__filename__ = "blog.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.1.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import json import time import os from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from dateutil.parser import parse from shutil import copyfile from shutil import copyfileobj from pprint import pprint from content import replaceEmojiFromTags from webinterface import htmlHeader from webinterface import htmlFooter from webinterface import addEmbeddedElements from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from posts import createBlogsTimeline def htmlBlogPostContent(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,translate: {}, \ nickname: str,domain: str,domainFull: str, \ postJsonObject: {}, \ handle: str,restrictToDomain: bool) -> str: """Returns the content for a single blog post """ linkedAuthor=False actor='' blogStr='' if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'): blogStr+='<h1>'+postJsonObject['object']['summary']+'</h1>\n' # get the handle of the author if postJsonObject['object'].get('attributedTo'): actor=postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] authorNickname=getNicknameFromActor(actor) if authorNickname: authorDomain,authorPort=getDomainFromActor(actor) if authorDomain: # author must be from the given domain if restrictToDomain and authorDomain != domain: return '' handle=authorNickname+'@'+authorDomain else: # posts from the domain are expected to have an attributedTo field if restrictToDomain: return '' if postJsonObject['object'].get('published'): if 'T' in postJsonObject['object']['published']: blogStr+='<h3>'+postJsonObject['object']['published'].split('T')[0] if handle: if handle.startswith(nickname+'@'+domain): blogStr+= \ ' <a href="'+httpPrefix+'://'+domainFull+ \ '/users/'+nickname+'">'+handle+'</a>' linkedAuthor=True else: if author: blogStr+= \ ' <a href="'+author+'">'+handle+'</a>' linkedAuthor=True else: blogStr+=' '+handle blogStr+='</h3>\n' if postJsonObject['object'].get('content'): contentStr=addEmbeddedElements(translate,postJsonObject['object']['content']) if postJsonObject['object'].get('tag'): contentStr= \ replaceEmojiFromTags(contentStr, \ postJsonObject['object']['tag'],'content') blogStr+='<br>'+contentStr+'\n' blogStr+='<br><hr>\n' if not linkedAuthor: blogStr+= \ '<p class="about"><a href="'+httpPrefix+'://'+domainFull+ \ '/users/'+nickname+'">'+translate['About the author']+'</a></p>\n' return blogStr def htmlBlogPost(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,translate: {}, \ nickname: str,domain: str,domainFull: str, \ postJsonObject: {}) -> str: """Returns a html blog post """ blogStr='' cssFilename=baseDir+'/epicyon-blog.css' if os.path.isfile(baseDir+'/blog.css'): cssFilename=baseDir+'/blog.css' with open(cssFilename, 'r') as cssFile: blogCSS=cssFile.read() blogStr=htmlHeader(cssFilename,blogCSS) blogStr+= \ htmlBlogPostContent(baseDir,httpPrefix,translate, \ nickname,domain,domainFull,postJsonObject, \ None,False) return blogStr+htmlFooter() return None def htmlBlogPage(session, \ baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,translate: {}, \ nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \ noOfItems: int,pageNumber: int) -> str: """Returns a html blog page containing posts """ if ' ' in nickname or '@' in nickname or '\n' in nickname: return None blogStr='' cssFilename=baseDir+'/epicyon-blog.css' if os.path.isfile(baseDir+'/blog.css'): cssFilename=baseDir+'/blog.css' with open(cssFilename, 'r') as cssFile: blogCSS=cssFile.read() blogStr=htmlHeader(cssFilename,blogCSS) blogsIndex= \ baseDir+'/accounts/'+nickname+'@'+domain+'/tlblogs.index' if not os.path.isfile(blogsIndex): return blogStr+htmlFooter() if pageNumber: if pageNumber>1: # show previous button print('TODO previous') # show next button print('TODO next') timelineJson= \ createBlogsTimeline(session,baseDir, \ nickname,domain,port,httpPrefix, \ noOfItems,False,False,pageNumber) if not timelineJson: return blogStr+htmlFooter() domainFull=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: domainFull=domain+':'+str(port) for item in timelineJson['orderedItems']: if item['type']!='Create': continue blogStr+= \ htmlBlogPostContent(baseDir,httpPrefix,translate, \ nickname,domain,domainFull,item, \ None,True) return blogStr+htmlFooter() return None def getBlogIndexesForAccounts(baseDir: str) -> {}: """ Get the index files for blogs for each account and add them to a dict """ blogIndexes={} for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir+'/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct: continue accountDir=os.path.join(baseDir+'/accounts', acct) blogsIndex=accountDir+'/tlblogs.index' if os.path.isfile(blogsIndex): blogIndexes[acct]=blogsIndex return blogIndexes def noOfBlogAccounts(baseDir: str) -> int: """Returns the number of blog accounts """ ctr=0 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir+'/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct: continue accountDir=os.path.join(baseDir+'/accounts', acct) blogsIndex=accountDir+'/tlblogs.index' if os.path.isfile(blogsIndex): ctr+=1 return ctr def singleBlogAccountNickname(baseDir: str) -> str: """Returns the nickname of a single blog account """ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir+'/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct: continue accountDir=os.path.join(baseDir+'/accounts', acct) blogsIndex=accountDir+'/tlblogs.index' if os.path.isfile(blogsIndex): return acct.split('@')[0] return None def htmlBlogView(session,baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ translate: {},domain: str,port: int, \ noOfItems: int) -> str: """Show the blog main page """ blogStr='' cssFilename=baseDir+'/epicyon-blog.css' if os.path.isfile(baseDir+'/blog.css'): cssFilename=baseDir+'/blog.css' with open(cssFilename, 'r') as cssFile: blogCSS=cssFile.read() blogStr=htmlHeader(cssFilename,blogCSS) if noOfBlogAccounts(baseDir) <= 1: nickname=singleBlogAccountNickname(baseDir) if nickname: return htmlBlogPage(session, \ baseDir,httpPrefix,translate, \ nickname,domain,port, \ noOfItems,1) domainFull=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: domainFull=domain+':'+str(port) for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir+'/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct: continue accountDir=os.path.join(baseDir+'/accounts', acct) blogsIndex=accountDir+'/tlblogs.index' if os.path.isfile(blogsIndex): blogStr+='<p class="blogaccount">' blogStr+= \ '<a href="'+ \ httpPrefix+'://'+domainFull+'/blog/'+ \ acct.split('@')[0]+'">'+acct+'</a>' blogStr+='</p>' return blogStr+htmlFooter() return None