Hardcoded here temporarily for testing *]
my %data;
if (length($status) > 500){
$status =~ s/^(.{497}).*$/$1.../g;
$data{status} = $status;
$ENV{status} = encode_json({%data});
open(DATA, "./post_status.bash '$user->{data}->{access_token}' '$user->{data}->{instance}' |");
my $reply = "";
local $/ = undef;
$reply = <DATA>;
if ($DEBUG){
$toot{spoiler_text} = 'testing toot bot';
my %ne;
$ne{feed_id} = $feed->{data}->{ID};
$ne{entry_link} = $entry{link};
if ($feed->{data}->{digest_enabled}){
my $digest_count = 1;
my $digest_sig = $feed->{data}->{digest_signature};
my $post_limit = $feed->{data}->{digest_limit};
while (@posts){
my $post_count = scalar(@posts);
if ( $post_count < $post_limit ){
$post_limit = $post_count;
my $snip_length = int( ($std_length - length($digest_sig)) / $post_limit );
my $status;
for (my $j=0; $j<$post_limit; $j++){
my $format = $feed->{data}->{format};
my %post = %{shift @posts};
$status = $status . prep_post(\%post, $format, $snip_length);
$new_entries += 1;
update_db($feed, $post{link});
$status = $status . $digest_sig;
$toot{status} = $status;
send_post(\%toot, $user);
} # while @posts
} else {
# Post standard toot
while (@posts){
my %post = %{shift @posts};
my $format = $feed->{data}->{format};
my $status = prep_post(\%post, $format, $std_length);
$new_entries += 1;
send_post(\%toot, $user);
update_db($feed, $post{link});
} # posts
} # FEED
RSSTootalizer::DB->doUPDATE("UPDATE `users` SET session_id = 'invalid' WHERE TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()) - TIME_TO_SEC(`valid_from`) > 60*60*4;"); # invalidate old sessions
if ($VERBOSE) {
$new_entries ? ($new_entries > 1 ? print "$new_entries new entries\n" : print "$new_entries new entry\n") : print "No new entries\n";
print STDOUT "Done\n";
sub prep_post {
# Get passed parameters
my ($postRef, $status, $snip_length) = @_;
my %post = %{$postRef};
$post{title} = "No Title";
my @placeholders = qw( {ID} {Title} {Link} {Content} {Author} {Issued} {Modified} {Tags} );
# Truncation allowances:
# * ID and Link must be preserved if present as they are url's *
# only requires allocation of 23 chars max, more chars will be ignored
# All other text will be truncated as a whole, but with respect to any static
# characters within 'Format' text
my %status_contains;
#my $raw_content_length = 0;
my $reserved = 0;
my $reserve_count = 0;
foreach (@placeholders){
my $rawpos = index($status, $_);
if ($rawpos != -1){
# Store position of placeholder in status string
# and length of the text that will replace the placeholder
my $content_tag = lc(substr($_,1,-1));
my $content_len = length($post{$content_tag});
$status_contains{$_} = [$rawpos, $content_len, $content_tag];
# Remove the processed placeholder so that stored positions
# are relative to static text within status
$status =~ s/$_//g;
if ($_ eq "{ID}" or $_ eq "{Link}"){
# Reserve space in final post for any url's
$reserved += $content_len > 23 ? 23 : $content_len;
$reserve_count += 1;
}# else {
# Sum the length required by the text that shall
# replace any placeholders
# $raw_content_length += $content_len;
my $trunc_length = $snip_length - $reserved - length($status) - 3; #The 3 is for "..."
my $content_length_sum = 0;
my $pos_shift = 0;
my $reserved_only = 0; #Boolean
HOLDER: foreach my $holder (sort { $status_contains{$a}[0] <=> $status_contains{$b}[0] } keys %status_contains){
my $pos = $status_contains{$holder}[0];
my $content_length = $status_contains{$holder}[1];
my $content_tag = $status_contains{$holder}[2];
# ID and Link, being reserved cases, are not measured
if ($holder ne "{Link}" and $holder ne "{ID}"){
$content_length_sum += $content_length;
# Check if content length is within bounds
if (!$reserved_only){
if ($content_length_sum < $trunc_length){
# Add content text to final status)
substr( $status, ($pos + $pos_shift), 0, $post{$content_tag} );
$pos_shift += $content_length;
} else {
# Remove necessary chars, add three dots
my $overflow = $content_length_sum - $trunc_length;
my $remaining = $content_length - $overflow;
# Truncate latest content piece
$post{$content_tag} = substr($post{$content_tag}, 0, $remaining) . "...";
substr( $status, ($pos + $pos_shift), 0, $post{$content_tag} );
$pos_shift += ($remaining + 3);
# Prevent further unreserved additions
$reserved_only = 1;
} else {
# Add content text to final status
substr( $status, ($pos + $pos_shift), 0, $post{$content_tag} );
$pos_shift += $content_length;
#print STDOUT "$status\n";
return $status;
sub send_post {
# Get passed parameters
my ($tootRef, $user) = @_;
my %toot = %{$tootRef};
$ENV{status} = encode_json({%toot});
# encode_json breaks '\n' chars - turns them into '\\n'
# Fix them
$ENV{status} =~ s/\\\\n/\\n/g;
open(DATA, "./post_status.bash '$user->{data}->{access_token}' '$user->{data}->{instance}' |");
my $reply = "";
local $/ = undef;
$reply = <DATA>;
RSSTootalizer::DB->doUPDATE("UPDATE `users` SET session_id = 'invalid' WHERE TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()) - TIME_TO_SEC(`valid_from`) > 60*60*4;"); # invalidate old sessions
sub update_db {
# Get passed parameteres
my ($feed, $link) = @_;
my %ne;
$ne{feed_id} = $feed->{data}->{ID};
$ne{entry_link} = $link;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
ADD `digest_enabled` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `enabled`,
ADD `digest_limit` tinyint UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 AFTER `digest_enabled`,
ADD `digest_signature` varchar(100) AFTER `digest_limit`;

