__filename__ = "webinterface.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "0.0.1" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import json from pprint import pprint from person import personBoxJson from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from posts import getPersonBox def htmlHeader(css=None,lang='en') -> str: if not css: htmlStr= \ '\n' \ '\n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' else: htmlStr= \ '\n' \ '\n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' return htmlStr def htmlFooter() -> str: htmlStr= \ ' \n' \ '\n' return htmlStr def htmlProfilePosts(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ authorized: bool,ocapAlways: bool, \ nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \ session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}) -> str: """Shows posts on the profile screen """ profileStr='' outboxFeed= \ personBoxJson(baseDir,domain, \ port,'/users/'+nickname+'/outbox?page=1', \ httpPrefix, \ 4, 'outbox', \ authorized, \ ocapAlways) for item in outboxFeed['orderedItems']: if item['type']=='Create': profileStr+= \ individualPostAsHtml(session,wfRequest,personCache, \ domain,item) return profileStr def htmlProfileFollowing(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ authorized: bool,ocapAlways: bool, \ nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \ session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}, \ followingJson: {}) -> str: """Shows following on the profile screen """ profileStr='' for item in followingJson['orderedItems']: profileStr+=individualFollowAsHtml(session,wfRequest,personCache,domain,item) return profileStr def htmlProfileRoles(nickname: str,domain: str,rolesJson: {}) -> str: """Shows roles on the profile screen """ profileStr='' for project,rolesList in rolesJson.items(): profileStr+='


' for role in rolesList: profileStr+='


' profileStr+='
' if len(profileStr)==0: profileStr+='

@'+nickname+'@'+domain+' has no roles assigned

' else: profileStr='
' return profileStr def htmlProfileSkills(nickname: str,domain: str,skillsJson: {}) -> str: """Shows skills on the profile screen """ profileStr='' for skill,level in skillsJson.items(): profileStr+='

' if len(profileStr)==0: profileStr+='

@'+nickname+'@'+domain+' has no skills assigned

' else: profileStr='
' return profileStr def htmlProfileShares(nickname: str,domain: str,sharesJson: {}) -> str: """Shows shares on the profile screen """ profileStr='' for item in sharesJson['orderedItems']: profileStr+='
' profileStr+='


' profileStr+='Item image' profileStr+='


' profileStr+='

Type: '+item['itemType']+' ' profileStr+='Category: '+item['category']+' ' profileStr+='Location: '+item['location']+'

' profileStr+='
' if len(profileStr)==0: profileStr+='

@'+nickname+'@'+domain+' is not sharing any items

' else: profileStr='
' return profileStr def htmlProfile(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,authorized: bool, \ ocapAlways: bool,profileJson: {},selected: str, \ session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}, \ extraJson=None) -> str: """Show the profile page as html """ nickname=profileJson['name'] if not nickname: return "" preferredName=profileJson['preferredUsername'] domain,port=getDomainFromActor(profileJson['id']) if not domain: return "" domainFull=domain if port: domainFull=domain+':'+str(port) profileDescription=profileJson['publicKey']['summary'] profileDescription='A test description' postsButton='button' followingButton='button' followersButton='button' rolesButton='button' skillsButton='button' sharesButton='button' if selected=='posts': postsButton='buttonselected' elif selected=='following': followingButton='buttonselected' elif selected=='followers': followersButton='buttonselected' elif selected=='roles': rolesButton='buttonselected' elif selected=='skills': skillsButton='buttonselected' elif selected=='shares': sharesButton='buttonselected' actor=profileJson['id'] profileStr= \ '
' \ '
' \ ' '+nickname+'@'+domainFull+'' \ '


' \ '


' \ '


