__filename__ = "theme.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.1.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import os from utils import loadJson from utils import saveJson from shutil import copyfile def getThemeFiles() -> []: return ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css', 'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css', 'options.css', 'search.css', 'links.css') def getThemesList() -> []: """Returns the list of available themes Note that these should be capitalized, since they're also used to create the web interface dropdown list and to lookup function names """ return ('Default', 'Blue', 'Hacker', 'Henge', 'HighVis', 'Indymedia', 'LCD', 'Light', 'Night', 'Purple', 'Solidaric', 'Starlight', 'Zen') def setThemeInConfig(baseDir: str, name: str) -> bool: configFilename = baseDir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['theme'] = name return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def getTheme(baseDir: str) -> str: configFilename = baseDir + '/config.json' if os.path.isfile(configFilename): configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if configJson: if configJson.get('theme'): return configJson['theme'] return 'default' def removeTheme(baseDir: str): themeFiles = getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/' + filename): os.remove(baseDir + '/' + filename) def setCSSparam(css: str, param: str, value: str) -> str: """Sets a CSS parameter to a given value """ # is this just a simple string replacement? if ';' in param: return css.replace(param, value) # color replacement if param.startswith('rgba('): return css.replace(param, value) # if the parameter begins with * then don't prepend -- onceOnly = False if param.startswith('*'): if param.startswith('**'): onceOnly = True searchStr = param.replace('**', '') + ':' else: searchStr = param.replace('*', '') + ':' else: searchStr = '--' + param + ':' if searchStr not in css: return css if onceOnly: s = css.split(searchStr, 1) else: s = css.split(searchStr) newcss = '' for sectionStr in s: if not newcss: if sectionStr: newcss = sectionStr else: newcss = ' ' else: if ';' in sectionStr: newcss += \ searchStr + ' ' + value + ';' + sectionStr.split(';', 1)[1] else: newcss += searchStr + ' ' + sectionStr return newcss.strip() def setThemeFromDict(baseDir: str, name: str, themeParams: {}, bgParams: {}) -> None: """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ if name: setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) themeFiles = getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-' + filename if filename == 'epicyon.css': templateFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css' if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() for paramName, paramValue in themeParams.items(): css = setCSSparam(css, paramName, paramValue) filename = baseDir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) if bgParams.get('login'): setBackgroundFormat(baseDir, name, 'login', bgParams['login']) if bgParams.get('follow'): setBackgroundFormat(baseDir, name, 'follow', bgParams['follow']) if bgParams.get('options'): setBackgroundFormat(baseDir, name, 'options', bgParams['options']) if bgParams.get('search'): setBackgroundFormat(baseDir, name, 'search', bgParams['search']) def setBackgroundFormat(baseDir: str, name: str, backgroundType: str, extension: str) -> None: """Sets the background file extension """ if extension == 'jpg': return cssFilename = baseDir + '/' + backgroundType + '.css' if not os.path.isfile(cssFilename): return with open(cssFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() css = css.replace('background.jpg', 'background.' + extension) with open(cssFilename, 'w+') as cssfile2: cssfile2.write(css) def enableGrayscale(baseDir: str) -> None: """Enables grayscale for the current theme """ themeFiles = getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = baseDir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() if 'grayscale' not in css: css = \ css.replace('body, html {', 'body, html {\n filter: grayscale(100%);') filename = baseDir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) grayscaleFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if not os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): with open(grayscaleFilename, 'w+') as grayfile: grayfile.write(' ') def disableGrayscale(baseDir: str) -> None: """Disables grayscale for the current theme """ themeFiles = getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = baseDir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() if 'grayscale' in css: css = \ css.replace('\n filter: grayscale(100%);', '') filename = baseDir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) grayscaleFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): os.remove(grayscaleFilename) def setCustomFont(baseDir: str): """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ customFontExt = None customFontType = None fontExtension = { 'woff': 'woff', 'woff2': 'woff2', 'otf': 'opentype', 'ttf': 'truetype' } for ext, extType in fontExtension.items(): filename = baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext if os.path.isfile(filename): customFontExt = ext customFontType = extType if not customFontExt: return themeFiles = getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = baseDir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() css = \ setCSSparam(css, "*src", "url('./fonts/custom." + customFontExt + "') format('" + customFontType + "')") css = setCSSparam(css, "*font-family", "'CustomFont'") filename = baseDir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) def setThemeDefault(baseDir: str): name = 'default' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } themeParams = { "dummy": "1234" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeIndymedia(baseDir: str): name = 'indymedia' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } themeParams = { "font-size-newswire": "18px", "font-size-newswire-mobile": "48px", "line-spacing-newswire": "100%", "newswire-item-moderated-color": "white", "newswire-date-moderated-color": "white", "newswire-date-color": "white", "newswire-voted-background-color": "black", "column-left-image-width-mobile": "40vw", "column-right-fg-color": "#ff9900", "column-right-fg-color-voted-on": "red", "button-corner-radius": "5px", "timeline-border-radius": "5px", "focus-color": "blue", "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "main-bg-color": "black", "column-left-header-color": "#fff", "column-left-header-background": "#555", "column-left-header-size": "20px", "column-left-color": "#003366", "text-entry-background": "#0f0d10", "link-bg-color": "black", "main-link-color": "#ff9900", "main-link-color-hover": "#d09338", "main-visited-color": "#ffb900", "main-fg-color": "white", "column-left-fg-color": "white", "main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a", "border-color": "#003366", "border-width": "0", "main-bg-color-reply": "#0f0d10", "main-bg-color-report": "#0f0d10", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "button-background-hover": "darkblue", "button-background": "#003366", "button-selected": "blue", "calendar-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "event-background": "#555", "border-color": "#003366", "lines-color": "#ff9900", "day-number": "lightblue", "day-number2": "white", "time-color": "#003366", "place-color": "#003366", "event-color": "#003366", "title-text": "white", "title-background": "#003366", "quote-right-margin": "0.1em", "column-left-width": "10vw", "column-center-width": "70vw", "column-right-width": "20vw", "column-right-icon-size": "11%", "login-button-color": "red", "login-button-fg-color": "white" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeBlue(baseDir: str): name = 'blue' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) themeParams = { "font-size-header": "22px", "font-size-header-mobile": "32px", "font-size": "45px", "font-size2": "45px", "font-size3": "45px", "font-size4": "35px", "font-size5": "29px", "gallery-font-size": "35px", "gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px", "main-bg-color": "#002365", "column-left-color": "#002365", "text-entry-background": "#002365", "link-bg-color": "#002365", "main-bg-color-reply": "#002365", "main-bg-color-report": "#002365", "day-number2": "#002365", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "time-vertical-align": "-10px", "*font-family": "'Domestic_Manners'", "*src": "url('./fonts/Domestic_Manners.