View File

@ -4,3 +4,8 @@
.red {
background-color: #FF8080;
#diglim {
font-family: Consolas, Lucida Console, monospace;
width: 3em;

View File

@ -67,4 +67,15 @@ function RSSTootalizerOnReady(){
for (i=0; i<filters.length; i++){
appendFilter(filters[i].ID, filters[i].field, filters[i].regex, filters[i].type, filters[i].match);
$("a.enabledigest").on("click", function(){
var btn = $(this);
var l = """id")+"&enabledigest=""id");
$("a.disabledigest").on("click", function(){
var btn = $(this);
var l = """id")+"&disabledigest=""id");

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
<div id="format">
Enter the format for the toot. You can use the placeholders <code>{ID}</code>, <code>{Title}</code>, <code>{Link}</code>, <code>{Content}</code>, <code>{Author}</code>, <code>{Issued}</code>, <code>{Modified}</code> and <code>{Tags}</code> to substitute the respective values. <br />
<i>Anything greater than 500 chars will be truncated. URL's shall be preserved.</i><br />
<input type="text" placeholder="{Title} - {Link} by {Author} -- posted at {Issued} with #RSSTootalizer" maxlength=500 value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="format">" name="format" class="btn-block"><br />
<input type="Submit" value="Save format" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">
@ -70,6 +71,20 @@
<form id="form_digest" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="savedigest">
<h3>Toot Digest</h3>
For highly active feeds you may want to toot multiple posts together rather than separately avoiding a flood.<br />
<i>To avoid repetition of 'Format' for each post within a digest, use the Signature field for information that should appear only once i.e. hashtags.</i><br />
<i>Placeholder text shall be truncated if necessary. URL's shall be preserved. Any other format text will remain.</i><br />
<input type="text" id="diglim" maxlength=2 value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="digestlimit">" name="digestlimit"> posts will be combined into a digest.<br />
<input type="text" placeholder="Signed #RSSTootalizer" maxlength=100 value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="digestsig">" name="digestsig" class="btn-block"><br />
<input type="Submit" value="Save digest" class="btn btn-primary">
<TMPL_IF NAME="digestenabled"><a class="btn btn-danger disabledigest" data-id="<TMPL_VAR NAME="feed_id">" href="#">Disable</a><TMPL_ELSE><a class="btn btn-default enabledigest" data-id="<TMPL_VAR NAME="feed_id">" href="#">Enable</a></TMPL_IF>

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my @migrations = glob ("migrations/*sql");
foreach my $migration (@migrations){
my $sth = RSSTootalizer::DB->doSELECT("SELECT * FROM migrations WHERE name = ?", $migration);
if (scalar(@$sth) == 0){
if ( scalar(@$sth) == 0 ){
print "Running migration $migration\n";
open (M, "<", $migration);
my $sql = "";