__filename__ = "session.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"

import os
import requests
from utils import urlPermitted
import json

baseDirectory = None

def createSession(onionRoute: bool):
    session = requests.session()
    if onionRoute:
        session.proxies = {}
        session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050'
        session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050'
    return session

def getJson(session, url: str, headers: {}, params: {},
            version='1.0.0', httpPrefix='https',
            domain='testdomain') -> {}:
    if not isinstance(url, str):
        print('url: ' + str(url))
        print('ERROR: getJson url should be a string')
        return None
    sessionParams = {}
    sessionHeaders = {}
    if headers:
        sessionHeaders = headers
    if params:
        sessionParams = params
    sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version
    if domain:
        sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] += \
            '; +' + httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/'
    if not session:
        print('WARN: no session specified for getJson')
        result = session.get(url, headers=sessionHeaders, params=sessionParams)
        return result.json()
    except Exception as e:
        print('ERROR: getJson failed')
        print('url: ' + str(url))
        print('headers: ' + str(sessionHeaders))
        print('params: ' + str(sessionParams))
    return None

def postJson(session, postJsonObject: {}, federationList: [],
             inboxUrl: str, headers: {}, capability: str) -> str:
    """Post a json message to the inbox of another person
    Supplying a capability, such as "inbox:write"
    # always allow capability requests
    if not capability.startswith('cap'):
        # check that we are posting to a permitted domain
        if not urlPermitted(inboxUrl, federationList, capability):
            print('postJson: ' + inboxUrl + ' not permitted')
            return None

    postResult = \
    if postResult:
        return postResult.text
    return None

def postJsonString(session, postJsonStr: str,
                   federationList: [],
                   inboxUrl: str,
                   headers: {},
                   capability: str,
                   debug: bool) -> (bool, bool):
    """Post a json message string to the inbox of another person
    Supplying a capability, such as "inbox:write"
    The second boolean returned is true if the send is unauthorized
    NOTE: Here we post a string rather than the original json so that
    conversions between string and json format don't invalidate
    the message body digest of http signatures
    # always allow capability requests
    if not capability.startswith('cap'):
        # check that we are posting to a permitted domain
        if not urlPermitted(inboxUrl, federationList, capability):
            print('postJson: ' + inboxUrl + ' not permitted by capabilities')
            return None, None

    postResult = \
        session.post(url=inboxUrl, data=postJsonStr, headers=headers)
    if postResult.status_code < 200 or postResult.status_code > 202:
        if postResult.status_code >= 400 and \
           postResult.status_code <= 405 and \
           postResult.status_code != 404:
            print('WARN: >>> Post to ' + inboxUrl +
                  ' is unauthorized. Code ' +
                  str(postResult.status_code) + ' <<<')
            return False, True
            print('WARN: Failed to post to ' + inboxUrl +
                  ' with headers ' + str(headers))
            print('status code ' + str(postResult.status_code))
            return False, False
    return True, False

def postImage(session, attachImageFilename: str, federationList: [],
              inboxUrl: str, headers: {}, capability: str) -> str:
    """Post an image to the inbox of another person or outbox via c2s
    Supplying a capability, such as "inbox:write"
    # always allow capability requests
    if not capability.startswith('cap'):
        # check that we are posting to a permitted domain
        if not urlPermitted(inboxUrl, federationList, capability):
            print('postJson: ' + inboxUrl + ' not permitted')
            return None

    if not (attachImageFilename.endswith('.jpg') or
            attachImageFilename.endswith('.jpeg') or
            attachImageFilename.endswith('.png') or
        print('Image must be png, jpg, or gif')
        return None
    if not os.path.isfile(attachImageFilename):
        print('Image not found: ' + attachImageFilename)
        return None
    contentType = 'image/jpeg'
    if attachImageFilename.endswith('.png'):
        contentType = 'image/png'
    if attachImageFilename.endswith('.gif'):
        contentType = 'image/gif'
    headers['Content-type'] = contentType

    with open(attachImageFilename, 'rb') as avFile:
        mediaBinary = avFile.read()
        postResult = session.post(url=inboxUrl, data=mediaBinary,
        if postResult:
            return postResult.text
    return None