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeNight(baseDir: str): name = 'night' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) fontStr = \ "url('./fonts/solidaric.woff2') format('woff2')" fontStrItalic = \ "url('./fonts/solidaric-italic.woff2') format('woff2')" themeParams = { "focus-color": "blue", "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "main-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "column-left-color": "#0f0d10", "text-entry-background": "#0f0d10", "link-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "main-link-color": "ff9900", "main-link-color-hover": "#d09338", "main-fg-color": "#a961ab", "column-left-fg-color": "#a961ab", "main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a", "border-color": "#606984", "main-bg-color-reply": "#0f0d10", "main-bg-color-report": "#0f0d10", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "button-background-hover": "#6961ab", "button-background": "#a961ab", "button-selected": "#86579d", "calendar-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "lines-color": "#a961ab", "day-number": "#a961ab", "day-number2": "#555", "time-color": "#a961ab", "place-color": "#a961ab", "event-color": "#a961ab", "event-background": "#333", "quote-right-margin": "0", "line-spacing": "150%", "*font-family": "'solidaric'", "*src": fontStr, "**src": fontStrItalic } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeStarlight(baseDir: str): name = 'starlight' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) themeParams = { "line-spacing-newswire": "120%", "focus-color": "darkred", "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "main-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "column-left-color": "#0f0d10", "text-entry-background": "#0f0d10", "link-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "main-link-color": "#ffc4bc", "main-link-color-hover": "white", "title-color": "#ffc4bc", "main-visited-color": "#e1c4bc", "main-fg-color": "#ffc4bc", "column-left-fg-color": "#ffc4bc", "main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a", "border-color": "#69282c", "border-width": "3px", "main-bg-color-reply": "#0f0d10", "main-bg-color-report": "#0f0d10", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "button-background-hover": "#a9282c", "button-background": "#69282c", "button-small-background": "darkblue", "button-selected": "#a34046", "button-highlighted": "#12435f", "button-fg-highlighted": "white", "button-selected-highlighted": "#12435f", "button-approve": "#12435f", "calendar-bg-color": "#0f0d10", "title-text": "#ffc4bc", "title-background": "#69282c", "lines-color": "#ffc4bc", "day-number": "#ffc4bc", "day-number2": "#aaa", "event-background": "#12435f", "timeline-border-radius": "20px", "time-color": "#ffc4bc", "place-color": "#ffc4bc", "event-color": "#ffc4bc", "image-corners": "2%", "quote-right-margin": "0.1em", "*font-family": "'bgrove'", "*src": "url('fonts/bgrove.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeHenge(baseDir: str): name = 'henge' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) themeParams = { "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "main-bg-color": "#383335", "column-left-color": "#383335", "text-entry-background": "#383335", "link-bg-color": "#383335", "main-link-color": "white", "main-link-color-hover": "#ddd", "title-color": "white", "main-visited-color": "#e1c4bc", "main-fg-color": "white", "column-left-fg-color": "white", "main-bg-color-dm": "#343335", "border-color": "#222", "border-width": "5px", "main-bg-color-reply": "#383335", "main-bg-color-report": "#383335", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "button-background-hover": "#444", "button-background": "#222", "button-selected": "black", "dropdown-fg-color": "#dddddd", "dropdown-bg-color": "#444", "dropdown-bg-color-hover": "#555", "dropdown-fg-color-hover": "#dddddd", "calendar-bg-color": "#383335", "title-text": "#c5d2b9", "title-background": "#444", "lines-color": "#c5d2b9", "day-number": "#c5d2b9", "day-number2": "#ccc", "event-background": "#333", "timeline-border-radius": "20px", "image-corners": "8%", "quote-right-margin": "0.1em", "*font-family": "'bgrove'", "*src": "url('fonts/bgrove.