__filename__ = "webfinger.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.1.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import base64 try: from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.Util import number except ImportError: from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Util import number import requests import json import os import time from session import getJson from cache import storeWebfingerInCache from cache import getWebfingerFromCache from utils import loadJson from utils import loadJsonOnionify from utils import saveJson def parseHandle(handle: str) -> (str,str): if '.' not in handle: return None, None if '/@' in handle: domain, nickname = \ handle.replace('https://','').replace('http://','').replace('dat://','').replace('i2p://','').split('/@') else: if '/users/' in handle: domain, nickname = \ handle.replace('https://','').replace('http://','').replace('i2p://','').replace('dat://','').split('/users/') else: if '@' in handle: nickname, domain = handle.split('@') else: return None, None return nickname, domain def webfingerHandle(session,handle: str,httpPrefix: str,cachedWebfingers: {}, \ fromDomain: str,projectVersion: str) -> {}: if not session: print('WARN: No session specified for webfingerHandle') return None nickname, domain = parseHandle(handle) if not nickname: return None wfDomain=domain if ':' in wfDomain: #wfPortStr=wfDomain.split(':')[1] #if wfPortStr.isdigit(): # wfPort=int(wfPortStr) #if wfPort==80 or wfPort==443: wfDomain=wfDomain.split(':')[0] wf=getWebfingerFromCache(nickname+'@'+wfDomain,cachedWebfingers) if wf: return wf url = '{}://{}/.well-known/webfinger'.format(httpPrefix,domain) par = {'resource': 'acct:{}'.format(nickname+'@'+wfDomain)} hdr = {'Accept': 'application/jrd+json'} try: result = getJson(session,url,hdr,par,projectVersion,httpPrefix,fromDomain) except Exception as e: print("Unable to webfinger " + url) print('nickname: '+str(nickname)) print('domain: '+str(wfDomain)) print('headers: '+str(hdr)) print('params: '+str(par)) print(e) return None storeWebfingerInCache(nickname+'@'+wfDomain,result,cachedWebfingers) return result def generateMagicKey(publicKeyPem) -> str: """See magic_key method in https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/707ddf7808f90e3ab042d7642d368c2ce8e95e6f/app/models/account.rb """ privkey = RSA.importKey(publicKeyPem) mod = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(number.long_to_bytes(privkey.n)).decode("utf-8") pubexp = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(number.long_to_bytes(privkey.e)).decode("utf-8") return f"data:application/magic-public-key,RSA.{mod}.{pubexp}" def storeWebfingerEndpoint(nickname: str,domain: str,port: int,baseDir: str, \ wfJson: {}) -> bool: """Stores webfinger endpoint for a user to a file """ originalDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: domain=domain+':'+str(port) handle=nickname+'@'+domain wfSubdir='/wfendpoints' if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+wfSubdir): os.mkdir(baseDir+wfSubdir) filename=baseDir+wfSubdir+'/'+handle.lower()+'.json' saveJson(wfJson,filename) if nickname=='inbox': handle=originalDomain+'@'+domain filename=baseDir+wfSubdir+'/'+handle.lower()+'.json' saveJson(wfJson,filename) return True def createWebfingerEndpoint(nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \ httpPrefix: str,publicKeyPem) -> {}: """Creates a webfinger endpoint for a user """ originalDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: domain=domain+':'+str(port) personName=nickname personId=httpPrefix+"://"+domain+"/users/"+personName subjectStr="acct:"+personName+"@"+originalDomain profilePageHref=httpPrefix+"://"+domain+"/@"+nickname if nickname=='inbox' or nickname==originalDomain: personName='actor' personId=httpPrefix+"://"+domain+"/"+personName subjectStr="acct:"+originalDomain+"@"+originalDomain profilePageHref=httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/about/more?instance_actor=true' account = { "aliases": [ httpPrefix+"://"+domain+"/@"+personName, personId ], "links": [ { "href": profilePageHref, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", "type": "text/html" }, { "href": httpPrefix+"://"+domain+"/users/"+nickname+".atom", "rel": "http://schemas.google.com/g/2010#updates-from", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, { "href": personId, "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json" }, { "href": generateMagicKey(publicKeyPem), "rel": "magic-public-key" } ], "subject": subjectStr } return account def webfingerNodeInfo(httpPrefix: str,domainFull: str) -> {}: """ /.well-known/nodeinfo endpoint """ nodeinfo = { 'links': [ { 'href': httpPrefix+'://'+domainFull+'/nodeinfo/2.0', 'rel': 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0' } ] } return nodeinfo def webfingerMeta(httpPrefix: str,domainFull: str) -> str: """Return /.well-known/host-meta """ metaStr="" metaStr+="" metaStr+="" metaStr+="" metaStr+=" Resource Descriptor" metaStr+=" " metaStr+="" return metaStr def webfingerLookup(path: str,baseDir: str, \ domain: str,onionDomain: str, \ port: int,debug: bool) -> {}: """Lookup the webfinger endpoint for an account """ if not path.startswith('/.well-known/webfinger?'): return None handle=None if 'resource=acct:' in path: handle=path.split('resource=acct:')[1].strip() if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle '+handle) else: if 'resource=acct%3A' in path: handle=path.split('resource=acct%3A')[1].replace('%40','@',1).replace('%3A',':',1).strip() if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle '+handle) if not handle: if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle missing') return None if '&' in handle: handle=handle.split('&')[0].strip() if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle with & removed '+handle) if '@' not in handle: if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER no @ in handle '+handle) return None if port: if port!=80 and port !=443: if ':' not in handle: handle=handle+':'+str(port) # convert @domain@domain to inbox@domain if '@' in handle: handleDomain=handle.split('@')[1] if handle.startswith(handleDomain+'@'): handle='inbox@'+handleDomain # if this is a lookup for a handle using its onion domain # then swap the onion domain for the clearnet version onionify=False if onionDomain: if onionDomain in handle: handle=handle.replace(onionDomain,domain) onionify=True filename=baseDir+'/wfendpoints/'+handle.lower()+'.json' if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER filename '+filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER filename not found '+filename) return None if not onionify: wfJson=loadJson(filename) else: print('Webfinger request for onionified '+handle) wfJson=loadJsonOnionify(filename,domain,onionDomain) if not wfJson: wfJson={"nickname": "unknown"} return wfJson