' \ '
' \ '
' \ '
\n' \ '
' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ '
' \ '
' with open(baseDir+'/epicyon-profile.css', 'r') as cssFile: profileStyle = cssFile.read().replace('image.png',actor+'/image.png') if selected=='posts': profileStr+= \ htmlProfilePosts(baseDir,httpPrefix,authorized, \ ocapAlways,nickname,domain,port, \ session,wfRequest,personCache) if selected=='following' or selected=='followers': profileStr+= \ htmlProfileFollowing(baseDir,httpPrefix, \ authorized,ocapAlways,nickname, \ domain,port,session, \ wfRequest,personCache,extraJson) if selected=='roles': profileStr+= \ htmlProfileRoles(nickname,domainFull,extraJson) if selected=='skills': profileStr+= \ htmlProfileSkills(nickname,domainFull,extraJson) if selected=='shares': profileStr+= \ htmlProfileShares(nickname,domainFull,extraJson) profileStr=htmlHeader(profileStyle)+profileStr+htmlFooter() return profileStr def individualFollowAsHtml(session,wfRequest: {}, \ personCache: {},domain: str, \ followUrl: str) -> str: nickname=getNicknameFromActor(followUrl) domain,port=getDomainFromActor(followUrl) titleStr='@'+nickname+'@'+domain avatarUrl=followUrl+'/avatar.png' if domain not in followUrl: inboxUrl,pubKeyId,pubKey,fromPersonId,sharedInbox,capabilityAcquisition,avatarUrl2,preferredName = \ getPersonBox(session,wfRequest,personCache,'outbox') if avatarUrl2: avatarUrl=avatarUrl2 if preferredName: titleStr=preferredName+' '+titleStr return \ '
\n' \ '' \ 'Avatar\n'+ \ '


'+ \ '
\n' def individualPostAsHtml(session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}, \ domain: str,postJsonObject: {}) -> str: avatarPosition='' containerClass='container' timeClass='time-right' nickname=getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['actor']) domain,port=getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['actor']) titleStr='@'+nickname+'@'+domain if postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']: containerClass='container darker' avatarPosition=' class="right"' timeClass='time-left' if '/statuses/' in postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']: replyNickname=getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']) replyDomain,replyPort=getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']) if replyNickname and replyDomain: titleStr+=' replying to @'+replyNickname+'@'+replyDomain+'' else: titleStr+=' replying to '+postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'] attachmentStr='' if postJsonObject['object']['attachment']: if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['attachment'], list): attachmentCtr=0 for attach in postJsonObject['object']['attachment']: if attach.get('mediaType') and attach.get('url'): mediaType=attach['mediaType'] imageDescription='' if attach.get('name'): imageDescription=attach['name'] if mediaType=='image/png' or \ mediaType=='image/jpeg' or \ mediaType=='image/gif': if attach['url'].endswith('.png') or \ attach['url'].endswith('.jpg') or \ attach['url'].endswith('.jpeg') or \ attach['url'].endswith('.gif'): if attachmentCtr>0: attachmentStr+='
' attachmentStr+= \ '' \ ''+imageDescription+'\n' attachmentCtr+=1 avatarUrl=postJsonObject['actor']+'/avatar.png' if domain not in postJsonObject['actor']: inboxUrl,pubKeyId,pubKey,fromPersonId,sharedInbox,capabilityAcquisition,avatarUrl2,preferredName = \ getPersonBox(session,wfRequest,personCache,'outbox') if avatarUrl2: avatarUrl=avatarUrl2 if preferredName: titleStr=preferredName+' '+titleStr return \ '
\n' \ '' \ 'Avatar\n'+ \ '


'+ \ postJsonObject['object']['content']+'\n'+ \ attachmentStr+ \ ''+postJsonObject['object']['published']+'\n'+ \ '
\n' def htmlTimeline(session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}, \ domain: str,timelineJson: {}) -> str: """Show the timeline as html """ if not timelineJson.get('orderedItems'): return "" tlStr=htmlHeader() for item in timelineJson['orderedItems']: if item['type']=='Create': tlStr+=individualPostAsHtml(session,wfRequest,personCache, \ domain,item) tlStr+=htmlFooter() return tlStr def htmlInbox(inboxJson: {}) -> str: """Show the inbox as html """ return htmlTimeline(inboxJson) def htmlOutbox(outboxJson: {}) -> str: """Show the Outbox as html """ return htmlTimeline(outboxJson) def htmlIndividualPost(session,wfRequest: {},personCache: {}, \ domain: str,postJsonObject: {}) -> str: """Show an individual post as html """ return htmlHeader()+ \ individualPostAsHtml(session,wfRequest,personCache, \ domain,postJsonObject)+ \ htmlFooter() def htmlPostReplies(postJsonObject: {}) -> str: """Show the replies to an individual post as html """ return htmlHeader()+"

