From f88ed8d787396bd0d5b6cf285b8ebf5c2b7c0543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Mottram <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 20:02:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Upload of shared item images

--- |   5 ++- |   2 +- | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index e3868a0d..2b93c081 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -910,13 +910,13 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         # remove any trailing slashes from the path
-        self.path=self.path.replace('/outbox/','/outbox').replace('/inbox/','/inbox').replace('/sharedInbox/','/sharedInbox')
+        self.path=self.path.replace('/outbox/','/outbox').replace('/inbox/','/inbox').replace('/shares/','/shares').replace('/sharedInbox/','/sharedInbox')
         # if this is a POST to teh outbox then check authentication
-        if self.path.endswith('/outbox'):
+        if self.path.endswith('/outbox') or self.path.endswith('/shares'):
             if '/users/' in self.path:
                 if self._isAuthorized():
@@ -931,6 +931,7 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         # check that the post is to an expected path
         if not (self.path.endswith('/outbox') or \
                 self.path.endswith('/inbox') or \
+                self.path.endswith('/shares') or \
                 self.path.endswith('/caps/new') or \
             print('Attempt to POST to invalid path '+self.path)
diff --git a/ b/
index f33c20f9..a191e5a4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ def createPersonBase(baseDir: str,nickname: str,domain: str,port: int, \
                  'endpoints': {
                      'id': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/endpoints',
                      'sharedInbox': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/inbox',
-                     'shares': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/shares'
                  'capabilityAcquisitionEndpoint': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/caps/new',
                  'followers': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/followers',
                  'following': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/following',
+                 'shares': httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/shares',
                  'orgSchema': None,
                  'skills': {},
                  'roles': {},
diff --git a/ b/
index 20b30cdc..f71e7ff1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -81,27 +81,51 @@ def addShare(baseDir: str,nickname: str,domain: str, \
     itemID=displayName.replace(' ','')
+    # has an image for this share been uploaded?
+    moveImage=False
+    if not imageFilename:
+        sharesImageFilename=baseDir+'/accounts/'+nickname+'@'+domain+'/upload'
+        if os.path.isfile(sharesImageFilename+'.png'):
+            imageFilename=sharesImageFilename+'.png'
+            moveImage=True
+        elif os.path.isfile(sharesImageFilename+'.jpg'):
+            imageFilename=sharesImageFilename+'.jpg'
+            moveImage=True
+        elif os.path.isfile(sharesImageFilename+'.gif'):
+            imageFilename=sharesImageFilename+'.gif'
+            moveImage=True
+    # copy or move the image for the shared item to its destination
     if imageFilename:
         if os.path.isfile(imageFilename):
             if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/sharefiles'):
             if imageFilename.endswidth('.png'):
-                copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.png')
+                if moveImage:
+                    os.rename(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.png')
+                else:
+                    copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.png')
             if imageFilename.endswidth('.jpg'):
-                copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.jpg')
+                if moveImage:
+                    os.rename(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.jpg')
+                else:
+                    copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.jpg')
             if imageFilename.endswidth('.gif'):
-                copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.gif')           
+                if moveImage:
+                    os.rename(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.gif')
+                else:
+                    copyfile(imageFilename,itemIDfile+'.gif')           
     sharesJson[itemID] = {
         "displayName": displayName,
         "summary": summary,
         "imageUrl": imageUrl,
-        "type": itemType,
+        "itemType": itemType,
         "category": category,
         "location": location,
         "published": published,
@@ -226,3 +250,94 @@ def getSharesFeedForPerson(baseDir: str, \
     if nextPageNumber>lastPage:
     return shares
+def sendShareViaServer(session,fromNickname: str,password: str,
+                       fromDomain: str,fromPort: int, \
+                       httpPrefix: str, \
+                       displayName: str, \
+                       summary: str, \
+                       imageFilename: str, \
+                       itemType: str, \
+                       itemCategory: str, \
+                       location: str, \
+                       duration: str, \
+                       cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {}, \
+                       debug: bool) -> {}:
+    """Creates an item share via c2s
+    """
+    if not session:
+        print('WARN: No session for sendShareViaServer')
+        return 6
+    fromDomainFull=fromDomain
+    if fromPort!=80 and fromPort!=443:
+        fromDomainFull=fromDomain+':'+str(fromPort)
+    toUrl = ''
+    ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname+'/followers'
+    newShareJson = {
+        'type': 'Add',
+        'actor': httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname,
+        'target': httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname+'/shares',
+        'object': {
+            "type": "Offer",
+            "displayName": displayName,
+            "summary": summary,
+            "itemType": itemType,
+            "category": category,
+            "location": location,
+            "duration": duration,
+            'to': [toUrl],
+            'cc': [ccUrl]
+        },
+        'to': [toUrl],
+        'cc': [ccUrl]
+    }
+    handle=httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/@'+fromNickname
+    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
+    wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session,handle,httpPrefix,cachedWebfingers)
+    if not wfRequest:
+        if debug:
+            print('DEBUG: announce webfinger failed for '+handle)
+        return 1
+    postToBox='outbox'
+    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
+    inboxUrl,pubKeyId,pubKey,fromPersonId,sharedInbox,capabilityAcquisition,avatarUrl,preferredName = \
+        getPersonBox(session,wfRequest,personCache,postToBox)
+    if not inboxUrl:
+        if debug:
+            print('DEBUG: No '+postToBox+' was found for '+handle)
+        return 3
+    if not fromPersonId:
+        if debug:
+            print('DEBUG: No actor was found for '+handle)
+        return 4
+    authHeader=createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname,password)
+    if imageFilename:
+        headers = {'host': fromDomain, \
+                   'Authorization': authHeader}
+        postResult = \
+            postImage(session,imageFilename,[],inboxUrl.replace('/'+postToBox,'/shares'),headers,"inbox:write")
+    headers = {'host': fromDomain, \
+               'Content-type': 'application/json', \
+               'Authorization': authHeader}
+    postResult = \
+        postJson(session,newShareJson,[],inboxUrl,headers,"inbox:write")
+    #if not postResult:
+    #    if debug:
+    #        print('DEBUG: POST announce failed for c2s to '+inboxUrl)
+    #    return 5
+    if debug:
+        print('DEBUG: c2s POST like success')
+    return newShareJson