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeZen(baseDir: str): name = 'zen' removeTheme(baseDir) setThemeInConfig(baseDir, name) themeParams = { "main-bg-color": "#5c4e41", "column-left-color": "#5c4e41", "text-entry-background": "#5c4e41", "link-bg-color": "#5c4e41", "main-bg-color-reply": "#5c4e41", "main-bg-color-report": "#5c4e41", "day-number2": "#5c4e41", "border-color": "#463b35", "border-width": "7px", "main-link-color": "#dddddd", "main-link-color-hover": "white", "title-color": "#dddddd", "main-visited-color": "#dddddd", "button-background-hover": "#a63b35", "button-background": "#463b35", "button-selected": "#26201d", "main-bg-color-dm": "#5c4a40", "main-header-color-roles": "#5c4e41", "dropdown-bg-color": "#504e41", "dropdown-bg-color-hover": "#444" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeHighVis(baseDir: str): name = 'highvis' themeParams = { "font-size-header": "22px", "font-size-header-mobile": "32px", "font-size": "45px", "font-size2": "45px", "font-size3": "45px", "font-size4": "35px", "font-size5": "29px", "gallery-font-size": "35px", "gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing3": "100px", "hashtag-vertical-spacing4": "150px", "time-vertical-align": "-10px", "*font-family": "'LinBiolinum_Rah'", "*src": "url('./fonts/LinBiolinum_Rah.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeLCD(baseDir: str): name = 'lcd' themeParams = { "main-bg-color": "#9fb42b", "column-left-color": "#9fb42b", "link-bg-color": "#33390d", "text-entry-foreground": "#33390d", "text-entry-background": "#9fb42b", "main-bg-color-reply": "#9fb42b", "main-bg-color-report": "#9fb42b", "main-bg-color-dm": "#5fb42b", "main-header-color-roles": "#9fb42b", "main-fg-color": "#33390d", "column-left-fg-color": "#33390d", "border-color": "#33390d", "border-width": "5px", "main-link-color": "#9fb42b", "main-link-color-hover": "#cfb42b", "title-color": "#9fb42b", "main-visited-color": "#9fb42b", "button-selected": "black", "button-highlighted": "green", "button-background-hover": "#a3390d", "button-background": "#33390d", "button-small-background": "#33390d", "button-text": "#9fb42b", "button-small-text": "#9fb42b", "color: #FFFFFE;": "color: #9fb42b;", "calendar-bg-color": "#eee", "day-number": "#3f2145", "day-number2": "#9fb42b", "today-foreground": "white", "today-circle": "red", "event-background": "yellow", "event-foreground": "white", "title-text": "white", "gallery-text-color": "#33390d", "font-size-header": "22px", "font-size-header-mobile": "32px", "font-size": "45px", "font-size2": "45px", "font-size3": "45px", "font-size4": "35px", "font-size5": "29px", "gallery-font-size": "35px", "gallery-font-size-mobile": "55px", "button-corner-radius": "1px", "timeline-border-radius": "1px", "dropdown-bg-color": "#33390d", "dropdown-bg-color-hover": "#7fb42b", "dropdown-fg-color-hover": "black", "dropdown-fg-color": "#9fb42b", "font-color-header": "#9fb42b", "lines-color": "#33390d", "title-background": "#33390d", "time-color": "#33390d", "place-color": "#33390d", "event-color": "#33390d", "*font-family": "'LcdSolid'", "*src": "url('./fonts/LcdSolid.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemePurple(baseDir: str): name = 'purple' fontStr = \ "url('./fonts/CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular.woff2') format('woff2')" themeParams = { "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "main-bg-color": "#1f152d", "column-left-color": "#1f152d", "link-bg-color": "#1f152d", "main-bg-color-reply": "#1a142d", "main-bg-color-report": "#12152d", "main-header-color-roles": "#1f192d", "main-fg-color": "#f98bb0", "column-left-fg-color": "#f98bb0", "border-color": "#3f2145", "main-link-color": "#ff42a0", "main-link-color-hover": "white", "title-color": "white", "main-visited-color": "#f93bb0", "button-selected": "#c042a0", "button-background-hover": "#af42a0", "button-background": "#ff42a0", "button-small-background": "#ff42a0", "button-text": "white", "button-small-text": "white", "color: #FFFFFE;": "color: #1f152d;", "calendar-bg-color": "#eee", "lines-color": "#ff42a0", "day-number": "#3f2145", "day-number2": "#1f152d", "today-foreground": "white", "today-circle": "red", "event-background": "yellow", "event-foreground": "white", "title-text": "white", "title-background": "#ff42a0", "gallery-text-color": "#ccc", "time-color": "#f98bb0", "place-color": "#f98bb0", "event-color": "#f98bb0", "*font-family": "'CheGuevaraTextSans-Regular'", "*src": fontStr } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeHacker(baseDir: str): name = 'hacker' themeParams = { "focus-color": "green", "main-bg-color": "black", "column-left-color": "black", "link-bg-color": "black", "main-bg-color-dm": "#0b0a0a", "main-bg-color-reply": "#030202", "main-bg-color-report": "#050202", "main-header-color-roles": "#1f192d", "main-fg-color": "#00ff00", "column-left-fg-color": "#00ff00", "border-color": "#035103", "main-link-color": "#2fff2f", "main-link-color-hover": "#afff2f", "title-color": "#2fff2f", "main-visited-color": "#3c8234", "button-selected": "#063200", "button-background-hover": "#a62200", "button-background": "#062200", "button-small-background": "#062200", "button-text": "#00ff00", "button-small-text": "#00ff00", "button-corner-radius": "4px", "timeline-border-radius": "4px", "*font-family": "'Bedstead'", "*src": "url('./fonts/bedstead.otf') format('opentype')", "color: #FFFFFE;": "color: green;", "calendar-bg-color": "black", "lines-color": "green", "day-number": "green", "day-number2": "darkgreen", "today-foreground": "white", "today-circle": "red", "event-background": "lightgreen", "event-foreground": "black", "title-text": "black", "title-background": "darkgreen", "gallery-text-color": "green", "time-color": "#00ff00", "place-color": "#00ff00", "event-color": "#00ff00", "image-corners": "0%" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeLight(baseDir: str): name = 'light' themeParams = { "focus-color": "grey", "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)", "column-left-color": "#e6ebf0", "main-bg-color": "#e6ebf0", "main-bg-color-dm": "#e3dbf0", "link-bg-color": "#e6ebf0", "main-bg-color-reply": "#e0dbf0", "main-bg-color-report": "#e3dbf0", "main-header-color-roles": "#ebebf0", "main-fg-color": "#2d2c37", "column-left-fg-color": "#2d2c37", "border-color": "#c0cdd9", "main-link-color": "#2a2c37", "main-link-color-hover": "#aa2c37", "title-color": "#2a2c37", "main-visited-color": "#232c37", "text-entry-foreground": "#111", "text-entry-background": "white", "font-color-header": "black", "dropdown-fg-color": "#222", "dropdown-fg-color-hover": "#222", "dropdown-bg-color": "white", "dropdown-bg-color-hover": "lightgrey", "color: #FFFFFE;": "color: black;", "calendar-bg-color": "#e6ebf0", "lines-color": "darkblue", "day-number": "black", "day-number2": "#282c37", "place-color": "black", "event-color": "#282c37", "today-foreground": "white", "today-circle": "red", "event-background": "lightblue", "event-foreground": "white", "title-text": "#282c37", "title-background": "#ccc", "gallery-text-color": "black", "*font-family": "'ElectrumADFExp-Regular'", "*src": "url('./fonts/ElectrumADFExp-Regular.otf') format('opentype')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeSolidaric(baseDir: str): name = 'solidaric' themeParams = { "focus-color": "grey", "font-size-button-mobile": "36px", "font-size": "32px", "font-size2": "26px", "font-size3": "40px", "font-size4": "24px", "font-size5": "22px", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)", "main-bg-color": "white", "column-left-color": "white", "main-bg-color-dm": "white", "link-bg-color": "white", "main-bg-color-reply": "white", "main-bg-color-report": "white", "main-header-color-roles": "#ebebf0", "main-fg-color": "#2d2c37", "column-left-fg-color": "#2d2c37", "border-color": "#c0cdd9", "main-link-color": "#2a2c37", "main-link-color-hover": "#aa2c37", "title-color": "#2a2c37", "main-visited-color": "#232c37", "text-entry-foreground": "#111", "text-entry-background": "white", "font-color-header": "black", "dropdown-fg-color": "#222", "dropdown-fg-color-hover": "#222", "dropdown-bg-color": "white", "dropdown-bg-color-hover": "lightgrey", "color: #FFFFFE;": "color: black;", "calendar-bg-color": "white", "lines-color": "black", "day-number": "black", "day-number2": "#282c37", "place-color": "black", "event-color": "#282c37", "today-foreground": "white", "today-circle": "red", "event-background": "lightblue", "event-foreground": "white", "title-text": "#282c37", "title-background": "#ccc", "gallery-text-color": "black", "quote-right-margin": "0", "line-spacing": "150%", "*font-family": "'solidaric'", "*src": "url('./fonts/solidaric.woff2') format('woff2')", "**src": "url('./fonts/solidaric-italic.woff2') format('woff2')" } bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } setThemeFromDict(baseDir, name, themeParams, bgParams) def setThemeImages(baseDir: str, name: str) -> None: """Changes the profile background image and banner to the defaults """ themeNameLower = name.lower() if themeNameLower == 