__filename__ = "media.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.1.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" from blurhash import blurhash_encode as blurencode from PIL import Image import numpy import os import sys import json import datetime from hashlib import sha1 from auth import createPassword from shutil import copyfile from shutil import rmtree from shutil import move def removeMetaData(imageFilename: str,outputFilename: str) -> None: imageFile = open(imageFilename) image = Image.open(imageFilename) if not image: return data = list(image.getdata()) if not data: return imageWithoutExif = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) imageWithoutExif.putdata(data) imageWithoutExif.save(outputFilename) def getImageHash(imageFilename: str) -> str: return blurencode(numpy.array(Image.open(imageFilename).convert("RGB"))) def isMedia(imageFilename: str) -> bool: permittedMedia=['png','jpg','gif','webp','mp4','ogv','mp3','ogg'] for m in permittedMedia: if imageFilename.endswith('.'+m): return True print('WARN: '+imageFilename+' is not a permitted media type') return False def createMediaDirs(baseDir: str,mediaPath: str) -> None: if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/media'): os.mkdir(baseDir+'/media') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/'+mediaPath): os.mkdir(baseDir+'/'+mediaPath) def getMediaPath() -> str: currTime=datetime.datetime.utcnow() weeksSinceEpoch=int((currTime - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).days/7) return 'media/'+str(weeksSinceEpoch) def getAttachmentMediaType(filename: str) -> str: """Returns the type of media for the given file image, video or audio """ mediaType=None imageTypes=['png','jpg','jpeg','gif','webp'] for mType in imageTypes: if filename.endswith('.'+mType): return 'image' videoTypes=['mp4','webm','ogv'] for mType in videoTypes: if filename.endswith('.'+mType): return 'video' audioTypes=['mp3','ogg'] for mType in audioTypes: if filename.endswith('.'+mType): return 'audio' return mediaType def updateEtag(mediaFilename: str) -> None: """ calculate the etag, which is a sha1 of the data """ # only create etags for media if '/media/' not in mediaFilename: return # check that the media exists if not os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): return # read the binary data data=None try: with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as mediaFile: data=mediaFile.read() except: pass if not data: return # calculate hash etag=sha1(data).hexdigest() # save the hash try: with open(mediaFilename+'.etag', 'w') as etagFile: etagFile.write(etag) except: pass def attachMedia(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,domain: str,port: int, \ postJson: {},imageFilename: str, \ mediaType: str,description: str, \ useBlurhash: bool) -> {}: """Attaches media to a json object post The description can be None Blurhash is optional, since low power systems may take a long time to calculate it """ if not isMedia(imageFilename): return postJson fileExtension=None acceptedTypes=['png','jpg','gif','webp','mp4','webm','ogv','mp3','ogg'] for mType in acceptedTypes: if imageFilename.endswith('.'+mType): if mType=='jpg': mType='jpeg' if mType=='mp3': mType='mpeg' fileExtension=mType if not fileExtension: return postJson mediaType=mediaType+'/'+fileExtension print('Attached media type: '+mediaType) if fileExtension=='jpeg': fileExtension='jpg' if mediaType=='audio/mpeg': fileExtension='mp3' if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: domain=domain+':'+str(port) mPath=getMediaPath() mediaPath=mPath+'/'+createPassword(32)+'.'+fileExtension if baseDir: createMediaDirs(baseDir,mPath) mediaFilename=baseDir+'/'+mediaPath attachmentJson={ 'mediaType': mediaType, 'name': description, 'type': 'Document', 'url': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/'+mediaPath } if useBlurhash and mediaType.startswith('image/'): attachmentJson['blurhash']=getImageHash(imageFilename) postJson['attachment']=[attachmentJson] if baseDir: if mediaType=='image': removeMetaData(imageFilename,mediaFilename) else: copyfile(imageFilename,mediaFilename) updateEtag(mediaFilename) return postJson def archiveMedia(baseDir: str,archiveDirectory: str,maxWeeks=4) -> None: """Any media older than the given number of weeks gets archived """ currTime=datetime.datetime.utcnow() weeksSinceEpoch=int((currTime - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).days/7) minWeek=weeksSinceEpoch-maxWeeks if archiveDirectory: if not os.path.isdir(archiveDirectory): os.mkdir(archiveDirectory) if not os.path.isdir(archiveDirectory+'/media'): os.mkdir(archiveDirectory+'/media') for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir+'/media'): for weekDir in dirs: if int(weekDir)<minWeek: if archiveDirectory: move(os.path.join(baseDir+'/media', weekDir),archiveDirectory+'/media') else: # archive to /dev/null rmtree(os.path.join(baseDir+'/media', weekDir))