'default': profileImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/image.png' bannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/banner.png' searchBannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/search_banner.png' leftColImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/left_col_image.png' rightColImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/right_col_image.png' else: profileImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/image_' + themeNameLower + '.png' bannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/banner_' + themeNameLower + '.png' searchBannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/search_banner_' + themeNameLower + '.png' leftColImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/left_col_image_' + themeNameLower + '.png' rightColImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/right_col_image_' + themeNameLower + '.png' backgroundNames = ('login', 'shares', 'delete', 'follow', 'options', 'block', 'search', 'calendar') extensions = ('webp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'avif') for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct: continue accountDir = \ os.path.join(baseDir + '/accounts', acct) for backgroundType in backgroundNames: for ext in extensions: if themeNameLower == 'default': backgroundImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/' + backgroundType + \ '-background.' + ext else: backgroundImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/' + backgroundType + \ '_background_' + themeNameLower + '.' + ext if os.path.isfile(backgroundImageFilename): try: copyfile(backgroundImageFilename, baseDir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext) continue except BaseException: pass # background image was not found # so remove any existing file if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext): try: os.remove(baseDir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext) except BaseException: pass if os.path.isfile(profileImageFilename) and \ os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): try: copyfile(profileImageFilename, accountDir + '/image.png') except BaseException: pass try: copyfile(bannerFilename, accountDir + '/banner.png') except BaseException: pass try: if os.path.isfile(searchBannerFilename): copyfile(searchBannerFilename, accountDir + '/search_banner.png') except BaseException: pass try: if os.path.isfile(leftColImageFilename): copyfile(leftColImageFilename, accountDir + '/left_col_image.png') else: if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/left_col_image.png'): os.remove(accountDir + '/left_col_image.png') except BaseException: pass try: if os.path.isfile(rightColImageFilename): copyfile(rightColImageFilename, accountDir + '/right_col_image.png') else: if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/right_col_image.png'): os.remove(accountDir + '/right_col_image.png') except BaseException: pass def setNewsAvatar(baseDir: str, name: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str) -> None: """Sets the avatar for the news account """ nickname = 'news' newFilename = baseDir + '/img/icons/' + name + '/avatar_news.png' if not os.path.isfile(newFilename): return avatarFilename = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + '.png' avatarFilename = avatarFilename.replace('/', '-') filename = baseDir + '/cache/avatars/' + avatarFilename if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/avatars'): copyfile(newFilename, filename) copyfile(newFilename, baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/avatar.png') def setTheme(baseDir: str, name: str, domain: str) -> bool: result = False prevThemeName = getTheme(baseDir) themes = getThemesList() for themeName in themes: themeNameLower = themeName.lower() if name == themeNameLower: globals()['setTheme' + themeName](baseDir) if prevThemeName: if prevThemeName.lower() != themeNameLower: # change the banner and profile image # to the default for the theme setThemeImages(baseDir, name) result = True if not result: # default setThemeDefault(baseDir) result = True setCustomFont(baseDir) # set the news avatar newsAvatarThemeFilename = \ baseDir + '/img/icons/' + name + '/avatar_news.png' if os.path.isfile(newsAvatarThemeFilename): newsAvatarFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/news@' + domain + '/avatar.png' copyfile(newsAvatarThemeFilename, newsAvatarFilename) grayscaleFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): enableGrayscale(baseDir) else: disableGrayscale(baseDir) return result